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Chatty Member
Adam is having a MAJOR midlife crisis. I'm sick of his once a month or maybe a few times sermons about how he spends his money. Its gross. Its almost he needs to constantly justify to everyone what he is doing and updating about his Disney Obsession. Just come flat out and admit it already. He also has a series of white knights who attack anyone who ever writes comments about why he is so obsessed with Disney. I have seen it for years and he allows it.
He should probably keep his financial business to himself.
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*Off Topic about CMs*

So, this is a quick story about how we won’t be visiting Disney again until they make masks optional.
We were in Disney Springs waiting for our table at Homecomin when across the way from us on another bench was a mother and son, who was maybe preteen age. The child was visibly upset bc his mask broke. He was holding his mask up to his face when a CM with a grabber walked over and said he had to put a mask on. The mom explained it broke and the father was going to get another one. The CM stood there and explained the rules when the dad and his daughter, around the same age as the son, came sprinting up with the new mask. The CM stood there until the child put it on and reminded them of the rules and walked away.
That’s when I realized this shit is fucking ridiculous. What was the difference between that kid sitting there socially distanced mask off vs sitting in the same spot drinking a bottle of water? It’s one thing to walk around the park with your mask down eating, which I witnessed several times, yet I really only saw CMs reprimanding people for sitting socially distanced with their masks down on their phones bc they needed a break. Is this who we want to be going forward?
I will say prob the best CMs in the park we came across were in Docking Bay 7, they were so incredibly nice and helpful with my son.
that CM clearly took their job way too seriously. I swear some people literally get off on mask some sick excitement. I’m over it. I’m not looking to get into a mask debate with anyone but I cannot wait until the mask shit is done for. If people could just practice good hygiene and respect personal space I think we’d all be better off
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I would think that eventually they will run out of bridges to burn, they are getting a reputation of not being a good #hosted investment. Between people emailing companies afterwards about how poorly the business was shown, the Trackers past and how that reflects on those hosting them and them taking advantage of being #hosted by ordering extra entrees/desserts/the most expensive steak just to take it home will catch up with them.
That’s my pet peeve.
That and ordering Jackson a $34 adult entree at the Hilton Orlando Bonnet Creek #hosted stay.
Also, Tim ordering a $134 tomahawk steak at #hosted Wine Bar George where the entire steak meal was boxed up to take back to their Copper Creek Cascade Cabin. They took their time getting back to the cabin, put Jackson to bed and then opened the meal. Upon which they proceeded to complain about it. Especially that it wasn’t good cause it was cold!

It probably wasn't offered. With TTT's reputation they are lucky that got what they got. It would not surprise me if they didn't call these folks to get this free perk so they'd have something to film.
Tim is known to do this till he wears them down.
Unsuspecting companies/hotels look at the subscribers/viewing numbers and think it would be good publicity. Not knowing 1) the quality of a TTT video and 2) they just got hoodwinked!
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So instead of going to the super nice pool at the Swan & Dolphin with their kid- they dragged him around Disney Springs in a stroller 😩

And where is Jackpot?
How do they not get fed up of Disney Springs!

At this point Jackson would just be better off being put in a nursery. I honestly cannot believe the amount of times they are going out with him. I mean it's every day isn't it. With zero stimulation and proper attention. Just put in his buggy and food shoved in his mouth. But of course if they put him in nursery he wouldn't bring in the $$$ for him. They are just extremely selfish and should not have another child!
Do they take him to groups with other children? Swimming?
Them things have literally opened back up here last week in the UK and I have booked my six month old on to so many things for us to do together.
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Chatty Member
Once again they are telling us about how Jackson was farting while at the aquarium. WHY WHY WHY do they feel the need to tell us this stuff?????
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the slackers are scared of their own shadows...

but they go to Clearwater on the weekend during spring break in FL

smart mooooooove assholes 🤣🤣🙄🙄

fucking assholes stayed at the hotel in Clearwater that we stayed at months ago and I hate them for it. It’s such a cute little hidden gem and now their stupid fucking stans are going to be all over it. Not to mention I’m sure they’ll be gifted or hosted at some point.

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right?!? Omfg they are literally just playing house (poorly) at this point.

no actual concern for that child’s well-being. Look we aren’t all perfect parents but simple common sense things like protecting his eyes and skin should be no brainers
Especially after Jen lost her Mother due to skin cancer you'd think she'd be super protective and have Jackpot slathered in Sunblock and wearing clothing with SPF protection as well.
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So the Slakcers used to refused to go indoors to eat or ride rides. But now they’re telling us you can’t catch the virus inside? Like is there some magic barrier at the doorway now? These idiots need to stop telling people false info. They are the reason the virus spreads.

I’m also getting so annoyed with them talking about Falcon and The Winter Soldier. These two idiots know nothing. The have a friend who “gave up” 2/3 in episode 1? Who gives up on a 6 episode series that fast? They don’t like how it’s filmed??? Like what are these complaints. Their small pea brains just don’t understand the MCU at all so they need this slow like WandaVision was I guess.
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I am surprised they are slumming it in a regular room (although a beach view which is an upgrade) and not the family suite. How ever are they going to survive with them all in one room as most families do??????
They did complain that there wasn’t a separate room to put Jackson asleep in. And that they would have to hide in the bathroom till he went to sleep. (insert eye roll 🙄 here!)
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I just watched the last whale video and found it hilarious when Timothy said look how big the whale was compared to Jenn 😂 all I could think was FRE will have a field day with this material. Below are a few of the odd comments that made me go say whaaa????View attachment 530081View attachment 530082View attachment 530084View attachment 530085View attachment 530087
Jamie Byford and Mdwfmom have repeatedly posted some weird shit before too. I remember those faces.
No, mom, Jackson did not say "I wanna do it" and "I did it"

No, annelease perry, Jackson did not say "I'm scared"

Seriously. WTF audio are these people listening to???
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Maybe if she didn't have a history of being a habitual liar, troublemaker, bitch, major complainer and problem-starter, and drama queen, more people (including myself) would believe her from the get-go. Remember, she cannot have children. Period.

