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VIP Member
Well she's obviously reading here, that's a few days in a row she's been up with the kids, this morning they're dressed and rooms tidied. Thing is, no one's expecting Mary Poppins, none of us are, but just get a decent routine for sleeping and eating, it'll make such a difference. Especially now that school return is imminent, the kids have had months of no routine, start working on it now and it won't be as hard in two weeks time.
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Active member
Poor Kyle left to do the dishes too as she can’t do washing up as it hurts her hands 🙈
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More lockdown flouting?

its not the fact that she does it. It’s the fact that she’s meant to be an “influencer” and she advertises it meaning others will think it’s all ok too!
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Oh dear here I go again — with the unpopular opinion— I don’t think she’s half cut — I think them pre made cocktails will have less alcohol in then a full bottle of blue wkd 😜 — with her fast taking , out of breath etc — screams anxiety to me rather than her being drunk 🤷🏼‍♀️
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Active member
Feel so sorry for her husband, not a chance mine would be so understanding if I had long lies every day while the kids wrecked the house and he was out working. She’s a SAHM ffs do your “job” of looking after the house and kids and dogs!
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VIP Member
She's so defensive in her stories, always referring to Tricia. I reckon she's only tidying the kids rooms so she can prove a point. Will then spend the rest of the day ignoring the kids, only interacting with them for the gram.
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Active member
I think the wee boy got some dinosaur cupcakes and a balloon I’m sure (all gifted obviously, not like she’d make an effort for him!) but there wasn’t any mention of doing something for his birthday. She 100% favours the girl over the boys. It’s a shame really, they seem nice kids.
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God m
Why has her mum not had a serious word with her. Aye hang on I’ll home school your kids while you prance about filming yourself 🤦🏻‍♀️ My mum would tel me to run & jump lol.
God mine too!!

Mine would go mental if she thought I was leaving mine to run riot and live in a pig dry just so I could sit on my phone all day!!

And I could imagine his parents being the same like what have you married🤣
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Well-known member
Aye and also she speaks a lot about her mum having so many complex health issues!!! Mental!

She loves the lilac top 🤣 clearly her going out top. It’s never off her when she’s out and those big lilac eyes
I actually thought she looked the nicest she’s looked for a long time yesterday, probably because at least the outfit suited her (aside from those Perspex shoes, obviously, they’re still vile). Although the jeans looked far too tight to be comfortable she did suit the outfit, unlike those floaty polyester monstrosities she gets from Quiz and “boutiques”. That mint green one - Jesus. Hope no one strikes a match near her, she’d go up in a blue flame 😱
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Active member
Just like when Mrs Meldrum said the police were looking into IP addresses when people were saying things like she wears fake tan when she doesn’t 🤣 saying she doesn’t shower and she’s a racist (all true!) but as if the police have time for that. Empty threats and this is a gossip site, it’s not malicious, these people are putting themselves out there and it’s fair comment and allowed to have opinions and discuss them.

Since you read here Aimee, think you might walk the dogs today? How many walks have they had this year? Or even just Ruby, how many times have you walked her since you got her? She should have got cats! Has the house of a dirty cat lady anyway! Just joking btw to anyone who has cats, I’m sure you unlike her have a clean house!
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Oh my so glad I have found this thread . I think she thinks she’s being relatable but oh my she’s really showing herself up !

The teachers must be tracking the lack of work . I would be so upset if I was a teacher and knew a child was getting no stimulation to learn . And he’s always looking after the little ones ☹

😱😨😨😨😨 so shes breeding puppy’s from her home ? Oh goodness poor little darlings

Remember the pre lockdown food shop that she put on her credit card ? That was truly a disgrace !

Oh my goodness finally someone else who knows about this . I heard all about this , angelina is barmy !
Barmy 🤣
I feel sorry for her especially with the posts she put up about having mental health problems and an alcohol problem. I was really surprised her ex boyfriends fiancé hasn’t said or did anything to Daly dose ( maybe she has but I have got her on Facebook and she doesn’t give much away ) No posts about her engagement or anything.
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New member
The fact she’s just stopped her medication is a major concern! It’s recommended you stay on them for at least a year once you start to feel ‘better’ then wean yourself off with support from trained professionals, just completely stopping can have consequences!
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Well-known member
I think her husband is cheating on her - there have been a few signs, that she has actually shared, but quite innocently, I don't think she even realises!!
how do you mean?

Not sure to word this without it getting shutdown, but do you think some of these lifestyles are being funded by not being entirely honest in benefits claims?
Personally I don’t think so, I think there are other large media accounts (Not this one) who’s lives are funded with money that doesn’t/can’t go through the taxman shall we say but I wouldn’t say it’s benefits - just my opinion.
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VIP Member
She is the perfect example as to why MLM is total trash and needs to fuck off. A stay at home mum feeling at a loose end and wanting to do something with herself, struggling with self esteem as she’s stated...that’s exactly who they prey on. I wonder how successful it was? Fair play if it worked out but can’t imagine it would.
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