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VIP Member
Does anyone else feel sorry for the kids having a camera in their face constantly. I don't know who does all the filming but it must be awful having all your life on social media. It's going to be absolutely awful for them when they get older and other kids in school see the embarrassing things from when they was little which will sadly lead to bullying
Yes it’s disgusting. I feel so sorry for those young girls. They deserve a stable home and parents with a stable job
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Where did he say he didn’t know what remembrance day was? God it’s things like this that make me wonder if he actually ever set foot inside a school before… bizarre
Its the recording of his live broadcast in FB. Thursday morning @ 10.55am He has taken it off
Seems Tattle has a lot of influence on him. It was disgusting how he munched down on hisbaguette just at the beginning of the silence then chewed and fidgeted all the way through.
Its nice to know he reads all our comments
Hi Nick. Remember your silence on Sunday please and try and watch the Cenotaph ceremony.
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Lazy Sunday

VIP Member
I have always said a lot more than 50 Grand was donated, people were totally sucked into the none existing tears it was a huge stunt from start to now, and it worked so you warriors have been had but you deserve it.
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Im not keen on him however he said himself he didn't pay the winderscreen straight away because at the time someone had died close to him so he paid for the funeral .he put that first and then said he would be paying the winderscreen when he got paid again but then obviously the fire happened.but as far as I can see the money for the jet ski and sturf will be there own money from doing social media and stuff surely ? I know they had the gofund me but they also have there own money
I know from experience funeral parlours wait ages for their money. They just take a deposit. You can even pay it off if you want to.
I’m pretty sure he took the family to a caravan holiday in Clacton with the windscreen like that. Yet again the children’s safety was compromised.
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Lazy Sunday

VIP Member
That cannot be true, so we have gone from superstars like Michael Jackson to Smithy's, I'll never believe it and say it were true the company cannot be doing very well these days....
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Active member
Giving away 5 PlayStation 5s to boost his followers. Hmm wonder how they paid for those? If he was giving them away through the goodness of his heart like he always tries to portray, why do followers need to go to you tube and follow him on every platform etc. It’s either been paid for by GFM or Smyths are sponsoring them- either way it should be declared. The net is closing in.
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The takeaways were paid for, even if they booked them on a burner phone the payment would of come out of a bank account which can be traced. How many young teenagers have access to a fake bank account or would go to such lengths to pull a prank that many times 🤔 As for the fire, the way they hang about the area at that time of night and do a piss poor job of getting in to the car seems amateur without much thought or dedication compared to the pizza pranks. It's obvious where they are now yet nothing else has been done to them. But if it was a genuine hate vendetta you'd expect it to manifest again.
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I think they were driving to Devon but it was crazy no hands at high-speed while he pretends to Drum.Has anyone noticed the amount of pretend really serious statement s Tom Manley puts out and then it's a so called funny but it's not funny at all, it's annoying.

It's on Instagram I've just watched it again.
I’ve never copied a vid from insta before. Seeing if this works
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I'm sure the Manleys had a cut of the GFM, they eat takeaway 2-3 times a day, always burgers or curries and chips with everything. I've yet to see the kids have a veggie or something healthy
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Amys page all her followers are saying shes dumped Jack. Could be a stunt, could be true. Time will tell
I honestly hope she did. That whole family is fucked up, I wouldn’t want to be associated with them if I was her.
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Chatty Member
How do the cult justify it I wonder he has only donated today after back lash and the papers involvement … least he has donated it now finally though so that’s something even if it was
under duress and only after being forced too I wonder if they was planning to wait until the dust settled then just pocket the cash if only they wasn’t such show offs and live their lives in front of the camera we may never of known it’s your own fault naughty nick it’s you who shows everyone your whole life online and then cry when you get slted for being scammers 😂😂 I can’t believe the sheeple are still worshipping him surely not 😂😂
I think it really shows how disturbingly loyal their fans are. They have been spending the money on videos, and he's literally laughed in their faces on a jet ski and they're still supporting them. It's sad and crazy in equal measures.
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Also…how have none of them had covid? Considering they’ve broken lockdown rules from the start and having a million support bubbles! I wonder if the ‘cold’ that Jess hd was un tested covid?
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Lazy Sunday

VIP Member
it’s the way he acted on that video I think that’s annoyed people more I must admit It made me want to push him off lol and I didn’t even donate I feel sorry for those who did they Must feel like mugs he is jus laughing in everyone face now with no care saying they are still working does he not realise the fans as who pay him lol
It was the true Nick on that Video laughing at the mugs.
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VIP Member
I second this when the time comes
There's even more hate since this was posted 👍😆

People I know personally used to like them, but are now saying how they are dangerous and dodgy. The warriors are brainwashed, someone needs to get them a Netflix subscription so they have better things to watch 😏
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Lazy Sunday

VIP Member
Their boutique and merch shop is reopening, I suppose they have to cash in while they can
They will sell like hot cakes because I've never seen so many Numpties in my life now I'm off to gift that Wheeler bloke.
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Dick Turpin

VIP Member
He Is just taking the piss out of every one who gave money to help them. He isn't even hiding it now


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Bea Saint

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The sweet shop lady has done a I love you, don’t ever change post for him. Oooh la la
Sare would defend anything if she had the chance, she kept defending abuser Beetroot despite the glaring evidence so it not surprising she up Nick’s arse aswell.
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New member
His latest video probably already pissing off the locals in the cafe saying their latte isn’t up to scratch. Bell end
Believe me they won’t fit in here. Lots of locals that are farmers, it’s a clicky town and they don’t like outsiders especially loud ones
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