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Well-known member
I think the massages were an ā€˜apologyā€™ for the wait. Unless the Spa is fully booked then it doesnā€™t really cost Disney very much money, and the Therapist gets a tip (should get a tip).

They probably didnā€™t say it was free as otherwise this might encourage more people to complain and expect a free session.

If they had paid. For sure would have mentioned prices and given more feedback...
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I don't think it will be long before there is a huge blow out in the life is a palm tree. If nothing else, the latest vlog has shown that Tim has been doing most of the work and is starting to resent it when Jenn waltzes in and tries to take credit.
YES!!!! šŸ˜‚
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VIP Member
Bandits nickname was the bean, they mentioned that when they used to say bandit it sounded like bean dip an he got used to bean, I don't think I ever heard them really use buddy for bandit, was always bean an the other one was armany, unless they called armany buddy which I missed then I don't think they have used buddy on them which is honestly weird since buddy would be more suitable for a dog than a child
I know of a guy named Buddy (seriously), but goes by the nickname Cooter (not kidding, seriously). As J$ gets older maybe that's the redneck nickname they will "upgrade" to. šŸ˜³
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Well-known member
I live off the San Andreas Fault and the 2010, 7.2 Easter Earthquake was intense. The aftershocks were still 4ā€™s! Our pool lost so much water from sloshing around.

Youā€™re right though the smaller ones you do kind of grow to ignore.
The small ones come and go quickly. That Easter one did shake me up a bit. My Hubby has video of our pool sloshing around too. Very Wild!

As a born and raised Angeleno, you do sort of get ā€œusedā€ to earthquakes. BUT, with that being said, living 8 miles from the epicenter during the 1994 Northridge quake - - - that shit was absolutely terrifying!!!
did your house survive? I remember the freeway broken in half my dad still had to go to work lol
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Well-known member
Let's be honest, all they eat is Disney shit 24/7 all that processed food can't be good for you. It's like watching that McDonald's film "super size me" or should that be "Super Size Dim" šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£
Coming to Netflix 2025 the Disney Diet
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VIP Member
I lost a few wine glasses and a vase to the Napa quake of '14. One of my bobbleheads almost lost his head (he was a pitcher standing on one leg, so less balance). That one sticks in my recent memory because it went on for awhile, at least 30 seconds (I remember that really well as I lay in bed at 3:30 in the morning wondering if I should put on some pants). Usually they're over before you can ask "was that a quake or did my neighbor slam her door extra hard?" In my old apartment, I could actually hear the quake before it happened because my walls would start creaking starting from one direction. Highly recommend earthquake wax - not only is it good for quakes, it's also good at preventing my cats from pushing things off shelves. My cats also have their own earthquake kit. šŸ˜ø
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VIP Member
When I heard cruises for them back in the day I defaulted to Port Canaveral departure.

So where did they fly to?
Miami? Galveston TX?

šŸ™„ So now this changes the narrative.
Becca references working at Gator's Dockside and for the OP to wave hi to her. That's at Port Canaveral.

I didn't and won't be watching...
Did Tim make sure to teach Jackson how to eat a churro properly the Tracker way? (That is, on the floor of a hotel bathroom)
No. They were at a table outside.
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VIP Member
The affair rumour was just that... Rumour. No evidence, just a lot of wishful thinking. They did, however, disappear for a few days to deal with personal stuff which is possibly where the rumour came from. These forums are full of people that stretch and make up their own stories based on very little. As much as the Trackholes irk me, I don't wish ill on them. Just sometimes I wouldn't be surprised if there was a shit/fan collision because they live such chaotic and claustrophobic lives.
I do find the rumours on here taken as fact interesting. People were right about the nanny close to when they got one but things like on here is was almost a fact that they fell out with Dug after he got hurt on a water slide and they complained and got freebies, yet when he came on here he confirmed they had fallen out but that day had nothing to do with it
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Chatty Member
Itā€™s what she should absolutely do. Baby J goes down at 7:30/8ish? She could spend 8-9 doing editing, 9-10 doing kitchen clean up/picking up the living room, and still have 10-12 to watch TikTok and binge her shows.

Then she still has 7 hours of sleep, wakes up, they all can have a light breakfast/coffee together. J and Tim get dressed/ready for the day while Jen works from 8-10 or 8-11 finishing editing and then they have lunch/playtime J can go down for his nap and Tim can head out to the parks or wherever to film.

