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Well-known member
I agree as well.

For as much as we comment on their current (and past!) behavior, at least in the older videos, they were their AUTHENTIC selves on camera.

Now they're just 100% fake all the time and show a carefully edited version of themselves in each and every video. Including doing and saying things to generate the results they specifically want, whether it be sympathy, attention, drama, martyrdom, or comments to help the algorithm.

We all know they're the same people when they turn off the camera. The stans are the ones who believe otherwise. :rolleyes:
Except they aren't carefully edited, especially seeing as how their videos are edited so that a lot of their real selves still end up slipping through the cracks


VIP Member
Something I just picked up on in the most recent video: Every vlog starts with "Good morning/evening, we're here at _______ to pick up a few things/see the new_____/try the new______" which is all well and good but everytime without fail Jenn jumps in with "well and also, we need to ______/I wanted to see the_______" to add something totally irrelevant that they don't even show in the vlog or that they do in ten seconds of the vlog.

Also, hanging out with your vegan pals and going to BurgerFi for lunch? I don't eat meat so I'm usually pretty understanding and realize that it is MY personal dietary choice, but jeez you'd think for their only friends (seemingly) they'd be a little more accomodating to not get a burger for one day.
I saw on Sparkly's IG stories yesterday that they got the vegan burgers at Burger Fi. (I don't think Tim showed it).

But I still don't understand how they ate Jenn's Chantilly bday cake from Publix. It's not vegan. Did they just eat the berries on top?

Nor are the pralines that Sparkly was oogling over in her IG stories inside River Street.

I would think the two nieces will be there. Pretty sure there are two little girls in Tim's family. I wonder if Jenn has any family at all, that they talk to? We only ever hear about Tim's side.
And we've never seen Tim hanging out or ever mentioning (not even really in older vlogs aside from brief references to construction work) with the Silver Fox brother, Jaime. That's who I'd like to see show up in a vlog! ;)

It's only ever Adam (no offense, Adam).

Also, Tim has a sister but I've never seen her or heard him talk about her. I'm not sure where she's at or what may have happened to her.

Jenn has a younger sister, Amanda. Her dad is named Terence (or Terrence, or Terry) I believe. I thought he and Amanda shared a house in town at one point (she's like 9-10 years younger than Jenn) but I believe he may be living in Calif now (or did in recent years). That's all the family I know of hers.
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VIP Member
for someone who is concerned about about COVID spread and keeping her family safe, she is wearing the wrong size of mask. This one looks to small on her
Everything about that outfit is too small for her. Here's a tip Jenn: wear clothes that fit. Too small makes you look like a sausage. Too large makes you look frumpy and as though you're hiding the rolls.

Also, I hate to say it but I've never seen a cheap print tee look good on an adult woman. They're for hanging out at home, doing chores, certainly not for vlogging.

Of course TDC pushes tees hard on tourists because they're ridiculously cheap to make, but also remember Disney has nearly the worst fashion sense in the world. They're only just coming to terms that there are ways to dress that can look good on various body types and ages that people will pay good money for. Even there they're limiting their options about as much as they limit the menus.


VIP Member
LOL Jenn's tweet is high up on the list of "Top" comments for the DC vlog now. :ROFLMAO:

The Avengers
12 hours ago
I have a similar relationship with my MIL (once she found out I couldn’t have kids she was done with me) and honestly I cut her out of my life years ago. She is miserable but I don’t have to be anymore.. and my life is so much better without her in it. You are not alone ♥



Active member
I remember this one. I had to go back and rewatch it. I was kinda believing Tim’s apology until Jenn popped in and started giving her two cents. I cannot stand her! Also, I didn’t realize the stans back then were just as bad as they are now. I flipped through the comments, and of course they’re condoning the Slackers’ cyber bullying.
Wow! I'm going to have to go back and look at this 😬


VIP Member
When the Trackholes went to Tokyo Disneyland, did they ever go to Tokyo itself? Or did they just stick to the parks?


