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I honestly wouldn't put it past the get-free-water-from-first-aid-Slackers to try to get DAS when J$ is older by claiming their miracle child has issues waiting in line. There's a difference between not wanting to wait in a long line because your parents have never taught you patience and delayed gratification (since it's something they also don't understand), and having autism.
I had a friend who had the DAS for her son…because she would feed him nothing but Mickey premium bars and cotton candy then claim waiting in lines made him barf. That sounds like something Timbo would do
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He’s talking utter shite on that live - he said he’s only been in the room where he is streaming from and the spare bedroom, yet on the “he got it a again vlog” he’s in the sitting room, kitchen and playarea playing with Prop and then snuggling up on the sofa with the cling-on he calls wife.
pick a lane dimbo and stick to it!?
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Every time Dim and Ginn use the phrase “Rolly Coasty” I want to punch my TV.

Yeah, I would never, but I can see some dresses might be good in super hot weather.

These hot pink LP dresses were all over the place at MK. Sorry, but that color is not flattering on everyone. Every lady I saw in them looked like they were likely a Tracker stan. 😆
As a decades long avid lover of LP… it infuriates me that fat bitch is ruining it for me.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for women of all sizes wearing Lilly, but I need for Dinnefer to stop wearing it.
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T-shirt slogans: "No I'm Not Mormon One Of Them Is The Nanny"
"This is My Concierge T-Shirt"
"The Muff is For Wind Not to Overcompensate for Anything...."
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This is a pic of a kid who, according to his parents, loved the Barnstormer!
So much so that he looks off to the side and refuses to make eye contact with them as they barage him with questions.

@xmasbdaygirl previously stated “ Even in the flashback to the Barnstormer, that child looks terrified. He doesn't say yes, he doesn't say he loved it, he doesn't say on film all of the things they say he said.”


Next he watches 7DMT run and the dad tells him “this is the next roller coaster for you to conquer!”

Fast forward to today’s video:
Tim makes it a point to tell us they have a reopening day, July 31, appointment to get Jackprop’s hair cut at the Harmony Barbershop.

They allow J$ to watch 7DMT before queuing up.
They ask him if he wants to ride it.
J$ replies “I just want to watch!”
Next thing you know they are going through the queue.
J$ is happy till it is time to actually board the ride.
You can see J$ balking and Tim physically pushing him.
The CM probably interceded and J$ leaves the ride.
Tim is PISSED!!

Here is Tim riding solo in the back row (J$ and he were going to be in row #8) with his massive camera and huge woolly mic to console and keep him company.
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Uh, if they had a habit of choosing J$'s comfort over views, he wouldn't even be shown on their vlog at all, let alone go on any coasters. 🤦🏻‍♀️

Screen Shot 2022-07-09 at 8.36.36 PM.png

I'm sure when he's much older he'll think "yeah Jennifer and Timothy, thanks for choosing my 'comfort' when you mentioned on your live shows how I was busy pooping my pants, when you did close-up shots of my crotch and me in my PJs and filmed me sleeping on the baby monitor, when you filmed me taking a bath during our Riviera staycation, when you dragged me to the parks for Halloween even though I was pukey, when you dressed me up for Halloween just to bulldoze your way over to Piglet to show me off, should I go on?"

Seriously. And do they not realize that they don't have to do everything together? If they feel like they all need to go to the park, why not have Tim go on the thrill rides, while Jen takes J onto some of the dark rides or to get a snack or something? Is she just that adverse to having to spend time alone with her child?
She had to spend alone time at Disneyland with her child when it was Dim's turn to go get a massage (because it totally makes sense to fly all the way out to Disneyland and get massages during your limited time there) - she basically just sat in a corner and ate some snack she bought while J$ ate some goldfish or something. She didn't even try to take him on a ride on her own or walk around, but she also admitted she was afraid of getting lost in *Disneyland* because she didn't have the park app on her phone. 🥴
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My thoughts … whale was missing all last week until she shows up on a Stan photo in an N95 mask …

They go to the villain night unmasked

No weekend live

Whale posts recent video with Dim announcing covod but keep mentioning “today is Sunday” - whale never gets videos out on time so I’m saying that video wasn’t made on Sunday. They had to post it to do the giveaway.

