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VIP Member
Omg! Did she really say that about her kids?! I know children are annoying (I have a couple myself) but it’s really not on referring to them that way on a public forum to thousands of followers just for the lolz and likes. When are the influencers going to get it into their minuscule brains that once something is out there, it is OUT THERE. I have the same problem with Knee Deep In Life. I know she had PND and I know it’s a subject that needs talking about but imagine how her kid will feel when they come across her talking about she hated him for the first few years of his life. They all have shit for brains, from the ODs right through to this couple of planks.
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Omg she’s still moaning about having no life in her garden when she’s got fucking artificial grass. What is she on??
I’ve not seen her garden but hasn’t she extended too? So the neighbours are probably extending/doing a summer house at the end of their garden?

Idk like the hypocrisy of that plastic grass for starters, but also people need to extend or build outbuildings because there are an increasing % of intergenerational homes where property prices have been mutated by gentrifiers like her? If she hadn’t have warped property prices with her gifted deposit/equity then yeah maybe your neighbours could have left those lovely trees up and climbed up the property ladder, but as it is your ilk swelled prices beyond recognition so enjoy what u reaping what your lot sowed hun ❤
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Her Dad died in July pretty sure you accept the place in April? Did she want her daughter at the same school as her son?
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Oh the song she's made tonight.. 🤦‍♀️
I’m confused, she hardly sees them. They’re in nursery and school 5 days a week and she puts them to bed really early so she’s moaning about spending 2 days out of 7 with them and even on those days she wishes it was bedtime. She needs to get a grip. Makes a mockery of women who genuinely struggle imo.
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Idk why this one feels worse than all the others, especially cos she signs off happy birthday [name] and that she put them to bed at 4.45? That’s WHY they wake up at 6am hun. Also no adult has a set bedtime because…. It makes no fucking sense.

Yet again - imagine this all coming out the mouth of a black or working class mum? The response would be so very different. Mumsnet would probably hit 3 figure active sessions on site it’d be such a scandal.
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Agree with everything you say. She actually doesn’t realise how fortunate she is.

Remember that racist remark she made a few months ago? Massive back-pedalling from her etc.
I think there's a valid point amongst there somewhere, like post natal health focuses wholly on baby and not enough on mum & her mental health, blah blah blah. Some women must regret being parents, some may not love it 100%, like all of that is true and fine, but using abusive and cruel language to describe your children isn't on and raises major red flags. This is something a lot of white MC feminists do tho, the whole ~I hate kids~ schtick is tired af, it's a weird hateful mindset that only seems to live in those circles.
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VIP Member
Another day, another post about not loving motherhood and calling her kids awful names. It's getting old now. Her face seems to be permanently stuck in a gurn and her attitude stuck on pissy.
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She seems to have gone downhill since she teamed up with that other vile “influencer” Knee deep. The state of the pair of them! Have you heard the podcast? It’s just awful. Why do people find them funny? They turn out the same shit over and over again, slag of their kids and husbands and they think the more repulsive they are, the funnier they are. Kicking your shit bag of a kid back into nursery? It’s just vile behaviour.
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It’s gutter humour, but she thinks tattle posters are ‘fusty’, so 🤷‍♀️
Tbh would argue that the woman who felt the need to move to a historically diverse area of London to take advantage of the (relatively) cheap property prices, then made racially loaded complaints about the people who’ve been in that area for generations, is actually the “fusty” (dusty!) bitch tbh 😂
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I don’t get the house move either. It looks smaller than her old house, but the creation of a separate account for interiors suggest that she’s hoping to be gifted stuff for the renovation. But what happens if she isn’t? And why say she wants to recreate rooms from her old house? Why not just stay where she is? I can’t get my head round it.
On another note, I can’t believe any company would want to be associated with her brand of coarseness, but I guess that’s where we are at the moment. No integrity on either the brands part of the influencers.
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Someone needs to tell her it shouldn’t be like this. Yes, there are moments when it’s tough but it’s not moments she portrays, it’s the whole time. I really think her family or friend’s or husband need to step in and get her/them proper help. The kids just sound desperately unhappy, confused. As does she.
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She has some serious issues around being a parent.
Seems to despise them when she's with them and when she's without them, they still get the blame for her having no sleep or a shit time.
Does anyone else have the experiences she has? I really can't say I experience even a 10th of what she talks about.
I can see she's a hugely anxious person and she really needs to work on that so that she can start enjoying her marriage and children.
Maybe if she spent less time coming up with content for the gram, she might actually enjoy her life
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Chatty Member
I think we all relate to the despair of being tired all the time when you have small kids, it's shit but it passes, the whole "my kids are pricks" schtick is so boring now and I do think it's pretty dumb to put that stuff on the internet on a public account for your kids to undoubtably see in later years. And she'll be all "oh I was only joking darling!" But the idea of my mum calling me a prick even as a joke it pretty hurtful.

Also you just got back from a fucking yoga retreat, check yo privilege gurllll
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I cannot believe that she still thinks doing her twerking is funny or good content. She does it for every add/post/whinge.
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VIP Member
I think it’s that it’s inferred that the trouble makers outside are black men because the gangs in the film are also black
I agree with you and I think She has twisted it in her apology.
To me it reads in her insta post that she assumes that the group of men with nice trainers and cars are drugs dealers because they are black, hence the Boyz in the Hood reference.
However when she apologises she goes in to a huge explanation of the local drug dealing scene and how we assumed they were black because she mentioned Boyz in the Hood but actually the boys were white.

Since white boys were dealing drugs she wasn't making assumptions she was simply explaining the situation and threw in Boyz in the Hood because its a reference about drug dealing.
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I keep forgetting I'm still following her and then she pops up on my stories gurning too close to the camera, speaking in a slangy slurry way as she endlessly moans about her kids. If I see one more story where she does the same dance which involves thrusting her crotch at the camera I may pierce out my own eyes with a cocktail stick.
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Chatty Member
I used to LOVE her - but so far this year? No, she's changed, not just her name and taking inspiration from her new bff Knee Deep In Life 🙄
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Chatty Member
Exactly, she sounds irrational and depressed, she should go to GP rather than dressing it up on insta as "comedy".
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It’s wild how influencers balk at the idea of spending £750 on a bed for their children but don’t mind £100+ PJs for themselves? You monetise the poor kids use that money to buy them a bed.
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