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Boring Monday

VIP Member
What did she do? I always imagine the kind of person who works for royals is prepared to put up with a lot. That was what I found so interesting about the stories about Megan and the way she treated her staff.
I think there’s a sliding scale … most putupwithable are the monarch and the direct heirs. Then possibly their other halves, but only if they keep in line. Then it’s down to blood family all the way … everyone else is expendable.


VIP Member
I think there’s a sliding scale … most putupwithable are the monarch and the direct heirs. Then possibly their other halves, but only if they keep in line. Then it’s down to blood family all the way … everyone else is expendable.
One imagines the pay scales similarly. The secrets of the monarch are worth paying staff very well for, as are those of the heir. With each step down from there, anything juicy or behaviour that's out of pocket might be worth more to a journalist than its secrecy is worth to the royals.


VIP Member
There have been investigations into how horrible Maria Theresa is and what a terrible person she is. Bullying and harassment, controls everything, et cetera. The government got involved because it was so bad!

Her bullying makes Meghan’s bullying of staff look like child’s play.
It also makes you wonder when you see her daughter and daughter-in-law in old gala dresses of hers that don't suit them and don't fit. I wonder if Alexandra even got to choose her own outfits for the civil and church weddings.


VIP Member
The look is great but in 25 degree weather it looks ridiculous. I honestly thought they used an old picture before I clicked on thd article.

Also, I would be amazed if she didn't have multiple choices for today on what to wear. Even if she wanted to be respectful to the Queen a lighter material in a dark colour would've been a good shout
Yeah she has plenty of lighter colours from Easter services she could have gone for I guess. I presume as soon as she’s back in the helicopter it will be off 🤣


VIP Member
I can entirely see them supporting him behind the scenes, lord knows aristocrats have supported each other through all manner of hideous behaviour that'd see the rest of us in jail.
But surely they pay PR people enough to know better than to show support publicly.

He needs to be treated the way every other family treats their creepy uncle - no invites, no discussions, and no letting him near the liquor cabinet.

I suspect behind the scenes Andrew is giving it the 'I was there but I swear I had no idea what was going on and I never slept with her. She's making that up' ... Because there has never been any court case we will never get a satisfactory conclusion to this.


Chatty Member
This is the big thing IMO. It's all very well people having an opinion either way, or being indifferent, but it would take an official referendum I presume? I have always presumed it would need a Brexit style vote, initiated by a political party, and the reality is, there are more pressing matters for them to focus their attention on and the sheer amount of work required would likely span at least one political term so you would need someone willing to commit their tenure as PM to it, which I struggle to imagine
And the monarchist Tories beat the republican Corbyn in 2019 anyway and now even Starmer backs keeping the monarchy

Even in countries where they have abolished the role of the monarchy there is still a pretender to the throne. If we abol8shed the title of king I am not sure a lot would change. Charles or William would probably keep some of their titles and houses. They don't have much real power so in practice it would not be a huge change. I think they will gradually lose some of their ceremonial roles and influence in the commonwealth. William seems to prefer a quiet life so I don't think he will be too bothered.
Though Australia looks likely to reject even giving Aborigines a voice in its parliament next month, let alone another monarchy referendum
I'd like to hope by the time George is on the throne CoE might have come around on the issue of same-sex marriage. After all, it's only a couple of generations since a monarch wasn't allowed to marry a divorcee with a living former spouse.

We've had gay kings before, just not a gay king with a spouse of his preferred gender.
The C of E Synod have now approved blessings of homosexual couples


VIP Member
That could also be part of the reason for not going. The future king cheering on the Matilda conquerors isn't a great look - I'm scottish!!!

Personally, as much as they've used the climate excuse, I would have sent Kate and Charlotte for a girls trip!!!
I don’t have an issue with any of them attending on behalf of the monarchy or as fans and some of the women/girls going would be great. It’s just if we’re talking about optics, I don’t think the future monarch should be president of any of the football associations.


VIP Member
God I wish I could give Chucklehead and Bill a shake and say:

🎶More passion more passion
🎶More energy more energy 🎶

They are just so lazy in their new roles 🥴 Wave goodbye to the monarchy unless something changes soon.


VIP Member
It’s literally, I mean really literally his actual job as President of the FA.
It’s also basically the role of the Royal Family. If they don’t turn up to support British Teams on the national stage, then that’s a huge chunk of their job gone. They’ve been to football matches, to Wimbledon and to cheer the England cricket team on at Lords … but an actual team with an actual chance of winning … I’ll put tele on. It’s a misstep.
i mean, personally as the WC was taking place in Australia, there should have been RF presence there from the get go, regardless of how England did.
if William goes to Earthshot in a canoe, rather than one of those nasty plane things, I may reconsider.
Oh fair enough then. Yeah I don't know why they wouldn't go support the team then. Hmm, has there been no explanation at all?


Chatty Member
New thread started as it’s at 50



Chatty Member
Sorry that updating your language as a show of respect to the people in question is “woke” in your eyes. Did you also put up a fight when everyone stopped using the term “Negro”? Lots of inappropriate terms for people of colour come from perfectly innocuous Latin definitions. If you’re blind to that, then that’s on you. You can continue to be obtuse about the concept here if you want, but I bet there’s plenty of words with innocuous definitions that you wouldn’t like to be called. (Happy to drop some here) 😂
I would like to think that you’re not the sort of person who would want to hurt others with their language choices, but hey, maybe you’re not.

