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Such a good Christian and doesn't know how long lent is or how Easter is determined....
My atheist ass knows how it works.
Genius idea. And we'd all be watching Tim's ears to see his real reaction.

Tim also mentioned that 99% of things said online about us are incorrect. That statement, Tim, is 100% false. There are a lot of crazy things tossed out around here, but if I had to put a number on it, I'd say that we are correct here about 70% of the time and that might be a conservative estimate. You folks are so damn predictable, it's just stupid at this point.
We are right more about you and the succubus you married than you are about things that are your fucking job

My eyes may have been rolling so much because Dim was complaining about getting four hours of sleep because he and the Cow decided to stay out until almost three and OG had school the next day like it was some inconvenience.
Actions something something consequences
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I’ve never watched any of the podcasts but I decided to watch this one to see what was being said about the internet comments and mental health. I think I made it 15-20 minutes in and I had to turn it off.

I hope Nick goes back to watch these podcasts. First off, Tim is a condescending asshole to Nick right from the start. Then as Nick is pouring out his thoughts and struggles, Tim has a look of satisfaction on his face. And he offers no words of encouragement for his “friend”. No advice, no empathy, nothing but a smirk on his face. Nick, these people are not your friends. They aren’t your people and they are the reason your mental health is suffering. Jenn, the queen of deleting comments and criticism, leaves the negative comments about Nick but deleted all the others. The Trackers are shitty people and there is a reason they don’t have friends.

Also, Tim says that they’ve already been mentally broken and they are rebuilding. I disagree. They are still very much mentally broken and their whole family, including the kids, is suffering.
100% accurate! I hope Nick sees this post. I don't like or dislike Nick and/or his social media stuff because I don't follow any of it and only know his family story from what's been posted here. But Sloberella and Dim are toxic leeches that will suck the life out of you and move on to their next victim. The Bojos are two of the most stupid people I've come across and they have no empathy or emotional maturity to offer anyone. They are going to ruin J$ & Oliver and their only hope will be if they go to therapy as adults to repair the damage the imbecile dna donors are doing to them. #homemovies

Sidenote: Watching Adam the Woo in the Troll Patrol's latest video is concerning. A 50 year old man clinging to the safety of his coffee cup, acting manic at MK while walking around alone talking to his phone. Excited about riding children's rides by himself because it's an empty park due to rain, these vloggers live so long inside the Disney bubble that I swear their brain function dies a little each day
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Perhaps Francie can see through Jenn's bullshit and makes sure to steer clear of her. Plus who would want their kids playing with one that hasn't learned any manners? Just a thought, because I know if that was me I wouldn't want anything to do with Jenn or Jackson either.
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I know. I thought the same thing. :rolleyes:

@Quasimodo is right. She's a Stage 5 Clinger for sure. Fucking nutjobs. All of them.

ETA: Speaking of which, is Amanduh still on TikTok under her Enchanting Sunshine name? Tried to look for it and got this.

View attachment 2756689

Hi, Bitch. You're weird. 🖕
Wow, this girl hasn't been friends with Jenn for more than a few months and she's basically shut down all her social media as a result of their friendship (and I use that term loosely). How is she supposed to promote that business of hers and make money selling stickers when everything is private or shut down for a so-called family emergency?

Amanduh thinks offering to pick Jenn up a t-shirt is a flex to their friendship. Only the stans are too dumb to pick up on anything and they don't even read the comments. Jenn--want me to pick you up a XXXL t-shirt today, I'm running to Target. Can we be besties too?
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It sounds like Nick the Dick is a sensitive soul which begs the question ‘why the hell is he friends with Dim & Gin?’ Dim does not have an empathetic bone in his body so if Dick was looking for a shoulder to cry on he’s looking in the wrong place. A while back there was a train of thought that autism was associated with the paternal line of the family so if Budley is on the spectrum maybe Tim is too? Wouldn’t surprise me. The only time you hear him say anything kind is when he tells Jenn how beautiful she is blah blah blah 🤮but that’s only because she’s been in his very red ear about the meanie trolls. I don’t feel one bit sorry for Dick but you do wonder what he thinks he’s getting out of this podcast.
I think Nick probably finds Dim to be a mission. Either he's stupid AF or still naive enough to think you can change people at all (and foolishly by going out of your way to cater to them and do most of the work).

