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It’s taken her what, 7 hrs to apologise since I called her out ? And then she’s suggested one person complained? Liar. You actually took all day to decide you weren’t in the right and if you get thousands of responses to a pair of shoes then this did not get just one DM it got way more.
And honestly take down the comment. You’ve left it there twice now. Once on the original and a second time on the ‘apology’. No. Bloody. Shame.
she does it for the attention and the talks and the reshares. 100%she knew lining things up can be an autistic trait and she still chose to say it’s the trait of a murderer I mean wtf. Who would even compare lining stuff up to murdering. Again she wants the attention and the shock factor
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Chatty Member
Surely her 'keira' provided for by local authority wouldn't be sending texts with a kiss at the end? Very unprofessional behaviour
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I personally don't think she ever paid for that feeding school.
This is the feeding school.
They offer a few different programmes.
They wouldn't allow the going over there, the picnic they do... She said got cancelled (it didn't. There were SEN mums there at that exact same one kaytee was going to. Kaytee actually travelled to London for it... Never went)
So she did the Net Coaching.
I don't know how because he has never been a stable weight and I can't imagine any of his professionals agreeing to this.
You can have a refund if they feel its not going anywhere.... And you can also cancel it yourself after 7 days.

I think she got a refund back. So that just over 5 grand she says she paid for it... I believe they refunded because it wasn't working or she realised this within the first 7 days (or could of been her thought process from start.... Make it look like I'm spending this fundraiser on my son) and cancelled herself. Kept it quiet.
A perfect cover up to blow 5 grand on herself.

Just my own thoughts. Never believed she has paid for that feeding school since I read up on it when she was starving him.


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Why oh why does she keep taking photos of her and J touching stuff in the lifts?! In such a busy hospital?! Full of the rona?! With a medically complex son?! You know she wouldn’t have got changed when she got in either. When we’ve been in the hospital during the pandemic I’ve put the rain cover on my daughters pushchair for the corridors and lifts etc and I have touched absolute bare minimum. Full strip off when we get in because I cannot bare the risk. A family friend of ours died of Covid during this second wave, they were healthy in their mid 20s and no underlying conditions. I don’t understand why she isn’t taking it more seriously.

Literally the only sensible thing she’s said in months is about the smokers outside, she’s right it’s really bad there. But it’s like the risk of the pandemic only comes up when it suits her narrative - work? Can’t Covid. Js dad has it? It’s cool we tested negative so just going about our outings.
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I’m sorry but is J vomits the way she says he does then why don’t the staff pick up on it when he has stays in hospital? All I see is that he thrives and gains tonnes of weight whilst there. Look back on her photos it’s obvious. Also surely it would be a huge issue when he goes to school? How is he able to go on their public transport if he’s at risk of ‘choking on vomit’ she’s such a liar. So desperate for her son to be poorly/ worse than what he is. Very strange behaviour
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‘My neighbors kids called me a wicked witch’
She is playing with us, very early on when she had her fraudulent gofundme accounts and Susie Jervil bigging her up she pissed off a lot of SEND parents and they called her ‘The Wicked Witch from Nottingham’ in their group chats. She has posted that to get a reaction on here 🤑🤮🤑

I wrote a post earlier on and said she would cry out that the NHS had failed her,denied her son care and treatment...And boom she has had the audacity to put down her sons medical team.
Her son has had literally millions of pounds spent on his care,a year in hospital ( google the cost of one night in Nicu,it’s about £3,000 just for the bed) and then the ongoing care from her local hospital and GOSH and she is crying and moaning they have not done enough for him, bullshit Babygirl! They have not referred him to the Gastric team because he is not in urgent need right now.He is not vomiting 50 times a day,if he was he would need to be hospitalised and on a saline drip and IV antiemetics.
Is she so stupid to not realise that the NHS is on its knees right now,outpatient appointments are cancelled,even oncology is on hold. I have just been in a London hospital with Covid and talking to staff they told me 80% of the hospital is now Covid patients.They were closing the children’s hospital and turning into ICU covid beds.
How can she be demanding appointments and referrals after having one private consultation? If you go down the private route you cannot then demand the expensive treatment on the NHS, they probably told her an endoscopy would cost thousands of pounds..Kayteee love, your son may vomit occasionally and we know your issues with narcissism and FII,shut the fuck up and think about what is happening right now, you know the pandemic that has killed over 100,000 people in a year. Grrrrrrr, I feel so fucking angry 😤

