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Well-known member
You say you had to claim UC when you lost your job which means when on UC you weren’t working. And that you accepted you couldn’t afford luxuries or save. But Anna IS working!

And yes UC is a lifestyle choice but it’s the ONLY choice some ppl have as they earn a low wage. A wage that doesn’t cover rents because rents are so so high, council tax is high, childcare is high. Yet the low earners are always blamed. How dare they afford something nice.

There will always be someone who earns higher than me but I can’t go through life begrudging them having something nice if they’ve worked for it even if it is off one ad a month.

I don’t know how UC works. Of course people on it are entitled to save up and spend it how they want on themselves. But when you see someone saying they can’t afford things for their kids and then spend £500 on their own Botox it does make you wonder... I really wanted to go to the hairdressers this week but it always costs me around £150 and my kids needed new shoes and spring wardrobe so I didn’t book it in the end. I work full time and not on UC but prioritised.
She hasn’t moaned about not affording the kids things for months and that was before she started working. That’s my point. She works now and is being begrudged for earning and affording things! She was also begrudged for not working!!

It used to annoy the hell out of me when she said she couldn’t afford food and moaned about the vouchers she got for food but was then spending every week in the charity shop but ppl turn their lives around. And that’s allowed.
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Just what the world needs, another white saviour 🙄 just as well we’ve got Anna the white woman to teach us all about black history!
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Ok so she gets a massive ASOS delivery despite being skint and then posts a book she has been #gifted before it's even released in the shops about how to control your spending habits :oops:
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Chatty Member
Ok so she gets a massive ASOS delivery despite being skint and then posts a book she has been #gifted before it's even released in the shops about how to control your spending habits :oops:
I just have no sympathy for her, she’s a mess. My husband works in tourism here in turkey and obviously there are no Tourists... we have no income coming in, am I pissing our savings away on orders?! . She’s got 2 babies depending on her why did she come back on insta, sort your shit out!?
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It’s offensive that she even thinks she is as commendable as people who manage their lives on UC. She’s never happy either, from where I’m sitting her set up is pretty good but because she thinks she’s incredibly hard done by, she continues to moan about the most trivial and mundane of scenarios. So out of touch.
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I talk to my child at the dinner table. We talk about his day. If he's really fidgety we take some toys or colouring in. I'd be mortified if I needed to give him a device to stop him misbehaving. He has a tablet at home but I don't use it to keep him quiet in public. I didn't realise I was in the minority here but quite happy to be 😊
Would never ever claim to be the perfect mum but I do the same at any table, home or out. Puzzles, colouring, little games or cars and talking. I’ll let them watch my phone on the odd occasion if they’re particularly pissed off though and we’re out because let’s face one wants to be -that- family. Generally don’t blame parents who bring the tablets out though, especially if out late or to be fair...just want a quiet life 🤣 however, the kids I work with (I’m a nanny) are absolutely obsessed with their iPads (5,5+8) and actually had full on temper tantrums yesterday because I said they couldn’t have them at dinner as they were eating with my little boy and he didn’t have one on him. I think it’s so sad. I’m not saying any of yours are addicted at all (in fact, I’m almost 100% sure they’re not as addicted as the little ones are that I work with) but I just think what are they going to be like when they’re older 😅 will they even be able to hold a full conversation?! They have such problems with listening and attention all because their parents fob them off at every opportunity 😩 their mum was actually shocked the other day as one of their batteries died while out for dinner and the boy held a conversation with them and was well behaved - how is that so shocking?! anyway rant over from me, this was totally a shout into the void about work and not aimed at anyone else 😂
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I can't remember her exact words but it was something like... all the recent dates she's been on, she's made decisions with what's in her knickers instead of her head, and then they ghost her after they've got what they wanted. I mean I've done the same in the past, haven't we all 😬 but not during a pandemic, it's just plain stupidity.
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Chatty Member
Yeah for all she does that’s irritating I think she’s attractive and I do like her style. But her insta antics are just so cringe plus I think Botox on UC is taking piss (my opinion and I’m allowed it ✌🏽)
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Jeez, she’s such an entitled Berkeley Hunt, this girl. Narcissism exudes out of her botoxed eyes. To not even realise how galling it is for people to see her use tax payers money and vouchers for her kids food and then spunk cashish on her lip fillers, her weekly Zara buys and fecking-I’m-so-important-and-have-such-an-inflated-opinion-of-myself-that-I-need-to-update-you-on-EVERY-SINGLE-ASPECT-OF-MY-NANETTES purchase, is pretty unbelievable.
I see this week that she’s now put her pronouns in her bio. YAWN. Of course she has. Super woke Anna is SO empathetic, and SO thoughtful of other people, that she, like all other SJW middle class white girls, is the only person who can help save the destitute black people and trans people who are totally unable to do shit for themselves....

Or....maybe....Maybe she’s another psychopathic / sociopathic member of Woko Harem, who projects what a caring and empathetic ‘activist’ (ie unemployed person) she is, purely to hide the fact that she has zero empathy and cannot connect with another human being. There’s been genuine scientific papers published that reveal that woke people who feel the need to virtue signal, generally possess the dark triad of personality disorders.

Here’s a report on it:

Hmmmmm. Who does that remind me of??

Anybody in her circle needs to run a long way from her.

Aside from the woke bollocks, there are many similarities with Faye from Love Island too
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I just wouldn't be able to bring myself to ask someone else to pay for my firstborn's school shoes knowing I'd waxed 40 odd quid on absolute crap in an antiques shop, and god knows how much on vintage clothes FOR MYSELF just a few days previously. My mum would have told me to fuck off 😆
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Probably so she can get out of working an actual job!
I wish I could like this multiple times

Just imagine the insta stories.

Day One, 10:23am. Can't cope. Need a break. These kids are driving me mad. Turns out teachers are actual angels from heaven and I regret this decision massively. Who's idea was this. I blame the patriarchy. Look at my new blouse.

Not saying my attempt at home schooling would be any more successful.. but that's why mine go to school 🙃
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Chatty Member
I’m thinking the new thread title needs to be something about insuring the gap where her boots once were?
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Well-known member
She's just been taken on what looked like a nice little mini break with pub meals and vintage clothes shopping, and the minute she gets home to her kids, posts a story saying her life is 99% joyless. Let's hope her kids never find this shit on the internet when they're old enough to look.
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Well-known member
What the f is her latest ad? I had to zoom in to see what she was holding. Her ads are SO SHIT. How does she get these jobs??
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VIP Member
I’m not surprised she’s got no ads she’s an absolute embarrassment and if I had a company I wouldn’t want her advertising it! She needs to re-evaluate her life! She used to be funny, light and relatable but now she’s angry, bitter and depressing. She could have made a real go of instagram but no she’s fucked it up and she knows it!
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VIP Member
To be fair, I wouldn’t call it bitterness. It’s extremely emotional handing your kids over to be part of another family unit. Especially when they are so young. It really fucking hurts

The celery plate was vile tho 🤣
I quite liked the buggy.
I understand that might be the case but I used the word bitter simply because she never seemed to care handing them over when she was with her man from London. As soon as she became single, she started firing these digs.
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