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Well-known member
I'd like to know where all the fundraiser money before he passed went. Then what has this fundraiser been spent on because funerals for children are free.
I'm not going to discuss blame on here and keep my options to myself on that matter but....
This rainbow shit since he passed. Like mentioned above is all for the brand. Its pretty damn obvious what her intentions are.
In the earlier days he was in a full pad, leaking all over the carpets everyday. Then when he was dressed it was extremely baggy clothes that were chavvy. Then she started trying to get in with the influencers and working with brands and then it was all Zara and dressing him in stuff she'd never done just for the free clothes so she wouldn't need to fork out dressing him. Let's not forget the constant begs for him being a model for clothing brands.
Now all of a sudden rainbows were him.
She couldn't even chuck a spare pair of clothes in the car in case he had one of his 50 vomits a day for crying out loud.
I could spot the brand/shop coming a mile off when the affirmations on the tote was purposefully placed in stories at the coast. The leather jacket. The trainers.
The staged pictures of her working on the shop by her friend.... like fuck they were taken randomly.
Nothing is random with her. It's always been calculated, planned right from the beginning.
The crying in stories. I am all for people speaking out about grief. It needs to be done. It needs to be discussed.... but getting her phone out to film her cry? Sorry but that whole thing gave me staged vibes.
Getting people to share their memories of her son.... non of these people knew him!!!!!!!I are strangers. And all of that is for engagement. Don't DM me your memories put them on the post.... engagement.

Everything is done to higher her profile. I wondered where she'd go with this after his death and hoped she'd take herself off and grieve. But no. The swipe up links are back, profiting off him as per usual. I am absolutely devasted for J. We all watched the neglect, the questionable actions.
I do believe this thread should be here. If you don't like it don't read simple.

Did I ever see her reaching out to grieving parents before her own son passed?no.
Did I ever see her give to others fundraisers?no.
Did I ever see her supporting over diagnosis and health matters?no.
I saw her making it all about her every time. Slagging off cancer wards the same wards her new pals Saff and Ash stayed on. I saw her never supporting anyone unless is gained her something.

Every child that dies has the same devastating impact as the other. It is the most heartbreaking, world ending thing to happen to a parent. Seeing her with thousands of support, money to splurge and show off, seeing her hold firework displays, getting strangers to share their favourite pictures of j, lighting candles, making merchandise off a child who never could agree to any of the things even when he was here.... it's too far. But she's not thinking of others who are grieving. Of his dad who probably has no say in all of this. Of his family who have all now appeared in a off of smoke. Of the people giving their money to line her pockets so she can carry on the influencer life, having people kiss her arse because she gets off on that. And most importantly this isn't fair on j.

His whole life was laid bare, vomits, leaking patches, burnt skin, naked body, pain, distress, missed feeds and meds, being passed from carer to father, the ableism from his own mother.... and now even in death his life is still being paraded around like its a cinema showing that people have to buy a ticket for. This isn't a time to make profit and share swipe up links. A little boy has sadly passed and I am in complete shock that she has surpassed all my expectations. I honestly thought it would end. This will never end.

that’s 100% it, the rainbow is so she can sell her affirmations on shirts and bags and bracelets so she can say it’s all Jaxon themed.
When he died she wanted blue hearts and then all of. Sudden it’s like Jaxons rainbow hmm
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VIP Member
Hi guys

Didn’t even realise her thread was reopened again !

Thank god others have the same thoughts as me with the merch

Why do these beautiful & innocent children that get taken away so suddenly , still get taken advantage of
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Chatty Member
How could he come out of intensive care and the next day go to school and Keira’s so she could go out for her birthday? Also how she went against specialists advice all the time. Wouldn’t stuff like this come up in the review? It is all just so so sad 😢
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Oh doesnt feel comfortable at home anymore. Who's guessing a round the world trip with the go fund me? ✋
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Brilliantly said!!

