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I still don’t understand why they were sat on the kitchen floor eating that snack? Is that what is normal in usa ? (I’m in uk so its a genuine question as i don’t know of anyone who does this)
OF COURSE it's NOT normal.

We don't eat off of floors in America. Only these fuckfaces do.
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The passive-aggressive complaining that came from Jenn, woah!
•. the TV at the foot of the bed is too small
• the toilet/commode is too small, as is the space.
•. Jackson didn’t get a kids’ bathrobe, like the Dream
•. she was insulted that there was a scale in the storage area (it’s for weighing your luggage)
How much freaking space does she need for a damn toilet/commode??

Why does Dim say he likes musicals and wouldn't say no to seeing any of them when they basically only dragged their asses to one Aladdin musical on one cruise in all this time? He made it sound like he likes musicals so much he'd actually make seeing those a priority over trivia, which is not the case.

Dim: "Can you say I love you mommy?"
What I hope J$ says if/when he can ever talk without babbling and isn't brainwashed: "Yes, I can say it, but I'd rather not."
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Those stan comments are insane. They claim that J$ is well socialized and they know this by how great he interacts with both adults and children . Do they watch the same videos as us or do they know this because they actually stalk the child. We saw very little interaction with Holy Moly and we were told about some interaction with “the cousins”.

And Lyn is such an amazing incredible teacher—because Tim and Jenn have him perform for the camera and repeat memorized things they’ve trained him to say? If she was a true teacher, there would have been a Fathers Day macaroni necklace or paper tie colored by the prop.
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I clicked on that creep’s profile, and they’re into some pretty weird shit. The stuff he comments on tells me everything I need to know about him. If Tim gave a shit about his child’s safety, he would look too, and remove J$ completely from any future videos. Sadly, we all know money is waaaaaaaay more important to them.
A voyeuristic Stan is nothing compared to the creep that actually threatened harm to Jackson in Sept. 2020! (J$ was 9.5 mos)

If a guy’s threatening to hunt you down in MK, snatch J$ when you weren’t paying attention and then take him somewhere private and do reprehensible things to him, doesn’t THIS get your attention?
If not, nothing will!! 😡

Tim and Jenn don’t care, as they post their actual location in real time and continue to exploit Jackson’s presence for clicks, views and comments.

Jackson is just a moneymaking PROP to them!
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Joanie Taylor

Chatty Member
Jenn got this video out quick just so Tim could say he was going to a Disney media event.

It was a small opening ceremony for the new DVC rooms at the Grand Floridian. He even toured the open-house room that anyone can see anytime when they were there at Easter, yet he still had to turn up to this little event. He didn’t like them the first time he saw them because they don’t have kitchens. He’s so ridiculous and desperate!

He’d show up to a so-called media event if there was a new toilet opening, or a new cupcake. Tim is the biggest joke of all! He’s so utterly desperate that he’ll even show up at such a tiny event just to try and claw his way back into Disney’s good books!

And sadder still, he felt it’d make him look important if he announced it in the previous video. Pathetic little Dimmy.
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Plate update for 6/15 vlog: I added three more for each of them. One for their breakfast of disgusting pizza eggies, two for the mid-drive bagel, three for dinner. It's very telling that they ate breakfast but still had to get food halfway through their 2 hour drive an hour after breakfast.


I have to do a 2-3 hour drive next weekend and I'll probably have like a snack, but not a full-blown bagel meal.

Also, didn't look like J5D wore a mask at the rest stop. So there goes their whole "we always wear a mask indoors!" nonsense.
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LOL. "I'm not going to directly answer that I enjoy watching a stranger's child on the internet repeatedly go down a slide because I'd have to admit I'm a creep." Where's TomofGinland to come bustin' in to defend his idols? Maybe even he fell asleep watching these latest vlogs.

View attachment 1346572
I love how their subreddit, that Tim is the mod for, has had the "stay tuned for the new subreddit" on there for a long time and nothing new ever happened. Just like everything else they promise they are going to do. 😅
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Tim's at Universal in today's vlog, and he spends the first couple of minutes complaining. First, he points out that guest services is where you can go when you have complaints - I'm guessing that's something he and Jenn do often. Then he whines for nearly a full minute about how the semwich he got was "too flavorful".
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A week into her peachy beachy vacation, Ginn comes to the conclusion she should have learned decades ago, that she's not reapplying her sunscreen enough (I'd go a step further and tell her she needs to put on the very highest sunblock available, but she probably goes for SPF 30 at most). Maybe she thinks a fake tan has sunscreen built in.
Screen Shot 2022-06-15 at 2.06.55 PM.png

I accidentally paused on this, and I feel like she should make this her new Twitter profile pic.
Screen Shot 2022-06-15 at 2.08.04 PM.png
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I have no desire to watch her and the kid for half an hour. Why would she think that was “fun”? How about you take your ass to a theme park and actually do something? Pathetic views on it.
Again, how does this channel qualify as a travel channel over a family channel? Even when traveling it's exploiting and featuring the kid for the pervs.
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So I decided to write down all times J$ was in that latest video and total it up. This isn't exact just close.
28 minute and 32 second video (1712 seconds) he was on screen 1040 seconds or 61% of the time.

