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Who packs ice cream in the trunk in a plastic bag for a 2.5 hour drive in the summer? Why would you take perishables without a cooler?
They are so weird.
Also if you know you are leaving on a time crunch get the damn car packed the night before! Idiots.
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Tim - stressed out because he has to do all the packing, cleaning, loading, etc. Heck he even fixed breakfast.... So how does J2D decide to help out? By waddling around the house filming. God forbid she put the camera down for a minute and actually do something.

Oh also - she says "spent most of the day traveling" - um... you were in a car for 2 hours, that's not most of the day.
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Joanie Taylor

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Jenn’s as dumb as her stans! I can’t believe she paid $24 for each of those bracelets! 😂
She said she likes them because they have “meaning.” A bit of string threaded through some colourful beads tied to a bit of cardboard with a printed saying on the back, and she’s saying she likes to wear something with a bit of meaning to it! What a gullible bloody twit!
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Also, anyone else see this Reddit thread?

Seems like the stans’ 2 brain cells are finally starting to sense some repetition among videos…
If there are 57 upvotes on that, then it was probably 100. There is a faction of stans there who defend everything they do and downvote anything critical.

I’ll mildly disagree with you and @Southpaw33 . Dim is a child too. Child’s palate, no impulse control whatsoever (sweets, shopping), & oddly controlling. He’s clearly the more functioning adult but that’s only because Ginn is a complete lazy fucker.

They’re two morons who got lucky. They didn’t win the lottery but their YT channel is close enough. Easy money with little effort.
Oh they both are immature and seem to have issues with adulting, for sure. I just think Tim seems to love the showing off, acquiring, and blowing money to feel important or seem better than others. It feels like he is competing against somebody (like his family?) to show he is a big shot. Does he gave an inferiority complex? He would be a good study for someone who isn't an armchair psychologist. 😄
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Dino Girl

Chatty Member
Tim and Jenn I know that you read here. Please keep J off the vlogs - or at least be careful what you show (in bed, under water crotch shots etc. If it helps to stop showing him, just know that there is some sick f*cks out there masturbating to his image
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Blech!!! Absolutely can't stand Holy Creepy Moly! Such a pathetic desperate wanna be constantly tickling Tim's taint. CAN NOT STAND HIM!
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And they live 48 mins from KSC, Tim had to spend 2 nights there? Dude just needed a break from his reality.
Shut the front door!! So TimCallsAround was actually #hosted at KSC for 2 nights and he didn’t bring JenDumpsterAss (thanks @HereForTheT3a22 ) or Jackprop with him?? Could these venues be seeing that the Trackholes #hosted events don’t bring in any more traffic to their events from their subpar videos?? Maybe that’s why the kids couldn’t go with Dim on this trip. Wouldn’t that just be awesome going forward??
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Watching a completely non Tracker related video on Delish and see this in the comments 😆

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When the fuck are they going to stop putting the iPad in front of their miracle prop during dinner? Eating together as a family and they can’t be assed interacting with him while miracle child stares mindlessly at the device . How long is this going to go on I ask?🤔


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Hell remember when they tried to pivot when Ginn was preggers and show off "pregnant friendly rides"? They failed at that since they COULDN'T EVEN READ THE GOD DAMN SIGN AT THE RIDES ENTRANCE and ended up giving out bad info.
There was some non-Disney media event all the vloggers were invited to of some opening. The Slackers did no research. Disappointed when they didn't know the hours of one area and it closed and they just wandered around lost asking questions to the air and saying, "We'll find out the answer to that and let you know." Never provided answers, just wandered aimlessly.
While SE Jackie had her pamphlet, her facts, etc.
It's their quality of content now. No effort, but keep inviting us out and watching us.

Agreed! Plus he knew if he stayed home he'd never get there on time the next day because the succubus would insist on sleeping until noon.
I assume she was calling/texting every 5 minutes saying how hard it is for her making it hard for him to vlog. Can't imagine the amount of reassurance and consoling he had to do over those 2 days.

They probably don’t want to host 4 people every time the Trackholes visit.
Surprised he didn't try to sneak them into the hotel at least to shut her up. Didn't stop him from sneaking HM into cuntceriege on the cruise.
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So, I stopped watching the shitshow at 2 mins.