DickyNick, can I ask that you like blow your nose or something? You always sound so congested and maybe you should get your sinuses looked at. I hope that doesn't make you cry.

And Dim, you are a broken empty man. Also weird AF to blame your bad memory on avoiding reality. Seek therapy and a real job. That chip on your shoulder must really be massive.

I'm sorry (but not sorry) that these vloggers and influencers are so thin-skinned. Nobody forced you to do this. This is why a lot of us who could do what you do 100x better don't bother because we're not attention whores who want to exploit ourselves and our families. I saw some other post on IG making the rounds shared by influencers this week about how their feelings are hurt and people are so mean to them. Again, YOU CHOSE TO DO THIS, please tell me where I should find fucks to give for you doing bare minimum work to make money that you don't deserve. This is like TSwift sending a cease and desist to some guy who tracks her environmental catastrophe private jet (delayed by 24 hours and it's all public information) when she adores attention, won't go the fuck away, and even calls the paps when she does her pap walks with a bunch of other entitled attention whore celebrity chicks. Pick a fucking lane.
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If memory serves me right when they did the gender reveal for Oliver Tim actually said we found out the gender "and somebody isn't happy" .... imagine actually telling the world that about a miracle baby 😔
It’s amazing the stuff Jenn leaves in the videos. Which means she doesn’t edit them with a fine-tooth comb at all. She just doesn’t want an editor because it’s her way of controlling Tim.
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I guess it’s hard to buy your child appropriate sized clothing when life is so hectic. Maybe they couldn’t get to a store like Target, that has a large clothing section for children. Maybe there just was not enough time that day, after going to a large lunch, shopping at Lululemon for Jenn’s growing body and then stopping into Sephora. Having two kids is crazy!
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I do find it a little suspicious that it took her over a year to finish the Britney book, but now she's cranking them out in a few days. I suppose if she really is reading them then Tim's sort of snarky remark about his book club makes sense. This seems to be just another "me" thing she's found that takes her away from taking care of the kids or cleaning the house or editing. She probably sits on the couch all day alternating between reading and Bravo watching now.
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I always get nervous that dumb fucks like Tim, Jenn and Adam make the US look bad, especially when talking about the US like NYC. We already look like idiots to alot of people.
Not to me 🙋‍♀️. I’m a Brit and I love the US and American people. My family paid for a trip to NYC as a total surprise for my 60th. Had the best time, as did hubby who had never wanted to go there, but absolutely loved it when he got there. Been to Florida several times and love it there too. So don’t worry, we know Dim is a fucking ignoramus an anomaly and not indicative of the majority of US citizens. 🇺🇸
Dicky Nicky sitting in whatever *that* pose is, Dimmy showing off the big gross feet FOR FREE.... This thumbnail certainly seems like it's catering to a very specific demographic, doesn't it? 😂

View attachment 2752314
That is a ‘ I’ve been firmly in the closet for so long I’ve forgotten how to manspread’ pose.
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As @xmasbdaygirl says, they truly suck!! "The day got away from them" so they couldn't have Bud write his name on the Hot Wheels Valentines he was so excited to get. Wtf? I bet he had time to play the Switch during that evening. They are ridiculous.

The time they spent making fun of and critiquing the size of the Valentines could have been spent having J write his name on the cards. I wonder if they were just embarrassed by his writing or didn't think he could write well on the cards. :(
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New Voog up. Looks like it’s going to be another Mukbang.
Haaa she starts out with “we don’t drink”
Then explain the wine in your shopping cart and your husband down the wine aisle ….
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I guess the way that I see it is, if it wasn't for Tim, they'd have nothing and those kids probably would be in a much, much worse situation that they are already in. Most parents work much, much hard than Tim does, but I think Tim holds that entire household together. Great, now I sound like a Tim stan. :ROFLMAO:

