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Just watching latest home movie…

prop up early - so I’m guessing Dim normally does that but because that whale ain’t seen pre since who knows when

when she’s talking to him and constantly questioning him it’s really uncomfortable to watch - it seems forced

had to get a book in 🤣

when Dim left to go to his “business meeting” ie media event she looked like she had been crying because heaven forbid she has to look after her own son

she had Lyn with her all the first day so probably slept the lazy sloth

the whole way she speaks with him is plain weird

cut The toast in half you lazy bitch

moan because dim ain’t there

When he says “cup” “water and milk” he’s probably asking for a drink not recalling his dreams 😡

the kid is constantly thirsty - that’s really concerning

the house is a fucking tip

ditched him off to Lyn again looks like Lyn supervised pool time


Takes all day to clean bathroom

Kid asks for water AGAIN

Kid running wild around the kitchen whilst she is filming herself - this is insane after the burn incident!

bluey on again

he ate half the burger? No he didn’t it’s barely touched. He ate fries and pasta.

He puts the nappies sorry diapers on the counter by the sink. I guarantee this is where they change him. By the sink in the kitchen. There’s a nappy already on there. This pair of fuckwits change his fucking nappy by the sink where he brushes his teeth.

she’s a totally inept parent. Totally ducking useless.
Kid stares at then no idea what his dick head parents are saying. Grabs stuff out of their hands because they don’t teach him it’s rude to snatch

Watching the bit when Dim got back trying to force him to speak was uncomfortable

Daddy don’t go away again passive aggressive bullshit

dim looks fucking miserable

Let’s sit on the floor that is probably filthy to eat ice cream whilst Bitch grabs it out of her sons hands to get it into her big fat gob 😡

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And just started watching the Holy Moly vlog and it is amazing that: the Trackers snuck them into the concierge lunch and promised not to tell then announced it on their vlog and Jenn is not sitting next to or across from Jackson. That’s reserved for Tim and Stanny. Oh and Moly is trying to get Jackson to perform for him. It’s all so gross and I’m just a few minutes in.
If you didn't know any better, based off this seating arrangement, Lyn's placement totally gives the impression that she's the mother of J.
And that you're looking at a childless couple.

I seriously cannot get over how comfortable they always look with an iN-HoMe EdUcAtOR and their child sitting directly across from them, with Lyn doing all the work caring for (or is it teaching? :unsure:) their ONE child.

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You know, if I was a parent and my kid (allegedly) said he didn't want to go home after every vacation and whined his ass off about it, I'd have to have a talk with the kid and ask him why he hates home so much. Not continue conditioning him that yes, going home is terrible. They should consider themselves so lucky to even have a home to go back to (but not if they keep skipping out on those property taxes....). Ungrateful pieces of shit.

And to leave all the footage in of Dim whining about staying in a house so big that it's hard to track where all their fucking junk is laying around on check-out day? Boo-fucking-hoo. Also FYI Dim, you're not stressed about check-out day because there's "a lot to pack up" and you have to leave at the "early" time of 10am - that's your body telling you you're dreading having to return home to your messy diaper box home with that unread growing pile of mail and all the things you wish you can just sweep under a dirty rug (or get one of your multiple Roombas to suck it all up since sweeping is too much effort).
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Funny enough I was actually a fan of them myself when I come over, I won't use stan since I wasn't that crazy, it was during when FRE had started up an they were mentioning about the "3 unwell" I got curious an tried to look up any gossip on who these unwell were that were getting them kicked off media an the like an found tattle

Once I actually started reading here it opened my eyes into just how bad they truely are, I couldn't find fault in what anyone was saying, it made me wonder wtf I was doing liking these two when I couldn't disagree with anything being said here
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So they have this beautiful big house they rented on AMI. It really is a beautiful home! It has this nice big kitchen and so far they've cooked burgers once and "hut dogs by the pool". That's it. All other meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner) they've eaten out. Am I correct? What a f'in waste!
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Some things require a simple no, or something along the lines of "this is only for grown-ups" and if he has a fit or cries, so be it. But yea, trying to explain the concept of caffeine to a toddler is just asinine.

