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God, Abi had a grandson too? Does this have something to do with why she now has custody of her granddaughter?
Her Daughter Beth had a baby boy in 2022, stillborn. Before you know it she’s pregnant again. Had her Daughter Lyra then decided she didn’t want her and now Abi has her. It’s all sick, the father of her babies is nearly 60!
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She had no right even tagging Leah. The girl is afraid and she doesn’t want the likes of Abi saying tell them it’s nothing to be afraid of. Fuck off everyone is scared, it’s human nature, don’t fucking need stranger busy bodies who think they’re death doulas because they’ve experienced one death, and even then slept through it, giving out advice.
This is why she’s a dangerous woman.
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Abi wasn't prepared for what happened in those '48 hours' but somehow shes managed to teach the community/palliative care nurses something? Such attention-seeking drama. Many patients become agitated and develop terminal delirium, and restlessness when dying. Jeez, my late husband woke up under the influence of midazolam and it was almost like he was a completely different person. A stranger. Nurses see this day in and day out, it's completely normal.
Abi loves herself. Why she wants to share the details of Erins death with complete strangers is beyond me.
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So let me get this straight.. Abi has just admitted that her husband tried to plant something (a dildo) in Dans hand luggage, as a PRANK?! Doesn’t she realise that admitting to that is dodgy as fuck!? At an airport, is he stupid? He doesn’t seem the brightest person in the world and Abi looks like his mother. She definitely looks about 50, so no surprise why people assumed she was Erin’s mum. Also, that means Chris has wasted money on a sex toy, for a prank, or it’s a used one that had already… I just don’t understand how they have so much money to go on holiday when none of them work? I also feel so sorry for that poor baby. She’s passed around so much, and it’s clear Abi is regretting saying she’ll have her. It breaks my heart as she will pick up on the fact she is resented.
I don’t understand how it’s funny to do that to a man who has just lost his partner. She’s a wrong ‘un for trying to humiliate a grieving man in public.
How convenient that the Prosecco on the plane made her cry. I’m sure she gave her TikTok name and business cards out in the process too!
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Same, I felt like a 🐮 thinking this, but the more I watched the more I felt uncomfortable.
I had to watch Abi in the end, like you so I could get updates on Erin. But I can’t bring myself to watch now. I should imagine there are lots who feel like we do as time has gone on.
It's for sure looking that way😪
I felt so bad too, it's all so bizarre!
I'm so glad Erin did that final Tesco shopping trip,it's what she wanted, bless her, she had the final say on that one!❤
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She’s starting her BULLSHIT yet again!! I was absolutely correct in thinking all what she’s been doing for the past weeks / months wasn’t only to make money out of somebody’s death and misfortune, BUT ALSO to reel people in to get them involved in her network marketing businesses and FLEECE THEM OUT OF MONEY!! It was all in the plan!

That woman has NEVER been successful in any NM business. She’ll say she has because she’s made money, but hasn’t been successful because she’s not stuck any out and taken others down with her. NM is about helping OTHERS build a business as well as yourself and she hasn’t stuck at it to help anybody!!!
It’s people like her that give the industry of network marketing a bad name, and it can be an amazing thing to be a part of if done correctly.

People NEED to stay away from her and her “help” in building any business!
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im shocked by that TikTok and could never talk about someone like saying wasn't the easiest person to get along with after theyve died... the fact all her videos are about Erin doesn't sit right with me, I had bad vibes from her as soon as she came on my fyp and idk why but now I just don't get good vibes at all

there's about 100 other things I could add I don't like about this
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She just comes across as completely unlikeable. Disingenuous, smug, distrustful. It amazes me more people don’t see it 🤦🏼‍♀️
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Long time lurker mainly because I have no time to comment lol.

I just wanted to say I'm so sad she's giving people like me who are freelance a bad name. I don't claim any benefits I want to state firstly... because I don't need too as I make more than enough. So firstly I get upset that people judge those of us with non conventional jobs as being on UC..not all of us are not that there's anything wrong with UC absolutely.

