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Joanie Taylor

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I’m very skeptical that Jackson will actually go to school.

I wouldn’t put it past them to have used the trial day as a topic for the video, to stick it to Tattle, and to get the stans all talking about it.

If he’s supposed to start in August, they’ve got a while to come up with excuses as to why they’ve decided against it.
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So I caught the beginning of this mess of a vlog - did they really think they were going to 'drive around' for the 5 to 6 hours while J$ was in school to stay close to the area with a 1 month old baby in the car? WTF? And J4D - I'm sorry - for the last 3.5 years you haven't been a MOM to J$ so why in the world would you think he would be crying missing you? You don't have a maternal bone in your body, it's so sad but also so true.

And if they had J$ climbing all over Timmy - NEWS FLASH TRACKHOLES - this isn't 'cute', it isn't 'funny', you should not be laughing at this behavior, and it definitely should not be captured on video and shared for all to see. These are the times when you need to put the camera down and stop recording and discipline your child. And I fear for $liver - J$ is just too 'handsy' - and for the love of God please move that damn swing out of the kitchen area.
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Well, Themepark dad Nick and his wife were at Taylor Swift last night 😂 It took every ounce of self control I had to not go up to them. I wanted the safari day tea, but my daughters would have ditched me.

As far as the Yelp reviews go, the two negative ones both mentioned autism and developmental delays and how the school said they'd handle them and that they really didn't. If J$ starts there, J$ isn't going to last very long.

That and another review mentioned that they don't offer lunch (you have to bring your own). I do not see Jenn as a lunch packing mom every single day. Lots of moms are and are amazing with lunches, I just don't see them having their shit together to have food in the house for lunch AND pack a lunch box every single day. I'm a great mom. I'm incredibly organized and I am known as the mom who always has her shit together. I'm the one people call/text for the details of things, when things are, what you have to wear/bring, because I'm that kind of mom. I despised packing lunches. Hated it. I don't see Jenn doing it every day. It was the one thing about school that actually made me anxious. 😂
No problem, hello fresh has a preschool meal kit that J$ can cook up during lunch time.
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They're honestly less worried about Buddy and more worried about what Buddy will say about them or how feral he'll behave in an environment out of their control.
Kids tell their teachers everything. It doesn't matter if they tell him to keep something a secret. He will spill all their secrets sooner or later.
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Why are they having this baby that had breathing problems when he was born in the most crowded places? Do they really not care if he gets covid?
This is a real concern. My grandson caught covid when he was 4 weeks old. He was hospitalised, on a drip and really very poorly. These 2 idiots should see how babies suffer with covid, it may make them think twice about dragging him around. Covid is still very much out there.
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I think Jenn wore the baby at the outlet mall because of all the places they've been (Publix, Target, 4Rivers) Character Warehouse is where they are most likely to meet stans. Meeting stans with Tim holding the baby means Tim gets more attention. Jenn isn't going to let that happen. Especially because she's been so miserable staying home.

It's been hot in Orlando, but it's not "Florida hot" if you know what I mean. The temps have been high 80s, we even hit 90 here I believe, but it's not all swampy with no air year. This heat has been pretty tolerable. I mean, I'm not working outside doing lawns or picking fruit, but I'm not breaking a sweat walking around an outdoor mall. I'd be more concerned with the baby being exposed to tourist germs in the crowded store than exposed to the heat walking from the car to the stores. They don't seem to be concerned about anything at all.
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Dim also pretends to comment with disdain how much butter is on the kid's waffles and this time it was HIM that put all that butter on the waffles (or oversaw as he's done before, Buddy taking a knife and putting chunks of butter on there or just directly picking up the butter and eating it).

You have the fucking power to limit the kid's butter, you fucking dimwitted fuck.
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THIS is where D’Oliver got sunburnt!
Way to protect your a$$et Bojos 😡


from LIVE, shot after this outlet shopping spree
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I honestly hope an I mean HOPE that they don't give away any information about this school, or the kids he's going about with, they have enough weirdos, pervs, lunatics as it is

I would be MASSIVELY PISSED if my kids school was being named on a yt channel an my kid was being talked about, they might think it's fine to bitch an talk about their own kids on the channel but they have absolutely NO RIGHT to talk an bitch about other people's kids, I know this seems to be a favourite hobby of theirs, bitching about others, but I honestly hope they keep whatever happens in the school OFF the channel

I really pity these poor teachers that's going to have to deal with these two major Karen's, their brats an all the stans they will send after them, I hope that they have to sign something that says if they mention anything on the channel then they can kick the kids out, I'd hate to think of some lunatic stan showing up an either trying to grab either kid, other people's kids, or verbally attack the teachers because these two asswipes bitched badly about them
I want to clarify for the non-watchers---they did NOT mention the name of the school. The things that, specifically, Jenn, described about the school/process made it pretty clear to me which school it was. I googled and found the school website that describes just about everything Jenn talked about in the observation process.

