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As nice as the place looks, I think it would be boring AF for a teenager. But then it fits in with the clothes, the skincare, the shopping, the lack of privacy on the internet, that they treat Lola like a mini adult.
Sure she has her lookie lookie man genuine fake louis vuitton bag now. Kid thinks she's in her 20s
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Can someone post a pic of the first day of high school look? She’s blocked me so I can’t see anything!! FYI no idea why she blocked me as I literally never commented on anything 😂
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Same - for people with actual hearing issues, it’s so unfair. It’s the most basic thing you can do to make your “content” more inclusive. It’s ridiculous she wants GAL to be taken seriously yet can’t even caption her stories! 😤
Exactly this! I think captions would struggle with her stupid colloquialisms but they would only take a few minutes to edit, not like she’s much else to do with her day apart from swan about the Nauld or the Glesga toon, such a dick.
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Well, we've already had Big Jo Mac, so only right we drop down another step and get Big Bushski on. Just need to make sure she's off the blues before she record's it though 😂

She’s clearly inviting the dregs on due to their following size. She’s trying to gain popularity and using the young team as a stepping stone. Cutting about in her mawmobile, nipping people’s heads by constantly interrupting the newest nobody who is trying to get across how their life is sooo haaarrdddd 😩✋🏼

She makes every episode about her, one way or another. Is this what’s she’s like in real life? I would find that extremely draining being around someone like that.
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“J-Lo” wearing headphones during the birthday meal. God help that wean.

love how The Mask explains what an affogato is 😂

I also think she’s another one who answers her own questions she posts on her story, or posts “everyone asking where I got ma jumper” when actually no Cunt has asked a thing.

just a washed up auld wumman desperate to be liked. Very sad and I really hope it doesn’t affect her daughter in the long run.
That bairn will probs grow up thinking her mother is a local celebrity, 😆😆
  • Haha
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I'm honestly getting to the end of my rope with this woman. The way that lola behaves is absolutely encouraged by marry,as a parent she buys her clothes, the make up, the $hite for her room it's all her. I don't know another child her age who's parents would let her parade about like this, highheels hand bag on the shoulder with a leather blazer and tacky make up, she's more wummin~ esque than than any woman I know and I'm in my 30s?

Now the serious part is the food, the way that she chastises her child about food, and shames her REGULARLY for thousands of people to see is disgusting, absolutely vile. Lola clearly has a very unhealthy relationship with food she's rewarded/punished with it and she has an almost intense obsession with where she is going for an after school treat. I just can't help but think she will have DE and extremely complex relationship with her mother.

No 10 year old CHILD should be this grown up and mature, it's not okay. I'm sure that the maw is a nice woman but she has too much work to do on herself and she should focus on this instead of GAL also I see she has now monetised her YT account.
I agree with everything above, I have a child a similar age to her and I just can’t understand the dynamic they have or the strange way they interact, Marry is not warm towards her is she?
How can you tell her YT is now monetised? Are you able to tell how much she earns? I rarely watch her YT

edited to add now it’s monetised I defo won’t be watching again!
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Those TS tickets are VIP ones so would be around £600. I can't believe she's sending the Dad! I'd kill for my girl to go but bloody hell if I could afford VIP I would be going with her not sending her dad! 😭
Mhairi is a damn fool for missing it. What an experience to share with your daughter — a memory that would last a lifetime, I’d imagine.
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I cant get over the wee girl still being in primary school with the make up and jewellery etc.
I dont know any primary 7 girls in my kids primary school who even look close to what Lola does re makeup and attitude
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I’ve noticed for a wee while now that her and honest Kirsty haven’t interacted, if you’ve followed MM for a while you’ll know HK was her first getting a lift and they would visit each other on the regs. Anyway I looked earlier and they no longer follow each other and my nose is getting the better of me, I wonder what’s went on. MM getting too big for her boots and HK can’t be arsed with her recent insta hun behaviour?!
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I'd be interested to know who she's going to see as there are only 2 menopause specialists in Glasgow right now.
From recent experience a gyn doesn't know as much about it, you'd think they do but it's more specialised. I'm lucky that I know know a medical professional who does this privately and has helped me over the last few years in the questions I should ask as I'm intolerant to artificial hormones. Even GP's are not trained as well in it.
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