Whale keeps saying they are continually testing - nope you do one test a day so nah bullshit

Dim says he’s been sleeping in a different room despite saying he tested positive that day


whale had Covid last week hence N95 mask and no show on videos

Dim has had Covid for longer than he said and is probably now at like day 5 and has been going into parks

The brown rolly coasty video - the prop was so sweaty and pulling at ears - he had Covid in MK
The lies and manipulations from these two are incredible.
What is the problem with them? Why won't they ever just own up to what happened?
No one is upset they caught covid, only that they may have been spreading it about.
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I'm admittedly a little lame, but I've always used actual words around my children. No baby talk, no silly, made up words. I had the same amount of fun as any other parent, but I spoke like an adult, because I am one. I die a little inside when I hear these two talk like toddlers. Think back to your schooling experience, no teacher spoke to their students as if THEY were children too. Have some respect for your child's intelligence.
If you are lame, so is my daughter.
She never did baby talk or talked down to her son.
That’s why he has the vocabulary he does.
He’s a teenager now.
But what two year old at a playground falls down and runs to their mommy and says, “Mommy. Mommy. I hurt my ulna!”
(she was in medical school at the time)
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Someone is going to think this lady has IBD or Colitis. Can you imagine thinking this would translate to the broader public? And what is with that graphic? It’s part roller coaster part heartbeat? Weird.
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Bojos we know you read.....that's for you and how you treat your "jobs"
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Yeah. Plus he was cringe enough to post how he missed the beach on instagram. Like dude, it's been a month. Go fuck yourself.

I haven't gone on a legit vacation since 2020, due to increased workload and actually practicing caution cause I'm at high risk, unlike these fuckers who waddle around in cloth masks in crowded situations and make up their own rules about what's risky or not. I reached the max hours my employer will let me accrue for PTO (6 weeks). Hoping to take my first vacation of this year when it's almost over in November! 😆
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It was so awkward and evident that Tim and Jen were ignoring Jackson and coercing him to ride this damn ride. My god. The child was so clearly not into it. Could care less about a roller coaster. This was 100% for views and because they were with another family. Literally how many times must a child say no and show discomfort before realising it’s not time? They literally only pulled him away because he made a scene right before going on the coaster. Otherwise they would have forced him on and said “Jackson LOVES roller coasters!” Who are they trying to make him be? No he has not been asking to go on the brown rollie coastie. They have been prepping him and manipulating him for this moment. I know he is a tall kid. But he’s 2.5. Come on.
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I can't believe at 4:43 Tim actually said "this is the first time in his life Jackson has played with any children. Usually we just pretend his stuffed animals are his friends"

Okay I'm kidding, but is it sad that that's believable?

Anyway...they took their 2 year old to Magic Kingdom with 2 other kids and literally they only thing they did is Tim going on ONE ride. WHAT.
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Hmmm Food and Wine starts today. Clearly Tim dint get invited to the press preview so claimed once again to have covid
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No, I’m definitely not Jenn. I was just looking for a quick summary of this recent Covid timeline. I even acknowledged that it’s annoying when new people come in and ask questions like this. No need to be nasty. Jeez. I’ll figure it out on my own thanks.
I think some of us on here are just leery of folks (and there have been a few lately) who jump on and don't even say they've been lurking but then want us all to recap everything that's been said across [sometimes] hundreds of pages in one short response. It can't be done.

If someone's been lurking enough - or are knowledgeable enough about the Trackers to find us (to begin with) and create an account to comment - then one should already know some of these things, e.g., the timeline that has recently been discussed about Tim's latest bout w/ COVID. 🤷‍♀️
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Can we do a poll--when will Tim miraculously test negative so he can go back to the parks?

I'm thinking Thursday for Food and Wine opening. They really can't afford to miss that, it gets a lot of interest and they need the views.
after whatever food & wine media events that they were not invited to have taken place, cuz you know, they had to “cancel” a bunch of media events 🙄
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