Eh, that would require them actually enjoying spending time with him, though.

I knew from a very young age I didn't want kids, so I didn't have them. Interesting concept, I know! Having to sit around the house and entertain a kid sounds awful, to be honest. The idea of a baby sounds fun, but they aren't babies for very long, so the annoyance of pregnancy, childbirth, and all the years once they start talking was not worth the 12-18 months of babyhood.
Funny enough…I didn’t want kids…I still HATE kids…but I do love my own. I think I’ve said this before 0-9 months was a fucking nightmare for me. I absolutely regretted having a child, he never slept, I was beyond sleep deprived and I was always like “wtf nobody told me this kid would be awake and on my tit for 22 hours a day”…but then (fortunately for my sanity and my poor sons well-being) at 9 months he became a little functioning human with opinions and a personality and shit…it was awesome. We’ve had the typical terrible twos and threenager moments but for the most part it’s been smooth sailing. He’s a wonderful kid and I’m shocked that I could produce something this well rounded🤣🤣🤣

I don’t fault you AT ALL for making the decision to not have kids. I never understood why people think that having kids is some sort of right of passage or some shit. My brother and sister in law don’t want kids and are amazing with our son. I have a deep respect for people who can make the conscious decision to not procreate just because other people tell them it’s what needs to be done
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Jenn talking about the black bean burger

“it’s literally three ingredients. Black beans, red pepper, onions, carrots, and stuff”

jenn, do you need Lyn(dsay) to practice your numbers with you as well? J$ counts better than you do…
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Shut the front door!! So TimCallsAround was actually #hosted at KSC for 2 nights and he didn’t bring JenDumpsterAss (thanks @HereForTheT3a22 ) or Jackprop with him?? Could these venues be seeing that the Trackholes #hosted events don’t bring in any more traffic to their events from their subpar videos?? Maybe that’s why the kids couldn’t go with Dim on this trip. Wouldn’t that just be awesome going forward??
If I worked at a theme park in marketing and was told we had to invite TTT to the overnight event, there is no way Jenn or child would be attending. Tim has a hard enough time understanding, being on time and conveying information properly as is. Jenn just ramps that ineptitude up x 1000 and Jackson takes his focus away all together.
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The FDA approved the covid vaccine for kids under 5 and it’ll be available soon, so what will Ginn’s new excuse be for keeping the miracle child from participating in summer camp activities with other kids? Maybe give Lyn the “eDuCaToR” a break for the summer…. 😉 Oh never mind, Ginn still needs her emotional support human/pricey BFF (did Lyn get one of those tacky crystal friendship bracelets? Or just a bag of dirty pull-ups to put in her lap cause there was no room in the frunk this time?)

(FWIW, I’d take any other adult who uses a lack of vaccine for their babies and toddlers as a legit excuse for forgoing summer indoor activities, but the Slackers are a contradicting hypocritical virtue signaling bunch who keep breaking their own “rules” so they can miss me with the faux concern).
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I can hardly watch these two idiots anymore, but I scanned the last couple videos from AMI.
I have figured out why Tim is so against the kid having fruit- it’s the SUGAR! He is always saying the kid is “ hopped up on sugar” and in one of these videos, he even asks J if he is on a sugar high and J answers yeah.
As they are walking in to eat at a restaurant, Tim is reading the menu and mentions they have fruit. Then he says yeah, all that sugar. Jackson is a rambunctious fruit eater! Lol
They are so controlling, they are willing to deprive the kid of fruit to keep him from being a normal kid. It’s why they eat all his candy while he’s on nap number 9, it’s why Tim lies to the kid about chocolate. It’s why they hide in a bathroom to eat dessert! They are pathetic. No wonder the poor kid is so zombie like at times. He gets no sugar or anything else that might spark his energy. I’m not saying sugar is good, but fruit has natural sugar plus nutrients.
They eat their weight in sugar, grease, caffeine, empty calories and desserts, but the kid gets nothing that might amp him up. I know Greasy Spice also complains about the kid being “ out of control” a lot, but the sugar intake monitor is def Tim
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I don't know why it makes me so irrationally angry when Tim calls the Creature from the Black Lagoon 'Gill-man'. I'd be willing to bet he has NEVER seen the movie (or any of the classic monster movies) and he only calls him that because he mistakenly thinks it's what the cool kids say.