I don't know why but I thought Lyn rode w/ them in the Tesla to / from AMI.

So they actually made Lyn drive herself to / from the fucking beachhouse just to "get paid" to change a kid's pull-ups and secure him in a car seat in a golf cart?

Oh, and watch J. while they filmed random things and accompany them to lunch to eat her 5,386th salad (presuming they paid for her food)?

She has GOT to be a fucking stan.
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Oh also - she says "spent most of the day traveling" - um... you were in a car for 2 hours, that's not most of the day.
My eyes rolled out of my head when she referred driving from AMI to Orlando area as “most of the day traveling.” I live in Lakeland (central FL) and, while I do have many days I work from home, I also have to drive all over FL for work. My office is down in Manatee Co, so not far from AMI. That’s just my “commute.” My husband and I have done a drive from central FL to Virginia in a day. THAT’S “traveling most of the day.” These assholes would take a week making that drive! They are so out of touch with reality.
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Is the ship officially sinking? TWO WEEKS worth of videos and just one (barely) cracked 150k views. I'm honestly surprised they haven't been buying views and subs again. Their subs have only grown from 882k to 883k over the last few months... not good for Slacker Travel, LLC!

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It's disgusting how Gin literally ripped J$'s "astronaut ice cream" right out of his hand, breaking it all over the floor, selfish pig. 🐖


Stop sitting on the dirty floors!!!🧹 :sick:





Just think, Gin left this in the video, I can't imagine how she treats J$ behind the scenes and/or what she edits out. 🤬

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Imagine staying in a hotel and when checking out offering suggestions to make the hotel better and the employee saying: "No one is forcing you to stay at this hotel. If you do not like it, why don't you stay at a different hotel?" That is how crazy what they are saying is.
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I don't recognize any of the other people walking around in the reflections but yeah, I think I see what you're saying @9:48, you can kinda see someone with their hands on their hips standing w/ a young child w/ dark shorts on. And I think that's one of Lyn's "signature" poses; I remember seeing her in another vlog do the same thing. (maybe Michael Kay's Legoland vlog?)

View attachment 1350224

So I wonder if they DID drive Stanny Lyn to / from AMI! I stand corrected from my rant yesterday! 🤣

You can kinda hear voices overlapping if you listen reaaaaally close @11:03-11:06 or so when Jenn's in the front seat.
J. is yapping about a truck or something (?) and I swear I hear someone talking to him (thou Jenn's talking is prominent as she's filming).
They would have gotten away with it, if it wasn't for those pesky Tattlers. 😂😂
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Dim: *breathes*
Ginn: *fake laughs with no actual sound*

Screen Shot 2022-06-15 at 3.11.27 PM.png

I feel like Ginn fake laughs so much and is so used to using it as an automatic response to everything, she'd probably fake laugh even during a somber eulogy at a funeral.

The next vlog will be their haul. Because they never get to go on vacation, especially to AMI you guyzzzzz. Dim bought at least a couple of tshirts, we'll see if Ginn bought a puka shella necklace (even though she isn't even sure what a puka shell actually looks like) because she wants to pretend she's back in the 90s, and of course J$ will need about 6 tshirts to "remember" the "best vacation ever". She'll also show off her olive oil haul, because AMI is... known for their olive oil??
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I'm only about 5 mins in but they need to take that step stool thing away from that child and get something more appropriate for his height. Neither of them even tries to correct him when he leans far off to the side. He's going to topple over, it's only a matter of time. Next vlog: well, we learned how the x-ray machine works at the hospital because J$ fell of the kitchen stool and cracked his head on the tile floor.
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It was actually quite sad to see the moment Tim revealed all the crap he brought for J. It was wayyyy overkill and J didn't seem to care except to see each new thing that was pulled out in rapid succession. He couldn't wait for more and more to be shown rather than really being excited about any item specifically. Just the Duplo set or just a spaceship would have been nice. I wonder if some of that was free "swag" Tim got (the cup, patch, etc.). If he loves space stuff and they supposedly want to take him to the KSC, why bring back so much? He is going to be soooo spoiled as he gets older if they continue that.
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