VIP Member
Ok i just watched their vacation video....why do I torture myself! Why is that baby in a cage again? If she is not pregnant than invest in clothes that fit!
She seems super unimpressed with this free house. Except for the kitchen. Cause you guyzzzzz..
Guess who's getting Rachel Ray pots for Christmas?
Sunscreen on your face is a necessity Jenn.
At least they let him crawl around the beach.


VIP Member
Rule #1 on helping them learn to sleep through the night is don't be like the Trackers and run to the baby the second it moves. Once they are a little older, leave them be a little, let them learn to like their bed. If they aren't crying, leave them alone. They can only learn to put themselves back to sleep if you let THEM figure it out. Being in their face constantly won't ever get you there.
Is baby jackpot even sleeping thru the night, it doesn't seem like it from some of their comments. They run to him the minute he blinks so I wouldn't be surprised if he is up at night because of them.


Well-known member
For solid Disney mask reference...

My 5 year old wears a medium 😑. He does have chubby cheeks but yeah a medium is too small on her giant pippy mouth

Why didn’t they just grill it?? I know they have a grill??

Also, when I cook a steak inside...the key is to get a nice sear/crust on the outside from a hot pan then finish it to desired inner temp in a preheated oven

He just massacred those beautiful and most likely pricey filets
I was saying the same thing! Like, we all know you have a grill. WTF?


Active member
I would think the two nieces will be there. Pretty sure there are two little girls in Tim's family. I wonder if Jenn has any family at all, that they talk to? We only ever hear about Tim's side.
Recently I did some searching on Jenns family. I've always been curious. I had never been successful in the past, but the other day I found alot of stuff. Its nothing that isnt public, but it takes detective work. It's hard to say what I'd like to say without giving out personal details, but I have to admit it made me give Jenn a little credit for where she is at. I dont know their upbringing, but some family definitely took a different path in life and so she could have done worse given what I saw. If that makes sense. I see why she doesnt mention them.
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I never thought of that possibility 🤔
They claim they don’t drink. 😉 😉
Plus Tim took the Lord’s name in vain 😬

The drugs theory is interesting.
Is this why T&J are so detached from reality?
•Jenn is so thankful for COVID-19 which has infected millions of people around the world and caused so many deaths.
• Tim is just an ar$ flounting their alleged wealth with the Tesla purchase (for all we know they might be leasing it OR made some kind of #hosting deal with the dealership) and all four WDW property staycations.
• And could also explain why Jackson is so mellow ?
I don't believe for one second that they don't drink off camera. In the Thanksgiving vlog, she scans the living room to show the smokiness from Tim's steak cooking debacle & when she scans back across the kitchen, you can see the container with their collection of wine bottle corks on the counter (at 13:28) & it's almost full. Why would you collect corks if you didn't drink wine? Of course, there's nothing wrong with drinking wine, but why lie about it? And they have claimed in recent videos that they don't drink. I don't think anyone is going to judge them for having a cocktail or glass of wine with dinner.


Active member
I saw on Sparkly's IG stories yesterday that they got the vegan burgers at Burger Fi. (I don't think Tim showed it).

But I still don't understand how they ate Jenn's Chantilly bday cake from Publix. It's not vegan. Did they just eat the berries on top?

Nor are the pralines that Sparkly was oogling over in her IG stories inside River Street.

And we've never seen Tim hanging out or ever mentioning (not even really in older vlogs aside from brief references to construction work) with the Silver Fox brother, Jaime. That's who I'd like to see show up in a vlog! ;)

It's only ever Adam (no offense, Adam).

Also, Tim has a sister but I've never seen her or heard him talk about her. I'm not sure where she's at or what may have happened to her.

Jenn has a younger sister, Amanda. Her dad is named Terence (or Terrence, or Terry) I believe. I thought he and Amanda shared a house in town at one point (she's like 9-10 years younger than Jenn) but I believe he may be living in Calif now (or did in recent years). That's all the family I know of hers.
Yeah as a rule, most vegetarians/vegans are burnt out of black bean burgers or beyond burgers as that is all most places offer as a 'meat-free' option. Unless I'm mistaken and other vegetarians are 'burger' fanatics a la Tim.

