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Chatty Member
Timbo climbs on top of groupie starts going to town.
Groupie: "Is it in yet?"
Timbo: "Yeah"
Groupie leaves severely disappointed.
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I consider the channel description to be the mission statement of the video world. It should be the language equivalent of a flag with your coat of arms on it to waive proudly. Above all it should honestly reflect who you are.

TTT Description, just like their blurb at the end of their video descriptions is offering info that just doesn't suite what they are. It's time to look and offer free advice on how they can fix it. (Dislaimer: My writing skills are fairly rough, just doing my best here.)

As is, errors highlighted in red:

Description: If you are looking for a channel that helps you plan out all aspects of your travels this is it! We are based out of Orlando, Florida and focus on all things tourism. From Disney to Universal we have you covered. We also cover Sea World, Legoland, and International Drive. Join us as we travel around Orlando and see everything it has to offer!
Me, in a sad Mickey voice, "Oh boy. That's a mess. C'mon Pluto, let's give this a shot."
First attempt at the rewrite:

"Looking for a channel that won't help you plan any aspect of your travel? This is it! We are based out of Orlando, Florida and focus on all things about us. From burgers, to sweets, to snackies too we have you covered. Our travels involve some of the most untimely, mundane reviews and limited knowledge that you'll find anywhere. Join us as we travel over, and over, and over again to the same destinations only to eat, complain and then return home to the big comfy couch. We'll be sure to upload time sensitive information within 14 days of filming, don't you worry. We've got to keep this easy on us."
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Okay so I don’t like their content much at all.
It has become about food not about travel or theme parks.

Jenn or Tim
if you read these then pay attention!
You are going down the toilet!

you are not doing ANY rides
You are not showcasing or given any good information about the parks except for what is on offer food wise.
You are loosing potential subs and views due to how lazy you are!
So with a baby you can’t really vlog every day so do two or three good vlogs a week?
Show what else Florida has to offer not everyone can afford Disney right now or universal.

Jackson is adorable, but stop feeding “snackies” give him big boy food not all sugar but some or he will be greedy when he’s older because you held him back from it and will see it as something he only gets once in a while so when he sees it he will over indulge.

negative comments leave them it’s not normal not to have them yes criticism hurts but take the good with the bad.
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Chatty Member
Jen fails to realize that Tim is the star of the channel. I bet she’s super jealous that nobody really cares about her so she tries to overcompensate by putting herself in all of the thumbnails lately.
I know Jenn doesn’t want to hear or believe this but I bet views and subs would go up if it went back to just Tim at the parks and Jenn at home editing. People do not want to see Jenn. Since day one of watching them, Jenn has always rubbed me the wrong way. I liked the videos much more when it was just Tim. I would consider watching again, maybe not sub But at least watch, if it truly was Just TheTimTracker again.
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New member
Just to play devil's advocate for a moment. With Jenn's personality changes could be due to something traumatic happening in their lives that they didn't share. When my hubby and I were first married I was so much more fun, I know it. I was a little more outgoing (I've always been an introvert) and was willing to go and do stuff anytime. Almost 5 years ago my grandma passed away unexpectedly. I mean by her age I guess it shouldn't have been unexpected, but she was what you could call a young 79. While we were on vacation at Disney (no less) she got sick, so we came home early and within 4 days she passed away. 2 weeks later my dad lost his job and we as a family became homelessIt has been extremely traumatic for me and something I should probably get help for, I'm aware, but since that time I've become extremely attached to my husband and parents. I have issues I know, but my personality has changed completely and I have massive seperation anxiety (self diagnosed) it's so hard sometimes for me to read the comments here because I relate them to myself and feel like a mess. I'm not saying that's what's happened to Jenn, but it is a possibility that something happened to change her from outgoing and somewhat carefree to overly attached and anxious..again I'm not saying she even has anxiety, but that sounds like a form of anxiety to me. Honestly just sharing my opinion or viewpoint ☺
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This comment must of happened during the night when the Slackers were sleeping. Most surely will be deleted when they wake up.
Yeah, the excuses on the logo never added up. Just another example of them making stupid lies up and excuses over the dumbest things. I think she first said they were so busy, then said he (the logo-maker) was so busy / don't want to bother him, then blamed COVID.

C'mon. I would think he'd want your business / money so how does the "so busy, don't want to bother him" excuse hold true? And COVID? This could be done 100% online!

