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Hopefully one of their stans forwards that video to BetterHelp or Talkspace. But sadly their remaining stans probably don't even see her behavior as a problem.
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There is no way d’Oliver was born smaller than Jackson’s 9 lb 8 oz. birth weight.
He’s already wearing 3 mos. clothing!

This is from their 3/24/23 posted vid:
View attachment 2065473
View attachment 2065475

Also, when Jackson was first born his image and activities were all over TTT videos.
We rarely are shown d’Oliver!

Did they delete the video where they finally shared his birthday, weight, height and how they named him?
March 26 posting is not on my YT feed.
Is that the one somebody reported?
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Because he isn’t interested in that stuff and just did the bare minimum to get in and out in the least amount of time. I love Cons, but I can’t imagine being “forced” to be there if I had no interest in who was there or the “merch” being sold. Tim really needs to find a real job or he’s going to have a very crappy life.
I was thinking the same thing - cons really aren't for everyone, and what a nightmare it would be to go to one if you're not interested in anything there! I know he was supposedly hosted by the event, and obviously these companies don't really care about the quality of the videos, but where is the value to Tim's channel if he has no enthusiasm over the event he's covering? I know it's free for him so he gets content out of it, but still. That seems like such a drag and it's obviously taking its toll on Tim as well, along with everything else.
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They could still be setting the stage for a Patreon. Jenn would probably love to use the extra funds for a full-time baby nanny so she can go to the parks with Tim yet again. We could get another 'walk around a sink hole' vlog where they explain how the baby nanny is really a certified infant educator. 💩
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Jay from the Shiplife was on that Virgin cruise and said that the Miami Crime Scene team was at the port when they came back to Miami
yeah J the asshole said and showed a lot that was none of his damn business. Unless there is a clear view of a jump there is always an investigation.
Tony sucks too. He says there's no other way to do it except clickbait. I call BS. Talking Cruise never does clickbait that I've seen and he has 54k subs.
Do you dislike Don's Family Vacations or Just Don - Facing Life's Challenges with the intro that looks like a tribute to someone who's passed on?
i don’t like any of his videos. He is just a whiney complainer and his content is boring
You're in luck because the Internet Archive has a few snapshots of their Social Blade site over the last few years.

Here's from July 2016 when they were JUST starting to get more popular:
View attachment 2081040

View attachment 2081042

Here's from May 2019:
View attachment 2081044
View attachment 2081048
Kara and Nate posted their earnings monthly up to 2019 which gives a pretty good idea how much a similar sized channel with similar viewership would make for ads
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So she doesn't want to put mittens on Oliver because she wants him to be able to use his hands. Yet, they refuse to let J$ use his hands to feed himself most of the time. :rolleyes:
It sounds like they realize certain mistakes were made with Jackson and dont want to repeat them. Specifically the mittens thing, I remember them showing J sleeping with his hands covered at like a year and a half old. And the thumb sucking thing, they probably can't take Js pacifier away now without him throwing a tantrum so trying to avoid that with buddy 2. Now whether they stick to it is another story.
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I read this before I seen the photos an assumed it was one of those indoor skydiving things which I thought was pretty cool, till I seen the photos 😅 I assume this was their April fools joke then 😅
I think the guy is some sort of special effects creator. I'd really hope nobody out their toddler through this, but these days who knows!!!
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I was there all day! I saw him later in the day, late in the afternoon. It was two hours before the end of the day!(Typical Tim!). No I did not see these guys! I did see a whole group dressed as Eevolutions. I mostly hung out in the horror and programming area going to all the panels and arcades. @2020planner are you going today as well? I have never been on a Saturday and I’m being told to stay away and come tomorrow if I have a four day pass
No, I'm supposed to be working right now (I work from home as a writer). LOL So I'm not going. Wish I was, though.

Yeah, Saturday is friggin NUTS there!

(I don't do panels generally; my last one was the Back to the Future panel with the cast; I mostly hang out in artists alley and comic creators areas)

I'd go Sunday, myself. (downside being if you were seeking out certain items, some of the stuff may be sold)

But if you are OK with the crowds - and yeah, have the 4-day pass - then go today, by all means!!!

