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There's one thing Disney hates is is to have the supposed fans reach out and try to bully them into running their parks their way.

Why the fuck would I, if I were Universal or Disney, want to YET AGAIN create an influencer partnership with people who just carry so much fucking DRAMA with them?

I am just utterly disgusted that they - knowing HHN is here, that Disney's 50th anniversary is coming - have resorted to making their fucking STANS to try and do the dirty work FOR THEM.

They have sunk to a new low that I never thought they'd go to.
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That head shake was because Tim went off script! That was a planned manipulative tactic to get an email campaign going on their behalf. No doubt in my mind. Also, zero doubt that they were told exactly what to do and say by someone. Not a word was genuine. Wow.
Yep - it was 100% planned. That's 100% why he dropped that they were not invited for HHN media stuff in the last vlog. To get the stans talking. Then they knew they were going to do a livestream.

Every single other time anyone asked them about media, Tim NEVER read the question in the livestream (and yes, people have asked before)

Suddenly, he reads the question without pause.

100% Planned.

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Well, we all knew it was going to be Stan Saturday around here after that live. Noticing the brand new people liking the JBJB post crying about the Trackers.

There is a huge group of varied people here who believe different things. Painting this entire forum with a broad brush is stupid. I have never emailed anyone about the Trackers, my husband likes watching Tim's videos and we are subscribers because of that, and in the past I really enjoyed most of his videos and we happily tuned in every night. Then they slowly but surely started turning me off with all that has already been described here many times before. Then the past videos surfaced and their BS apology video was posted and I realized these people truly suck. Years and years of making money off these tasteless and offensive videos, and all they wanted to do was look sad in a video and do some lame charity stuff that was never heartfelt. They blew it. They aren't bright. They are full of themselves and clearly are exactly the same now because they left up all these ridiculous tweets. They aren't having their lives ruined at all, AS STATED BY JENN in the live--they are doing well and are totally FINE, she said. All they lost was privileged media access and FREE luxury stays.

How about finding former CMs and TMs and people who lost their jobs and livelihood during the pandemic and give them trips of a lifetime and invite them to special events? T&J could have done something like that themselves to make amends and turn over a new leaf. Ask for their fans to write in about why they would love a chance for a resort stay or special park visit and gift that to people who were struggling or needed the break in their lives. Instead they went on 25 vacations themselves and are now whining it wasn't more or paid for by Disney and Universal.

All vloggers should be feeling really thankful and lucky if they can make a true living doing this. The Trackers used to be this way, and then it all went to their head.
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@ndavy . Got busy today, couldn’t get back to you sooner. Finally found the video your comment triggered.
Sweatergate was the tipping point for me. I was a huge fan of them for about 5 years up til then. They had started flexing so hard with every expensive baby item they possibly could get their grubby hands on… and then buying a $1900 sweater and laughing about how they would never spend that much but - OOPS - they did! 🤮 Actually maybe when they said they should go in to find a Gucci bag to use as a diaper bag 🤢.

And then I became pregnant with my first child right after J was born. Learning about how to take care of my own child revealed to me how bad they are at taking care of theirs. FROM WHAT THEY CHOOSE TO SHOW US.

THEN a few months later we’re in the Black Lives Matter moment and the urban party video / Gay contagious / wheelchair pass clips are brought to light. I couldn’t believe how trashy and disgusting they were. There was something so cringe about them whenever I stumbled upon an old vlog. Like a super lame / trashy sense of humour that did NOT age well. I’m so sorry Jen but you’re an asshole and you should have removed those videos as soon as you “evolved” like you said you have.

But WE’RE all unwell here 😝
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if Disney or Universal finds out that the Trackers purposely caused this drama that they have to deal with…they should be pissed. These guys are a liability and too much drama and hopefully Dis/Uni see it. Regardless of your personal opinion I do think it’s funny that they were so upset when Trump was elected yet they take a lot of cues from his playbook. Next we will hear them say stand down and stand by when they get called out for setting their Stan base to rebel. They are no better than what they claim to hate!
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godzilla has way better teeth and actually cares for humanity.

i love watching these 2 and i adore Jackson but i am starting to feel physically sick hearing Jen the way she talks... everything she says there is a A at the end.. is it just me?
Jackson... A... i love them but im starting to not want to watch
You are in the wrong place if you love them and “adore Jackson”

we aren’t too fond of people who are obsessed with their child. It’s pretty friggin weird to “adore” someone else’s kid who you have ZERO connection with.

you might want to head back to the fan page, there isn’t much for you here just being honest
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I don't get the surprise that he wasn't invited to media night for HNN. He wasn't invited to the media opening of Velocicoaster either. But kudos to Tim for being a bit more transparent. But would have been nice to recommend a local vlogger - those are the bridges he needs to fix.
I agree with xmasdaygirl, he's not being transparent, he's being manipulative and trying to rile his stans to petition Universal. They were even in an advert for Universal.... This must sting 😇
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I’m watching it right now and it just shows how sociopathic and narcissistic they are to call people that see-through their bullshit and are concerned for their child “unwell”. We aren’t the ones that are clamoring for their baby to be on a T-shirt or demanding videos of nothing but their baby chewing his food or whining that they haven’t seen enough of their toddler…yeah we are the ones that are unwell… OK
They are such victims🙄
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Not sure how I found this site, but am so glad I'm not the only one who doesn't think the Trackers walk on water. Just started watching some of their videos earlier this year, so I don't know much about all the past drama and offensive videos. but I just really can't stand Jenn, she is so fake and annoying and rude. I liked some of the videos with Tim alone, but when Jenn is in the video all she does is interrupt Tim, like constantly. I used to feel bad for him, but he lets her get away with it so I guess he doesn't deserve any sympathy.
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Of course, if they’re bringing a nanny with them it has to be at least 3 bedrooms 2 bath, full kitchen and sleep 12, and even that is on the smaller side.

