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I have an email for the person in charge of the Swan & Dolphin Food and Wine Festival.

[email protected]
We all have a shared irritation of TTT (to different degrees), but please donā€™t email this woman about them! If you want to email someone how about President Xi about the Uyghur genocide in China? Or email Jeff Bezos and ask him to pay more in tax?

Obvs you are all entitled to do what you want and it isnā€™t my business (and I do know the background). But this makes me feel a bit icky.
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If they needed to film the Rollercoaster ride so badly, why not have the one sitting solo do the filming? They can still get the footage while ensuring their child was secure.
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No, I'm with you.

I'm sure we're all guilty of being Karens from time to time (no offense to Karens) and contradict ourselves... BUT I hear you loud and clear.

I had the same experience in the Michael Kay thread today (shout-out to my MKay peeps! šŸ¤£ ).

On there, we're always ranting about Mikey's shitty diet, sugar habits, need to lose weight, non-exercise, etc. and then he signs up and does a runDisney 5k (for whatever real reason, who really cares) and now peeps were commenting on his finish time, complaining about slow it was, critiquing his performance, bitching about his reasons for doing it.

I'm like - I can't keep up. šŸ¤£ I thought we wanted him to do something like this - for whatever reason (even if superficial or just for clicks and views; it still involved paying $$, getting up early, and exercise of some sort - in the pouring cold rain). šŸ¤£

Honestly, good for Tim re: massage. Jenn needs to learn how to be alone w/ Jackson in a non-familiar environment and for Tim to get some friggin "me" time. šŸ¤£
Well said
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They seemed so annoyed they had to spend the day doing things Baby J liked to do. So what if he liked the slides? Also as someone said earlier they absolutely were going on rides that had the shortest waits.

Also finishing the day with the Korean corn dogs šŸ˜‚

Out of all the great dining options at CA they went with those (again probably because it had the shortest wait)
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I glanced at that cut, something very, very odd with that. This was Jackson's FIRST rollercoaster ride, it's even billed as such on the title, and yet it was glanced over in the final produced video. Yes, something happened.

Also, Jackson could not get out of that ride car fast enough, he was moving to get out of there before the train had stopped. That's not the reaction of a child who had fun, he was terrified.
Billed as that bc we all know that anything labeled "first" in a title gets more clicks and views.

If they needed to film the Rollercoaster ride so badly, why not have the one sitting solo do the filming? They can still get the footage while ensuring their child was secure.
That's what I thought at first too. That Jenn was actually filming while turning around. She seemed to be seated in front of them. But then I noticed Tim move his eyes up as the camera moved up at one point, so yeah, I think he had the camera. I agree w/ you that that would've been better.
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How Jen feels about being a parent. This part was so weird, it wasn't Jackson screaming his legs were not even moving when they showed the stroller he was asleep but she makes a dumb wide eye face & freaks out.
She looks absolutely unhinged here
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That's not what Amber Knight of the University of North Carolina, Charlotte says in her piece, "Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, Disability, and the Injustice of Misrecognition"

We made the same case and it worked for the Professor.
I suppose for disability as a political recognition subject and it's integration into/of the political sphere that is germane. But, I don't think that quite applies for toddlers under two who wouldn't be able to understand the complexity of misrecognition.
* it's a good paper though, thank you.
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Hey maybe Tim took her back to the hotel because he had to poop and he didnā€™t want to do it in the Disney toiletsšŸ˜† but yeah he went back to give the kid his bath and put him down to bed because she doesnā€™t do it
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Donā€™t look now slackers, itā€™s now Christmas at Magic Kingdom. Do they get press/media access to the early morning event? Will we hear, we were invited out but it was so early and J$, so weā€™re putting this video out on our own, yes itā€™s January, we still donā€™t have our Halloween content up, but J$.

Sparkly Nicole was invited out by Disney to preview MKā€™s Christmas decorations early this morning. Amazing that she clearly labels her posts as well as that itā€™s an ad/sponsored post by Disney.

