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Is it me, or does Jenn seem mad that Tim’s mom buys things for Jackson? Does she not understand the whole grandmother concept of spoiling the kid? Lol she was that way at Christmas too
She was defensive about the stans telling her to treat Tim well on Father’s Day lol
Like they don’t praise her enough?
The watch- look how beat up and old mine is …let’s give it to my dad.
WTF? Did they visit his mom on Mother’s Day? I can’t remember
Jenn couldn’t surprise Tim with the Hawaii trip because it was too much money to spend without consulting him…, how much is cruise? A “surprise “ cruise. Lol
Jenn has been reading here a lot lol the real housewives comment made me 😂
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Did you see the gifts that awaited them when they got to their room :sick: They got ears and some other stuff. I tuned out when I saw Disney kissing their asses. Really Disney? How about gifting some families who spent years saving for a dream vacation or a family that may know they are taking a family member on what will be their final trip together.
Jesus this hit me right in the feels. Look, I know some people think I overshare, and if you're one of them, just please scroll past this and let me share this. I've been working 7 days a week between my regular job and shopping for Shipt for the last three months, and I still can't afford to stay on property at Disney and do everything we want to do...but these are the highlights of what I'm paying for with what could very well be the last family trip with my dad (he's outlived every male in his family by about four years so far and he's 72.)

Staying on property at Universal at Dockside Inn and Suites.
Getting the basic AP's for myself and my wife, my mom, my dad, my sister, and my son's godmother to Universal. If Disney AP's go on sale, we're totally doing Disney AP's. We're doing Epcot, then Animal Kingdom, then two days at Universal, Magic Kingdom, Hollywood Studios, Epcot, then Universal again before we head home. I'm hoping to do Chef Mickey's for breakfast on the first Epcot day, then Cinderella's Royal Table or Be Our Guest (all depends on what we can get a reservation for.) I personally would have LOVED to have gotten a two bedroom Savannah view at Animal Kingdom, but there's just no way I can afford that before we leave in October.

And then these asshole vloggers just throw up shitty content on YouTube, get a bunch of people to fawn over them and Disney and Universal give them free shit.
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I work as a behavior analyst and help do autism evaluations. I’m seeing some possible early signs but in my opinion, most symptoms don’t become more obvious until at least 24-36 months. That’s often when ASD is diagnosed. I think they should look into some speech therapy at the least, because it is so beneficial even for a minor delay. But let’s remember these 2 morons are his parents. They would be the absolute worst kind of therapy parents because Jen would micromanage the fuck out of you and Tim would think his way is better. I’ve had so many parents like this that make it about themselves and ruin progress their child could make.
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Yeah me and hubby say Grunter for Jackson.
I wonder if Jackson is saying "Fuck this" instead of "What this?" Cuz honestly, if those two were my parents I'd be saying; "Fuck this" an awful lot too. I got a feeling that when Jackson is older and has real friends he is going to be couch surfing at friends houses.
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Yup. You are correct. It’s either weird lighting issues or bad self tanner, probably a combination of both. I stand corrected

Contrary to popular belief I am willing to admit when I am wrong.
You’re cool in my book.
Sometimes I think you over share, but that’s just you being you. If I don’t care for what you state I just move on.

I enjoy this thread. You all are my tribe. People being real and stating their POVs. We can disagree. As long as it’s done with respect we are all chill.

I just wish the “closeted stans” would go hang with their own people.
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Do they share that 29 year old Halloween horror nights t shirt or what?
Seems like it’s in every vlog somehow, one of them is wearing it.
Surely out of the hundreds of shirts they have they can change it up a bit?
They have been sharing t-shirts in the last few vlogs. The dolphin shirt Tim had on, Jenn has been wearing that a few times. All their money and they’re sharing the same 4 t-shirts now 🙄 don’t even get me started on them dressing the baby in the same 2-3 outfits!
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These two fucking arrogant assholes go on a jillion vacations a year and regift Tim’s old scratched watch to his poor dad. I’m not saying it should go in the trash…but like they can’t afford to do something decent for dad??
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No. They heavily implied it was free. Then again they went through several possibilities of “the world is our oyster.” They seemed to have settled on either they invented it or they heard it on a gangster film.
I know they read here. It was Shakespeare, you dolts!
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Here’s what I don’t get about these 2 morons
If it looks like rain, and you risk paying money for a water park….why didn’t they eat before leaving home?
Why get there and waste an hour or more “eating lunch”? It’s amusement park food for Pete’s sake. I could see trying to show what’s available if they insist on keeping up the “travel” aspect of their channel- but how many burgers and fries do we need to see? Jackson could have played so much longer if not for lunch time lol give him a quick snack out of that bag of food you supposedly brought along from home and let him play until he puts himself down for a nap 😂
It’s funny how they can not get anywhere on time, but the NAP time must never be changed lol
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I’m sure that if they found out Jackson had an issue they would milk it for all it’s worth for all the stan pity and then people would be begging to send them gifts “please open back up your post office” or “turn on your super chats”... you know because they don’t have them on supposedly🙄
They would do a superchat for charity.

