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His needs were quite obviously neglected by her, it’s heartbreaking that no one intervened as I do believe this could of been prevented if someone had. If he was a child with no complex medical needs and she was refusing to feed him because it didn’t fit in with her time then it would be neglect, if you don’t take you child to her medical help when needed because it doesn’t fit in with your time it is neglect. His death could of been prevented, but she failed him, that sounds harsh and honestly I feel like an absolute bitch saying it, but it’s clear to see. If I stopped giving my son his insulin and testing his blood sugar, he would die and that would be my fault, it would be on me, as his mother I make sure he has that medicine and we follow the steps we do to ensure his levels stay good and he stays healthy. It doesn’t stop when he goes to bed, I have to be up in the night multiple times to check his blood sugars. He was an innocent child with no way of voicing how he was feeling, if he was hungry or felt ill and she took advantage of that and completely failed him in doing so. He deserved more and it breaks my heart that he had to pay the ultimate price due to her lack of care and parenting
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She final got the referal for the call with GOSH gastro team and then was disappointed as the letter they sent back to the specialists at Nottingham didn't say exactly what she wanted and didn't recommend additional treatments that the specialists had already deemed unnesscary

She always thought she knew better than the people with years of training and experience
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Chatty Member
While her grief is very raw and awful to see I agree with you guys. She was talking not long ago about not being able to interview/be fit for work and thought she was going to lose her house if she couldn’t work? Then is able to go on holiday and potentially set up a business? I do understand she doesn’t feel she could be a nurse again but I do wonder how she’s financially supporting herself right now
I don’t think she can be a nurse again - she was sacked from her last job.
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I found it sickening that they continued the go fund me, pure greed.
Especially when she’s swanning about in a subsidised Merc she can hardly drive, flashing her £700 trainers and extravagant hotel stays
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It always annoyed me that she didnt take him to Disney or something. He was so bright and happy all the time imagine his little face at disney 😭. And disney is just the top of a long list of places he would have loved. But she definitely could afford Disney! Dubai would not have been my first choice. Wasnt there drama surrounding that holiday as well? Think the person who paid for that holiday came out with a few truths after the holiday....cant remember exact details!
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Why is she obsessed with buying a house given to her because her child had disabilities and which she no longer wants live in? Her selfishness and greed knows no bounds. She can afford to rent privately, that house could really help a family in bed. It's a family home, not a base for her to story about j being a ghost without actually living in it.
I think she will continue trying to make out J's spirit is connected with that house, her sheep will be more than eager to raise the cash for it because J is there. If she comes back and starts doing more and more stories about things happening at the house, her followers will encourage it and agree she needs to have that house forever. Its sick if that's what her intentions are. She has reminded everyone in today's post that she needs to buy this house.
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No sorry I dont, I deleted them all sorry. I have no reason to lie though, and like I said she found my twitter, with personal information and pictures of 2 of my children, and she shared them, if she reads here she will know who I am, and thats as far as I am happy to share, sorry x
I’m not suggesting I disbelieve any of what you said but I don’t think your Twitter account could be 20 years old
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The thing is with kaytee, she is very good with words, and possibly the worst Narcissist I have EVER come across!! She was literally starving her child to near death and yet people would be absolutely raving about her doing to feeding programme because for a long time she used to make out J was doing amazing (even though clearly not with dramatic weight loss) because he’d lick some frazzles.

my point being, she gets away with anything because she’s a liar and she’s good at it. She knows what she’s doing. She knows what to say to get her own way, however this didn’t work for the continuing carers situation (the people who assessed J) and she hated it! I really believe they are the ones who saw straight through her
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This thread had 9k views before she launched her souvenir shop, 30k have now viewed it. I hope some of those 30k send a clear message and unfollow. They can still see everything as her account is public but stats mean alot to her and it might make her ask herself some questions. They can also use a website that let's you view peoples stories anonymously without using instagram

I know which photo you mean it’s in black and white and it’s like she’s kissing him goodbye. His eyes are shut and his face is too relaxed. 😪
Yes that one, I didn't know if I should ask on here because I wasnt sure. It took my breath away when I saw it, that's not how people should remember him by.
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Exactly this! I mean if he wasn’t peg fed (sorry if that’s not the right wording), she’d be cooking and making meals for him anyway so why not do the blended diet if it helped him. I cook 3 different meals every bloody evening because the kids don’t eat the same (one veggie). Did she have him and then not expect to feed him?!
This is what I don’t understand, many parents use homemade puréed food for weaning without making a big song and dance about it. Imagine if a parent just decided actually do you know what, I can’t be bothered to cook you actual food, even though it benefits you, you can just have formula or breast milk, that would be neglect
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“Please don’t DM me I don’t get to see them all..”
Sees every single deluded DM about people apparently seeing her child.