Now, when school starts in August, if they are showing J$ in his uniform, THAT'S a huge problem. Showing pick up/drop off, huge problem. Talking about the teachers/friends good and bad, problem. I don't see this working out well for the channel and the stans.

I'll also add, I didn't look up the school to be a dick. I looked up the school and put it out here how easy it was to find based on what they said so they can realize the shit they do is actually dangerous. We know they read here. The unwell folks here are the ones who truly care about J$ and $liver's safety. I'd like for them to say J$ is at school and won't be in the vids and nothing beyond that. But they can't fucking help themselves.
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WTF... Can't catch up on the thread today, but WHAT THE FCK is wrong with the Bojos!?

They are VERY mature (age) parents. How can they be this weird about their kid being introduced to day care???

Sorry... These people have ZERO life skills!!!!
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Ok, Stan.
OMG. These stans are something else.

As if editing a vlog - for any length of time - is the equivalent of ER nursing, fighting in a war on the frontlines, fighting fires as a firefighter, working a thankless job as a schoolteacher... we could go on.

But yes, let's point out how Jenn deserves "praise" for her "exhaustion" in editing 25-minute vlogs on the Disney outlets, Target, and Publix.

🖕 🖕 🖕
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Ginn said she can't believe they weren't allowed to stay. She thought she'd be able to do things like show Buddy where the bathroom is. Bitch how would YOU even know where the bathroom is??

Apparently Buddy doesn't like going to swim and gym classes according to Liar Liar Jorts on Fire, but he was fine going to school.
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Kind of off topic, some of you know I’m in Montreal. We had a bad ice storm last Wednesday that knocked out power to over a million people. We just got power back this afternoon. We spent days charging our phones in my truck driving around trying to find milk for our son, food, and places to get warm. We all had to share a bed as our home was at 50F/10C. I finally was going to suck it up and stay in hotel only to find out we snagged a room bc they had no power. We lost all of our food and couldn’t really celebrate Easter. Luckily, I got our son’s basket stuff 2+ weeks ago. We had huge branches fall on both of our cars with minimal damage, but we’re safe.
Our son was such a trooper through it all too. He was understanding and patient. I’m so fucking proud of him.

Before the power came back today I took the opportunity to clean and sanitize the fridge/freezer bc everything had to be trashed. When we got power back around 330pm I went to work. 3 loads of laundry, a full dishwasher then hand washed everything that needed it: glass pitchers, the Brita, ice cube trays, glass storage jars. It felt so good to clean everything.

Idk how Dim & Ginn do it. Live in squalor and eat like shit. I was too cold to do anything around the house with minimal hot water, I was reserving whatever we could for hand washing. We’ve been eating like garbage for 5 days, bc we couldn’t be picky with what we could actually find. We didn’t know when our next hot meal would come. I feel like absolute shit. I can’t wait to cook tomorrow, grilled chicken and a big green salad with olive oil and vinegar.
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I think J$ is one bratty child right now (completely the fault of his 2 human caregivers) and if they have him out in public how is Timmy Boy going to film? They can’t control him in their own home. So as long as $liver is confined to J4D chest (btw I feel for you $liver) then all is well. It’s like they don’t even have J$. Just doesn’t make sense to me. But when the mighty $$$$ takes over I guess this is what happens. We didn’t have much (and still struggle some days) when raising our family but one thing remains constant and that is love. Something the trackholes know nothing about.
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New vlog up.....Ginn says she cannot believe how big $liver is for a one month old.
So they buy Lego sets meant for 5+ year olds for J$....
J$ magically shows up as they are grocery shopping at he wasn't there at Target...

Dim takes J$ to 🌭 Heaven because Dim went an entire day without shoving something phallic in his mouth.
Holy shit J$s speech is absolute shit....he said um about 150x while only saying one word or so.
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Jen says the baby slept through the entire cooking of the meal. Then later says she couldn’t film the cooking of the meal because it was so chaotic with Jackson running around and the baby crying.
It's difficult for Ginn to remember all her lies especially since she cannot easily edit them out when she makes contradictory statements....
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