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VIP Member
It’s sad, Kayleigh was in town last weekend for MegaCon. The girls could have gone out for a few hours and caught up. K has a retail store and is living her best life. Too bad J burned that friendship too.
I remember her being around a ton when I used to watch, before T&J became unbearable, spoiled little shits. I thought it was weird that they didn't go to that girl's wedding but now it makes all the sense in the world. The only way these two have any friends is by paying them to be there.
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Looks like Dimmy hooked up with fellow binge eater Adam the Woo to hang out in another failing mall's parking lot for a "carnival"... Dude must've been next level DESPERATE to get out of the house to get a whole 50,000 or so views on another shitty video none of his stans even care about.

Too bad their owner didn't try to brag about it on twitter like the guy from Oviedo Mall so we could make fun of him without being blocked or shadow banned 😂 😂
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I know it’s to keep people happy with a bad customer experience, but why on earth would Disney give him a $90 gift card for cancelling his reservation if the Identity Program experience costs $95? Do you have to pay for it up front?

I couldn’t have rolled my eyes harder when he made the comment about “we’re finally riding officially” - wasn’t this like his seventh ride?? In any case, if he wanted to just experience the ride, he really didn’t have to include the same exact footage from his last ride. And it was very on-brand of him to acknowledge he was 15 minutes from the end of his window and then say how he was going to stop to see if there was still 50th merch. 😒
it sounds like he had to include the exact same footage because he didn’t actually film any new footage
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Apparently PMM is being sent to London for some Star Wars bs. I don’t remember the bojos being invited to ANYTHING like that??
That’s where the Star Wars Celebration is being held this year. I am a member of The 501st Legion and have been to several Celebrations (III-VII). I doubt PMM will do well there with true SW fans. Dim certainly wouldn’t have a good time.
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So I don’t have a nanny, never even considered having one, so forgive me for not knowing proper employee/nanny etiquette

so is the nanny solely responsible for the one child she or he is hired on for? With the addition of a second child, does the nanny automatically get a raise?

what happens when the nanny is at the house looking over Jackson and Jenn says “hey can you keep an eye on Ollie for 2 seconds?” (For none Jenn folks, 2 seconds is 20 minutes) is that Over time? Does the nanny send them an itemized bill with all the “seconds” Jenn has accumulated?
Does the nanny refuse to service Ollie? Would she be at risk of termination if she refuses?
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New member
Oh chat GDP never fails to disappoint 😂

Dimbo and Ginbo, a couple so strange
Their lives were like a carnival game
Ginbo was clingy, she feared to be alone
While Dimbo was a manchild, whose mind never grown

Ginbo had two miracles, but she didn't care
She didn't want to be a mother, it wasn't fair
She ate everything in sight, never satisfied
With no clue of the world, she often lied

Timbo was her husband, getting older each day
He was out of touch, and reality would sway
Obsessed with burgers and hotdogs, his mind would drift
While Ginbo's paprika eyebrows would always shift

Their miracle number one, babbled and dreamed
Of blueberries, a fruit so supreme
While miracle number two, wished to be free
From the grease that he ingested, in his mother's belly

Dimbo and Ginbo, a match so bizarre
Their lives were like a freakish memoir
With Ginbo's separation anxiety and lack of love
And Timbo's lazy eye, they were like two doves

But despite their flaws, they still had hope
To raise their miracles, and help them cope
With life's ups and downs, they'd be there
Dimbo and Ginbo, a family so rare.
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Joanie Taylor

