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My youngest sister was over ten pounds when she was born as an august baby (ie youngest in the year here) and she's now one of the tallest/broad shouldered in her year group and is very active which is hilarious as when my mum had me I was very small and briefly in the 'nicu' , I wonder if it's anything to do with mums in their 30's+ as there are 12 years between myself and my youngest sister. A close family friend had 2 kids the same time as my mum initially had me and then twins when she was in her late 30's both twins are severely autistic with other conditions at play and were huge babies!
I think it's individual.

My mom had my brother when she was 42. There's 16 years between us.

She was a bit heavyset when she got pregnant (but got nowhere near the size of Jenn at the end of it bc she didn't eat everything in sight like Jenn).

She went into the hospital about 9:30 p.m. or so and gave birth at 3:44 a.m.

He was 6 lbs. 12 oz. with no complications with the birth and nothing wrong with him.

(and when she had me in her mid 20s, she was thin as a rail, had a 20-hour labor, I was 7 lbs. 5 oz., and had a congenital defect in my left foot / ankle bc of how I was laying in the womb that required me to wear a brace for a full year to fix it)
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Chatty Member
Yeah, all these folks want you to look at their lives on 3 or 4 different platforms. Who has time for all that?
Never mind time, who TF has the stomach for all that BS?
Adam is being very upfront on his latest video, how he makes a living, plans, consistency, etc...perhaps a dig or a response to questions about all the other youtubers?
Probably a direct response to the adamthewoocriticism Reddit.
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Just to go slightly OT, but does anyone remember the feud Tim & Jenn had with a channel called Theme Park Brews? The main guy in the channel "Morty" kind of had a handlebar moustache and had a logo very similar to the Trackers, minus the dead dogs. IIRC, Tim & Jenn turned the Stans after him hard for trying to steal viewers by confusing them. I think "Morty" then backed down and claimed 'family issues' and put his channel on hiatus.
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I checked the internet wayback machine. They saved a snapshot of the site from March 8, 2020, so just about 3 months from the original post date (December 14, 2019).

View attachment 2047473

So it'll be worth checking back in 3 months to see how the vlogs compare.
In trying to screenshot your comments for a future post I was unable to edit your name in for the credit.

Please accept my apologies in advance if I post it and can’t remember your name to give you full credit.
I may refer to you as “another tattler posted”
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I meal prep my breakfast. I make overnight oats, usually two at a time for me to grab on my way out of the house. I hate cereal.
Sorry, I thought Ginn was preparing substantial meals for her growing family while she was crying on the floor in pain from "Pre Birth" or after giving birth, of course not it's selfish Ginn we're talking about.

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I was thinking more like life insurance policy, plus it gives him a place to live (since many people have mentioned his $$$ rental apts).
Again, if Jim or June don't need to cash out and use the money for medical costs (and / or if they have certain riders on it).
Or, if they left the house solely to Adam and not to both of the kids (he has a sister) to do whatever they want to do with it upon both of their deaths (presuming it's paid off in full)

I still wouldn't count on that as a sole source of income, if I were Woo.
Too many variables...and just lazy on his part, IMHO. But I guess that's to be expected with him these days.
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If they are smart they'd use the YouTube premier feature which has a live chat and could bring in super stickers.

So tomorrow or Tuesday for the birth video? Will they separate out the NICU stuff or combine it into 1?
If they're intelligent they will as they would make significantly more... ie 4x15-20 min videos - labour, birth, nicu, home
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Whats funny is it's pretty common atleast where we gave birth for them to give you a ton of shit. Literally everything in your room is available for you to take because your insurance already paid for it. So for us we got like a pack of opened diapers, few things of wipes, aftercare for the wife, books etc. It's not like he was special he literally paid for the shit via insurance or whatever medical bills come his way.
Over here you get a box, regardless of how much you're earning everyone receives it, so not sure why he's making a deal about it or pretending it's because of him, when it's normal for people to receive something

Over here the box is actually quite impressive, a good sized blanket with the alphabet an numbers on it, some books, diapers, 3 little onesies, wipes, some bath stuff for washing, a pacifier, little soft toy an a rattle etc even the box itself was quite nice an was really big, had little pictures of animals on it, my bro kept it an now uses it to store his kids soft toys in it
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The Trackers would HATE it if J$ napped at daycare because that means they would have to spend more waking hours with him. They'd probably tell the daycare to not let him nap.

I agree though, daycare would help J$ so much! Even just one day a week would help him immensely.

This just boggles my mind. I get wanting to have your child with you. I understand that it is hard to trust others to watch and care for your child. However, there comes a point where mom and dad (or nanny) can’t give the child the social interaction and play that they need to thrive. And these two do not make an effort to get him to the park with others or activities…those can’t interfere with filming!
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