I'd like to know where all the fundraiser money before he passed went. Then what has this fundraiser been spent on because funerals for children are free.
I'm not going to discuss blame on here and keep my options to myself on that matter but....
This rainbow shit since he passed. Like mentioned above is all for the brand. Its pretty damn obvious what her intentions are.
In the earlier days he was in a full pad, leaking all over the carpets everyday. Then when he was dressed it was extremely baggy clothes that were chavvy. Then she started trying to get in with the influencers and working with brands and then it was all Zara and dressing him in stuff she'd never done just for the free clothes so she wouldn't need to fork out dressing him. Let's not forget the constant begs for him being a model for clothing brands.
Now all of a sudden rainbows were him.
She couldn't even chuck a spare pair of clothes in the car in case he had one of his 50 vomits a day for crying out loud.
I could spot the brand/shop coming a mile off when the affirmations on the tote was purposefully placed in stories at the coast. The leather jacket. The trainers.
The staged pictures of her working on the shop by her friend.... like fuck they were taken randomly.
Nothing is random with her. It's always been calculated, planned right from the beginning.
The crying in stories. I am all for people speaking out about grief. It needs to be done. It needs to be discussed.... but getting her phone out to film her cry? Sorry but that whole thing gave me staged vibes.
Getting people to share their memories of her son.... non of these people knew him!!!!!!!I are strangers. And all of that is for engagement. Don't DM me your memories put them on the post.... engagement.

Everything is done to higher her profile. I wondered where she'd go with this after his death and hoped she'd take herself off and grieve. But no. The swipe up links are back, profiting off him as per usual. I am absolutely devasted for J. We all watched the neglect, the questionable actions.
I do believe this thread should be here. If you don't like it don't read simple.

Did I ever see her reaching out to grieving parents before her own son passed?no.
Did I ever see her give to others fundraisers?no.
Did I ever see her supporting over diagnosis and health matters?no.
I saw her making it all about her every time. Slagging off cancer wards the same wards her new pals Saff and Ash stayed on. I saw her never supporting anyone unless is gained her something.

Every child that dies has the same devastating impact as the other. It is the most heartbreaking, world ending thing to happen to a parent. Seeing her with thousands of support, money to splurge and show off, seeing her hold firework displays, getting strangers to share their favourite pictures of j, lighting candles, making merchandise off a child who never could agree to any of the things even when he was here.... it's too far. But she's not thinking of others who are grieving. Of his dad who probably has no say in all of this. Of his family who have all now appeared in a off of smoke. Of the people giving their money to line her pockets so she can carry on the influencer life, having people kiss her arse because she gets off on that. And most importantly this isn't fair on j.

His whole life was laid bare, vomits, leaking patches, burnt skin, naked body, pain, distress, missed feeds and meds, being passed from carer to father, the ableism from his own mother.... and now even in death his life is still being paraded around like its a cinema showing that people have to buy a ticket for. This isn't a time to make profit and share swipe up links. A little boy has sadly passed and I am in complete shock that she has surpassed all my expectations. I honestly thought it would end. This will never end.

Also with the gofund me, let’s not forget her friend making a big point of kayte just spending 7k on solicitors to fight for the kieras.. that he was never ever entitled to. That would of been added to guilt trip people into donating. she never classed herself as a mum always addressed herself a a carer!!
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Chatty Member
I believe that if he hadn’t been in her care for the last 6/12 of his life he’d 100% still be here today. She was so desperate to keep carers and the facade she created on her IG, she did anything & everything she could to get those ‘high’ scores from the assessors & keep the money rolling in off her socials.
That's a really extreme accusation 😭

I'm not here to criticise anyone as this is a gossip website so I'm just as bad but I might have to check out of this thread. I'm finding it very triggering as someone who has lots of contact with SEN services.

