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Chatty Member
I don’t think Camilla would be doing so much and looking quite happy if he was terminal.
There’s no manual on what you are supposed to look like when you’re dealing with a spouse with cancer (or any other serious issue).

Some people prefer to keep their normal routine. I know I probably looked happy to people who didn’t know me when I was in a similar situation.
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Sorry if I’m stating the obvious but could Wills not just have a stomach bug or something? He’s only human after all. Could be shitting for England and puking his guts up for all we know!
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I wonder if they'll be bold enough to try and brand Sussex Royal again.

The problem is it really does sound like a premium dog food brand.
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I do find the fuss about KP's response a bit odd.
There's been numerous variations on "their silence is suspicious," despite there being no indication that updates would be forthcoming. People have said they should address the rumours, they did so and now it's not right because it wasn't friendly enough/repeating the prior statement's thanks for well-wishes.

People are always going to speculate, that's human nature, but acting like we're owed the private health information of a stranger or an apology to our own tastes about why the information isn't provided is odd to me.
Being a public figure doesn't make someone public property.
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There's quite a few on here who would. I gather that when Queen Elizabeth married Prince Philip people sent her their ration books how ridiculous is that?
They sent in ration stamps for the wedding cake I think.

I don't think that was too mad. The wedding was just after the war had finished and everyone was looking forward to a bit a glamour and glitz. I can understand that. It had the nickname of the 10,000 mile cake because the sugar came from the girl guides in Australia or something.

I would never send anything into TRF ( or any personality ) but if it gives the sender pleasure I see no harm in it. We've mentioned it before that it all ends up going to charity anyway.
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Ok so, if Kates had abdominal surgery all straightforward then why the need for uncle Gary to go into CBB, when apparently before they couldn’t stand him talking to the press. And then on the same day papped suspiciously set up? Picture emerges to TMZ an American site of “Kate” wearing sunglasses, I don’t remember wearing them a lot on a cold March morning. Are the eyes hidden because that’s not her or to hide her emotions.

Why hasn’t the UK media used the photos from TMZ. There is an article on DM about it but without the picture and comments OFF. Comments are usually OFF when there are reporting restrictions for “legal reasons” usually during court cases or trials.

There’s reporting restrictions or a gag/injunction on Kate by the royal family PR. I think it’s rubbish that the press are being nice. like restrictions were in place years ago on her leaked topless pictures published abroad but not allowed here.

As someone said the crown are being protected not Kate, the crown. Poor woman.

My other theory with the RF has been because of Andrews doings, Meghan and Harry were encouraged to make a lot of noise and distract negative press from him.
I've been wearing sunglasses on the school run this week. There was ice on my car yesterday, but the sun was still so bright at 8 am that I had to wear sunglasses.
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VIP Member
If she had a stomach/bowel issue it would also be feasible that it would cause her to be very slim.
It may be that health issues cause her to have a restrictive diet, rather than an ED.
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There will always be nutjobs. Doll children, moonbump and doubles galore. I mean, obviously Carol, the shameless social climber, would be fine to pretend. Everything to keep Bill happy.
I doubt the actual people care. At least they shouldn’t.

I am firmly in the camp that says Kate is overstepping the healthy/slightly underweight territory. But even if her weight is unrelated to physical issues, being crazy thin mustn’t mean she has an ED or even disorders eating. doesn’t mean I like it but it’s her choice. Not every thin ballet dancer, actor or model has an ED or similar and still they maintain a certain physique as part of the job. I think Kate is very rooted and steely. If she wants to look a certain way she does. I firmly believe she is controlling her weight but I don’t think her weight is a controlling mechanism for her. But who knows. I could be way off as I don’t know them.
And even if her having an ED was the cause- do we need to know? That’s for her and her loved ones to tackle. I love the gossip (obvs) but I am missing the point in acting as if anyone of us was „in the know“.
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Has anyone seen Kate Middleton and the creepy dementor-looking thing from the Glasgow Willy Wonka Experience in the same room at the same time? No?
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I'm definitely starting to think the prognosis for Charles isn't very good and perhaps he's only been given a certain amount of time left to live.

William looked like he was about to break down a few weeks ago in that footage of him standing/ swaying while the national anthem was sung. To me, it looked like he was close to tears and perhaps struggling not only with the news about his father not having long left, but also the fact he thought it might be about 10 years before he became king and now he's suddenly faced with the reality that it's going to be very soon. I don't think he wants it at all, let alone when his kids are still young and his wife is ill.
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My 6 year old sent Charles a happy coronation card and she was so excited when she got a reply. She took the reply into school to show everyone her (pre printed) letter from the king. I wouldn't have written, but she made a cute card, and it brought her a lot of joy.
I'm delighted to hear that she got a reply. That will mean lot to her and it means the card was acknowledged and appreciated.
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In real life Kate looks about a size 8. She is slim and athletic. She has always been slim and athletic.
I bet it isn't slim women that shout that Kate must have an eating disorder, sounds to me more like jealousy of her fab figure.
My sister in law and sister both have figures like Kate and neither have eating disorders.
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Poor Thomas, having his death made into public entertainment all because people who "knit" for the RF (because they want to, not cos anyone told them to) feel like they are owed something.
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God they're really having a load of awful news lately aren't they? Maybe I've got my tin foil hat on but it does feel like we're about to have some seismic shift in the RF.

I expect Nicholas Witchell will be getting wheeled out any minute.
The fact he was away in Hong Kong and had to do a video link when it was announced Charles has cancer must have been heartbreaking for him. The man will never leave the country ever again 😂😂
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My favourite 🙄 is probably that Wills has killed Kate, and now they are laying the foundations for Charles to abdicate so that William will be King and therefore unable to be tried in a court for murder. The fact that they genuinely believe this stuff as well is alarming
They should start writing novels because they have one heck of an imagination!
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