But thatā€™s never going to happen when someone likes to stay up watching TikTok editing until 3am.
I understand there is a bit of 'unpredictability' to what they do, but the lack of schedule is awful. I also know that it's hard to break cycles like that. I wonder if Tim wakes up, looks at their channel, and prays a video is up.

Anyone have any information on this mornings Media events at MK for Christmas?

It seems it started at 6:30am from contemporary but all the vids I've seen the vloggers are going to MK at normal early opening time and doing their own thing. :unsure:

I'm wondering if something was shown to them at an even that is Embargoed until the actual Christmas event is about to start?
Tim wasn't there, right? I scanned through Kyle's video and saw a lot of people I didn't recognize (and to be honest all sort of looked the same), PMM, SuperHairCut.
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Well-known member
I'm doing it right now at 38, started in June. I'm about halfway done, minus any refinements, and I can tell you without any doubt Jenn would absolutely never do this. It takes WAY too much dedication and will-power (to keep from snacking), two things she has 0 of.
How exciting! Im only on week 3. I'm excited for results

Just get him a gift....

I wonder what a tracker gift looks like? Clearance aisle šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£ not knocking clearance but they act big money... they should gift like big money


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Chatty Member
I think today's vlog will be something Disneyland because the views on those are WAY outpacing any of the home vlog shit.
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Well-known member
News alert! Tim and Jen loved eating their way around a ā€¦..wait for itā€¦ā€¦FOOD FESTIVAL!
Wow, I would have never guessed! I do not want to watch them eat food, say itā€™s delicious, then tell me how it could have been better šŸ˜‘

What is with these two and their obsession with theme park food ?
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Active member
Criticism on Disney here: There is no reason why they could not have developed a lap bar system for these older rides such that smaller bodies would be held securely in place when a large adult is seated with them. Re-rig the cars with individual bars per person or add a bumper onto the bar for small bodies, or just order up all new cars with formed seats/bars.

For a company that's been so ahead of the curve with ride development for years, they've all but stopped caring about personal safety developments along with dropping it all off to third party companies.
All it would require is a new coaster train. The company that makes Gadget's Go Coaster, Barnstormer and most of the coasters at Disney is Vekoma. Both of those coasters are standard Vekoma Junior Coaster models that parks all over the world have and newer versions of the same coaster have updated trains with individual lap bars. Like this:
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Well-known member
It's Saturday and you know what that means..

Betting lines are open folks...

Vlog topic:

Disneyland vlog today - 5 to 1

50th Anniversary vlog - 100 to 1

Jackpot 1st Haircut at Harmony 25,000 to 1
Views for this:
250,000 - 10 to 1
500,000 - 500 to 1
1 million + 100,000 to 1

Future props open now!

Jackpot Birthday party - 1,000 to 1
Guest list (ha ha)
Disney Double Dose - 500 to 1
Jim and Nicole - 50,000 to 1
The Holy Moly (and Fam) - 10,000 to 1
Krispy Smores - 20,000 to 1
Gay British Couple - 1 to 1
Gay British Couple does all the decorating (like Jim and Nicole did last year) 1 to 1

Krispy Smore have their twins before Jackpot's 1st Haircut at Harmony - 7 to 2

Christmas vlog - 7 to 2

Tim alone vlog - 3 to 1

Home only vlog - 2 to 1

Live Stream - 2 to 1

Festival vlog - 50,000 to 1

Theme park vlog - 1 to 3

#Hosted Staycation - 75 to 1

Staycation vlog - 100 to 1

Inside the vlog (whatever topic may be):

Stuffing 10lbs of šŸ’© in a 5lb bag - 3 to 1

Tim and Jen e-begging via Super Chats - 15 to 1

Open mouth chewing - 1 to 1

Compulsive lying - 1 to 1

Tim ordering a burger - 1 to 1

Jen eating more than Tim - 1 to 1

Jen ordering 2 dinners - 1 to 1

Jen complaining - 1 to 1

Showing of Jackpot - 3 to 1

Tim trying on women's clothing (has to be on camera) - 8 to 1

Tim mispronouncing words - 1 to 1

Tim fixing garage shelf (or anything) - 100,000 to 1

Messy house 1 to 1 (They probably won't be home)

Dirty pool 1 to 1 (Same as above)

Tim *not* ordering a burger 25,000 to 1 (Does not pay out if he eats a weiner).

