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Omg I’m so sad they uploaded late because I probably won’t have time to watch until Sunday! Today is my birthday and my hubby says he “has a week full of plans for us”. He’s a good guy.

Im going to try to keep up so I don’t get too far behind.

Jenn should be fucking ashamed of herself but we all know she’s so goddamned deluded that she truly believes she needed this help.

I will say, I’m very happy that J$ is getting the mother he deserves (it appears this nanny has already been wonderful for his speech development and now he can eat without being swatted away)


Happy Birthday! I hope you get an airwrap, a cruise or a second hand smashed up Apple watch 😅
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That video was absolute drivel.
Calling their nanny their 'friend', yeah sure because you have a friend that will just join you to help look after your son. Why couldn't they let the nanny look after Jackson at home and I don't know maybe do something fun with him. I have never seen that child interact with kids his age and it's actually quite upsetting. I had a baby smack in the middle of lockdown and she has still managed to interact with a bunch of other babies at groups and nursery! And I earn a VERY small fraction of their income 😒
In my opinion that food was not worth the $33 each (I get it's Disney) but excuse the pun it looked crap. However, they saved $3 each guys!
I wonder does the nanny have to pay for all their own tickets and food at the park? I'd be pretty pissed if that was me.
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View attachment 747454
You guyzzzzzz! Ann says Tim cannot be racist because his barber is Black. So, now we all know how inclusive he is 🤣

Then, there’s dumbass Carol who seems to think Disney and Universal are going to lose out on valuable customers by cutting the Slackers off.
It's funny how the stans first immediately thought it was all of us on here as being know, that nasty gossip board. There was even hints that it was FRE who was the unwell one that sent the tons of emails to Disney and Universal.

Now, however, thanks to this supposed trainwreck of a podcast these people put out, it's now shifted to the stans believing that ANOTHER VLOGGER is behind the campaign to bring them down... and I guess that vlogger is Dev!?!?

🤣 OMG. These stans friggin crack me up! 🤣
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Why do I feel like Tim stuck his hand in to stir up controversy here?
There's too much involving other vloggers now, taking the focus off them.
I'd like to think he wishes he had that much power and control, but I think it's honestly just all a coincidence of timing.

I think a lot of these vloggers are getting a bit too big for their britches and are presuming they are untouchable. The Trackers' media being yanked last year should have shown them that that isn't the case. They're expendable, just like most everything else in life.
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Ummm. It’s a guy!
He’s the manny.
Been hunting for the TTT video where they said their “friend” was joining them for lunch. And Jenn said, “HE has a fried chicken sandwich” while showing it.
That person wore a scrunchie on his wrist also. So I think it’s the same guy.

Didn’t know he has long hair. Explains the scrunchie.

No shade intended about long hair on guys. My grandson has the longest hair of my grandkids and he has girl cousins.
I will hate myself if the nanny is a guy and I called him a her. Only because my son has long hair and we work hard to not judge based on hair length and he gets very upset when people call him a girl.

I feel like the person in that photo is a woman…but I really can’t be sure. Didn’t Jenn say “Jackson loves her” in their live???

The amount of single-use plastic they use is insane, they produce so much waste from all of their take-outs etc.

I know it can be difficult when you’re out and about, but you see them with a ton of it in their own home too.

Bit hypocritical really - when they did the AMI beach clean (!) they said they did it to educate Jackson about ‘the environment’.
I have reusable strong plastic cutlery I take almost everywhere with me to avoid that much waste.
It can be a pain but it’s worth it

Ran into them today in Epcot. Babysitter in tow. She was the one holding baby J. I wasn’t even sure if it was him at first since he had on sunglasses and a mask. He’s a lot smaller than I expected him to be too. But super cute in person. He talked to me and was super smiley and waved and what not. They were getting ready to go into the crepe restaurant. Jenn is very nice and again I don’t think they are bothered at all by people stopping them to chat.
“Jenn is very nice”

I think you spelled fake wrong
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Remember back when all the Disney vloggers got along? Well, for the most part that is.
Leaving out anyone who had issues with a significant other that spilled into their social media accounts, Who started all the BS? Was it Jenn?

Now days it seems like the only ones who get along with others are the livestreamers, but even there we feel some tension.

The pond is just too small for all these self seeking vloggers.


For the record, I do believe that Dev does have an account here on tattle and is one of our more frequent posters. I do not believe he is emailing any companies to try and bring down the Trackers as he seems to embrace the idea of Karma. Doesn't mean he won't talk shit about them.
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Also remember when she randomly brought out a black baby doll and kept forcing Jackson to hold it claiming, “it’s his favorite, he plays with it all the time.” That was the one and only time I have seen that baby doll in one of their videos.
She’s so fake!

