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I’m so glad that those boy’s family can see it all for what it is. I don’t know them but so worried for little Harley’s future. He’ll end up with Abi and then god knows where his life will take him! She’s not done a great job of the ones she’s already got. Her Daughter is a druggie yet has been given the privilege of visits with the baby she didn’t want, it’s so wrong. She should’ve kept her legs shut after her first born, I mean look at her, she’s not exactly mother material!!

If Harley ends up in that house with Abi and those boys it will be such a sad shame. Her youngest is evil. He’s more than autistic. They had a little girl and her parents staying with them a while ago while were moving to Wales and they had to move out because Ifan the youngest boy threatened the little girl, to the extent of leaving a note on her window threatening to kill her!! She was an 8 year old girl.
Anyway I could go on, I just feel for that poor little boy. He needs love and stability, not holidays.
This bs will go on for as long as Abi can see money to be made from it all.
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It is very troubling when you think about it. What got my back up was just before Erin passed, lots of people were sending their love to Erin etc and she said "sending love isn't helpful but takeaways are" or something and I just thought that was completely unnecessary and rude. I think this was just after Erin was sedated.
Yes, she said something along the lines of ‘now that’s real help’ implying that monetary donations were the only acceptable thing. Major, major red flags here. I know I have already said it but please Erin’s family/friends - be cautious. This woman is a money grabbing, attention seeker. We can all see her for exactly what she is. Send her back to north wales and get control back over the donations before it’s too late. She is a wolf in sheep’s clothing 😕
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Her last post was all me, me, me I,I,I. Nothing about how that 48hours affected others. Having myself worked in palliative and end of life care, what happened with Erin was all very usual. She has made all this such a drama all about her and her feelings. All I hope is that Dan eventually sees through her and sends her on her way.
Go back to your own home and your own family Abi! 😡
I found it all a bit scaremongering to be honest and I hope I never have to decide where to receive palliative care because that put me off dying at home. It definitely shouldn’t be sugar coated but it felt pretty sensationalised to me and terrifying for everyone. Almost two weeks since Erin died and it felt like it was wheeled out because of the noticeable drop in interaction on her Tik Toks
I'm sorry to be so obtuse but would someone kindly explain who Abi was to Erin? Thank you x
So Erin gave birth to four boys, Alex is the eldest one who she had with Chris - Chris is now married to Abi.

Abi has dropped it into the conversation on a couple of occasions that Erin and possibly Dan too and Abi and Chris did not get on at all (in one video Abi eluded to Erin slandering them on Facebook.

Erin had a baby boy, Tyler, after Alex and he sadly died when he was very young (not long after birth I think.

Erin then had two boys with a guy called Shaun. Abi said yesterday or maybe Thursday was the anniversary of the fire - in 2020, while Erin’s two younger boys (Harley and Zachary) were with their dad for the weekend, they were asleep in a caravan where an inquest found a heater had been left on and up against clothing and the fire was well underway when Shaun realised (he was inside the house and there was a party going on according to what I’ve read). He went into the caravan and grabbed two limbs, he thought it was Zach and Harley’s arms but he had only managed to get Harley and sadly Zachary died. They didn’t think Harley would make it but he did. There are stories about the fire online and Erin has an open Facebook page where she talks about her feelings towards Shaun and what the inquest implied was a preventable fire.

This seems to have been a turning point, along with lockdown and Abi and Chris and Erin and Dan became very close. Erin was bridesmaid at Abi’s wedding. When I first came across Erin (I saw her mentioned on another thread but in a positive way) I thought Abi was a god send for her but that’s changed. Abi would have everyone believe that her, Erin and Rhianne (another friend) were “soul sisters” and that she (Abi) was indispensable but I saw one of Erin’s Tik Toks from November and she said that”Alex’s dad and stepmum” were staying for the weekend to help, which doesn’t to me imply Erin was heavily dependent on her. Also in that video she said that social media wasn’t for her, she wouldn’t have pictured herself doing that so now I’m wondering if that was Abi’s idea too.

Almost 2 weeks after Erin died, Abi is staying at Erin’s home with Dan (Erin’s husband and Harley) and isn’t going home until after the funeral which I think is next week. That’s in spite of Abi having 5 kids of her own (of varying ages) and custody of her granddaughter. Who also lives at Dan’s. Abi seems to be very much at home there and it’s all taken a weird turn.
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The state of the house in yesterday’s video and lovely, Abi, not washing veg in your soup.
She's filthy. I scrolled through her FB page yesterday and it was the first time that I saw Chris. I know that I'm being nasty, but in english you all have this beautiful saying and I'm sorry but I must use it here: he looks like he's not the sharpest tool in the box. Now I'm going to hell.
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I'm not surprised, I wrote earlier that Erin's life seemed pathological. She had four babies with four different men, it was clear that Erin didn't have a stable and good paying job, she wasn't educated (same as her partners/husband), she was lovely, honest and clearly she didn't want to scam people, but her life was a mess. I feel extremely sorry for her and I worry for those poor kids :(

