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VIP Member
And yes, they do talk about Tim's family. They will be over something this weekend for Jackson's birthday party. Last year they had Jim and Nicole over for a vegan feast, no family mentioned. They also went to the hospital for Jackson's induction on Thanksgiving Day, so that might be why they didn't do anything family related either. I am sure this year was because of COVID, which I don't blame them really for not having a house full of people...BUT they could have easily done a family dinner outside.
They always seem to have good excuses for everything, don't they?!


Active member
His new diet will only last a couple of days and they will be back to taking the easy way out. As much as I hope Tim and Jenn realize their parenting fails, they are not capable of changing that quickly. Much like everything they do, it is all one big show

so let me get this straight. A teenager takes credit for one of their photos and they bully him off the internet, then have the audacity to record the issue, smirking and smiling while they fish for sympathy points. Classy you too
That's what the video is about?? I didnt watch it. I've heard about that incident though.


Chatty Member
so many valid concerns!! I’m very concerned about that kiddo walking. My little guy walked a bit late but not because he was strapped down on wheels all day just because he progressed at his own speed

also you forgot this question

TIM WHERE THE HELL IS YOUR JUNK?? Do you leave it in the Tesla or is that what Jenn is hiding in her bike shorts? It’s official Jenn was never barren, Tim is smooth like a ken doll
My son was 18 months old before he started walking. However, his little butt could get around super fast crawling. So he really had no need to walk. I still remember when he did though. We were at Target and he was holding onto the bar at the bottom. I guess he saw something he wanted, because off he went. He never stopped walking after that. LOL!!

Granted we let him crawl/climb wherever he wanted. Even at his grandparents house. Their kid is carried, pushed and not allowed to explore on his own....


New member
i wouldn’t be surprised if someone managed their instagrams, i noticed the comments are limited every time i go to look


Well-known member
First off- I have been a long time lurker of this forum. I have been debating back and forth for awhile about posting here, until I saw several cms replies on this board. So here goes- my friend was a friend of Jenn’s back until 2018. I would hang out with them, mostly at the parks. I was “friends” with the trackers from about 2016-17. The trackers- mostly Jenn have controlled the narrative about their friends, so I thought I could at least give another side to the story.

I am going to narrow it down a bit since I don’t want any of y’all to read through a large post.

1) Jenn is manipulative. Hands down. She is very good at getting what she wants.She comes across very sweet when you meet her. She will act like she cares for a couple of weeks, and one day she will call you for a favor or complain.

2. Friends stick around her and Tim because they think that people take advantage of her, or her husband rags on her to much. That’s what she has told all of us at least. My friend did not want to end the friendship because she was worried about her.

3. Jenn can’t go for a long time without Tim or someone by her side. During the several hhn s I would go with my friend, Jenn would be fine for ten minutes and then would freak (yes freak) out about where Tim is.

4. She talks shit about everyone. One evening when we were at Universal, she was making fun of someone she called a friend because they blew her off that night. It wasn’t just “I can’t believe she didn’t show”, it was more her taking personal shots at her friends life. Yes she makes fun of Tim too

5. She constantly corrected Tim when I was around.

6. Tim can be rude and a theme park Karen at times, but he is nothing like she portrays him in the videos.

7. For those of you who wonder why anyone won’t talk about how those two really are- they are avoiding the drama Jenn will likely bring. Anyone that speaks out against her. I mean like a phone call talk for hours until the person agrees with everything she says.

I think I will end this long post for now but I think I highlighted the main points. I am just sick of those two using my friend and others until they serve their purpose.
Not surprised. Being that Jen is the one who edits their videos of course she'll edit them in a way that makes her look better than Tim does.


VIP Member
Do you remember that video the neighbor made about the water, saying it was her ex and how he wasnt doing well at the time?
Yep. If I remember correctly - her daughter had played in T&J's pool and babysat the dogs and she thought they had a decent relationship. And that she specifically asked them if they had any issues with her ex next door (who was a bit mentally unstable), they were to go to her first and she'd rectify the situation.

But nope.

They blasted crap all over the internet. While also giving the incorrect impression they were still living at the house when someone was stealing their water (i.e. inherent safety issues).

Anything to get sympathy and to create drama. :rolleyes:


Chatty Member
Yes Tim, ants like coffee, but they only need a tiny cup..... Just like you when you played football in High School 😂

You know what else affects your sense of taste? Covid.

Looks like utter bloat. Carbs will do that to you. Mind you, this is quite a tummy. But those lunch lady arms.... She looks middle aged. As lovely as it is having a small child, it's also a lot of work. How can she be bothered traipsing round theme parks day in and day out? She must be exhausted. I'd feel sorry for her but she's doing this to herself. She looks crap.
She might be depressed. going from breast feeding exclusively to not much IF at all is a huge adjustment to the body. I lost 30 lbs breastfeeding and gained it back as soon as I stopped.


VIP Member
Who bought the Blue Clues puppy? Because I bet he’s never watched the show. It doesn’t seem to me like they let him watch TV. I think that’s why he doesn’t recognize the characters at Disney. He has a sad little life.
They let him watch Mickey....cause he lovvvvvves Mickey.


These fucking dildos do realize that there are cheaper places to buy bulk candy. Why are they so over the top??

Man this is fucking hysterical how much they troll here. They literally answer all of our issues with the next video
Here’s to hoping they answer to dickgate, and the drone footage.


VIP Member
Tim’s so ditzy and entitled that he considers the drone a “toy”. So an FAA license is not on his radar.

Not only that, but imagine if someone was in a protection program and was on the shot? Or if a child was in protection for various reasons and was with the foster parents and the real parents happen upon this video. Really the lack of privacy for others was not thought about. However, they don't like it when people video them or take a picture of them without their consent.

Jenn would go ALL OUT Tiffany Ann / Ellen Smith on them 🤬


VIP Member
Off topic....
Why is it so hard to contact YT?

Since BJ’s birth he has been featured prominently in all TTT videos.

Why then weren’t the comments disabled?
There was a lot of confusion on the law as it was going into effect.

The new(ish) rules were to stop youtube from marketing to children. They were targeting those toy and cartoon channels specifically. While the Disney vloggers were concerned about showing characters such as Mickey & Minnie, or children the law permits such filming providing it is done in context of entertainment or education for adults.


Well-known member
I don't for a second believe they couldn't find a turkey breast. I got mine less than a week before the holiday and there were plenty. And I'm sure if one store was out, they could have found some at another if they took the time. It's pretty incredible how two people in their late 30s who have lived in the USA their entire lives can't figure out how to make a simple Thanksgiving dinner.
I don't have a problem with them having a "pen" for Jackson- but it should be used very sparingly. Like if they want to put him in that while one of them is in the shower and the other one is busy- then fine. But why put him in there when one of them (or both) are around to supervise him? He needs to explore his world. Babies learn by touching things, feeling things, taking steps, climbing, etc. I'm surprised Jackson is okay with being in it. I can't stop my little one from exploring everything.
The white noise machine is pretty normal these days. I'm not a fan because I don't want my kids to HAVE to listen to that in order to fall asleep (or have any sleep crutch), but if your kid is an awful sleeper it's probably worth it.
It will be interesting to see how they deal with Jackson when he drops one of his naps and is around for more of the day.