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Chatty Member
OT but I burned my hand while cooking a few days ago, so I have been using the reliable old Elizabeth Arden 8 hour cream to help it heal. And every time I apply it I think damn you, royal frostbitten "todger", for that Oedipal oversharing.
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Chatty Member
Where KP went wrong in the first place, and since, was giving part of the story and not an outright lie.
Giving enough info about Kate’s health to prompt speculation but not the severity of the problem, releasing a photo but tinkering with it.

they’d have been better just lying from the start and saying “Carole/Michael Middleton is unwell and the POW is taking time off to support them, please give some privacy at this time” then releasing a set of photos on Instagram with all the Royal mums, Diana, Queen, QM, Sophie, Anne and Kate etc, all in flattering and old photos saying “thinking of all mums on Mother’s Day”. Aside from a bit of grumbling about Kate supporting her family when she should be doing engagements nobody would have really given a shite then, or wondered where she was as she doesn’t really do much anyway.
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Chatty Member
The daily mail, the most royalist hard right paper to me, is insinuating there’s marital problems
The DM along with the rest of the media know exactly what’s going on. They have also seen that their bullying has made W&K react with the photo. They are now running stories hinting at all sorts of other things to bully them W&K into coming out and saying what k’s illness is. The media are loving the clickbait. It is however bullying and manipulating.
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VIP Member
I’ve found this for the convoy. It appears (to me) to be standard cars for the royals, not an ambulance or anything? And ‘in the general direction of’ doesn’t mean actually at.

Thanks ITDH.
So that could be any member of the royal family or even the Prime Minister. There is no indication it’s actually anywhere near a hospital, doesn’t include an ambulance or seem in a particular hurry.
I’m filing that under ‘nothing to see here’.
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There’s no way a senior palace source would be speaking to the enquirer.

Genuine question: we’re repeatedly told that each taxpayer actually pays a minimal amount of tax towards the monarchy coffers.
But if they’re all so independently wealthy, where does it come from?
Is through property for instance? And if so, was the property bought by members of the royal family down the years? Or handed to the crown by “the people”?
The more this all plays out, and the more the veil falls away and shows how entitled some of them really are, and what they really think of the public, the more i question where all the wealth actually comes from.
And please don’t hate me; I know there’s a deep affection for QEII, but I never could understand the constant drumming into everyone about how well she “served us”.
In what way did she “serve”?
I get that she made many, many personal sacrifices, but surely the aim was to preserve the power and the mystique of the House of Windsor? As has been the case with every monarch before and after, all protecting their crown and their line of succession.
Don’t get me wrong - I’ve said before that I don’t hate anyone for being privileged by accident of birth - good luck to them.
I just question the pedestal that the royal family are on, in the modern era.

TLDR: im prevaricating because I don’t want to head off to work 😂
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View attachment 2807106

From 2015. Charlotte was copy/pasted in there and is floating. Lots of blurring around her. She looks far too large too. The way she's NOT held. It's all very weird!
You can see Kate’s hand on Charlottes chest under her dress. She held her like that a lot as a baby with her hand under Charlotte’s clothes, I guess so they didn’t ruck up and inadvertently show nappy or her thighs
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I’d be surprised if their PR team have much say, I think William protects his family and won’t be releasing anything else about Kate’s health. Irrespective of how it looks
But there isn't anything to say!! Last time I had major surgery I needed a 6-8 week recovery time. For the first few weeks I just sat around on the sofa, then I started occasionally going to see relatives. I couldn't drive (Catherine won't be driving for at least 6 weeks) so only went out if someone took me ... it's all pretty boring stuff.
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Can it hurry up and be Easter so she can come back on the scene. We’re going to have weeks of this and we don’t need Chris Ship starting Witchelling either.
At this rate people will probably be saying she's a hologram, body double, or that Pippa decided to have surgery and replace her sister once she's back in action.
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We have seen edited pictures before. I think the press are making a big storm to try and provoke a reaction from the Royals in the form of them releasing more information about Kate and her health.
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VIP Member
We have seen edited pictures before. I think the press are making a big storm to try and provoke a reaction from the Royals in the form of them releasing more information about Kate and her health.
I don't think PA and Reuters would do this, they're global agencies, the UK is such a tiny part of their operations and market. I genuinely think it's more about, they don't want to be seen to be accepting such obviously manipulated pics.
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Never mind Kate - what in the name of insanity is behind Johnny Thompson ‘stepping back’ to a less public role. All wild theories accepted 😂
Seems like he left his wife for another woman and he doesn’t like the press intrusion. He was photographed with the new girlfriend.
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OK, here's my take on it. Something happened on 28th December and Kate is no longer alive.