Did you piss him off? Break ties with him? No longer friends so you can't get it for free and have to pay someone else? Who the f$ck cares. Just get a new logo made - it's not that hard. Either design a new one yourself or pay someone to make a similar one and add Jackpot.

Isn't your logo pretty much priority as it's your "brand"? Newbies are going to be like - where are the dogs at? who's the pink-haired lady? where's the guy with the handlebar?

I think someone said it yesterday but it was so true. If they were just starting out now, they'd be toast. They'd probably be around the same subs and views #s as WDW Couple. They got lucky and came into vlogging at the right time and then transitioned to theme parks at the right time.
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VIP Member
Just to play devil's advocate for a moment. With Jenn's personality changes could be due to something traumatic happening in their lives that they didn't share. When my hubby and I were first married I was so much more fun, I know it. I was a little more outgoing (I've always been an introvert) and was willing to go and do stuff anytime. Almost 5 years ago my grandma passed away unexpectedly. I mean by her age I guess it shouldn't have been unexpected, but she was what you could call a young 79. While we were on vacation at Disney (no less) she got sick, so we came home early and within 4 days she passed away. 2 weeks later my dad lost his job and we as a family became homelessIt has been extremely traumatic for me and something I should probably get help for, I'm aware, but since that time I've become extremely attached to my husband and parents. I have issues I know, but my personality has changed completely and I have massive seperation anxiety (self diagnosed) it's so hard sometimes for me to read the comments here because I relate them to myself and feel like a mess. I'm not saying that's what's happened to Jenn, but it is a possibility that something happened to change her from outgoing and somewhat carefree to overly attached and anxious..again I'm not saying she even has anxiety, but that sounds like a form of anxiety to me. Honestly just sharing my opinion or viewpoint ☺

That's very possible, of course...and I have such empathy for you, as I had my own similar situation with my grandmother and family employment issues and dynamics back in 2000 when I was in my mid-20s, and I've never been the same since. ❤ (that's when my doctor-diagnosed anxiety / panic kicked in and I started on meds, that I've been off of for years but still have issues often)

That being said, I think one of the distinguishing factors that makes it much harder to see a similar situation with Jenn (as an example, her mom had already passed several years before Tim started vlogging), is that through all of this and up to the point of becoming pregnant, she was HATEFUL - downright AWFUL - on Twitter to people. Starting unnecessary wars with people, trashing people, sending stans after people, making fun of her MIL (fat shaming), etc.

I know others can probably elaborate more as I was never participated on Twitter; I'd only read / observe. But I'd have more sympathy for her if she was a nice, fun person always who THEN seemed to withdraw and become more submissive. But that was not the case with her. She was more fun, carefree, etc. but pretty much ALWAYS a bitch.
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Just look at the GIANT difference between the garbage the Trackhole’s put out and what PMM puts out. PMM’s recent vids really highlight the beauty and detail of the parks/resorts. They should take notes from him.
PS That Erica chick seen in recent PMM vids seems like she might be using him to boost her own channel. Something rubs me wrong about her for some reason. I hope I’m wrong - he seems like such a nice, albeit gullible, chap.
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New hoooooome vllloiooog is up and I stopped one minute in. Jack$on is trying so hard to get down from them and be on his own. They keep saying “ “sometimes we have to hold you. You can’t be a big buddy all the time.” I can’t even hate watch at this point.
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I was almost proud of Jenn when I realized she was getting her hair done without bringing the entire family along... then Tim announced it was time to go pick her up. I really thought she put her big girl pants on and drove herself to get her hair done. Silly me...
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As for Tim and Jenn, when I watch and am interested in what they're doing (no big comfy couch please, I cannot stand it) I feel intense pity for them. They try to act so put together and yet we have seen through the facade. We see the signs left and right in their household physically and in small words and looks that something is just not right behind the camera. We can sense the power struggle between each other as well as depression going on. Whatever it is, even if I'm way off-base, it's clear they need someone to talk to. Jenn can't do anything without Tim at her elbow. I'd love to see her with an independent sense of adventure, not sure she's ever had that. When was the last time we saw her jump in a car and say "we're going to the store!"?
She always came across as turn-on-a-dime bitchy but she wasn't nearly as weenie-whiny (sp? LOL) as she is now with things. Or being around Tim all the time.

