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I’m no prude and I like a rude joke but the prank was not funny. There’s a time and a place, and in front of children isn’t the one! I’d of shoved it up his arse if they’d of got that out in front of my kids!!
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It irks me so much when she described her autistic son in one of her recent videos. “He’s autistic so he thought he had no empathy.”

So ignorant. As an autistic person, who knows lots of other autistic people, we have some of the highest levels of empathy I’ve ever known. I feel so much for other people it sometimes physically hurts. Sometimes we may show it differently. But we have empathy. In spades.
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God the thought of lying on my death bed with two people around me getting pissed on prosecco and cackling about shit is absolutely bleak.
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She’s a fucking liability. She’s also a liar and a crook.
Everything about her is fake especially the yawning 😆 Seriously though, she is very dangerous. Who takes grieving children on holiday and plants a dildo on their (pseudo) father as a joke ??? That is not normal behaviour. It’s not even funny.
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I followed Erin about 6 months ago and didn’t hear a mention of Abi until she’s weeks from dying. She didn’t even have Abi as a bridesmaid at her wedding. Surely if you wanted someone to take control when you are dying and they were a true ‘soul sister’ then wouldn’t it be a no brainer to have them in your wedding party. Don’t get me wrong I think Erin did ask Abi to keep everyone in the loop etc but so far it’s just been a pity party. I also find it really odd as I wouldn’t put them two as best friends. Erin seemed so pure unlike Abi.

rest in peace Erin. You finally meet your boys again x
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Well well well.. Abi might be self employed who hasn't worked for months and months and months. But Chris Vance is definitely claiming benefits for the house hold. So yes Abi you might not have a benefit in your name but your husband does. Just getting my mate to do a check on you both tomorrow. She works for housing benefit fraud team.

I wonder how Abi and Chris have been financially supporting themselves since last Christmas 🤔

They been living off Harley and Alex donations that's how!

Oh btw Abigail Holly Vance nee' Jenkins
When you reply to my tattlelife post can you please start by being more transparent with the money. I know alot of ppl that have donated money TO ERIN for her TWO BOYS. Which isn't for you your husband and your munch bunch family!
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Everything is this is what Erin wanted now but how do we actually know that this is what Erin wanted?! It’s like Santa said this and Santa said that. She treats us like kids with her fake stories. I don’t understand why she is still staying at Erin’s house with a baby when they need space to process the death.
I can’t imagine having just lost my wife or mum and I’m in my own home and there’s a baby screaming all day AND a woman doing lives and videos in my living room! My head would be bursting
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Her constant sharp inhalation of breath after every second word makes her almost unbearable to watch! 😂
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So she’s feeling star struck because someone recognised her. This just gets odder by the day.

my daughter lost her dad as a young teen to suicide at Christmas, altho I was married he’d been in my life for over 20 years and we co parented very very well and he was an extended family member and we were very close and he and my husband adored each other. After he died I was devastated I don’t think I went on social media for weeks after, I was so numb, and my concentration and all my thoughts and emotions went into making sure our daughter got through that awful time. We didn’t go out for dinner, ask TikTok for help with the funeral, make numerous posts about his last moments in ICU (was in for 5 days before machine was turned off) I was there every day with my daughter.

not once did I document it, or even thought about doing this, not once did I care about anyone else but my baby and how she was losing her daddy.
I know we all deal with things differently but this. This is just like a saviour complex and how she is the main character in all this. She gives off pick me girl vibes.
She needs to go home see her kids and her husband and leave Dan to get back to some sort of normality. Also having an 8 month old baby there must be so loud when all those boys need is calm to prepare for their mother’s funeral. When they’ve already lost so many people in their lives.
Also abi help out around the house!! Maybe clean it?? Cook some wholesome meals instead of living off donated money for takeaways.
You have the energy to be live and do multiple updates numerous times a day so why can’t you make some bloody food.

