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So isn't this the week J has a bunch of appointments (per Jenn) and it was going to be a "crazy" week for them? How many days will Jenn skip this week?

This is the first Monday there was a pod posted and Jenn didn't try to "one-up" it with a home vlog of her. 😅
Well, that's one day skipped and according to the podcast, J$ has his hearing test today, so no video yesterday was because they were so busy THINKING about this appointment today? We've already learned with the past few home vlogs, if they have an hour commitment at any point in the day, it completely knocks their world off its axis. So I'm guessing there won't be a video today either.

As far as hearing test goes, this is going to be interesting because this is going to be something that they cannot answer for J$ with, he has to do it completely on his own. My daughter had a hearing test at about 2 1/2 to start the speech therapy process and I remember being totally freaked out if she was doing it right because I couldn't hear the sounds and really had no idea what was going on. This is going to drive Tim crazy because he can't control the situation. At all. Let's see if they have the camera shoved in his face during this process.
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I wonder if Jenn will ask for Oliver’s name in Morse code necklace. She still wears the one that says Jackson.
Where did this bitch get a manual on how to raise a kid?!? Everything is not as regression. Didn’t he have a 10 month regression or something like that. He spends so much time in regression, I’m surprised he’s actually progressing.
I slept shitty last night, I must be going through a 433 month sleep regression.
This is to my millennials.. do you guys remember the show All That? That dear Ashley segment was my favorite!
but watching the trackers, I now relate to that segment so much lol. I overly understand the rage of dealing with idiots that lack common sense!
The only one experiencing any sort of regression in that house in Jenn. She did this with J$ too...everything he did was because of 4 month, 5 month, 8 month sleep regression or teething. Everything was, oh he's getting a tooth, even in the months before he got any teeth.

They both have to place blame on something outside of themselves, always. Your kid doesn't sleep well at night because of all of the crap you do revolving around his sleep. If your kid has reflux so badly for so long, go see a doctor and make the necessary changes in his life.
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So Dim's diet this past week:
Tuesday/Wednesday: Pizza with Potato's Dependents
Thursday: First Munkbang with the Dick
Friday: Pizza Munkbang
Saturday: Farm Chic Munkbang
Saturday: Mardi Gras Munkbang

Yeah, really fasting a lot :rolleyes: And we know they're probably pigging out somewhere in Winter Garden after J$ hearing test today. They have that beef picadillo though and vinegar shots.

TTT 164: Eating for Turdy Pounds
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I wonder if that's it. That yeah, they see Nick and Jenn's replacement? 🤪

I just think it's so friggin strange that they're ganging up on him in the comments. Even if he comes off as fake like @And Now It's Time to Splu mentioned. I'm willing to bet that anything the stans would say about Nick, they could easily apply the same to the Trackers (also like @and Now said)

And even if - EVEN IF!!! - these are totally legit comments (and not prompted by a handful of Jenn's burner accounts to get the hate going), what I find soooo interesting out of it ALL of it is that Jenn doesn't delete those comments.

Why? If she truly valued the friendship of this man, this man's wife, his children as friends of "Original Buddy™" (or enough to use their DAS or whatever in the past) - and even she truly valued this man as a good friend (religion or questionable child exploitation aside) to her husband , WHY would she keep those comments up, or not clapback at them?

Why not pin a statement at the top saying something about positivity, won't tolerate hateful comments toward Nick as were voiced in past vlogs, blah blah blah (even if it's bullshit) when she quickly deletes and shadowbans anyone else offering even the most mundane criticism of her or Tim?

It truly shows you the kind of person she is.
Well that's easy. She keeps the comments because she wants him to see them. What's that saying? Misery loves company? If she has to deal with the jealous haters, so does Nick. Plus I think that she's threatened by him and how functional his family seems.

It's odd to me that Tim and Nick can be such great friends and Jenn doesn't seem to have any relationship with Francie whatsoever. J$ doesn't seem to have any friendship with Luke and Eithan. I know Luke is a little older, but they could still play. I mean you would think, if Nick is coming to film the podcast, why wouldn't Francie and the boys come over and hang out, do dinner, have a movie night? When my kids were little, our friends were all families where I was friends with the mom, my husband was friends with the dad and the kids all played together. They don't have that---but yea, we're always 99% wrong around here.
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And honesty based on the way that he was talking about the ears, I halfway suspect they were told it could be something more than tubes. He kept talking like the tubes would be some magic cure.
On my little knowledge on what’s going on with the ears, I agree with you. There was such a sense of urgency to get Buddy relief from his chronic ear infections (that they never mentioned) and now nothing. If it were my kid, I’d be on getting whatever relief I could give my child. I probably would also limit swimming on cruise ship pool and swim lessons which haven’t proven to be successful.
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The only one experiencing any sort of regression in that house in Jenn. She did this with J$ too...everything he did was because of 4 month, 5 month, 8 month sleep regression or teething. Everything was, oh he's getting a tooth, even in the months before he got any teeth.