personalmy if someone said they dreamt about my child I’d probably be a little concerned..
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I don’t think she can come home because she feels guilty. Not sure why but it suggests to me she can’t bare to be there so she’s avoiding it and the whole situation.
How long does a child death enquiry take? Why would you be abroad during that (depending time line there obvs)

she’s lost her son and off living her best life and pretending she’s still so upset but she’s now not got J holding her back which is always how I perceived her behaviour and moaning. Harsh but just what I think.

Surely all the bed andeverything, all the equipment and stuff should be going back to the companies etc so whose doing that? She’s just given up her responsibilities and fucked off on holiday.

she’s not right in the head and never was. I’ve said it before but I believe she has that MBP disorder or whatever the new term is now. Using her sons death now to make people make her feel better. She’s thriving off it. It’s sick

she’ll also be reaching on here and LOVING that she’s being talked about. She craves the attention from strangers
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Nice to see she had the time, energy, patience and inclination to go holiday shopping for new clothes straight after the funeral. Wow.
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She doesn’t realise that your loved ones only live on through you, in your thoughts and deeds. Inside your heart and your mind and in every life event and every decision you make. You take the good things they showed you and taught you and try to incorporate those into your life.

Jaxon didn’t care about holidays, we all saw that. He didn’t care about elaborate parties. He didn’t care about bouquets of flowers. All that isn’t him at all. You don’t send your three year old bouquets do you?

She hasn’t realised that he is only really ever going to live on in her and his dad, has she? And that it’s ok if only she thinks about him and remembers him. That’s enough.

I think, genuinely, she has no idea how to generate income without him. Every plan she had was so deeply tied up with his disability.

Remember the Stauffers? They wanted to adopt a disabled child who was disabled enough to generate sympathy, but not so disabled that their quality of life was affected. That all ended well too, didn’t it.
She clearly has never watched the Lion King cos Mufassa taught us that life lesson.
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She won't make the t shirts herself because she doesn't do anything that requires her to work. I mean, she 'worked' on the website whilst floating in a super exclusive luxury pool in Morocco so that tells you something of the effort levels involved (and explains the terrible grammar). She's lazy AF.

And we all thought her lowest point was begging for supermarket vouchers and kofi funds from j's death bed....
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I reported it as it definitely is cutting it close in some comments. Its disappointing to see its deemed acceptable, tbh. Judging her guilt and implying blame is really awful.
But because it’s been a bit longer it’s okay for people to comment on Ash and Saf and their behaviours?
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I work full time and I couldn’t afford her lifestyle, says it all really
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The thing with kaytee is she’s ignorant she really thinks the worlds owes her

nothing is ever good enough for her . She moaned she couldn’t have carers so she got carers then moaned she was not getting enough hours even though she had them overnight most nights and he was in school all day .

then she would moan about money and how she had to pay back because she basically was done for benefit fraud working and keeping benefit Money she knew she was not entitled to . She would then make the followers think she was a hard done by single mother when in reality she was in Dubai venis Paris and other exspensive countries whilst buying from Sara gym shark and Valentino . Forgetting half her followers are sen parents who actually struggle .

she would think she was important oh look at me im a nurse I know more than all these highly qualified paediatric doctors . So she changed his medication and chose to go Against advice and nearly Starved him to death . All the meetings and calls that took her all day now any sen parent will tell you that you don’t spend all day doing that at all . Everyday zoom calls and all the rest acting all high and mighty when in reality it was her and her lack of intelligence that was making him worst !!

The harsh reality of all this is she won’t actually feel guilt and she genuinely does not give two shits. Even now he ain’t here she’s jet setting cashing in on his death by selling merch with her sons face all over them for strangers all so she can cash in . She’s vile she always has been and always will be . This farce will go on and on and on because she has no shame whatsoever it’s all about kaytee and getting whatever she can .

12 weeks after her Sons death the last thing on her mind would be selling merch of her child Who is no longer here and jet setting around morroco but that’s just kaytee what more did anyone expect . The girl left her son a day after discharging him after his worst night yet to go partying all weekend to then loose him the same week !!!

says it all really poor j 😞
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