She used to do vlogs on her own. She used to go out and mow the lawn and vlog about it all sweaty. She used to jump in the car - solo! - and vlog about where she was going, the places she was stopping at, the errands she had to run, going to / from work. She used to prancercise through Universal. She used to dance and get drunk and sing crazy at Senor Frogs. In short, she was annoying (to me, at least) and acted stupid sometimes (a schtick) but seemed more real, more fun.

I think that she has learned to play up the submissive, woe-is-me, and / or anxiety edge when it suits her and enjoys being "taken care of" by Tim - as in driving, doing things for her, waiting on her, so to speak. If he doesn't do what she wants, she just brings up the anxiety and that is a catch-all to getting her way. And we've discussed how he said previously how she was out of his league. (and now she's got Jackpot as an "excuse" to use...sad to say).

I think she's got Tim wrapped around her little finger far more than he has her wrapped around his.
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Chatty Member
I am against fat shaming anyone including jenn, but she has done it to others in the past.
I find it interesting that they never or hardly ever show Jackson eating real food.
I don’t think she is pregnant again if she is they are not saying and the Disney videos are purely about eating not the rides etc.
I am not trying to fat shame her (not that your post was directed towards me) I just think she shouldn't buy into this vane culture of badly edited instagram photos. Own your body, present yourself realistically and be happy. We all have ups and downs in life.
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Here's a free tip for Jenn and Tim: Just call the logo "classic" at this point and leave it as is. I still think channel could easily be renamed the Tim Tracker Family or The Tim Tracker and Family. But then you'd probably want a new logo.

Personally I don't hate them I just think they've really lost their way and it could be fixed. Others feel more strongly about them everybody is entitled to their opinion and I'm glad sites like this exist.
I struggle on the like/hate bit with them.
Reading here I hate them, it's easy to pick on people who put their lives and flaws online, particularly as they attempt to hide them all and craft out a personality that isn't real. I can't say I blame them for that though.

I am very concerned for little Jackson's future being raised so publicly. They're toasting it and if he develops any mental insecurities due to all the other kids seeing every day of his childhood on the screen and bullying him over it (which they will do because kids) they're in for a very rough time in his teen years, and beyond. I'm not sure Jenn is aware how dark those days can be.

As for Tim and Jenn, when I watch and am interested in what they're doing (no big comfy couch please, I cannot stand it) I feel intense pity for them. They try to act so put together and yet we have seen through the facade. We see the signs left and right in their household physically and in small words and looks that something is just not right behind the camera. We can sense the power struggle between each other as well as depression going on. Whatever it is, even if I'm way off-base, it's clear they need someone to talk to. Jenn can't do anything without Tim at her elbow. I'd love to see her with an independent sense of adventure, not sure she's ever had that. When was the last time we saw her jump in a car and say "we're going to the store!"?

That is the ugliest sweater in existence, not just the pattern, but because these grifters can't do anything for anyone but themselves.
In my state $2,000 would have provided a hot meal to 1,000 elderly or unemployed people and family members.
I feel a need to add to this. Spending $2K on something special for one's self isn't the problem if they can afford it. Not at all. Hey, I bought DVC for my family so who am I to talk?

For me the problem is all the flexing without giving back to balance it out. Using the end of every video trying to encourage others to support a cause for you while not offering anything tangible for help themselves is putting up a false face. We don't want to see them boast about how much they donate either, just that they have helped and believe in what they're pushing. Simple wording. Donating the end of each video will not do a thing as many people will click out.... unless you pull a Marvel and add a new, bonus scene at the end after the blurb.
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Chatty Member
yeah I mean it’s a really kind idea and she should be shouting it from the rooftops and pumped not talking about it like she just put her dog down

“All in all I’d say this was a pretty fantastic lay”
When's he's just not feeling it and has to fake it does he say "orgasm noise"? 🤣
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VIP Member
Yikes, I can’t stand Jen but the fat shaming is ridiculous. I can understand hating on her for being a cunt, which she is, but I’m not here for the weight comments.
I hope you're not going to word-police us all the time ;) (I know you did yesterday w/ another commenter's choice of words that they changed)

Did you know that Jenn publicly fat shamed her mother-in-law on Twitter years ago? And they also fat shamed tourists in their older vlogs?
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From a business standpoint, they (the Trackers) weren't necessarily apologizing to their fanbase, but rather to their stakeholders (any company with investments in them). Thankfully, a good chunk of the companies aren't as willfully ignorant as their fans are, and froze them out of access.
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