Timestamps seconds
4:33-6:26 113
6:35-6:37 2
6:43-7:05 22
7:21-8:31 70
8:39-8:42 3
9:13-10:08 55
10:32-10:40 8
10:48-11:02 14
11:19-11:28 9
12:13-12:40 27
13:00-14:56 116
15:20-15:48 28
16:58-17:10 12
18:24-18:30 6
19:00-28:15 555
Total: 1040

28:32 1712 seconds

1040/1712 = 61%
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Chatty Member
Stanny Lyn was 100% unnecessary for this trip. Even they claimed they'd just been spending "so much time" doing "family stuff" they hadn't filmed much for some of the days. Which, if they weren't filming, then they wouldn't need Stanny around to make sure their kid stays alive. The nanny was hired because they're "soooo" busy with their "job", right? ;)

Even if they wanted to go watch the sunset and it was after J$ had already fallen asleep, they could have just waited until "the cousins" got into town - then either or both Dim's brother and the SIL could stay at the house with their kids and J$ while these two shitheads waddled over to the beach to stare directly at the sun. And since Manny Matt and his partner were coming too, heck, they could have left J$ with Manny Matt who probably would have given the kid raspberries while these two searched for puka shell necklaces and tshirts and olive oil.

Ginn of course would counter with her usual nonsensical, "well, her job is full-time so we had to bring her with us". Maybe you shouldn't have made her job FT then if you have to drag her on vacations, with that logic. Oh what's that? She asked for the job to be FT? You should have said no and found AN ACTUAL LEGIT NANNY.
It's so weird to me! I used to be a nanny and when my nanny family went on vacations, they didn't take me with them. They even PAID me still when they went on vacations. They could just NOT take the nanny with them and still pay her.
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The amusing thing is Adam the Woo could have done a rest stop toilet tour and we probably would have laughed our butts off and also learned the history of the stainless steel toilet - from prison to roadside for your peeing pleasure.
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Explaining caffeine to a 2 year old?
This just reinforces the fact that Jenn has no clue how to talk to a toddler. At 2 kids are in a see-it-believe-it phase. He cannot see caffeine. You cannot talk in theories to a 2 year old and expect him to understand.

And then she consumes the item right after telling him it's bad? Um... Isn't that exactly like the parents who smoke telling their kids that it's bad for them, and yet they're chain smokers. Gee, I wonder why these kids all try cigarettes.
Some things require a simple no, or something along the lines of "this is only for grown-ups" and if he has a fit or cries, so be it. But yea, trying to explain the concept of caffeine to a toddler is just asinine.

They really should have taken the day off from filming this nonsense and just enjoyed her time with J$. They are so consumed by the idea they have to put out a video everyday.
Eh, that would require them actually enjoying spending time with him, though.

I knew from a very young age I didn't want kids, so I didn't have them. Interesting concept, I know! Having to sit around the house and entertain a kid sounds awful, to be honest. The idea of a baby sounds fun, but they aren't babies for very long, so the annoyance of pregnancy, childbirth, and all the years once they start talking was not worth the 12-18 months of babyhood.
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Jenn is so awkward with how she talks to J$. It’s like J$ is playing MadLibs with her.
Jenn: “What did you dream about?”
J$: *looks around table for “object”* “CUP.”
Jenn: “What was in the cup?”
J$: *thinks of what would go in a cup* “Water. Milk.”

I’m really doubtful he actually dreamt of a cup with water and milk. I think they just ask him so many questions when he doesn’t want to talk (they always seem to do the dream questions when he is eating and zoning out on Bluey) and he just says whatever to get them to leave him alone.

Also Jenn couldn’t even make it a couple of days on her own without Tim. 🙄 She had Lyn there to help and still seemed panicked that she was “alone,” at times. My dad was in the military. He had to leave all the time for extended amounts of time. He left for over a year to Saudi Arabia. My mom did just fine with 2 kids and her own job and running the house while he was gone. Jenn would die if she had to be a military wife. 🙄
Did you hear at the end when she asked Tim to not leave again? You can hear the emotion in her voice. She is so co-dependent that him leaving for a night or two makes her panicked.
And what are the bets that NASA wouldn’t give them a room for the nanny- hence Jennbo & J$ had to stay home.
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Is it just me or is this weird to anyone else??

Not only do they have the "private, in home-on the road educator" with them along with his family, but now they have friends there as well. Isn't that awkward for a bunch of strangers to be on vacation together!?!
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