The kids have been kept out of school so that they can grieve privately and normally, with a small private funeral, as opposed to young William and Harry who had to do all of the same publicly. William wouldn't want his kids walking behind Kate's coffin in front of the world, so this way they got to bury and grieve her privately.

The car photo and Mother's Day photos are faked and all other communications are odd, so I think she's gone.
Whatever you’re smoking I want to have some.
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But there is nothing to spin. Catherine has had abdominal surgery and is recuperating. It's the nutters on the internet and social media that are putting all the wild stuff out there. I wouldn't expect KP to acknowledge or respond to any of it.
Exactly! People criticising how they’re handling it. They’ve already had to say again what they said initially. They must feel like saying STFU!

William is protective of his family and I don’t see anything wrong with that.
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VIP Member
Oh to be so entitled that we, the Great British Public, deserve constant proof of babies, illnesses and fringes. This when we don't get them we also deserve AN APOLOGY for having "deceived" us all over a fricking photo.

Have we all gone insane? Since the pandemic and the hokey cokey prime minister changes our lives have become so dull we need the next excitement. We have collectively decided to obsess over one fairly sweet and inoffensive woman's hair/bowels/foofoo*

It was funny at first but I'm so over the forty billion separate stories on the DM, Sky, GB News etc. They have dragged literal metadata experts on to give opinions. Too funny!

*Delete as applicable.
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Where are M and H now then? Think W and K could really use the help.

I’ve never bought in to the whole “British press were always out to get M and H” thing. Meghan on arrival into the family had a dubious reaction from the royalists mainly due to her background as an American actress rather than anything else. No different to Waity Katie and her air-hostess mum. Difference is Kate kept her head down and got on with it so the British public were eventually won over. The same absolutely could have happened to M and H, in fact I think they could have easily outstripped the other two in popularity if they had any desire to crack on with the job. And yeah, H probably got some dodgy headlines in his youth but I think that was more because the press knew the public enjoyed a scandalous bad boy persona rather than anything sinister in Williams favour.
She never intended on staying, they were already making interview and media plans when engaged. She wanted the fame and money, and the latter didn't appear because it was a hierarchy so they threw their toys out of the pram. Harry was totally shielded by the press and the palace's construction of Hero Harry to rehab his image with Invictus Games which he stole from the US Warrior Games, et cetera. I even bought the Harry narrative! More fool me. They bent over backwards to make Meghan and Harry happy. But as one courtier has said - she never wanted to be happy, always looking for a slight.

William affair stories come from, for me, people who knew him and Kate at uni (who I know) as well as all the 'I'm FREE!' and stories of him bringing girls into Sandhurst when they were dating. They broke up a lot. He went after other women - Isabella Branson comes to mind who called him a boor. There was a lot out there in the aughts!

Kate was loyal and kept her head down and her mouth shut. William values loyalty and discretion above all. He also valued her family who would pay for his holidays, keep their mouths shut, and made him the center of their universe.

They really need better PR people and William threw her to the wolves by refusing to work really and then the terse, combative PR statements, then this hot mess and blaming her for it (though 100% the photoshop job is by an amateur, I bet she did photoshop it, fine to share on Insta, not fine to share with press agencies).
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I agree, we don't know the whole truth. I think Meghan thought she would be a global icon promoting causes with all the magic fairydust of being a princess. I also think Harry let her believe this and didn't really explain to her how the palace controlled everything, how the pecking order worked. Probably because he didn't want to lose her. Pre-Meghan, Harry was really close to Kate and was a great brother in law but I think he was hurt that William didn't welcome Meghan the same way.
I can't help but wonder IF the rumours about William are true, then that was a big factor in William/Harry's rift.
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