Also, IG/posting in real time? FaintLines could never šŸ˜‚

The rollercoaster thread on FB was deleted (or just ā€œnegativeā€ comments?) and now itā€™s a thread full of ā€œI forced my 3 year old on space mountain, sheā€™s fine!ā€ and creepy comments saying they thought Baby J being scared was funny.
Sorry, jinxā€¦ great minds think alike šŸ¤£
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Jennyturdlines probably doesn't actually care about barely doing anything at Disneyland for 2 days because she has more of a boner for Universal. To spend thousands of dollars to fly cross-country to go to Universal sounds even more foolish though. This whole vlog in general felt so chaotic. Creepy shot of the prop sleeping (oh look, he can sleep in an actual bed!), waaaay too much of breakfast (I've never seen a character breakfast look more unappealing), then they're just in Disney, Tim can't film Alice in Wonderland without seeming like he's never held a video camera before, Jennyturdlines expends too many of her brain cells wondering how people get evacuated from the ride, they keep mentioning it's busy, they crapped on Walt Disney's vision (I missed this in the video since I kept skipping ahead, but did she actually say that he couldn't afford a bigger castle?) even though without him they'd truly be nothing. So basically the only land they went to on day 1 was ToonTown and AinW is basically on the way to ToonTown. I can't believe how much they missed out on. They're bleeding so much money left and right. There was no reason for them to go to CA at this time unless they actually think the views on their belated CA vlogs would bring in the $$ they spent and then some. They should have just had their nanny watch their prop for them, but then they wouldn't have been able to use him to try to get more views.

Jennyturdlines will probably crap on Universal Hollywood too.
14.28 Itā€™s actually Dim who states ā€œSorry Buddy, Walt didnā€™t have enough moneyā€ They both make fun of the size of our castle.
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1:30 seconds in Tim is already throwing shade at WDW train station.
I am very glad that they did take him on Casey Jr. , and the carousel.
OK when they get on Mr. toad Tim says ā€œweā€™re gonna let The kid drive but I donā€™t think heā€™s gonna do so goodā€. I know that thatā€™s supposed to be a joke but it is seriously off colored and itā€™s still throwing negative shade towards your child like donā€™t even say shit like thatā€¦all he had to say was ā€œweā€™re gonna let the kid drive.ā€
Tim and Jen stop saying negative things to your child not even in a joking manner because stuff like that sticks ffs.
Either that kids first name is Buddy or Jen had a my buddy doll growing up and had it taken away or something because this nickname is so overused if itā€™s not the childā€™s real name itā€™s ridiculous.
Honestly with these freaking family vlogs just retitle your channel from TheTimTracker to ā€œTracker Family Adventuresā€ and be done with it and call yourself a damn family channel because thatā€™s what it is
I'm wondering if, at this point, they are just hoping to wait it out until he's old enough to be treated more like a 'friend' and more independent.
I wouldn't be surprised if Jenn has googled, "How young can my kid be to be left alone in theme parks?"

Another thought, usually media is a +1 situation. What is their plan when 'Buddy' gets older? I think Jenn plans on leaving him alone and Tim plans on taking him, leaving Jenn alone.

This poor kid is so over this theme park shit. He looked miserable and possibly scared on Casey Jr. Then there was no buddy cam on snow white or the big train at all and the only reason he was interested on toads wild ride was because he could play with the steering wheel. If its not a slide or a carousel he doesn't look happy.

Then 2 scenes of Jen eating while the little buddy whines and argues with her (she could solve this by just giving him his own piece to eat instead of feeding him or making him watch). And remember folks, this is the best of their footage that they can actually show.

...and thats only the first half of their last day at Disneyland. Really stretching this content out for all its worth to cover while they're in Hawaii.
are they in Hawaii right now???
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With young children you want to ā€œKISSā€ them.
(Keep It Simple Stupid)
Too many questions and choices overwhelm them. They get confused and frustrated.

J$ā€˜s world is so micromanaged that he is conditioned to do exactly what they say or else get reprimanded. He is not allowed to initiate any action for fear of this happening.

