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Im genuinely a bit worried about her though, she seems on a manic high. Surly she should be spending money soaking up time with the kids instead of photoshoots.

Also bets on callie being in them and the boys being bumped
Guarantee it
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Chatty Member
I take it these items are not being washed before being put on baby? I wash everything before it's worn for the reason that it could have been bought by someone, taken home and returned. You don't know where items have been that you buy, especially when they are being put on delicate newborn skin.
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Lurked for a long time here. Is she actually trolling us all? Does she come on here, read comments and wind us up? Because surely nobody as a parent is that bone idle? 🤣she needs to get a grip, big time!
I've been starting to think that too. There a few days ago I definitely thought she was trolling because I couldn't believe some of the things that were coming out of her mouth 😂
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Just seen her im too unwell (lazy) posts. If she was that unwell she would he up at triage like everyone else with HG, getting the right help.
I have been rushed in with HG, collapsing at work, getting dizzy on the school run and having to sit with one of the mums until i felt ok, and spending the night on drips to get fluids and I did not let on yo my kids how sick I was and made sure to power through to not miss a thing. She is absolutely milking reflux. If she also had it that bad, the midwife would give her dietician advice as to what foods to avoid, what will help and having lots of wee meals etc.

I also was refused iron without seeing a consultant as my stomach was too sensitive with HG and reflux, so i am sceptical about her iron post.

Not lying down which is the worst thing for it! God help her raising 4

ps, her recent post absolutely ignores her bumping her pal! 🙃
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Genuinely think she has either had the baby, or had a firm telling from her family about her recent moans and attitude
She did say she was going to be quiet & not really be on over the festive period but I'm still surprised 🤨

She did say she was going to be quiet & not really be on over the festive period but I'm still surprised 🤨
She commented on someone she follows post 12 minutes ago..... she's obviously fine 🤨
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Tricia Doll

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They are definitely relying on overtime to sustain this, there is no way his basic alone covers this lifestyle, absolute madness. Such a risky way to live, I sincerely hope for the sake of those kids they have exceptional critical illness cover.
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I get that it's nice to have a regular nail tech who you like their work etc, but I'm quite sure there will be plenty in the Kilmarnock area doing just as good a job. Driving back to Glasgow to get your nails done every three weeks is just ridiculous and, yet again I've no idea how or why Cash Point Kyle puts up with it when there's only one wage going into a house that's about to have baby number 4.

She must be gutted there's no baby shower, I mean, surely the best way to get a load of stuff gifted to you! Imagine the inconvenience of having to actually fork out for something yourself!
Worse yet - imagine the horror of being a #influencer and losing this prime content opportunity to have a post on the grid
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She's kidding isn't she. Thought her daughter was at it so went and got her nails done and and a long night at the cinema after she's been kept off school for being up all night coughing. More like she didn't want the inconvenience of being called mid nail appointment to go and collect Callie so left her with the babysitter, I mean her mum, as she went about her day like a girl in her early 20's with no kids.
Early 20’s 🫠 she’s more like a teenager who had a baby young and expects her mum to do all the parenting. Every time she posts a story I get more dumfounded as to how she’s enabled to carry on with this behaviour by her husband, family and friends
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Why can't a brother and sister be best friends?! Bizarre
One of each here close in age and their so close, spent all their time together growing up they still do, their friends group is pretty much same as son was in nursery with age group that my daughter was.
She a nutter babbling a load of nonsense tonight, if this turns out to be a boy wee hairy Mary will be raging crying again how lonely she is she don't have sister, then skanky maw will feel bad then guilt trip ATM into having another hoping it will be a girl.
If Kyle doesn't know about photo shoot she's planning then she's just admitted that clearly doesn't watch her stories and how awful, uncaring and unhinged she acts online.
Disrespectful towards are siblings tonight because she doesn't have same biological dad?
Also I didn't know Kyle is 5 years older than Skanky maw I thought they were same age