Tim told a story in the podcast where he got up with both kids and had to use the bathroom (shocker!) and while he was in the bathroom, J$ decided he couldn't wait for breakfast and decided to pour his own cereal and spilled it all over the place and he (J$) got upset. Where the fuck was Jenn? I'm sure still sleeping. Does Tim put Da Baby in the car for the ride to school so Jenn can continue sleeping? That to me sounded ridiculous. As a mom, if my kids were up, I'm up. I don't care it it's 5am. I'm there for them, to see them off for the day or help them make breakfast while Tim is in the shitter.
THIS. I'm not a Tim stan (though I can sound like one sometimes, I admit :ROFLMAO:) and he's an asshole too.

BUT I will agree with you that HE is the one keeping that household together. Even if it's a shitty, fucked up, and messy ass house.

I mean, consider the alternative. If he wasn't in the picture at all with those two kids, just IMAGINE the shit show it would be!!!
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Hilarious. On the FB page for Trackers fans they are encouraging, random acts of kindness today. When have you ever seen the Bojo’s do acts of kindness for anyone but themselves?
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They both also ask the stupidest questions. Like honestly who the fuck even cares where he learned skipping, anyone with 2 brain cells would realize he probably learned it at school. Buddy is annoying but also he has annoying parents that ask the most stupid questions about the stupidest things and once he's older no doubt he'll stop putting up with it and just tell them to STFU and GTFO his room (so he can vape).

Also Bojos, maybe don't promote Lululemon. The founder is a known asshole (he was caught saying he "jokingly" named it Lululemon because he thought it would be funny for Japanese people to try to pronounce it with all the "L"s in the name and he slammed their half-assed "diversity and inclusion" efforts), the employee probably felt sorry for your ass and it's way too overpriced.
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I will never get how she looks in the mirror and says to herself "Yes! My hair looks fabulous!" #hairdon't

Screenshot 2024-02-13 193044.png
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Dim stepped on a hot wheels car and said his foot was gushing blood. He says it's a "lazy Sunday" and an "action-packed Sunday" in the same breath.

Ginn says "stinky stinky" Da Baby had to get an outfit change. Budley crams his noggin and open mouth into the shot of Da Baby and follows his egg donor's lead and says Da Baby had a big big poop. We fucking get it, JFC. Your family is stupid.
Screenshot 2024-02-19 at 8.54.45 PM.png
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With all the money the have, wouldn’t it be better to even have Jenn take an Uber to get Jackson, rather than rush through your “job” and put yourself through so much stress doing everything?
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I can honestly see eating disorders being a thing with J, this giving him a treat then only allowing one bite before they take it off him while he witnesses them eating entire treats in front of him is definitely not going be great in future, I can see him hiding food from them or trying to binge eat before it's taken off him

The correct thing to do would have been to snap the cookie into 4 bits then let him have a bit after his dinner over the 4 nights an assure him that the cookie will be there for him at the end of the night, but we all know they would never save food like that for him because their greedy fat asses wanted that cookie an it probably pissed gin off that he even got to take that one bite
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Hi, @xmasbdaygirl! I'm a couple pages behind, so maybe someone already posted this... But it's Publix policy to now allow filming or photography in their stores. Here's a snip from their website. :)

View attachment 2769688
Oh, I know for sure they don't allow filming, but I suspect there's one person in their store that enforces the rule and a majority of the workers just ignore it. I mean, Publix has mostly high school kids and retirees working in my store. I don't think any of them would be up for a conflict with people who go into their store 5-6 times a week. They had said years ago, Publix doesn't like us recording in there. Then said they they were told no filming in the lottery ticket vid, but that hasn't stopped them. They are above any rules.

I'm seeing no video recording signs in more and more places lately and I love it. A few of our local fast food type restaurants have a no recording sign right on the door. I wish Disney would post such a sign at the entrances of every park.
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If they "slept in" and were so "late getting going", then how did Jackson get to school?

Poor J$ just gets one bite of cookie! But Jenn gets ALL the cookies - and None for Dim... He actually looked heartbroken...
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