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Ok my fellow crazy cat people, tips please? How do I get my cat to forgive me after having to syringe anti inflammatories into him for the next 9 days? I have to syringe it, can’t use pockets because he is a fussy git and doesn’t like strange foods. Poor boy has had a vet visit, vaccine and now anti inflammatories today and is, quite rightly, pissed (but so am I as I’m now super poor 😭). I gave him treats but he ran away straight after and refused to let me pet him. I feel so bad even though I know it’s what he needs!
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Aw that was obviously meant to be. 💕
When I said lost my cat, I actually meant he passed away. I was dead set on never getting another, he died very suddenly and I was/am bereft, however, here we are, picking him up tomorrow. I get regular updates from my local cat shelter and I just hate seeing so many without homes and couldn’t resist. Sleepless night tonight I expect before I pick him up at lunch 😬
so sorry for your loss but it is amazing you are able to make it into a positive by giving someone else a new home 😻
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Has anyone's cat suddenly turned their nose up at their usual wet food? 1 week I couldn't get their usual so bought a different one that was a bit fancier, since then she's being funny. Sometimes both of them just lick the gravy off 😒 they have dry food too but it's whiskas as that's what they were weaned on so think I need to invest in better food and order online. Just worried about trying different brands as I know it can give them the runs or be sick. Will she be OK on just dry food?
Mine do this sometimes! I think dry food is ok for a few days. You know, if they're really hungry they'll eat it! Lol.
I keep a couple of those tiny cans of tuna in the cupboard and mix it with whatever they've turned their noses up at if they're being really fussy. That usually works. ♥ 🐾
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Phoenix Lazarus

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Do any of your cats ever catch and kill rats? My mum's tom has done that at least once and they've also found him sitting on the kitchen floor devouring pigeons that have fallen victim to him.
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I've never come across anything like this so I can't offer any advice, sorry! It sounds like they're both well taken care of. December 1st might seem a long way away but it's only a few weeks so as long as the kitten isn't really uncomfortable or in pain I think you should be ok until the vet sees him. Best of luck with them 💖
Thank you.
It's not something I've experienced either with the cats I've had before. Hopefully it's just how he is and there's nothing to worry about.
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omg thank you so much! 🥰 thankfully i think i could have a set up where they would each have their own room so that they have enough personal space. roisin is indeed female and she's very calm, i've only heard her hiss once in her life but i can imagine she'd get jealous because she's obsessed with me! so i was thinking in general we'll have to shower her with attention but feeding her first is a really good tip!

look at me not getting excited at all 😂
I have a spare room so technically could have put them in a room each but then I also realised by cat would be annoyed not having free reign of the whole flat so didn't bother :ROFLMAO: god if I could afford it I would be getting a third kitten! can't wait for photos 🤞
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My wee Orion has just turned 1 years old, so I started to cut back his food as recommended by the vet as he’s now an adult. He’s not too happy about this, but despite cutting back he’s still a whopping 5.5kg.

hes always been a solid chunky cat even as a kitten, but I’m worried about his weight. I’d like to feed him more as he’s clearly looking for it, but don’t want him to end up overweight. Any advice?

At the moment he gets two aluminium trays and one Whiskas pouch. I leave a wee handful of biscuits out overnight, but he honestly hates them.

I’ve tried condition scoring him but it’s really hard.
He's gorgeous. I love the ginger boys. They're always so friendly. I don't think he Orion looks overweight, and if he's always been a bigger cat as you say, then it's probably just his natural size.
I think it may the fluffiness that makes him look a bit bigger. You can see what a gorgeous floof he is from that big fluffy tail 😻
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Hi guys I know I’m derailing the thread a bit here but I need advice please 🙏🏼

We have a cat and a dog, both are very much loved but we have to move from our rented property soon (landlord is family friend). We’ve been told it’s highly unlikely we’ll find a landlord that will accept both our dog and cat. Property is scarce in our area and we cannot afford to buy.
I’m so upset as I think I’ll need to rehome my cat. I don’t want to hide him from the new landlord and potentially get caught and evicted which will cause more stress for my cat with another move.

I know a lovely lady who works for an animal charity and she’s advised she can help by arranging foster and then a forever home for him. The new owners would be vetted etc.

I want the best for my cat and I’m devastated I’ll be having to give him up. Am I a terrible person, does anyone have any advice please? I don’t know what’s for the best.
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Can I ask for some kitten advice please?

So, I have two kittens. They are nearly 4 months old. One feel normal to me when you stroke him but the other one feels really boney.

They have both been to the vets twice since we've owned them and we were told they were both in perfect health. They are fully vaccinated and are booked in to be neutered on 1st Dec. Flea and worming treatment is up to date.

We will be asking the vet about our concerns again then but this cat is oddly skinny. I can feel individual vertebrae, his chest bone is very prominent. There's just no fat under the skin. He's a bit like a fur covered skeleton.

He eats well, seems content - purrs etc, sleeps well, plays, doesn't seem distressed.

I'm wondering about a thyroid problem perhaps or a spinal issue. Surely if it was very bad, he'd seem unwell?

In the last couple of days he's making a weird teeth grinding noise when he eats. Is this just teething or could it be a sign of something more ominous?

We can't being the next appointment forward so we just feel a bit useless until then.
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For contrast this is his sister who is always up for cuddles and would surgically attach herself to me if she could View attachment 887141
omg stunning ❤ do they get on well? My parents have two siblings, they are now around 4/5 and barely even interact which makes me sad, they used to be so close .
My cats aren't related and their relationship can be fractious at times :ROFLMAO:
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Honestly I wouldn’t view that as a problem at all, as long as it is not leaving bald patches it is fine. I had a cat who chewed her tail so much it was always wet (awful to look at ) but no health issues, I think it is just the equivalent of a comfort blanket

Are they literally posing for social media . 😂
proper posers my little n large! 😻
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Thank you! He's a big softy. It's thundering in my area right now and he's curled up next to me holding my arm and trying to bury his face in it. It's funny because he's so big but he's very much a mummy's boy 😊
I find male cats generally seem to be much more needy (in my experience anyway) my female cat now is about 3 when she was a kitten she was SUPER needy, alwaus wanted to sleep next to me, be carried etc, but grew out of it as she got older, my little boy is about 1 and he is still needy as ever, I complain about it but I love it really 😻 and I have found the same with cats in the past
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Do any of your cats ever catch and kill rats? My mum's tom has done that at least once and they've also found him sitting on the kitchen floor devouring pigeons that have fallen victim to him.
My old cat Ev used to bring in rats sometimes, I hated it. My MCs don't go outside unsupervised as there's lots of native birds here and I'd rather not find a dead kookaburra ☹
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gave him a few dreamies but he ran off straight after and wouldn’t let me stroke him 😭 he only eats them and meat sticks and he can’t have too many as he is a bigboy 😂 poor little kitty!
Not a vet but as long as he is eating those he is just beinganxious and will get over over it soon! Don’t worry about it!
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