Jen *not* ordering Seafood - 100,000 to 1

Jen forgetting the oven is broken - 7 to 1

**Videoing exercise equipment is not using exercise equipment **
Using exercise equipment on camera - 2,500,000 to 1

Jen gets a new sponsor from Weight Watchers - 300,000 to 1

Jen gets a new sponsor from Clearasil - 500,000 to 1

Jen fixes lumpy eyebrows - 5,000 to 1

Jen fixes nasty zits - 500 to 1

Jen fixes crooked teeth - 5,000 to 1

Fat back Jen in vlog - 7 to 1

Panic attack on cam - 25 to 1

Nanny (aka friend) on cam - 35 to 1

Waiting for Jackpot to go to bed so they can eat their precious desserts - 1 to 1

Life changing prop bets:

Stans abandon Tim and Jen due to lack of daily uploads - 18 to 1

Tim announces he is gay - 2 to 1

Tim has an affair with the Hot Dog Guy - 7 to 1

Back on Disney and Universal media lists (Not freelancing) - 7,000,000 to 1

Tim and Jenn get divorced 1,000,000 to 1

Jackpot tells Jen to piss off - 75 to 1

Tattle props:
@xmasbdaygirl delivers more dirt on the Slackers - 3 to 1

@CoolWhip takes me to the cleaners - 7 to 1

Thread fills up in 3 days or less - 3 to 1
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Well-known member
It was in the low 70s today for a high. It's 60 right now. I think he probably was ok.

I wonder if the nanny took that pic?
Oh good! I honestly was worried. It got up to 90 today in my area. Those baby/toddler padded costumes that are so popular are really hard to use here. Our news station/fire department always does a segment on Halloween safety and they always bring up overheating for toddlers/babies because they canā€™t verbalize if theyā€™re getting too warm.

I wonder if the Nanny got fired or if theyā€™re just trying really, really hard to keep her off of media. Obv. FaintLines likes to keep up the illusion that sheā€™s super mom.
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Well-known member
I lost a few wine glasses and a vase to the Napa quake of '14. One of my bobbleheads almost lost his head (he was a pitcher standing on one leg, so less balance). That one sticks in my recent memory because it went on for awhile, at least 30 seconds (I remember that really well as I lay in bed at 3:30 in the morning wondering if I should put on some pants). Usually they're over before you can ask "was that a quake or did my neighbor slam her door extra hard?" In my old apartment, I could actually hear the quake before it happened because my walls would start creaking starting from one direction. Highly recommend earthquake wax - not only is it good for quakes, it's also good at preventing my cats from pushing things off shelves. My cats also have their own earthquake kit. šŸ˜ø
Relatable 100%
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Chatty Member
And don't forget, be sure to hit that UNLIKE button and un-subscribe. Because you payed the price by watching their train wreck. ;)

More like hire an in home tutor. They can't let their money maker stray too far from the camera.
I sure did unsubscribe to these lying racists about 6 months ago. And then I refused to watch their videos for couple months because I dont even want them to profit whatever minuscule amount they get from each view. Iā€™m back to hate-watching, unfortunately. I do need to start unliking their videos though - thank for reminding me!

If Tim and Jenn are just going to call him Buddy they should of just named him Buddy instead of Jackson.
Iā€™ve wondered if Jackson is even his real nameā€¦and maybe thatā€™s why they rarely call him by that.
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VIP Member
"Jenn you ruined the surprise, they didn't know what his costume was going to be." Hey ya dumb ass cunt muffins, you could do this wonderful thing called uhm....EDITING. Yeah. It works wonders. Jesus Christ, I hate these fuckers. Tim, just leave her ass. 17 years with her? Fucking Hell....I'd be so done with life at this point, just waiting for that sweet embrace of eternity, I don't know how you do it bruh...

100% itā€™s your job as a parent/caregiver/relative to give little ones better than you had.

(That doesnā€™t mean spoil rotten with toys, iPad time and beige food, Trackers!)

That means meeting their developmental/emotional/physical needs. It means giving them opportunities to explore and try new things. It means listening to their verbal and non verbal cues. It means giving them the opportunity to go to the park/playground where things are tailored to them rather than an enormous theme park.

They are 100% more interested in meeting their own selfish needs rather than making sure their kid is taken care of.
And this is why I work a regular full time job and then have a really successful side hustle as a grocery shopper (since the preferred member/shopper feature was rolled out the last week of August, I've gotten 42 customers who are like; 'Please deliver to me on a full time basis.'). I'm just done with these people, they are so rotten.
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VIP Member
I like the costumes and the picture but the first thing I thought when I saw it was ā€œAnd now itā€™s time to cut the grassā€ šŸ˜‚
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