Also, I didn't see these random tweets that were brought up from years ago that supposedly kept changing story-wise, did you?

Until I see them first-hand (perhaps someone can unearth all of them???), I will, personally, choose to not put much faith in her veracity - again, given her track record of exaggerations, mistruths, and flat-out lies. 🤷‍♀️

Edited to add: I mentioned this before but I have a legit sexual assault survivor in my family. I also have a dear male friend from back in college practically have his life ruined because of some bitch female friend of his who concocted complete LIES about him assaulting her. So I know both sides of the coin.
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I agree. I'm a former Disney CM and it's not the same to me. I loved working for Disney and I understand change, but the parks (and property) - and the company as a whole - are going in a direction that is not my cup of tea (to put it lightly). JMHO.

We just let our Disney AP lapse after 17+ years straight of being APs (long after I was a CM) but we're still long-time Universal and SW APs.
Loving our visits to Universal. ❤
It's not the same at all. I re-up'd my AP but for a very specific reason: being alone for weeks working on a house wears on me and even though the parks are changing, and at the moment the resort is not fully open, it's a familiar reprieve from that work and loneliness.

Part of the changes within can be blamed on the internet and oversharing of "the magic" to the point that guests were starting to haunt Disney and demand the same as what they read or saw others report online. We can point to the Disboards for starting this trend, but it's grown from there. When Tim had his video sharing his "tips" on how to cheat the system using disability we saw that abuse grow too and the system changed for the worse at first.

I want to see how Disney changes with the times. Not everything will return to the way it was, I'm sure of that.
This is a huge year for modifying those procedures long term. I have so many questions about what they'll keep, what they'll restore and what will be added.

Disney needs management that cares about the guest experience. They've lost that touch.
Yep. I did too. He says "Tim."

(not that I would be surprised if they'd have Jackson out regularly at midnight though... )
Just wait until they have to get him off to school every day. I'm placing my bet now that it's not going to be Jenn doing it. Princess Peach will have her ass planted in bed almost every morning, and make a huge deal out of the days she has to get up and do it.
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Lazy ass Slackers copying Mr Morrow by staying at the Jurassic Park Themed Rental.
Yes they always seem to take someone's material and make it their own. In the early stages of the pandemic The Disney Double Dose did a vlog where they made a fort and watched movies, ect. Right after Dim and Hen made one as well and never mentioned where they got the idea.
Of course then they jumped all over "Give Kids The World" basically stomping all over what Jim and Nicole did during Christmas. J&N actually volunteered while these jerks try to take their ideas for their own.
Total fakers!
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She is not pregnant & she not puffy from IVF-
A) she said she wanted caffeine in the last video & we’ve seen her drink caffeine recently.
B) she is excited to ride the new coaster &
They had like 6 sides with their Easter BBQ & cake & candy. They both look terrible & unhealthy.
I suspect one of the reasons they don’t let Jackson outside to play is because they can’t keep up with him.
Yeah, I don't buy they're on IVF or going to "try" to get pregnant again once they are fully vaccinated.
People have sex all the time and get pregnant all the time. I think all these comments are just for the stans.
Especially given Jackson is supposedly a miracle.

They are just eating like crap. Crap food. Tons of sugar. They're pushing 40.
No amount of walking leisurely in the parks for all of 2-3 hours is going to mitigate that at this point.
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It also is very sad that Jackson is just now starting to sleep through the night. My daughter is a month younger and has been sleeping through the night at 6 months. It’s on the parents, not him. Get the kid on a real routine and watch the magic happen. They’re cursing themselves while torturing a toddler
I don't think it helps they use a white noise machine for him every night and other gadgets to get him to sleep. If they didn't go to those lengths he would have gone to sleep in the hotel at Clearwater without Tim and Jenn hiding in the bathroom. I mean, that was seriously idiotic. They definitely don't need another child if they have so many problems handling the one they have.

And what’s up with all the bandannas they put him in lately?? Bandit wore bandannas.
Is Jackson Bandit’s replacement? Cause they sure treat him like a pet more so than their son.

I know. I know. They will probably say he is teething. But those sure look like something one puts on a dog. Unless Jackson’s playing cowboy 🤠. 🤷🏻‍♀️
My daughter and I were discussing this very thing today, that they treat Jackson like one of the dogs. Budeee, here budeee. Good boy budeee.
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Why did they have to do Mardi Gras and Tribute Store again? You've done it already! Or is it just another excuse to fill their faces with food 😒
Edit to add
Their logic makes ZERO sense. So when they go somewhere that doesn't have heaps of people around they keep Jackson strapped in however on this day that clearly is rammed they let him out to walk In the midst of people?
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Maybe The Slackers are on another one of their Staycations.
Yup, probably another staycation video coming up of the Trackers eating overpriced ‘eggies’ with the buddy in their villa and then do absolutely nothing else. Hard pass.
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