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"Some Super Bowl.. uhhh.. LV.. three.. like, what is that.. 23?"

Yes Tim, you stupid motherfucker. The first Super Bowl obviously took place in 2001.
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I thought at first that maybe he was referring to Tattle comments but he seemed to be talking specifically about people who say they don’t like him and there have been multiple comments on the podcast videos saying they don’t like Nick, saying Tim should be doing this with Adam, etc.
I really REALLY find all the Nick hate in the stan comments interesting. The stans typically LOVE anything the Trackers put out there and aside from a few things here or there, there's really never a continuing stream of anti-[fill-in-the-blank-with-the-person's-name] comments as much as there is about Nick - and that JENN decides NOT to delete.

The stans have lapped up every other person they show on camera (and I'm not referring to Woo). Anyone from Jim and Nicole to the two gay guys they used to be friends with (not a slur, that's what they are) to Hot Dog Guy to any other vlogger (or random friend) they've shown on camera over the years.

What is about Nick that the stans don't like? I doubt they know his whole background like we do, so what is it? On the surface, he's rather bland and not enough to stir the stans into a tizzy of hatred.

I swear that some of the comments HAVE to be coming from Jenn's burner accounts as a campaign to get rid of Nick so she can take over.

"See Tim! They just don't care for him! It's not going to work. You need MEEEEeEEeeeeeeeeEEEEE!"
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Screenshot 2024-02-17 at 4.49.53 PM.png

Waiting for some stan to comment at some point that picking your nose with your right index finger means you're 57% more likely to become fluent in a foreign language and so therefore Buddy is a linguistic genius who will be fluent in 19 different languages.
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ThatTracks Patreon is live. $5 membership option says it is for content during their "adventures together." 🧐🤣🤣

Joke's on us if they get a bunch of members. I hope this crashes and burns bc you know it is the gateway to TTT Patreon.
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I know we all criticize them for having a nanny or two and how they frequently leave the kids to go off and do stuff, but in all reality, those children are both much, much better off away from their parents. Tim and Jenn suck. There's no other way to describe it. They both have a miserable existence and it's carried over into the treatment of their kids. Those kids are both merely support cast members of this horribly produced reality show. Why anyone would be jealous of their lives is just mind blowing to me. How shitty can your life possibly be if you want your life to be like theirs?

I'd still like to know what happened to that expensive Chubbies outfit with the flamingos and now Da Baby's little red Valentine's suspender outfit.
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Ginn: "This was not a sponsored thing. I paid for this on my own, I found it on my own."

Wowowowow, good job Ginn. Your husband still has to rush the fuck home early because you can't pick your own son up on your own.
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I just realized that Jenn doesn't follow Amanda on IG, nor did she wish her Happy Birthday, nor did she "like" her birthday posts.
(and if she reached out to her privately, she obvs doesn't want to do it publicly... :unsure:)

Some friend.

Hey, Potato's mom - words of advice: don't waste your time; she doesn't really care about you.
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Does anyone else think it's strange that probably about a month ago here we had a big conversation about them cleaning their bathrooms and then there's this paid promotion showing Tim cleaning a toilet?

Times must be getting tough if they are promoting a cleaning product...

And parmesan is not a spicy cheese.
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They're not going to order groceries online - they're shopaholics and nothing fills the void better than shopping (and eating). That's why they buy reusable water bottles they never actually bring anywhere.

They have to hire people to clean their home and watch their children because they've devolved into teenagers who can't stand doing anything that isn't fun.

They're irresponsible spoiled brats that are raising their kids to be just as insufferable.
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Dim always says “memorandum” instead of “memorial” or “in memoriam”.
The 9/11 site is not a “memorandum” you turd.
Dim always doing his best to subliminally tell the world he's barely qualified to be a janitor at the Orlando Science Center as he has no fucking clue what a MEMO is... Dude you better thank your lucky stars that you won the YT lotto because holy shit man.
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I don't think I have the stomach for this one, thanks for the head's up to everyone who watched it already. I've been up since 4:30am, had to work in the city today, worked like crazy, had a delayed commute home and then I had a low blood sugar attack on the train cause whoops I guess I didn't eat enough I was so busy trying to get through a million tasks. So I caved and took the elevator up the 3 flights of stairs to where my car was parked in the station garage because I didn't think my shaky numb legs would work. Made it home finally to be greeted by two of the biggest barf piles ever from one of my kitties on the carpet that took second priority to deep-clean after feeding them (and now I'm finally eating dinner and waiting for the shakiness to fully subside 🫠).

But you know what I was happiest about? Not getting a parking ticket (I paid but realized I forgot to hang my tag in my car that is connected to my card and the garage assholes have tried to fine me before - I guess today was my lucky day... sort of!) Meanwhile I hear this bitch was salty over a shrimp? Oof.

I had to throw my headphones off. I have terrible misophonia and that, along with the lip smacking noises in the beginning, made me so mad
Thanks for the warning! I love that I've never been surrounded by more people who also have misophonia (anyone also have misokinesia? Ginn's repetitive tongueing of her mouth or adjusting her glasses really makes me twitchy) and/or are INFJs than on Tattle! 😆
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Fucking hell. Nick's whinging begins at 4:45 and persists ad nauseam until 19:40.