And side note, if anyone IS going to restaurants with vegetarian/vegan friends, we didn't suddenly forget how to read you don't need to point out everything on the menu that is veg friendly, we can see it lol


Active member
I thought Jim was gay when I first saw them together; I initially thought they were just friends or CM co-workers. This was pre-COVID when they showed up one of the first times in a Tracker vlog.

I was curious at that time, so I went way back through Sparkly's IG and apparently they've been together a very long time - even back when he was much heavier (I remember he was in different things around Disney like Mulch, Sweat, and Shears (band) as the MC and stuff).

Their wedding photos and video I saw seemed sooo awkward to me. It just gave off vibes of like a middle school dance or a first date. Not a wedding. The words she wrote about her happiness and all didn't match the photos. You know how when you look at wedding photos and stuff, you typically get like super happy vibes of the newly married couple? I just didn't get that. It looked like he was marrying his sister; like he didn't know what to do with her or where to put his arm around her or touch her. There was so little affection and almost I read sadness in her eyes.

I don't know. It could just be all in my head. But it seems to me like he really is gay and just won't come to terms with it and just found her to be a great friend and sweet girl to marry. And she found her Disney "prince" to scratch that 24x7 Disney obsession / itch she has and to care for her (I know she has some medical issues) but deep-down she knows he's not straight.

And that's fine if he's gay; you are who you are. But overall, the relationship just seems super awkward to me as a married couple. I mean, the Trackers have exuded more chemistry over the years (puke-worthy as it is) than anything I've seen from Sparkly and Jim in even the tiniest bit.
Totally agree. Everything about their relationship seems awkward. I have no doubt they are really good friends and have a good relationship, but there seems to be zero chemistry between them. He always looks like he is miserable, but I suppose being forced to hang out with people you despise would cause that as well.


VIP Member
So some of Disneyland has been open for week or so now and the vloggers are returning. Not saying this is where he got it, but after months of being careful Mr Cheezypops has tested positive for coronavirus. Dim and Dimmer have been in the parks so much despite their early virtue signalling. They have been exceptionally lucky not to catch it given the amount of finger licking that goes on. They really should cut back on park visits. Jenns the type to get long covid, she'll be exhausted for months.
😳 Max got Corona? 🥺

I know that DCA opened Buena Vista Blvd. only. For food and merchandise purchases. No rides open. But didn’t hear about Disneyland being open.

You have better intel than me and I live in California 😆


VIP Member
Who has candy at the birthday party of a 1 year old? Is there a pinata involved? Sure he's only one, but maybe older kids are there? If so I might understand.


VIP Member
Uh... a normal heterosexual married male? Us gays do have some self control, even when a straight boy with all the charisma and dashing good looks of Tim Tracker walks into a gay bar, we don't immediately feel the need to ravash.

I like a lot of your comments and you post funny observations--more of that and less diet homophobia.
You mean that delicious wonky eye doesn’t make you tingle in your jingles??? Why on earth not?!

I’m of course kidding but I agree with your sentiment. My husband and I have been to many a function surrounded by gay men and lesbian women who have never made us feel like they are ready to jump our bones 😂😂


Active member
I swear Jackson give CRYSTAL clear signals and they literally do the exact opposite.

Also - wasn't Jenn's orange hair supposed to be "toned down" by now, according to her logic?


Active member
The #hosted vacay vlogs are starting now....
Tim looks ridic, Jenn looks very large and there are only a few comments on this vlog, and some of them negative already. Track holes take note.... Time to get a bit healthier and look after your child properly. You are slobs and turning your child into one. He'll be Jackson Boo Boo if you're not careful. You have gone from fun, cute and relatable to fat, lazy, overindulgent, tone deaf spunkwads.
Holy crap! Check out the size of his dumper!!!!!!