baffling really
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Erin’s Angels / the charity that’s actually a limited company which provides end of life companions to be there until the very end even though Erin died on her own as everyone who was supposed to be holding her hand as she passed away was asleep. What a sick joke. Abi, you lazy dirty slob - get a real job mate and stop dining out on your friend’s tragic death. You can’t even clean up a pile of cat sick let alone run a ‘charity’.
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talking shit about her not being easy to get along with while in ERINS house where ERIN died this women is scum she's way to comfortable honestly how can dan accept this.... also how can someone be away from there husband for 2 months or whatever it is around someone else's husband who is grieving
am I bad to think maybe she fancies dan and wants to try it with him! I mean wouldn't be out the question she did marry Erins ex! maybe thats totally uncalled for for me to say idk
I honestly believe it’s more about the notoriety, attention, the hero complex, probably narcissistic tendencies and also this woman doesn’t look like she’s ever had a real job. She’s just been trying to hit the big time through MLM and pyramid schemes and questionable ‘holistic’ therapies.

Hit the jackpot now hasn’t she!! Money, fame and the chance to be the hero!! As you said - SCUM.
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She’s like a bingo caller in her last video, announcing she’s going live to neglect the baby whilst doing diamond art and chatting inappropriate shit. This is not the behaviour of a grieving ‘best friend’ - a real friend would be cleaning the house, making sure the children and Erin’s husband were well fed, supported and had a relaxing space to grieve. I don’t think I have seen anything so inappropriate not to mention that poor baby left to amuse herself for hours on end while her pseudo caretaker airs her dead best friends laundry live on air for views, gifts and donations.
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This is for you Abi. If you don't remove your comments on poor Leah's page then there is another Tiktoker who's bigger and has more of a following than you that WILL post about what you wrote and how you are clout chasing off of the back of Leah's situation.

Leah and her family have chosen not to hear certain things and your 'expert' advice is not warranted. Your behaviour and comments WILL affect Erin's Angels and no one will want anything to do with a fear moungerer in the field you claim to be trying to work in. Your name will be mud - look at Leahs follower number, they will repost the video near and far.
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I'm sorry to be so obtuse but would someone kindly explain who Abi was to Erin? Thank you x
Her ex partners wife. Apparently became friends when they formed a 'bubble' due the covid period.
I see Abi put a video out today that answered some of the questions I had asked on here.
I asked why Abi was the one pushing for Erin to be sedated, and I also asked .... when Erin tried getting out of bed, why was Abi insisting that she remain in bed? Apparently, Erin had the physical strength to push Abi.

Well, Abi see as you are reading here:

I don't believe anyone on Tiktok asked you to tell them what Erin was wearing in her coffin. It would only be a sicko that would ask what someone was wearing.
Abi why do you keep putting info out that Erin kept waking up after having sub cut injections of midazolam? Sub cut midaz does wear off, its not long acting which means patients do often 'wake up'.
The 'horrendous' 48 hour period that you keep mentioning is absolutely normal, nothing that palliative nurses won't have witnessed before. Patients sitting up or constantly feeling like they need to use the toilet is normal. Part of the dying process.
You say that a doctor came to Erins home and asked why Erin had a change of heart about being sedated, because 2 weeks prior Erin didn't want any sedation. If Erin was actively dying, why would a doctor ask why there had been a change of mind? It makes no sense at all.
Low dose midaz can keep a patient calm but the dose be low enough for a patient to still be able to interact with their family and be awake enough to do the things they would like to do. Higher doses of midaz will sedate a patient to the point they are sleepy and won't be able to interact with family or do the things they might like to do.
You say that you was heading to the shop and Dan called to say that Erin had woke up and wanted to get up. That involved you calling a nurse who told you not to let Erin get up because she would have low blood pressure? The nurse then came to give more sub cut Midazalom? Abi, I'm a widow that experienced terminal agitation with my husband so I do know its not nice to see a loved one stressed or agitated, but if my loved one was asking to sit up? I don't think you realise how bad it looks Abi and it is you thats putting it out to the world wide web.
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I think she’s crying because she’s going to be surplus now, she won’t be the center everyone will grieve and get on with their lives. And she won’t be able to be the star. Because yes she was Erin’s ‘friend’ but Dan was her husband and the boys mum, they are priority.
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I haven’t got round to watching any tik toks from today yet - but she’s so transparent and predicatable it’s unreal!
it was clear when she was crying and asking how despite being such a dysfuctional
family that she’s raised kids with such high emotional intelligence and who are so sensitive etc, that she was fishing for people to say ‘it’s because of you Abi. You’ve taught them that. They’re the mazing people they are because of you ’
And when she’s saying she promised (she uses this line a lot!) Erin to be there for Dan and the boys and that she has to hold it together for them that she was fishing for people to say ‘don’t forget to look after you Abi. You’re important too. You’re so strong being there for everyone etc’ .
And I’m sure there are people in the comments saying just those things too!
They neglect to think about the fact that her daughter hasn’t got custody of her own child (so where’s the high emotional intelligence , sensitive person there!) and that perhaps she should be there for her own various off- spring before interfering in others ? I’m sure Dan has his own family and friends to take care of him. Go and sort your own family out Abi. Get a grip
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It’s still bothering me how she’s going to ensure the people at their most vulnerable, that are sadly at the end of their lives, are going to be protected. How are the charity going to ensure that person is protected?? Anyone can apply to be a volunteer, end of life “angel” but what training are they getting? People who work in a hospice or similar have proper training by professionals, that is closely monitored. They’re usually nurses, who decide they want to work in palliative care, therefore not only have a degree in nursing where they are constantly assessed and have standards and such to meet, they have a mentor, and have assessments and professional development meetings, to ensure they are giving the best care. They are just plonked in a hospice and left to it! They are constantly learning and progressing, going on training days etc. All this takes time, dedication and money. How are they ensuring that any training is passed? Who is regulating that??? How do they know the volunteers will be suitable for the job? It might be they’ve sadly been there to care for a family member towards the end of their life, but it’s very different doing that for a complete stranger.
As I’ve said before, no one should die alone, but surely if someone has been given the devastating news their life is going to end, then there are systems in place to support that person? Any admission to hospital, we always ask what their family and living situation is. If they have no one, social services get involved, then they’re macmillan abd also a hospice. I know Erin didn’t have a hospice close by, but if she was on her own, with no I’ve, then surely she could have gone into the closest one?
They need £5k just to set the charity up, and have t managed that get. She mentioned paying the web developer, where is that money coming from? I bet she’ll say she’s paying. Of course, her stick on nails will be earning her so much, money ist an issue
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I would go to hell and back before letting a family member die alone. Her and Dan have both let Erin down, it’s unforgivable. Poor poor Erin.

Abi is a creep. She is far too over familiar. reading between the lines, something is definitely up between her and her husband - why is she not going back?! It’s so inappropriate and weird.
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It’s terrible laughing and joking like that … on my grandads funeral we all sat talking but never making jokes or laughing like she was . She didn’t look arsed

Your right Dan probably can’t wait for her to fuck off
she has controlled everything and the things she said about Erin death was shocking on how she was waking up from sedation and wetting herself and that ruined her night because nurses had to come every two hours !!
then not allowing visitors. She’s disgraceful
I’m absolutely disgusted at the level of detail she’s given about poor Erin’s last weeks, and even now doing a video saying what Erin was wearing in her coffin, I thought that was in extremely poor taste. I know someone had asked but it didn’t mean she had to answer. Nothing is sacred and she’s just turned the whole thing into a circus to get followers. Absolutely disgusting behaviour. Who’s she to say who can and can’t visit and for how long?! My family would most definitely have something to say about that if it was happening here!
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