Telling everyone that it's so easy to quit the 9-5 and become FREE is so dangerous. It's extremely difficult to do. It's taken me 10 years to be able to work as I want, when I want, my own hours and pay scale. I spent years marketing myself, working 18 hour days to pay bills, relying on my husband's wage to live my dream so we could still pay rent etc. I spent years networking, teaching out to brands, clients etc, paying subscriptions to websites that help was exhausting. But now, 10 years in, I am free of the grind and able to live my life my way and around my toddler. However, not everyone can do this so don't tell everyone they can!! You need to have money in the first place, you need to have time to get your name out there, support from everyone, you can just quit a job and take money in!!

Instead of glamourising it it's best to be honest and open and say it's really fucking hard to do, you will really struggle for a while and you have to give it time and patience whilst not stopping. I hope she doesn't do and advice course on this or people could end up financially ruined
I think calling her ‘freelance’ is a stretch. She’s basically just a parasite moving from one pyramid scheme to another leaving gullible people in her wake.
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What will she do to stay relevant when Erin’s been cremated, and life moves on. Dan will find a new partner as he’s a young bloke, followers have stopped watching and are on to the next person. And she’s got nothing left to do.
Will she write a book, Erin and me? Ghosts and their meanings? Spiritual funerals and how to have them? It’s terminal what now? How to get takeaway and influence people?
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Step to far posting a video on the morning of her friends funeral FUCK OFF ABI you grief thief !!!
It’s shocking behaviour I can’t actually believe it never have I posted the day of anybody’s funeral let alone do videos saying everybody feels ok ….
When she said “ feeling overwhelmed with how many people will be at the funeral but that was Erin’s wish “ who the fuck does she think she is it’s not her funeral and she wants the only fucking person who knows Erin she is so weird and it’s all about her !!!
She needs to fuck off now it’s actually a joke using Erin’s death for likes and followers I hope after today nobody gives her more attention she is pathetic !!
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Her nails were #gifted from her “friend”. She also had her lashes done, not sure if they’re just stick on, like her nails. Someone commented on her post, saying something along the lines of “get your hair done”, the grey certainly makes her look mid 50’s.
How many children does she have? Not including step children, like Alex. Does Chris have other children, and do they have any together? What’s the age gap between Chris and her?
It’s interesting that she is concerned about loosing followers and people getting scammed as pages have been set up offering readings 🙄 Seems like she’s regretting the choice to charge people for online readings!
Someone said the reasons her views are dropping is because she’s not giving Erin updates… I’m assuming that person means Erin’s family and Erin’s Angels, but abi gave a sarcastic comment reply.
What I don’t get, she makes out she has multiple income streams, so why doesn’t she put the £5k in herself to get started?
She also thinks that once the web page is up people will just start to donate, which I don’t think will happen. Huge charities are struggling at the moment, so aside from maybe an initial surge at the start, it would be difficult to constantly have donations.