Edited to add: There's one thing that makes me wonder, Erin didn't see Abi for who she really is? She wasn't worried that her kids will end up with her? It's so strange that she trusted her so much.
If you were early 30’s with a drug dealing younger husband, an estranged family and 2 already traumatised children and had just been diagnosed with terminal cancer, I would imagine having someone swoop in and promise you they would take care of things and of you in your dying days would be a massive relief. Anyone is better than no one 🙁🙁🙁

She was easy pickings for someone like Abi. And picking is indeed what she is doing - literally over Erin’s bones. Hideous woman.
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I am so glad this thread has been started. I couldn’t stand this woman from the off. I saw a video of Erin’s from hospital and you can hear Abi in the background chipping in, trying to be heard. Then next thing she’s doing her own updates. It didn’t sit right with me at all. Then in the last week of Erin’s life, imo she was creating a lot of click bait comments - going live, another video to explain etc etc which I thought was very sinister.
For someone apparently in the depths of grief, you can practically see her rubbing her hands with glee over her new found popularity.
And as for Erin’s husband, I’m sure he’s only in his 20’s and probably quite vulnerable himself. That woman is the most overbearing creature. I bet he couldn’t stand up to her no matter how much he wanted too. She’s an opportunist whose ship really has come in. And thank god people are starting to see through it. Vile, vile person with an even more vile agenda 😡
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Erin's Husband Dan is a drug dealer
I'm not surprised, I wrote earlier that Erin's life seemed pathological. She had four babies with four different men, it was clear that Erin didn't have a stable and good paying job, she wasn't educated (same as her partners/husband), she was lovely, honest and clearly she didn't want to scam people, but her life was a mess. I feel extremely sorry for her and I worry for those poor kids :(

Edited to add: There's one thing that makes me wonder, Erin didn't see Abi for who she really is? She wasn't worried that her kids will end up with her? It's so strange that she trusted her so much.
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And fuck off with your patronising, emotionally manipulating, gas lighting ‘hurt people, hurt people’ shit. No, actually they just want to see due diligence in the care of 2 vulnerable young boys one of whom is an orphan and FULL transparency of money given in good faith AND accountability as to why some random woman, once a sworn enemy of a vulnerable young woman is STILL using her death for her own gain. It’s really that simple.
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So I have been following for a while and thought at first what I felt about Abi posting was just something I felt but seeing this thread has made me realise I am not alone in these thoughts.

It really is time for Abi to pack up her things and to go home back to her husband Chris and her kids and grandchild.

None of this can be truly what Erin wanted - her last intimate moments broadcasted to all -picture of her coffin with words written on it, Abi living in her house husband and kids wearing her makeup and apparently now photographs of the funeral will be shared too.

Abi said Erin didn’t want her funeral to be live streamed but that Erin got a photographer to do a photo documentary and that Abi would be sharing it on TikTok for everyone!
Really?! I mean Erin may have sorted the photographer but who knows who she wanted to see the photographs - it may be for her boys and Dan and family and friends and maybe those who couldn’t make it to see. I am sure she wouldn’t want it broadcast to people she doesn’t really know on a personal level on TikTok!!!

Abi is making a lot of these decisions! Has she even spoke to Dan and Erin family and boys to see it they happy for her to be sharing such intimate photos of her funeral online for all? I mean she has already broadcasted such private details that had my jaw hit the floor so god knows what Dan and Erin friends and family must be thinking!

Abi feels she is helping however she is hindering the grieving process of Dan and the boys. They are not being given time to grieve privately and to adapt to their new normal. They must be hearing her in the house talking about Erin last moments all the time - how can they learn to process that and to learn to cope with all this if they constantly being taken back to that moment by Abi and her videos.

Abi needs to realise that somethings do have to remain private and sacred to protect Erin and also her boys and her husband. These don’t need to be broadcast to TikTok viewers!
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I never post here but I came on to have a look after Abi signposted the site in her TikTok. I was honestly so touched by Erin’s story, she was so young and had been through so much grief in her life. I followed her last months through her videos and was genuinely saddened by her passing. She seemed a real force of nature but also very vulnerable and I initially felt like it was good she had Abi there advocating for her.

Now, not so much. The whole dynamic in the family is unusual, so fair enough, but I just can’t really understand how Abi is front and centre in all this when Erin seems to have had lots of friends and relatives and an actual husband! I do genuinely think there is something dodgy about the donations aspect - why would it be in Abi’s name and not Dan’s? Why is Abi posting all these giddy videos in full eyeliner when Erin hasn’t even had a funeral? It’s odd at best. At worst Abi has inserted herself into this situation for whatever weird reasons she has and is now profiting from it. The whole going out for a meal video was really strange - I can understand wanting to get out of the house, but that was a quite fancy three course job, when you’re supposed ‘little sister’ died about two days before. I can’t understand it.