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New video and straight away jenn asked grunter "what do you see? Oh it's a lamp, he loves lamps" first I thought of anchor man and second again they ask him a question answer said question and states he loves it all while Jackson gets to say nothing or learn. Fucking idiots

not watching, don’t care about their lame pool day. Somebody let me know if the burger has bacon on it 🙄
Well so far Jackson loves lamp 😂
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Except we know that he doesn’t drink just one. If you watch any of his vlogs at all his itinerary is ride, drink, snack, ride, drink, snack, ride, drink, snack. On numerous occasions all of those drinks have indeed been alcoholic drinks, sooooo…yeah, he should order an Uber. It just sets a better example for family friendly entertainment…unless your name is Sam Kinison
Exactly. He has literally said his system on camera and half the time he revolves his trips around alcohol.

Here is zero tolerance for drinking and driving. If I'm driving I ain't drinking at all. And even if we could have one, I wouldn't. I love Nate, but his drinking bothers me. He drinks his beer really quickly and the fact it is shown in a compressed time period makes it look like its OK to drink and drive. With that heat and those roads..... I'm surprised he hasn't already had an accident.

These orlando vloggers aren't great adverts for the parks health wise are they?! All of them are pudging up, not just the Trackholes.
Thank you. I’m the exact same. I do not care how long the time will be between drinking and driving, if I am doing the driving I'm not drinking AT ALL

my husband and I will do one of two things, book a hotel within walking distance or on site of wherever we are drinking…OR only one of us gets to indulge and we alternate those days
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I want to thank Jenn and Tim for getting fat and motivating me to get myself into better shape. I'm fairly average, and already do intermittent fasting to maintain my weight, but now I've started working out and cut out alcohol on weekdays (weekends are for having fun of course). I don't know if I would have had the initial starting motivation without Jenn dismissing Tim's goal of weight loss. Thanks for being a bitch to your husband, Jenn!
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The Father’s Day vid just now showed up on mine. Weird.

She could have turned the Christmas paper reverse and let Jackson decorate the other side, but that takes thought.

Tim is giddy. She had to ask his friend which one to get him. Ok.

Tim doesn’t like the donut, consumes calories anyway. Maybe he was just being nice.

Why are they talking about burgers for so long…ugh!

Are these toys from the grandparents? It’s nice to see books for Jackson. It’s hilarious if his parents put them in the alcohol box since Tim & Jenn don’t drink. 😂

Thank goodness she’s not pregnant.

Aren’t they going on two cruises? Now, Hawaii too. Jeeze. She is going to freak out with Jackson on a plane for that long. That’s gonna be hilarious. And jet lag. Lol! Oh my!

She just called Jackson and infant. Fuuuccckkkk!!!

This video isn’t even half over.

Fast forwarding through lego stuff.

Poor kid…super close up of his teeth for the world to see.

Father’s Day dinner = ”Something you [Tim] don’t like.” 😂

Fast forwarding again. Don’t care.

”We’re not like the Real Housewives here.” No, but you wanna be.
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I'm thinking they will want to go where another vlogger has gone recently. If not Aventura then it may be Gaylord Palms because ATW took his parents there.
Maybe they'll take a road trip with Adam the Woo's father. Or go to England to visit Super Enthused's boyfriend.
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These two Cannot go one vlog without complaining about something. I’m sure I’ve said it before but they reek of entitlement. Also, Tim LOVES meat omelettes. Shouldn’t have staying in hotels just absolutely lost all meaning by now? I mean I like staying in hotels, but that’s maybe once every year or two. I call total horse shit if they claim all these staycations
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I’m going to need Jenn to get her fucking shit together and start putting out some damn content with more frequency LIKE THEY CLAIM THEY DO…

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HI, just chiming in on the autism talk: my mom is an SLP and specializes in autism so I know a fair bit about the diagnostic criteria. I don't believe Jackson is autistic. I DO, however, think he is developmentally stunted. This can /sometimes/ be an early indicator for autism, but in this case, I just think he hasn't been socialized as a normal todder; ie stuff like Gymboree and toddler classes, etc. RE: what someone else mentioned about Jackson preferring objects to people: this is again a socialization issue. If, and this is a BIG if, Jackson is autistic, he is most likely extremely high functioning.

I would also like to touch on the fact that we only see a small bit of their life, through a highly filtered and edited lens. There's no way to actually diagnose someone without spending IRL time with them to see how they go throughout their day.
Just my 2 cents!
He's just over stimulated and doesn't know his name as they call him buddy mostly. He's gonna have behaviour problems I just know it. They talk at him not to him and they never let him do what he wants they chain him to them and he's there cash cow at this point and he's 18 months and the monkey maker and not by his choice. They don't let him even play with balloons but let's him play around tables with sharp corners and he's always dragged to theme parks which with that much noise and stimulation I'm not surprised he's ignoring them. He grunts for everything and they don't get him to say the words just fills his face with food. He scowls at everything which baby's do but to them he "love it" and he's even got a tan which for his age is awful. He should be heavely protected from Florida sun especially as he's fair. His diet is cheerios and crustables and what ever he snatches of his parents and he his fed by them most of the time and not doing it himself this includes bottles. Jenn constantly picks him up instead of letting him play and they don't even safe guard there house just put him in baby jail. They talk to him like a baby which sounds daft but kids don't like that and they need to be spoken to clearly not patronisingly. I could go on but the end of then day this is Satan's spawn and Dim and Grunter don't stand a chance. That's my 2 cents
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