You may feel like you are packed in like sardines sometimes on the main floor... it can get really hot and stuffy and all... so be aware of that, of course.
But I LOVE MegaCon so I'm just happy to be there regardless.

(BTW, I'm kinda pissed about parking this year though. I didn't realize until it was almost too late that you had to pre-pay parking. I get all the MegaCon emails and didn't get one about parking until Wed (unless it was hidden in other emails) $30!!! but I got one of the last spots in the garage on Destination Pkwy and it was an easy walk. We usually parked in the main lot w/out any issues and it used to be like $10 :(Guess those days are gone.
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Either the Playboard site ( is having trouble pulling the data from YouTube or somehow the Trackers figured out how to "hide" their super sticker income. I checked on Playboard for ResortTV1 and they show super chat revenues in the last 7 days so the site doesn't seem to be entirely broken.
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I feel like she was on BC, come off it and thought because she suddenly didn't drop pregnant instantly she was "infertile" am not sure if she was on an off BC or if it was constant, but either way BC messes your periods so it wouldn't be surprising if it took a while to finally fall pregnant if your body was a bit messed up

I doubt we will ever know, but I don't believe she was ever infertile an these kids are miracles, I think her BC probably messed with her an it just made it harder to finally fall pregnant

I also agree that I don't think she truely wanted kids at the time of this (an even now I don't think she wants them, this has been for him) an it was more to shut up stans an possible dim as well, perhaps she come off BC for a week an thought well didn't fall pregnant so can't have kids then went back on without saying to him but used the am off BC to try to show him "look I didn't have kids an I wasn't taking anything"
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Looks like the realization finally hits Tim that now that Tron is open he is really going to be hurting for content. He mentions Universal and SeaWorld but those videos don't get the numbers his Disney ones do. I wonder if he'll start mentioning Halloween soon.

And with Roly Poly Ollie being a bust in the view department and Buddy becoming a liability, it will be interesting to see what ideas he comes up with.
Exactly! For Dimmy and the rest of the theme park vloggers there is going to be little to no premier content for quite a while. The secondary parks like SW & BG don't garner as much interest as Disney or even Universal. I was thinking the same in that they are all counting down the days until HHN.
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JoJo spoke briefly about the incident at the beginning of his otherwise regular video. What places him firmly in the exploitation arena is his clickbait title “A Tragic Incident Happened on my Virgin Voyages Cruise”
There are a few channels with clickbait titles that came up last night in my YT recommended feed. It seems the entire vlogger community is nothing but bottom feeders trying to get views from each other by hyping titles. I actually tweeted La Lido Loca and Don’s Family channels about clickbait bullshit titles. Don is a tool, but I did like Tony (LLL) for a minute before I noticed he started using clickbait and then would address the extreme title at the END of his videos. I stopped watching after about 3 weeks.
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Chatty Member
I imagine that it depends. I used to travel for work and didn't have to pay taxes in that state I worked at for a week. I believe it's X amount of time spent there you do.

Doubtful about getting audited. It's a valid loophole that's why they wanted to change the tax code around it. Just like businesses like target who ask you to donate to a cause and then they get to write off your donation as their own at the end of the year. All about playing the game sadly and for regular people it's not an option.
I think you’re correct about not paying taxes in the other states. I’ve had to travel for work and so has my husband. Never paid taxes to that state. But the point of sale donation tid bit is wrong. Stores can’t claim your donation on their taxes because it isn’t theirs. So go ahead and round up at the end of shopping if it’s a charity you like! harities are desperate for money right now and will take whatever avenue to make it easier for people to donate.

I’m whoever is doing Tim’s taxes now (assuming they have someone after the long overdue llc was filed) is Filing them properly. But an accountant screwing up doesn’t excuse the individual taxpayer from liability. So if they ever did get audited randomly, they better have their house in order (find all of the bags o’ receipts) and Not claimed too much.
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