I’ve been away for a while! Stupid work!!! Where is this Reddit thread? Also, did anyone notice how even for a tiny ass HHN video Dim couldn’t put her phone down. Also, when Tim took off his glasses to show us how he sees when he doesn’t have them on, did anyone else go ohh so that’s how he can still have sex with her? Just me. Oh ok..
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In the Unwell Video they mention that Disney have started inviting them back. If this was the case then why were they not at the Ratatouille Adventure media event? :unsure::unsure:

More evidence that =1's are the way they are going to any of these events.
That's exactly why they had to explain it the way they did in his livestream, as being in a "limited" capacity. No way they will ever admit they were dropped. I think Tim did his channel a disservice by saying in the return of the fireworks vlog that he was invited by Disney, then doubled down on that statement on reddit.

Disney marketing has been watching him very closely since Jeff Vahle made the decision to drop them back in the summer of 2020. There is no need for any of us to write to them. They see his lies and each one involving TDC drops them even further down the list.
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I see a decent amount of available confirmed reservations but they are all like 2 bedroom villas. Unlike the Bojos my Fiance and I don't need a 1000sqft hotel room for 3 nights
See if you can get a free room, say you are from Tattle, recently featured on TTT!!! /s
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You are right, he could have some ulterior motive for the video.
I understood him to say that he didn’t want to live anymore after separation from his wife. He moved back to his moms but was still very depressed for awhile.
It’s not that simple.
He was raised by a single mom, till she remarried. I don’t know how old Nate was. The step-dad was a good man. Nate and he became close. Nate considered him his father.

Fast forward....
Within a 30 day period the step-dad died and he and Veronica were divorcing. Two major events in his life that he was mourning. Nate’s mom, of course, was emotionally hurting. Nate moved back to Pennsylvania to be with mom. And they leaned on each other during this trying period.

Y’all can think what you want.
I just wanted to apprise you of some of the details he shared.
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Why does she wear shorts like that in a video of 150K+ views and have photos taken with stans all over the park? They look so uncomfortable and unflattering. In that kind of heat and legs rubbing together, ugh...not a good combo. 😬 And I am not making fun of her weight (I know some here do and have said why, and that is cool), but Daisy Duke shorts that are too tight and thighs busting out underneath and rubbing together are just a no from me dawg.
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Oh geeze! They even said there is nothing wrong with them trying to make J$ into the next Ryan's World kid.
Did I just really read that comment someone posted? Jenn has "perfect editing" and Tim knows how roller coasters are built because he worked in construction.

OMG. Are these people fucking for real?

I think we should reach out to Jaime, Tim's brother, and ask him how roller coasters are built.

You know, cuz Tim helped him out here or there in Jaime's RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION & REMODELING BUSINESS.

Surely it's the same thing, right? :rolleyes:
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yes exactly! ohmygod,,, it’s literally not hard. even the new youtubers understand that shit too
edit message: the stans literally act like they’re sooo busy. they get home from the parks in the afternoon, before 5pm most days since they get there at opening half the time. it would only really make sense if tim is at the parks one night for a firework show but even then he can get home before 10pm and we all know j4d stays up til 2am
You'd think after Dim and Ginn talked about falling out of grace with Uni and Disney they would make a better effort in selling their channel by you know getting videos up in a timely manner. If I was a business offering you something for free I'd expect a timely turn around in your vlog showcasing the item or experience. Instead in the what 3 or 4 days since HHN started all we got was their check in vlog.
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And she chews weird too. Like she's always chewing and rolling around her food at the very front of her mouth, instead of in the back/on the sides like most people do. I mean your molars are there for a reason, your supposed to bite with the front and chew with the back. I've just never seen anyone else chew food the way she does. It's almost like she thinks that's what professional food critics do (and I don't think it is).
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11:49pm and out comes the Remy vlog. Guess we are going to try and kiss Disney’s ass with “on time” vlog but not Universal. Now I really wonder if they will post HHN or was Jenn really too drunk?
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View attachment 749143New photo. Someone w/ Jackson in the back. Super behind on last 3 threads, I’ll be reading all night!!
LOL. Jackson is totally making a run for it, from the nanny. The nanny + T&J can't even keep him from taking off. Seriously, kids can be like this, but I can't imagine how 3 adults can't seem to keep this kid from taking off like a maniac continuously. This is just one random pic, plus that live stream capture, and in both he is taking off. They really need to keep him away from the parks, get him in some kind of play group or small co-op day care, and get him used to following a teacher or mimicking other children before they randomly decide to put him in preschool or kinder one day. Unless they are planning to home tutor him, which seems more likely by the day.

By the way, before anyone freaks out on my post, I know kids that age can be exhausting to chase. I am not inexperienced in that age range and how that can happen, but let this kid STAY HOME already. Let the nanny work on teaching him how to stay with her, follow some directions, etc.

The selfishness of dragging him into parks and now doing so with a nanny, just so Jenn can have the time of her life every day, is so ridiculous.
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