Poor kid isn't even allowed to imply he has a different opinion from what his "parents" say he does. Jenn says he loves peanut butter, and when he says "Jelly", possibly trying to say he likes jelly more or even just say he likes jelly, too, she immediately corrects him and says he just loves peanut butter.
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No surprise that he got a second dinner and so much candy he had to stuff some of the candy in his pockets cause his bag wouldn't hold it all. It wasn't even necessary for him to get so much candy - he just did it because he could. Again, a waste. Did they haul all that candy back with them to FL? Probably. If he doesn't eat it all, it'll sit rotting somewhere in their house with all of their other clutter.
Well I guess thatā€™s one way to get a bulge or two in his pants. šŸ˜‚
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I consider that pumpkin costume a baby costume. J$ is at the age where he could have gone to Target or Spirit and said, ok budddddyyyy, what do you want to be? Since he watches 20 hour of ipad videos in a day, a guy from a show he watches would have made him happy. We had a ton of kids come by last night. Kids J$ age were most Paw Patrol and PJ Masks.

You could really tell in this video, when Jenn asks him questions about what he wants to be he just says 'yea' over and over. He is not capable of making a decision and has been trained to say yes. He has no idea what "Do you want to dress up as" is. Same with what kind of birthday party he wants to have. Take him to the damn store and look at the kid aisle and let him pick.
Exactly. That's what I noticed too when she asked him if he liked the coaster and if he'd go again. His answer was "yeah" to both of those questions. It's because he's trained to say that. Now, the REAL test would be if they tried to get him on that again and he started crying and squirming to get away.

I would pull my phone out and show my kid birthday party themes. She's tell me. Its not that hard to show him.

But lets be honest, it's not about him. Its about the audience. Its so sad
It's about the audience but it's ALSO about Jenn and which outfit she thinks SHE'LL look "cute" in. I just scanned the vlog earlier but when I did, it seemed like Jenn was already getting ready and putting make up on and her outfit, etc. BEFORE Tim and J. were. If I'm wrong, someone correct me but I swear that's what I noticed.
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I just thought it was strange to criticize them for going together, thatā€™s all...
Yeah. Totally not abnormal to go out with your younger kids as a family...
We pretty much stopped staying home once our first kid was about 3. We would go to a friend's neighborhood that was notorious for great Halloween decor at every house and left nobody at home. I did leave out a bowl a few times but stopped doing that. Nobody really seemed to care and I always put our kids' pumpkins inside when we left to avoid any smashed pumpkin tricks. šŸ˜†

We loved going out with our kids, so we did, and it was an excuse to hang out with parent friends and walk together. We'll have years and years as older folks to hand out candy. šŸ‘µšŸ˜‚ Which, by the way, is the majority of who hands out candy to my kids wherever we go- people with grown up kids, people with adult kids, grandparents, and people without kids, + people with babies who aren't going out yet. Most houses here will leave a bowl out saying "out trick-or-treating!" and ours starts at 5:30, so there is almost no way we would have someone home then anyway since one of us would take the kids and the other come right from work.
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Just watched latest vlog
Shut up and just let Jackson experience the rides, talk about over stimulated. Poor kid is just zoning out
For the love of God break off a piece of churro and give it to Jackson, you don't have to have the first bite!!!!
Who the hell goes to Disneyland and leaves the family for a "massage"
Who the hell goes to Disneyland and leaves the family for a "massage"

I know I actually had to rewind to make sure I heard him correctly. Then that there was a part two of their last day coming out soon I was like WTF. I guess anything for more views.
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I actually have zero issue with Tim getting a massage.
We all know he is the prime parent getting The kid up , feeding him ,changing him ,giving him baths ,putting him to bedā€¦ he does everything and if getting a massage gives him an hour break and more importantly away from Jen I say he should have at least one massage a week
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So am I the only one that heard Jen say ā€œwe didnā€™t film installing the oven because it was really difficultā€ And that it probably really means ā€œwe called Timā€˜s brother to install itā€
I think Jaime lives in Virginia now. Now that I think of it, I don't believe Jaime or Ellen (Adam's wife) - they're both on IG - follow TTT on IG. :unsure:
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