Also, I can't stand it any time he smugly says 'We've gotten word x-y-z is coming to the parks'. No one special let you in on anything, Tim. We all know how to Google.
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Plate update. Both vlogs were boring as shit and I regret wasting my time watching them. Thank god I have a really great block, so they don't get ad moneys from my views.

June 18th vlog, Jenn had 3 plates. June 19th vlog, Tim just had one AHH-SAI-YEE bowl.


I've only been to KSC once, but it was with a friend who actually works there and was able to geek out with us about various space facts. My husband also worked there for a time. It's definitely cool, but IMO not really worth multiple visits. Tim did a horrible job showing it off.

I'm feeling somewhat Tracker-esque lately. Our friends invited us on a cruise with them in October, and I'm thinking of doing a Disney cruise for my birthday this year (turning 40 and want to do something special), so that would be 3 cruises within a year for me. But, I'm also doing 3 different cruise lines and venturing off to awesome excursions, and not staying concierge, so that makes me a bit better, right guys? I'm super excited to check out some Mayan ruins on one of the port stops, because I have a degree in archaeology and extensively studied Mesoamerica :D
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I'm sorry but I have to say this. Jenn and Tim are not only negligent parents but they're also sick f*cks.

There is no rhyme or reason as to why they would delete a sensible critique but keep all of those creepy comments up on their videos.

They shouldn't had a kid AT ALL. They don't need another one to exploit to the perverts.

I wouldn't be surprised if J$ wounds up in therapy one day and says something happened to him when he was little.
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Yes he does. I was on 417 driving to Lake Nona one day a few weeks ago & had the misfortune of getting behind them in the left lane & he was doing about 68 (speed limit is 70). There was a string of cars passing them on the right. I sooo wanted to flip them off when I passed them!
My husband got stuck behind him once too. Tim is a terribly rude slow-ass driver.
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Yeah, I don't even want to think what they would do if J$ even had a mild food allergy. I can't have gluten, and I can only imagine what the Snackers would do if J$ was celiac or sensitive. I can't imagine they would take the time to look at what's in the food they order. And hell, most of the beige food diet would be out. No more nugs, or burgers with the buns. Even fries would probably be out at most places since they usually fry them in the same oil as they do with the other breaded products. Also, I doubt they'd even notice if he has symptoms of a food allergy unless it was something drastic like he went into shock. Having a mere tummy ache every time he ate something probably wouldn't even phase those two dodos.
I have a child with multiple life-threatening allergies (not intolerances), epipens and the whole nine yards, and Tim and Jenn would probably NEVER be able to handle it. We adjust everything for our child when on vacation, yes, but also every single day. It is one of the reasons I get so pissed off watching these asshats seem inconvenienced with their child in every scenario and he needs no accommodations. Never once have we felt our child was an inconvenience, but it takes a ton of work and a ton of vigilance and we just DO IT. We may have to pass on certain restaurants or experiences and we deal and don't feel bummed out or bothered by it. Like these two can't even arrange their plans for Tim's parents who have some mobility or sight issues without complaining and bitching. They are selfish and ungrateful.

My husband and I have a favorite restaurant we used to go to before we had kids, but now do not go there because it isn't safe AT ALL for our allergic child. We just never go and occasionally we will be out alone together and my husband will suggest we could go there and we decide we still shouldn't (lots of nut products there) just to be safe. You make sacrifices for your family and you just deal with it. We have never told our kid or announced to others that we don't go there and what a bummer it is because our kid is allergic. I just can't comprehend saying anything like that ever.

This same child ate grilled chicken and veggies with a fork at a year younger than J is now.🖕 😅
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