To add correct me if am wrong but didn't Skanky maw say she doesn't agree with anti-depressants? Then how come 2018-2019 she posts a pic of her holding up anti depressants and admitting she 'forgot' to take them 5 days in a row.
Made me wonder if she did stop them and this is why she acts like this.
I can't relate to depression but forgive me if I sound offensive I don't mean to be. What does she have to be depressed about? I don't get it.
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The comments got right on my tits. “We only see a snippet of someone’s life” well, no actually, we see everyone’s waking moment, oversharing to a massive degree with no consideration for childrens privacy or safeguarding. If people want to share that much of their lives on the internet then expect people to comment and judge. If you don’t want judged, don’t share. You can expect everyone to like you all the time. It’s quite obvious the post was not aimed at a mum who is using Instagram for provide for her children in a way she might not otherwise be able to. It’s aimed at greedy cows like Aimee who can afford to move house, go on holiday, buy shit loads of stuff for new house/holiday/baby, pay for regular beauty treatments, endless breakfast/lunches/dinners out etc - and still accept a free day out for the family and a free cot that SHE CAN AFFORD TO BUY HERSELF!
Exactly! Anyone with half a brain cell could see who that post was (indirectly) aimed at.
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I see fat ang is ill and so are the kids. Wonder who gave them that! Maybe she’ll start thinking twice about taking shaimee’s kids from now on!
Didn't big Ang kids get ill before after being around skanky maws kids. I'm sure they did. Why would you send your kid round to someone else house when they've been I'll or sent home from school aww yeah forgot they were just at it.
Big Ang youngest seems to be ill 24/7 with that snotty nose.
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Well-known member
Clearly she's read here, yes there is chocolate Big Ang but there is more sore, cracked red skin and snot then chocolate.
Bit like Claire B think she is mother earth but her kids 2 Youngest in school and they still have odd dummy, it's bad for them and their teeth no child at 2 or above should still be using a dummy.
They always use the excuse of it's their 'comfort' no it's not it fact you know it will be a fight, distressed child if you take it away so you let the have the dummy for an easy life.
There is a dentist on tiktok showing dummy damage and that was enough for me to have a hard week with my stubborn son to give it to santa. Lots of other ways to comfort kids, even though its very hard. But its better than years of braces, dentists etc.
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I have both brothers and sisters and I would say I'm closer to my brother. Simply because we share the same sense of humour and interests. If Aimee actusllt parented her children she would see that its possible for boys and girls to play alongside each other, share interests and hobbies etc. She's always saying Jackson is such a gentle soul and so caring, loves cuddly toys and things like that. But it's always sort of brushed off as if he's soft, but when it's Callie it's 3+ stories of her sitting in bed singing to a doll. She 100% favours that wee girl and she's dreaming of being able to post quotes all day long about how sisters have this special bond etc.

That grid post is horrible! She highlights the positive of baby being a girl and then highlights the negative of baby being a boy. Wouldn't the boys love a baby brother? Wouldn't a girl struggle to bond with Callie with a 5 year age gap? She's vile.

I'm also the oldest and have siblings from both my mums side and my dad's side and I truly cannot believe she's saying these things online. She's so self centered and I wonder if it comes from her mum feeling guilty that Aimee had a different dad and so she gave in to her every demand. Just because you share two parents with a sibling means nothing at all. If she continues to treat her children the way she does at the moment, then the boys aren't going to want any sort of relationship with Callie and it'll be mostly down to Aimee
Absolutely, who you are close to us usually down to mutual experience and personality traits.

She's a misandrist and her internalised misogyny is blatant. Those wee boys have no positive connection with their own mum. I hope they are okay.

We all know she only had this baby because Callie was going to school and she would have no excuse to not go ahead and get a real job.

If she paid for that tacky photoshoot (I'm sure the quality of the photographs is great and the photographer is talented but you can't polish a turd) she has the money to pay for a therapist.

I'm sure she posted while still living at her mums that her brother and his friends made amazing brownies that she snuck down in the middle of thr night and ate. She obviously thinks she can't have a bond with him though as I've never seen her wish him a happy birthday, post him with the kids or anything.
So she did! So she's just actively telling her own siblings that she is only close to the sister who moved away. Wee guilt trip there.
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