Amazing how they expect the nanny to cook when they can’t manage it on their staycations. No roomservice for the help or Baby J if J4D isn’t there to eat off their plates.
it is so crazy they will throw a gazillion dollars away to go to HHN but won’t hire an editor and/or producer to stop making garbage videos. AND have the nerve to be telling their stans to go out begging for TTT to get more free shit.

The Tim Tracker #38 They’re Out of Touch, They’re Out of Time

edit: and honestly more that I think about it, it isn’t even about the free shit, it is the special treatment and not having to mingle with the unwashed masses since in their minds they should have full celebrity status.
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Jenn - you guiuyyyysss we are NOT a news channel!!

everybody else - then whyyyyyy should you be on a MEDIA list???
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So, since I am feeling “unwell” after reading about their live yesterday, I finally unsubscribed from their channel! Now, since only 3 people have emailed Disney and Universal negative comments about them, what email address do I use to become the 4th…?

Also, I left this comment on the Reddit thread for the Halloween is upon us livestream. It’s still up and is hovering around 5-6 upvotes with some Stan intervention

”Actions have consequences, plain and simple, and their past actions are valid to impact the current day when they put them all out there to be consumed by the public at large. Their actions weren't appropriate in the years they occurred and aren't appropriate now. Why should they be given a pass? How are we supposed to know if they're truly "better people" now or they've just learned how to manage their public presence?

As an LGBT person who watched them a lot more before the FRE videos exposed them and only occasionally since, I am out now since they clearly aren't actually remorseful, they're just upset that their viewers and the corporations they've hitched their lives to are actually holding them accountable for their actions based on public input.”
I agree. On the live, there was no contrition that the made these vlogs. The words were there, but they were just that...words. Nothing that said to me that they recognised that they had lost the media pass due to THEIR actions, they firmly blamed people who they think emailed the parks. Guess what Tim & Jenn? If you hadn't MADE and POSTED those vlogs the LEFT THEM UP for years then people couldn't have picked you up on them you're pissed you've been dropped and there was not a single sentence that said '' we screwed up and are paying the price. We accept we need to rebuild that trust and working relationship'. No self reflection. And actually, this may be the email I send to the parks.

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Ok, I’ve thought long and hard before posting this, mainly as I’m pretty sure i’ll be ripped to shreds but here goes………
While I’m all for a bit of gossip and good natured banter, I’m really sad that it has descended into what this has become, trying to destroy the Trackers. Ok, we don’t like them, they have made money from some questionable videos and they don’t get why people are angry. But emailing every company that works with them to try and destroy their livelihood, hoping they get audited by the IRS and the personal comments about how they look is getting a bit much for me. I know I’ve made many mistakes in my life, I also know I’ve put on a shed load of weight while being in lockdown. And I’m finding the glee in this thread that things are going wrong for them really uncomfortable and disturbing. As someone who has suffered from anxiety and depression I can only imagine the stress they must be under right now, especially if they do read here! And that atmosphere is not good for the little guy, yet you constantly say you want the best for him. Doing this to his parents is not the best for him. I was a long time lurker before I decided to join and comment but this level of unkindness is bewildering and upsetting to me. If you don’t like them, just don’t watch! And with that I’ll leave you to it. Take care.
You are assuming lots of people have actually emailed these businesses as suggested in their video.

From what I can see their decline is of their own making and they are making us the reason why. They've done it all to themselves.
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I’m normally pretty lighthearted on this site but I am SO FUCKING FIRED UP about them calling their haters “unwell” during that live. Im behind a couple of days but I managed to see about 55 seconds of that travesty and I am raging like I’ve never raged before. I am out to destroy right now. I’ve already been shadowbanned on 3 YouTube accounts. At least I know that means that FatFace Fucker McGee has read what I had to say about it.
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Judging by all of the different commenters on this thread, Imma go out on a limb and say that there's slightly more than 3 people who dislike their content. It must be really hard perpetually playing the victim as much as they do.
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I really don't get begging your stans to beg global corporations. Being on any media list is a privilege, and because of their shitty behavior, they've lost that privilege.

Karma's a bitch Jennifer and Timothy, and you are reaping what you've sown.
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Ok, there were 8 pages to this before I was able to get back to read the fallout after the live. 🤣 Sorry if this was said, but I am still on page 4. I also noticed Tim saying "they contacted ALL the companies we work with.." and the desperation was CLEAR AS DAY on his face. They are totally panicked over this. My guess - after he got calls from the electric bike company, AMI (with the stan employee- they probably showed him the emails), possibly the cops after whoever here reported them for possible turtle nest disturbance. Then he comes home and his precious TikTok was removed. 🤣 Dude is panicked beyond belief over this. No wonder he runs his own Reddit now.
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I have never written to a company about these two idiots...but that video really really makes me want to.
Nothing is ever their fault.
I almost did once before, but I will be for sure this time. I’m going to say that since Disney/Universal seem to think I am “unwell,” I would be happy to cancel my family’s upcoming December trip and spend our money elsewhere. We could probably rent a beachfront mega house for two months for what we are spending at Disney and Universal. We have been putting money aside for years for this and it’s not something we take lightly. So if thinking racism, homophobia, disability fraud, and bullying, among other things is wrong, then consider me “unwell.” I know it probably won’t matter, but hey, it’s worth a shot.
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The craziest thing to me is that there is no denial of their asshole behavior. Just playing the victim because they have been called out on their bullshit. No claims that lies were told by the letter writers. The concept of “Maybe we should stop being assholes” is completely foreign to them.
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