Chatty Member
J$ would have loved it, it was amazing. Personally, if I were in Tim’s position with a newborn and a useless wife who didn’t drive, I would not have been in that crowd last night. It was tight. We were very up close and personal with the people standing near us. And so many were coughing and sneezing. I’m not even talking about Covid, but what do they do if Tim gets sick and is down for a few days? What if he brings just a regular common cold home to the baby that was in the NICU for some sort of breathing concern? I know, you can get sick from anywhere, even Target 🤣 but the chances exponentially increase when you are in an enormous crowd of people who flew here from all over the country and you are jam packed together for two hours.
They wouldn’t care if they gave that baby COVID. The channel comes first. Tim wouldn’t have been able to stay at home, he’d have had serious FOMO seeing all the other vloggers there. Jenn, you won’t be able to be teary on camera and pretending you’re having a hard time if you let Tim out at night with his pals.
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Active member
Nursing on camera...not a big deal....but hearing the slurping yes. Also stupid to do it because the baby was clearly not comfortable as she is not sitting in a proper chair etc
As predicted she is doing that quick kiss thing now with Buddy 2.0.
I get such a weird vibe with Dim and this baby....I don't feel he is into him at all.
He’s probably questioning if it’s his. Let me stop 🤣
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Probably because Bush Gardens has a smaller audience than Disney. If you're not really into coasters, you're probably not as likely to go there especially after the Black Fish baklash (Side Note: Dimmy, you really need to stop going to parks that abuse you're wife's own kind). I also think COVID hit them more than Disney.
Busch Gardens wasn't really ever majorly affected by Blackfish; that was SeaWorld.

And I was an AP to BG before and during COVID and it was always crowded just as usual.

ETA: I was also an AP to WDW, Universal, SW, and LL during before and during COVID too. There were days EPCOT was a ghost town but then you'd go to SW and it was crowded as hell. It just depended on the day, time of year, etc.
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I think Tim was trying at the end. They’re kind of damned if they do and damned if they don’t. He knew if they signed off saying “It was a day” like Jenn was saying, people would be scolding them, you should be grateful, you have two healthy kids, etc. So he was saying, it was still a fantastic day, we have a beautiful family of 4.
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I’m all for feeding your baby, but that was just unnecessary. Jenn is an attention whore. Anything she does has to be seen and applauded.

Tim looked annoyed with the whole thing. I bet she badgered him into doing the Live.
Tim probably knows it had the potential to get them another privacy strike.
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Note that ATW did a filing his taxes vlog and basically stated what his tax bracket was so you can get an estimate of his income which can give you a rough guess at the Slackers income....they must be making something other than AdSense
That’s interesting. What’s Adam’s estimated income?
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OK a recent article in Psychology Today states that people(strangers,not the parents)lose interest in oozing and ahhing over children.It is a biological response to change in facial structure etc.So they have maybe another year with Jackson ,maybe 4 with the baby.Plus they are getting older and less and less attractive.I,and I could be wrong,believe there will be massive decline in viewership for the trackers.
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Well-known member
A Limerick

"Thanks you guyzzzz for showing up
She's really been down on her luck
Her attitude is cloying
So dang annoying
May she never prosper, and continue to 'suck.'"
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Hey it has to be competitive to the Peppa Pig pass in collecting dust. Seriously, the one park their spawn seemed to actually be having a good time in they only went once. But priorities.
They “got an annual pass” for Buddy, that’s now expired, and never went back to use it. Peppa Pig opened in February 2022. I’m also willing to bet they never actually got one.

On a different topic: Idr who said Dim probably has IBS, but I totally agree with that!
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Chatty Member
Did the Trackers delete the video of Ginn speeding in the golf cart with J$'s car seat strapped to the back seat? I've been searching and can't find it.
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I don't know much about YT, but wouldn't buying subs actually damage the channel more if views are low? Since the engagement would be a lower % rating than it would be if they had less subs, surely it would be better to be around the 300k subs if he's only getting average of 100k views to have a better engagement %

To me also, if I saw a channel with only 100k views on vlogs an they had over 800k subs I'd be wondering what is wrong with the channel as a channel with as high as that I'd be expecting to average around the 300k possible 400k view mark, he's really doing more damage by buying subs when his views are shite
This is what I would think, but who knows. The views to subscribers ratio is WAY off for such a large channel. I am sure YT could come up with an algorithm that searches for channels with exaggerated subs to views numbers and be able to audit the channel. The view ratio is abysmal when you consider the sub count, but keeps the Trackholes in the lap of luxury.
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