And the fact remains that it is legal to lie in Australian political campaigns, and that is what the Murdoch press did. It’s something that voters should be aware of, even those like you who parrot the Murdoch line because it suits their views right now. If his son, the new owner of the empire, used those powers to push misinformation to encourage something like becoming a republic, you’d be horrified. Media manipulation of votes is a terrible thing, political campaigns in my opinion should only be able to publish facts.

Perhaps it’s a lot of disgruntled creditors who aren’t happy with how it went down? Interesting that Charles and William aren’t squashing this story. A shame creditors couldn’t have been quietly paid off by them, there’s already a cost of living crisis and it’s not like C & W don’t have the cash spare. But I dunno, maybe there’s rules about that.
As far as I can see most indigenous Australians didn't have a problem with being called aborigines until wokes like you decided it was a problem. As for Negro it was more the other 5 letter word beginning with N that was the problem.

The Yes campaign had the backing of the Australian government, most corporations, most celebrities, much of the mainstream media and most elite urban opinion, the fact a few Murdoch papers opposed it doesn't change the fact Yes was the establishment choice, it still lost.


Chatty Member
Anyone have any idea of where they've gone on holiday?
I know Charles is (I think) currently in Scotland, but is there any idea of where Wills and Kate are?
I suppose they are back in Windsor now given the kids are back at school next week.
I read that Camilla has returned to London for a charity event.


Chatty Member
Aboriginal people, First Nations or Indigenous Australians, not Aborigines. I’ve told you this before so I’m not sure why you’re continuing to use an outdated and offensive colonial term if you want anyone to take you seriously.
Well whether you want to call them First Nations, Indigenous Australians or whatever nearly 60% of Australians have rejected giving them a voice in the Australian Parliament in the referendum at the weekend not me

lots of really good points. I don’t think there’s ever been a precedent has there, in the world?
Of course there has, in countries which became republics and even the reverse in countries like Spain which have restored their monarchy.

It won't ever be needed here as we like our constitutional monarchy and do not want a politician as head of state


VIP Member
I don't think there's a specific one, they come up on here now and again and there's a Princess Charlene one.

Maybe it might be worth starting one, not sure.
Oh weird I was sure I’d seen one! I just want to know what the papers are really hinting at with Prince Christian of Denmark dating the princess of bourbon two Sicilies 🤭


VIP Member
I lived in Luxembourg and from what I locally heard the Duchess was a similar character to Charlene, as in she had 'security' every time she went back to Costa Rica just in case she decided never to return
From what I've heard, a lot wouldn't be upset if she did. Didn't the Prime Minister have to be called in over the tantrum she unleashed on the staff before Princess Alexandra's wedding?

Boring Monday

VIP Member
I guess historically a good prepared spare was a massive problem. You know, most wouldn’t put their sword down to support an idiotic, ill prepared, pompous usurper. Spares, if you didn’t actually need them, have always been a problem. On a pure rational level it would be the best to have at least three spares and then look who would be the best candidate and train them further. You have to get rid of male and primogeniture for spares though. Anne or Edward would be a great spares. Hard working, loyal and supportive. They would be a good choice to step up if needed and a good adviser/regent in case the heir would be under age.
I can imagine Charles and Wiliam, in a boozy moment, regret that you can’t just put your spare in a convent nowadays. Or on a ship to Australia for that matter.
To be fair, I think Anne and Edward look like good spares purely because they haven’t been spares … or in the case of Anne was only 10 when she was demoted so I don’t think it had really registered (and being a girl added another <shrug> level to it). I think it really kicks in around mid-teens … and has probably been made worse because both Charles and William were 30+ when they had their heir, which meant their own spare was pretty well established and used to it.

I mean, I know the RF is a next of vipers and some of them probably wouldn’t be adverse to a spot of Into The Tower-ing with some of their least favourite relatives but things have been fairly quiet since The Great Heir Race of 1817. Although ironically its the more recent times that have seen consecutive spares become King.


Chatty Member
Just because Rupert Murdoch’s newspapers successfully tricked people into voting no is no reason for you to not make the bare minimum effort to refer to First Nations people respectfully.
(Also, it wasn’t about a voice in parliament, it was about a voice in the constitution that would lead to an advisory body that parliament could consult. But you can look that up when you look up why “aborigine” is outdated and offensive.)

On the topic of the Murdoch press, though, it’s something to watch out for if a country ever tries to become a republic through a referendum. The Voice in Australia was 65% in favour before the Murdoch campaigns started, the successful misinformation turned the country from 65-35 to 40-60 within weeks. It’s something any independence campaign would need to be prepared for.
Given most Australians themselves refused to even vote for 'First Nations' people to be given a Voice in their own national Parliament I don't see why as a Brit I should be lectured patronisingly by you because I called them 'aborigines.' Which if you knew any Latin comes ab (from) and origo (origin, beginning). The only reason the term is offensive is mainly because wokeists like you decided to make it so!

As for the Murdoch press, Murdoch of course backed a republic in 1999 but Australians rejected it so the idea they are too stupid to think beyond what Murdoch tells them is ridiculous. Australia is an independent nation anyway, so don't try and distort language to suggest that it being a constitutional monarchy has anything to do with its independence status