They both have to place blame on something outside of themselves, always. Your kid doesn't sleep well at night because of all of the crap you do revolving around his sleep. If your kid has reflux so badly for so long, go see a doctor and make the necessary changes in his life.
It's like a copy of what they did with Jackson, they are well on their way to ruin this child too. The only saving grace is that he has a nanny he gets to have fun with, Jackson had to nap all day so they didn't have to deal with him.
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Nick isn't original. His old podcast group has a Patreon. I suspect Nick sold this pod idea to Tim with the Patreon idea as a big part of it. It is a nice little gateway to them starting their own Patreon either on their own channel or taking over this one.

Also, I always thought they probably wanted to film the podcast live but they were afraid of troll comments and they would be too busy talking to see them all.

Some sucker stans will for sure subscribe to this podcast Patreon. Timmifer and Dickothy will likely tease lame shit besides live park visits, like behind the scenes stuff, live 'studio' stuff (Jenn visits the studio! 🤢), etc.. They will probably start plopping in sponsors on the audio podcast episodes from Blueland and Aura, and they'll come at the stans from all angles for every dime they can get.

Eventually, I would suspect Jenn will take Nick's spot and their new Patreon will be established.

Just my theory. 😄

Honestly, I bet Jenn is itching (literally and figuratively) to get a Patreon for her bogus Book Club and Bravo Commentary Show. 🥴
Jenn and Tim cannot do a Patreon because they don’t know a thing about using social media to their advantage.
Nick would have to do all the work for the Patreon as far as scheduling and what perks and what levels would be offered. If it was Jenn instead of Nick doing a Patreon with Tim, they would not be able to coordinate anything and eventually the fans would be paying for nothing and then can be entitled to a refund.

I suspect that’s why Tim and Jenn have not done a Patreon so far because they can’t commit to a damn thing. If they were smarter and not as lazy, they would capitalize on Jenn’s abandoned channel. If I was Jenn, these are some of the videos I would put on her JennDoesShit channel;
-Pack with me for our Disney Cruise
-Burn a vegan meal kit with me and then watch me serve it to my husband who hates vegan food
-I drank apple cider vinegar twice a day for a month, watch what happened. (Not a goddamn thing because she binge ate the entire time.)
-Book hauls and unhinged book reviews

She probably would get decent views. At least enough to bring in a few thousand dollars a month.
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Prosperity Piglet

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Jen was acting like it was Steak and BJ night and Universal was getting sucked. Calm down!
And the waddling. It's so bad. Wooden leg?
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Is there like a reverse of Cameo where you can pay a celebrity or in this case YouTube famous person to listen to any message you want to give them? They would record their listening and reaction of course.
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Because Jenn sucks, I’d like to share that I managed to drive my son to his hockey game last night in Penn State (close to a 3 hour drive each way)…then magically drove home. Then an hour to a different rink at 630am this morning that’s an hour away. And I’ll be driving him to one last game for the weekend in a few hours that’s about 45 mins away. While we wait to leave he’s being self sufficient and entertaining himself while I get laundry, cleaning and Etsy orders done. And after this next game me and him will go grocery shopping without taking the rest of our family members so that they can enjoy the Super Bowl. I dare her to have a weekend like this and then do actual work come 5am Monday morning. Maybe I’ll demand that my husband schedule an immediate cruise or vacation. lol. He’d laugh in my face, give a smartass comment and walk away.
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I’ve seriously never been more turned off by men’s crotches and legs than when I see the screenshots of these two dumb daddies on their podcast.
Tim judging Nick because his parents bought them a beanie baby every time they went to the store. That doesn't even sound a tad familiar to you, Tim?
Well obviously DickyNick would have been much cooler if his parents got him HotWheels instead of Beanie Babies instead. 🫠
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I don’t mind well-run petting zoos. Like at accredited zoos.

I hate mobile petting zoos and wish they were banned. It’s usually some hillbilly driving caged animals around for the amusement of spoiled suburban kids. Just awful.
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They just needed to have that date night, on a school night, with a baby that has sleep troubles and acid reflux. Tim seemed to be committed to containing his usual gluttony, while Jenn walked around with literal armloads of snacks and drinks. To me, seems like a huge waste of money, considering they come to these parks frequently (without their children) and can ride these rides anytime. Just another opportunity for Jenn to be without her kids and eat herself into oblivion. Good job.

Feel bad for the nanny that had to wait until 3am for them to come home from this absolutely unnecessary and uneventful waste of money. Hope she is getting paid well.
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