That's 15 solid minutes of soy-based neurotic bleating while Dim stares at him with a smug smirk and repeats "Yeah" every thirty seconds like a broken animatronic.

Nick, you are weak and not cut out for the powergrifting lifestyle. You are a sycophant to a toxic imbecile. Stop humiliating yourself more than you already have. The horrible feeling eating away inside you is more than just your failed conversion therapy.
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The pizza and Universal videos both had tons of "too much Nick" comments. "I don't like Nick in the vids" "Once in a while, but not every video." I really think they don't see Nick and Tim as two dudes hanging out like Adam and Tim or Jim/Nicole with Tim/Jenn or the British gay couple. Their chemistry is such that Tim and Nick come across as a couple. They could pass as a couple. That Narcoossee's dinner was downright flirty. So they see, even subconsciously, Nick as a replacement Jenn. And the stans love love love Jenn. MORE JENN!!!! We've all seen those comments.

I'm also going to bet that the stans don't know nearly as much about Nick as we do. Those stans who watch the vids but not the podcast or his insta, probably don't know anything about Nick at all. He's really only mentioned his wife a couple of times. His kids have only appeared in that very first video at the GF and then that Halloween thing where Jenn was a super cunt to the little boy who was scared. The stans might not even know he's married with kids....not that he can't be gay. I think he's a closet case because of his religion, which makes me really sad. Hopefully one day he can break free and be who he is.

And I know, every time I mention Nick, I still come across as a Nick stan. :rolleyes: I'm working on it. :ROFLMAO:
I wonder if that's it. That yeah, they see Nick and Jenn's replacement? 🤪

I just think it's so friggin strange that they're ganging up on him in the comments. Even if he comes off as fake like @And Now It's Time to Splu mentioned. I'm willing to bet that anything the stans would say about Nick, they could easily apply the same to the Trackers (also like And Now said)

And even if - EVEN IF!!! - these are totally legit comments (and not prompted by a handful of Jenn's burner accounts to get the hate going), what I find soooo interesting out of it ALL of it is that Jenn doesn't delete those comments.

Why? If she truly valued the friendship of this man, this man's wife, his children as friends of "Original Buddy™" (or enough to use their DAS or whatever in the past) - and even she truly valued this man as a good friend (religion or questionable child exploitation aside) to her husband , WHY would she keep those comments up, or not clapback at them?

Why not pin a statement at the top saying something about positivity, won't tolerate hateful comments toward Nick as were voiced in past vlogs, blah blah blah (even if it's bullshit) when she quickly deletes and shadowbans anyone else offering even the most mundane criticism of her or Tim?

It truly shows you the kind of person she is.
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Perhaps Francie can see through Jenn's bullshit and makes sure to steer clear of her. Plus who would want their kids playing with one that hasn't learned any manners? Just a thought, because I know if that was me I wouldn't want anything to do with Jenn or Jackson either.
And it could really be after the way that Jenn spoke to Luke at that Halloween thing, where she basically told him to suck it up and stick his hand in that texture/sensory nightmare, Francie just said fuck-off bitch and swore she would never associate with her again. I mean, if that was me, and someone, anyone spoke to my kid that way, she'd have a black eye and broken nose. I mean, how can someone who doesn't fucking drive, be an asshole to a kid who is hesitant to stick his hand in a box of mystery goop?

We never saw Francie and Jenn together after that Halloween thing, that's all I'm saying. But we're wrong 99% of the time. :ROFLMAO:
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Prosperity Piglet

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She is superstitious at the very least. I could easily see her becoming an anti-vaxxer with little effort. I have actually wondered with OG if she they tried natural remedies before seeing the freaking ENT. It would be so like her.
I think she brushed off all concerns and blamed the baby. She thought Jackson just needed extra attention and Hot Wheels. She is resentful of poor Oliver. I worry about him. Tim does the same with Jen. Instead of seeing the real issues he is buying her more wine and cruises. This bitch didn't even know what her kids were getting for Christmas. She's sick. That house is a disaster. The baby is orange and the other kid can't breathe or hear. It's all very dysfunctional.
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Regina Phelange

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Jenn I hope you read here because here is how you help Oliver sleep:

1) take him OUT of that sleep sack and replace it with an arms free sleep sack. I cannot believe he is 1 year old still in a non arms free sleep sack ugh

2) push his dinner time to right before bed. 30 minutes or less. If he’s drinking from a sippy cup at all (he should be by now) try putting formula in there for him to drink to get his belly full.

3) and MOST IMPORTANTLY DO NOT IMMEDIATELY RUN INTO HIS ROOM everytime he wakes up. They’ve already created a horrible habit doing this, Oliver now expects to be soothed back to sleep by his parents. He needs to learn how to self sooth. That’s soooo important (imo the secret to independent sleep). Let him cry for atleast 5 minutes before slight intervention with a pacifier. Try this for a few nights. It’s hard to listen to them cry but it’s so much better for them in the long run.

4) Drop his late afternoon nap. Give a 3-4 hour wake window before bed. This is just as important at step 3. To short of a wake window won’t give him the proper night sleep.

Please please try these methods. All of them. Poor Oliver needs sleep. I can almost promise his sleep will improve within a week if you utilize ALL of these steps. You will thank us tattlers later.
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