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Few things have crossed my mind in my absence..
1. Does she have a split personality? The CONSTANT shifting of pretty in pink woe is me voice when she’s doing ads or crying for keiras to gangster Nottingham common voice WINDS me up no end.
2. Do the Keira’s agency know she has time to do up a house whilst appealing for her 60 hours / week care?
3. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think she works at the trust local to her. I can’t find her name on the email list, and she used to bang on about leaving at 530 and coming back at 9. Now I know a lot of nurses work extra hours, but EVERY shift as a supernumerary? Come off it. I reckon she went out of Nottingham as she always used to say she didn’t want an employer (guessing she meant trust, not knowing other hospitals are still NHS 🙄) who knew she complained about J’s treatment.
4. How is she attempting to get a mortgage when a) she has no job and b) she has no new ads coming in from Instagram, bored of seeing the pissing magazine one now.
5. I watched ‘the act’ the other day and oh my lord did it scream kayteeeeee at me!!
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She's a hypocrite. Someone posted a screenshot on one of the other threads of someone defending kaytee regarding the fundraiser. Might have been ptwm? Does anyone remember or have it? I'm sure it said something about how nobody wants to have a disabled child on it. She never said anything about that. She also did a story which the mirror shared in their article where she was moaning saying she "expected a healthy baby just like most pregnant mothers" and went on to moan she didnt sign up for this and the health needs he has are not what she expected so why should she be treated like other mothers. She has spoken before about having more children and hoping they would be healthy and that there was a high chance if she did have more that she would have healthy, or normal as she calls it, children. Why even think about if they will be healthy or not given shes kicking off over that post.
she Changes her words and her stories so much to fit her. Of corse anybody wants a healthy child but because she thinks she can get some of peanuts followers she’s put a comment she knew would cause a fuss. When actually all she wanted was a healthy baby. She had all these plans to take her healthy baby travelling to see the world ect but now because somebody else’s said it it is wrong
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This is why you fucking bint. Its YOUR goals. Not for your son. YOU.
ASTOUNDING. Words fail me. When you become a mother, everything is for your child/ren. You just want the best for them; you work hard for them, you want to see the wonder in their faces maybe even give them the childhood that you didn’t have.

Me, me, fucking ME

Ps. I think you forgot the word “narcissistic”
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I’m all for ‘mothers instinct’ and fighting for what’s right when it comes to your own children. But MY GOD!!! She is taking it way too far publicly slagging off practically every medical professional that has been involved with J. How can that many people be ‘wrong’ and ‘not doing their jobs properly’?
Cus that’s what she’s basically saying

who does she actually think she is? she’staking this whole ‘nurse mum’ Instagram username to a whole new level. She’s the type of person that thinks the whole world owes her a favour

throws her toys out the pram when she doesn’t get what she wants

Clearly thinks she’s entitled

what’s she gonna do when the tests she’s demanded, come back all clear? Cus J isn’t as bad as she makes out?

what next, then? kayteeeee?
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I think she made the excuse of the party being a celebration of her passing her degree if I remember correctly.. When actually it was an engagement party. Hardly ever any stories of J because she never has the poor boy. I think if she could she'd have full time care for him. She never wants to be a mum. She'd rather prance about in her underwear and posting endless selfies of herself.
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Case in point if she doesn't understand J's blood test results and can't look it up and understand it herself.
The “normal ranges” given alongside blood results are only “normal” for those without underlying health conditions. I feel like she trying to find a new problem or a new diagnosis. Why ask strangers on social media? Strange behaviour.. almost making a point his got possibly abnormal blood results.
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This whole thing made me really quiet emotional. I have had multiple miscarriages and a complex pregnancy with my little girl. I one hundred percent wanted to bring home a healthy baby, it was the hope that kept me going through my pregnancy. And when asked would I change things for her, if it were possible I would definitely. Not to make her “normal” but I would do anything to take away her being so distressed and so poorly, all the tests etc. But I love her so fiercely. And of course I wouldn’t change having her for the world. All I can do is love her with every part of me and do everything I can to make things the best for her.

If I were to be pregnant again I would hope for a healthy baby. And I would not begrudge a single other person for wishing the same. It’s natural maternal instinct. It doesn’t take away any amount of love I have for my daughter. And as for other people saying, it stings but they don’t know and I don’t think they can be blamed, we can only try and explain why it thats not helpful, but know that’s usually the last thing on anyone’s mind. It’s a really tough situation.

It’s like when you experience losses, all you see is newborn babies and all you hear about are pregnancy announcements and you can’t muster an ounce of joy for them but then feel guilty for feeling bitter. It’s so shitty and complicated and K has a way of making
Things over simplified and divisive. And I don’t doubt she knew what she was doing.

The same with the oncology ward comments. It was just about soft furnishings. I do understand the sentiment of all wards should have fantastic facilities. Of course. But people are shitty. We were told people regularly steal things from the wards like playstations and TVs etc. And I know Many families who fundraisers for paediatric oncology wards either as thank yous for care and/or memorials. If K was that bothered she could quite easily set up a fundraiser for the picu or other ward she favours for some upgrades. But she won’t, she wants all the money for herself. She just wants to be seen to be talking “for the people” and highlight “inequalities” but she doesn’t want to naff all about it.
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