Maybe K made some mistakes. If 10% of what is being said here is true then she is going to have some really painful regrets. From what I can tell she had an unplanned pregnancy during a nursing degree? Then a child with life-limiting disabilities? That's a really hard path that from my experience includes many emotions that are, I guess, almost shameful to admit - bitterness, frustration, a sense of entrapment. My impression of her is of someone who is now dealing with an avalanche of pain from not just grief but regret. That kind of regret that only comes when the person is no longer here for you to 'put it right'. Everything she is doing seems kind of like bluster to cover that pain up.
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God this thread gives me anxiety. Was she really doing all this while her child was alive. Makes me feel ill. Alot of ppl have alot to say about Ashley Cain and the loss of his baby. But my god this is another level. Nobody could say they mistreated there daughter or ever put her at risk. It's scary 😓
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Kaytee is the epitome of "work smarter, not harder".... & by smarter, I don't mean genuine brains and intelligence. I mean, mugging people off thinking she's grafting her ass off and is so hard done by when in actual fact, she's the complete opposite.

I'm sorry she lost her son. No mother should have to bury their child. It's awful and will never leave you. I'd say it's almost traumatising. It was for me, and I'm sure it's the same for any other mum that has unfortunately lost their child. However her actions are infuriating. She says one thing and does another. How are you pleading poverty asking people to buy you costa coffees while your boy's in hospital whilst walking around in £700 trainers. Sell the trainers and she could have bought a coffee machine and then some for the ward ffs!
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Chatty Member
Hi fellow tnm tattlers....
I have been scared to comment on here, I followed her for a while, maybe mid her page, then when she she started the starving program, I just had to leave as I, like all of you could not deal with how much weight Jaxon was losing, there were all the other red flags of her making memories in places that only pleased her etc.
Then one day she popped up on my feed and Jaxon had passed away. I was really upset, as any mother of a child would be.
I came to tattle to find what had happened, the thread was just down by then.
I seen the gofund, and correct me if I am wrong but it was set at 10K, when I found it, it had supressed that, I messaged her with condolences, also asked her the reason why the GF was still open after it had surpassed the target, I asked her if she would be donating the rest to a charity etc.....
The amount of abuse I got off her and her mate was astonishing, they found me on twitter, and threatened to abuse my children, so much so I had to shut down my 20 yr twitter account.
She is vile, she didnt dox me on IG and I think that is because she knows it may have hit her back in the face, but I am ready to risk her doxing me again on ig, it wont happen as I think she has a lot of HONEST questiones asked but she cant answer.
Have you still got the messages? Share them on here, she has done it to other people, really bullied them. Take control and do it first before she does it to you?

What do you mean they threatened to abuse your children?
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Chatty Member
Isn't it funny how....
These affirmations... there are 7.
The colours of the rainbow.... there are 7.
Isn't it funny how it all fits so perfectly.
The affirmations will be the main selling point of the shop, each in a separate colour 8f the rainbow.

Now the cynic in me and knowing how money hungry she is.... tells me this was planned way before J passed. I've a funny feeling in my stomach that this shop. This affirmation shit she got him saying on that video she posted .... was because of the idea of a brand way before he passed. She has previously posted this video on a caption of wanting to move abroad. Speculation... was the affirmations thought up way before, knowing they would fit with the rainbow brand, knowing that would be a source of income to get them moved abroad?

In which case this bullshit of doing it in js memory is a load of bullshit.
100% this! A small SEN account on IG launched a set of daily affirmation cards for children, a few days later Kathleen started making out J and her have always said affirmations to each other. She had never filmed them doing it before nor mentioned it. As soon as I saw her doing it I thought she was thinking about her doing her own cards ripping that parents idea off. I even wrote on the old thread I thought she was about to pinch the idea. I'm expecting to see lots of items themed around rainbows and affirmations. Affirmation cards, stationary, wall prints, t shirts, tote bags, journals, calendars, candles, diaries and mugs. Wont be shocked if shes got Crystal's and manifesting planners too. I'm waiting for the collab between her and Aisha doing mummy retreats so she can travel "for work" and pretend shes a professional helping mums. She asked people to wear blue for the funeral, I think she thought up the rainbow colour theme when she was thinking of a theme for a logo.
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Chatty Member
Is it any wonder why people don't believe a poster, its because of all the doubt. I said I questioned her and I got a shit load of abuse, I did not save the conversation, I deleted the accounts she doxed me on. Believe it or not.
I can't see where the shit load of abuse is that you have received, I definitely haven't abused you in any way and I can only see people talking about how old twitter is as you said 20 years but it's been going for only 15 but they wasnt abusive.