Mind you I see Dan is away getting a new car today. Wonder where the money came from for that?
I’ve actually just watched her latest video. Merch? MERCH?! For your dead ‘sister’? I’m sorry, I can’t even…
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Alright Molly Mae? 😂 at this point I genuinely can’t tell if she’s trolling or she really is completely deluded about her “fame”. Unfortunately I suspect the latter.
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So I presume she’s referring to people on here as her superfans. No Abi, I have been watching simply because I care about Erin’s boys. Maybe you should try doing that instead of making this whole thing about yourself. You should be LAST in the equation, you’re not the Father of one of Erin’s boys OR the Stepfather who has brought them up, you are just someone who married the Father of one of her kids! You are not “all family” when it comes to making decisions for the children after something as tough as their Mother’s death. ⁣
I see she’s a child psychologist now too, Christ she’s a woman of many talents isn’t she just. And how the eff does she know what’s right for anybody else’s kids. Not only that, she only knew Erin for just short of 4 years AND fell out with her for a lot of that time too. And last year was a bad year for them ALL?? She was only there with Erin for the last few weeks of the year. Again it’s all about her. Exactly how I’ve seen her for the last 4 years or so since I came across her. ⁣
She will probably delete this comment in the screenshot because who ever it is has mentioned tattle! ⁣
As for not being able to give them time at home because of all the day to day stuff including cleaning and house stuff, she does eff all that entails cleaning!!! That place is disgustingly dirty unless Chris or Amy do it!!!
You beat me to it and have said it all...I was just about to say, she's a very dangerous individual,thinks she is a child psychologist and grief expert....this Erin's Angels " thing" scares me...having worked in end of life care for years and also experienced grief, as many of us have, the one thing I have learned is, is that grief is so very personal and she can never,ever tell me amount of "preparing" or witnessing it, supporting others professionally over the years has helped me when it came to the loss of " my own" REAL FAMILY MEMBERS😡
As for the shite and scaremongering around terminal agitation..she needs to shut the f*ck up😡
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Sure there’s plenty of people reporting her for various fraud. She’s given away enough information to soon have the relaxant authorities knocking on her door
I’m on the verge tbh. I know the right channels to go down for maximum investigation due to my past profession. She’s making me feel quite sick now the way she thinks she’s above suspicion cos she’s ’so good and true’. She really does think she’s the fucking messiah.
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Abi was so cross Erin went to Tesco, it was all about how she would have to cope when Erin got back exhausted.

And I hate to say it, her husband Chris looks like he stands outside schools at break time in a raincoat.
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Sorry but something isn’t right with her, she’s a narc and a controller.
I bet Dan doesn’t know if he’s coming or going.
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She is lazy I thought that the house looks an absolute shit hole and she never cooks an actual meal !! She’s always lounging in her pjs all day

My husband wouldn’t be happy about me in a house with my dead friends husband …. Sorry it’s just weird behaviour she should go home to her husband !
Her own house is permanently like a shit hole so she isn’t going to clean or tidy anybody else’s! She’s supposed to be there to help but does nothing apart from make everything about her!!
The fact she has stated she is making a ‘series’ of videos regarding the end of Erin’s life makes me wonder if she’s heading towards setting herself up as some sort of end of life guru. What an utter cretin. Erin didn’t even pass away with the security of someone there at the end, holding her hand. Every soul midwife/death doula I have even known of is there for precisely that reason - so a person doesn’t die alone. What an utter cretin.
Exactly. That lady died with nobody there holding her hand which is so sad! Everybody that was supposed to be there with her until the end was asleep. I really hope she didn’t know that. Also all this about educating people on end of life, I don’t know who exactly she thinks she is. She’s already said it’s the first dead body she’s seen so how does she think she qualifies for that sort of education. AGAIN, like everything I’ve seen her do over the past few years, she HAS to feel like she knows the most about everything and every “next project” (there’s been many!) she is doing.
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If she is so hell bent on helping someone, why doesn’t she help her own daughter who had her child taken from her because of her life choices apparently and where is this grandchild that has supposedly adopted? What is even going on here? She should focus on sorting her own household first before cashing on her mate’s cancer and death.
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Writing a message from complete strangers (who will no doubt forget about Erin once the next terminally ill person for them to fawn over comes along) on her coffin, then filming it and posting it to appease the grief tourists on her TikTok, was vulgar and unnecessary.
Where tf is Dan in all of this? I know if my husband died and one of his ‘friends’ was acting like Abi and exploiting his death for views and likes, I’d be absolutely furious!
How does she think it’s going to affect Erin’s kids in the future, having videos of their mums coffin and intimate details of her last days posted online.
I can’t get over what an awful person she is.
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