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Tricia Doll

VIP Member
I’m the first to say kids don’t always have to look super clean and tidy to be well cared for, I’m a working mum and it’s hard, I hate judging other mums, but those girls of hers constantly look a mess. Even when they’ve been going somewhere nice they look badly dressed. Ange has got the sparkly outfit on, make up all done and the girls look unwashed, hair unbrushed and an ugly cheap looking dress flung over them. I don’t get it. I don’t doubt she loves her kids any less than any other mum, so why do they constantly appear so poorly looked after? And why would you post your child on social media like that?
It really frustrates me because I just cannot imagine her mother isn't saying something to her about it. Ange and her sister were immaculate growing up, as was their mum. They're an extremely vain family so why they are happy for these girls to look absolutely boggin is beyond me! Yes, the wee one does always look happy, and I'm sure she is but please for the love of god wipe her wee face before photos. She's like bloody Thurman Merman, gives me the dry heave! 🤢🤢🤢
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Just seen ddug and her botox mobile in the wild!
Also agree there's no way the house is there. This woman would make a reel out of the opening of an envelope if it had her name on it in fancy writing, but she's created a home account and not once posted anything about paperwork or plans to go get documents finalised etc
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Do we think her midwife actually booked the acupuncture? Or is that up there with the midwife upping her medication BS.
utter bullshit id imagine and if it was through the nhs they would refer for physio first if shes in pain, not to mention a shockingly long wait list
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They are all so jealous of each other and bitter, it’s terrible. Like being at school again
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Chatty Member
Who walks that poor wee dog? Does it just shite and piss on the floor when she’s lying festering in her pit? How can a mother of 3 young kids get away with that? 🤨🤨🤨
I forgot they had that poor thing. Hopefully it managed to escape to Angelinas like the boys are trying to do.
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Have you noticed even when talking about her sister going back to London it's all about Aimee and HER feelings.. "before she leaves us again!" She really is a self obsessed cunt. #sorrybutnotsorry
Yes, I noticed! It does my head in. A therapist would have a field day with the language she uses. So negative and as if her sister is doing something bad/wrong.

Your sister is going back home or back to where she currently lives or just back to London. Even saying your sister is going back to her new life would be better than leaving us again...christ!
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New member
Only an idiot would pay that much for a house that size with not even a utility, or extra en suite.
House for it's size is so basic inside I've seen houses cheaper with more in it.
She isn't on the mortgage so basically if he decides he want to be single he can sell the house she would need prove that she had contributed to the mortgage payments and of not then she has no rights.
I noticed on her home page she posted a picture of a computerized house which looks absolutely nothing like the house they've moved into.

Spending a day in her bed absolutely nothing done. She's a lazy sod pregnant or not there is women out there working full time, running a home and not spending their time being up all hours on a school night to hang out with friends. Who even are these friends she spends 90% her time alone or with wee hairy Mary only.
I hope this baby keeps her up all hours, doesn't sleep, won't feed on milk because it will want a biscoff instead.
She’d still have rights given that it’s a “matrimonial property” if they were ever to get divorced. She’d have occupancy rights and a right to 50% of the equity unless there was some sort of agreement in place. This may be the case if the money has been “gifted” by relatives etc.

I’m surprised it’s just in his name tho, given what she’d said about getting money from her dad when he passed away. I’d actually wondered if she was bankrupt (ya know, from all the silverburn trips) so I did a check of the register of insolvencies… but there’s nothing on there.
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On her stories last night saying she loves having the 3 kids at home with her yet the other night she was annoyed the 3 kids came home with her. Make it make sense!
thats her gearing up for being a home school maw now I bet!
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Chatty Member
100% the kiddies (or just the boys!) will be sent up the road with the mum and sister tonight. I think she got rid of the cleaner cause she wasn't getting it #kindlygifted.
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Wonder is big Ang is up the duff and that’s why Aimee is starting her jealous shite and has ditched her 🙃🤣
Big Ang got 10k worth of botched jobs & wedding pay for her, kills me to say but her and skanky maw seemed to be 2 peas in pod before but now I think it's chalk n cheese with them. Last few weeks they definitely haven't been posting about each other lately.
Aimee is on war path because she can't pap her kids off round to Big Ang when she likes so she needs to parent but is so acts really ill to get out of it.
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Whats the 411

Chatty Member
Her Q+A is a little Christmas comedy

“I only had REALLY BAD heartburn… I only had REALLY bad pelvic pain”

It’s never just heartburn, sore arm/neck, acid reflux, pelvic pain, a cold, braxton hicks, tiredness… the list goes on.

It’s always THE WORST. Or if something is good it’s THE BEST EVER.

She’s exhausting 😴


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"Offers in excess of 259,950"
And i bet all other offers were 5-10k over not 60k. Must have seen muggings coming along. They 100% could have used 60k to their old house, huge extension, still had a routine and not had to slump in her bed at her mums for a year.
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You're giving her too much credit. She won't be parenting any of them. Poor Kaiden will be whilst shaimee lies in her bed with all her ailments she has developed since giving birth. She'll definitely string this out to avoid actually being a mother to her children unless of course it's for content 🙄
Let’s just hope for her whole familys sake she doesn’t end up having a csec or an epidural!
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What happened to having set up the nxt to me crib for Christmas so that princess can see that she’s got the same one as shaimee?! My guess is megamind was not interested in it and that’s why we’ve not had a full show
Shaimees too lazy to get it out the box and cupboard wank is too busy running the house
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