Someone said they wasnt doubting what you said but Twitter hasn't been going for 20 years. They wasnt doubting you. People will doubt people when they haven't commented before, drop a bomb and then refuse to go into detail. But nobody has actually said they doubt you.

You said she threatened to abuse your children, that's serious so I asked what she had said. If she reads your comment you said she will know who you are, so whether you explain or not she is still going to know. Nobody is being funny with you, I was just curious to know more, like others would be, it's pointless posting if people cant discuss what you have said.
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Active member
Isn't it funny how....
These affirmations... there are 7.
The colours of the rainbow.... there are 7.
Isn't it funny how it all fits so perfectly.
The affirmations will be the main selling point of the shop, each in a separate colour 8f the rainbow.

Now the cynic in me and knowing how money hungry she is.... tells me this was planned way before J passed. I've a funny feeling in my stomach that this shop. This affirmation shit she got him saying on that video she posted .... was because of the idea of a brand way before he passed. She has previously posted this video on a caption of wanting to move abroad. Speculation... was the affirmations thought up way before, knowing they would fit with the rainbow brand, knowing that would be a source of income to get them moved abroad?

In which case this bullshit of doing it in js memory is a load of bullshit.


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Hinchy’s Tamagotchi

Well-known member
Her latest post & the bio for the business page are steeped in emotional blackmail. It’s all designed to tug on people’s heart strings & guilt them into buying something. It’s not exactly a new sales tactic, but the fact she’s using the death of her child to do it is beyond repulsive to me. The measly portion going to charity doesn’t make it any less awful.
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She deleted this post when she had seen everyone on Tattle talking about it. She had popped this photo up and did a caption about what people think about SEN families getting motability cars. (Lots dont have one and those that do dont usually go for top of the range ones because they cant afford them)

This is her in her new Merc, a nicely posed photo so she can get her trainers in shot. Her brand new Valentino trainers costing about £700 when she bought them. Her sheep ignored things like this and then donated money so she could afford to buy coffee from a vending machine because she was so poor.
Personally I don’t think that something like a merc should even be an option? Because if you have the money for the downpayment, running and maintenance of one, you could just go out and buy yourself a Ford galaxy…

this picture smacks one that goes on a private Instagram account with some caption about haters and #blessed #merc #whip
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What pissed me off was that she got the mobility car, doesn’t work had no other kids but then still used transport services (public funded) to take Jaxon to school so she has even more time
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Sending flowers to j, all for Insta. Why? If you missed him that much you'd be at his graveside. He was abandoned by her in life and in death.
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Chatty Member
I had no idea that she had reduced/stopped J's heart meds... I mean, for someone who keeps badgering on about how she's a nurse and how she knows more than everyone else... What was her thought processing doing that?! He wouldn't be on them if he didn't need them ffs!
After she had the first 3 fundraisers done, J went downhill as he was put on the feeding school programme against advice from GOSH. After that he was progressing, he was doing really well, in many areas. During that time it was normal life stories, designer clothes, ad work, hotels and holidays. Then they were deemed ineligible for carers. During this period She cut his Omeprazole and Ondansetron (was that the name?) which helped his reflux. Followed by stories about his vomiting, pushing for surgery and arguing he should be scored high/severe for it. At the same time as doing that to his medication plan, she decided to reduce what she called his 'life saving' heart medications by half because she said she needed to make his care plan more manageable for a single parent keira if she was losing carers. Shortly after that she said he was being weaned off them completely. Her thought process could be a couple of things but His meds dont take long to administer so was this more about making a point to continuing healthcare that J would suffer if they took his hours away and also to the public to make out he really needed carers? It could have been a genuine trial, where she was trying to see if certain meds wasn't making a difference but she did make a point of saying she had to make his care plan more manageable if she was losing carers as she was a single carer and that was why she had to cut his heart meds.
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