Shes also mentioned people registering as volunteers and getting people out there supporting people in the end of their lives.. what training are they getting? Who is training them? How are they monitoring the people who train and are being trained? For all she knows, the people volunteering may try and take advantage of vulnerable people, especially as she’s targeting the people on their own with no family or friends. Even if she did dbs checks, that only covers those that have been caught before.
She would have been better off fundraising for established charities and make donations in Erin’s name. Whilst I appreciate she said there are no hospices around where Erin lived, they did access district nurses. Again, I know there were issues with having to wait for the nurses, but it doesn’t sit right with me that a random stranger, who’s had a day or two of training, is suddenly capable of supporting someone at the end of their life. I know they won’t be administering meds, but it’s odd to me. Imagine as a nurse, going into someone’s house to give them meds, help with personal care and they get chatting to the other person there… “how long have you known each other?” “Oh we met yesterday”.
Are these people expected to move in, like Abi did?? They have the idea that no one should die alone (which I agree with) but THEY didn’t give Erin that. If these Erin’s Angel Death Doulas are only there for a few hours a day to keep them company, then they would still die alone. Surely if someone is on their own, the hospital or gp would provide care, and they’d go into a hospice, so they have round the clock care??
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I think she’s doing a blinder of a job at making people believe it’s a frightening, terrible thing with the ‘48 hours of hell’ thing or those missing 24 hours which took her ages to talk about because they were so terrible.
Of course it’s terrible, somebody is sadly dying. I don’t think anybody walks into that blindly. But I’m pretty sure everyone’s care team prepares them for anything that can happen without the sensationalising of things. I know this because we cared for my sister at home until she sadly passed away two years ago. Of course it wasn’t a walk in the park, but it was peaceful , it was well supported and we felt adequately prepared for things because we had advice. The way she’s selling it makes it sound like when people are dying , that you’re left to it- waved off from the NHS and left to go it alone without any sort of advice from anywhere. She’s probably in some ways scaring people more than they would be without her helpful insights to the ‘48 hours of hell’ .
I work in palliative!/end of life care and have for years,I've witnessed it all.
I've cared for my own parents at end of life,and my childhood best friend!
When I followed Erin's journey, I didn't want to be right about my thoughts around it was only after that it really hit me, just what she is!
All this woman has done so far is to paint a horrific picture of " end of life". So much of what she has said, and the picture she has painted..I just can't get my head around it
Yes, pain can be hard to manage, as can terminal agitation, but the " 48 hours of hell" story she tells, I have struggled with🤔
I won't go on, other than to say, Erin still sadly died alone, with no one holding her hand..maybe, Abi, think about that one, there was enough people in the house to make sure that didn't happen.😪
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Abi claimed to own 5 online businesses but on companies house she is only registered as retired student union director

I have a feeling a deep dive on Abi jenkins will will reveal who she really is

Such bad taste 😔😨
I think Abi was Erin's Frienemy I get impression since the post funeral skincare comment and now this from yesterdays TT Abi was never a true friend to Erin and yes she seems to revel in Erin's updates as she worsen poor girl rest in ever lasting peace Erin xxx
she said on LIVE she was friends with Rhian when her dad died and became her rock. Abi seems to gravitate towards vulnerable young girls. Strange behaviour I think she will reveal her true colours time always tells
I have known Abi for a few years from an online business that she stripped many people of with lies, and subsequently went onto rope them into another business with more lies and promises. People lost thousands! Yes she certainly gravitates to the vulnerable because those are the ones she can take advantage of. And she does, hugely. You’re right in the fact that she gravitates towards younger girls. She has many, and manipulates every time. It simply needs her to come up against her match to put a stop to her BS and thieving.
I saw her latest Tik Tok referring to having a bad day and being angry about the press. What press? There’s only an article about Erin’s death. I think a) she’s breadcrumbing for attention and b) is trying to get people on side because she knows that she’s being looked into and it’ll only get worse when the sympathy that people have for her dries up. There’s no reason at all that any donations should be going into her PayPal. None. At the very least any donations should be going to Erin’s husband and the father to the boys.

I was shocked when her little car drive for food was to what looked like a Miller and Carter! Who paid for that?

I think I’m at the point where I’m sure she’s a nasty piece of work and I feel so so sorry for Erin’s family.
She absolutely is a nasty piece of work and has ripped people off and stolen from others many times!
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I know she said she turned someone away from the chapel of rest. I’m in Ireland. Does this mean funeral home or church? Also, who did she have to turn away?
I'm a funeral arranger, so can actually answer this one. The person who is effectively "paying the bill" of the funeral becomes the client. So if the funds are in abbys name and she's the one who's "paying" for the funeral then she will be the one who has control over the funeral plans and visits to the funeral home to see Erin. Which is sad because surely it should be Erin's husband who has the final say on everything. I wasn't aware that all the fundraising and money for the funeral and the adventures for erins boys was all going under Abis name. It all makes me a bit uncomfortable and squirmy. It doesn't sit right at all. It should be Erin's husband and Erin's boys in control.
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I didn’t want to think badly of Abi, at first I thought wow what a great friend to have; she’s amazing! It doesn’t please me to think of Erin being exploited in some way. But I have such a strong gut feeling all is NOT well. It’s so tragic
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Omg I can’t even watch that rambling, nonsensical pile of shit. Dysfunctional family for sure and perfectly happy to move in on someone else’s family. She’s a complete and utter oddball.
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