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I read that there is some sort of summit going to be held at Balmoral with all the royals to discuss how the RF progresses next.
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Even in countries where they have abolished the role of the monarchy there is still a pretender to the throne. If we abol8shed the title of king I am not sure a lot would change. Charles or William would probably keep some of their titles and houses. They don't have much real power so in practice it would not be a huge change. I think they will gradually lose some of their ceremonial roles and influence in the commonwealth. William seems to prefer a quiet life so I don't think he will be too bothered.
And some like Simeon of Bulgaria set up their own political party and become Prime Minister!
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Chatty Member
Its a big role (due to prince philips work) and one i wouldn't have thought a king had time for

Is it the weird "they are splitting up" rumour again?
Not just married woman, enjoys night out with her friend?
It is all a bit weird. It’s made the Times and it seems such a non-story to me. No photos either which would make it more interesting.
I think the only interest is that it’s a night out with Rose. The original rumours were about her. The only thing I can think is it’s being pushed because that the two of them went partying together is further evidence that the rumours weren’t true (like Rose and husband being pictured going to church with William and Kate over Christmas).
Unless we are supposed to think that Kate having a night out is a news story in itself. I don’t think that there are many stories of her partying nowadays?
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Chatty Member
From what I've heard, a lot wouldn't be upset if she did. Didn't the Prime Minister have to be called in over the tantrum she unleashed on the staff before Princess Alexandra's wedding?
What did she do? I always imagine the kind of person who works for royals is prepared to put up with a lot. That was what I found so interesting about the stories about Megan and the way she treated her staff.
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Andrew and Harry remind me of one another, because they are both just shitty people.

Andrew benefitted more because he was Mummy's favorite who would sweep anything under the rug, not just his Epstein associations but his behavior as 'trade envoy' which was just more than a wee bit corrupt.
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I always think that‘s the difference between William and Harry … while they both obviously loved her, William knew her more as an actual person with faults whereas Harry was still young and just saw her as ‘mummy’ this glamorous person who dropped in and out of their lives bein fabulous and sparkly.
She called William her “rock” which is an awful lot of pressure for a child. I think you’re right, Harry had her as “sparkly, fun mum” who probably indulged a lot of his behaviour because she thought it was funny. They were both so young when she went. He hasn’t moved on to see her as a well rounded human, which William never had the option not to see.
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Boring Monday

VIP Member
On a similar note, my male BFF said he had so many issues about his ex-wife and eating and maintaining her figure.... that it was a joy to go out to dinner with me...who would eat anything! Said he would never date a skinny woman again....and I used to be a size 10 in my younger days!
I used to do very (I mean really very) amateur sport, and the need to look at food as purely fuel before competing and in training was awful. All enjoyment from eating was removed and the need to balance input/output. It’s not an eating disorder in the accepted sense, but I think it hovers on the cusp and could quite easily tip over.

Since stopping, the pure joy of eating because you want to and actually tasting it cant be underestimated. It’s not like I go mad mad but if I want a hobnob I’ll have one and not feel the need to run round the block afterwards.
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Chatty Member
He'll just skip out on doing king jobs like the red boxes and cite he has to pick the kids up on a Friday from boarding school.

They need to step it up - if I were paying I would be pissed - I'd expect more of my public servants especially with the platform they have. My family in the UK are massive royalists and they have a problem with W&K's laziness... it says a lot to me that even they have talked about it.

When William does become King, which will likely be not for ten years at the earliest, his children will mostly have left school and be at university or in the army.

The public don't also pay for them via taxes beyond security like they pay for the PM, government ministers, MPs and civil servants, the profits from the Crown Estate and Duchies pay for them
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Boring Monday

VIP Member
Isn't Anne deeply involved in Scottish football or is it rugby? She's always there cheering on Scotland in sports! I don't follow many sports myself.

William doesn't like to do things he doesn't want to do, which is the majority of royal work. It's why they look down on the bread and butter meeting the public, cutting ribbons engagements and do their flashy PR drives instead. He has always been like this. As I've said here before - H&M were the best thing to ever happen to them because they can skive off now and not really get thrashed for it, even with their shiny new titles, new house, and bigger staff.
Anne is rugby. 😀
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VIP Member
At the time of the wedding, Camilla was 34, Diana was 20 years old.You cannot compare the two at the time of the wedding. Diana was an innocent, Camilla was experienced woman and she should know better.
I am not surprised Diana was later emotionally unstable and become manipulative. She had to survive. Meantime Camilla is now almost a saint. It’ s funny on one side but extremely sad on another how the history can turn.”Quite the opposite” Elizabeth Bennet would say…
Yep. She’d actually only just turned 20. The wedding was on 29th July, she’d turned 20 on the 1st of that month.

Looking back, that feels insanely young to take all that on. I was still a kid at 20, hadn’t even finished Uni. Was that the norm to be married in the 80s at that young?!
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I doubt it will happen at all, at least not in my lifetime, my child's or my hypothetical grandchildren's just because of the interlocking parts here. You have an institution where the government created itself around said institution, despite the figurehead status of the monarch they do still have power they just choose constitutionally not to express or use (but CAN), not to mention the ties to so many other nations, and the costs of untangling them would be 10000000000x more than Brexit. Imagine what referendums would cost, imagine how it would be to try to restructure a government. I think the only way the monarchies we have in general will disappear would be because of some catastrophic world event similar to WWI's aftermath that left only a few in Europe standing.
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Boom Boom!!

Chatty Member
Swiss media have only quoted the article claiming that she's in Switzerland. No sightings and no "this is her house" kind of reporting. But they also never reported on her previous alleged stays beyond just stating that she's rumoured to be in the country.
Have a look at this Gem! While you don’t believe everything in the comments sometimes they are true and do come to light!!


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VIP Member
I read that journalists often try to hint at stories where they can’t specifically come out with what they really want to say.
This one has a few bizarre lines - I have paraphrased here - Kate [thought] what is good for the goose is good for the gander, Rose has her own “Heir & Spare”, the couple live very close to them etc

I thought perhaps they are hinting that Rose is his accepted mistress & Kate is only showing face as her “friend” to keep up appearances?
sad if true but it is a really odd article
It is a really weird story. If Kate was doing something to show she's friends with Rose in order to cover up an affair then surely she and palace PR would manage it better than this. They're at least have a photo op wouldn't they?
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VIP Member
While I personally think football is completely overrated, most of Europe has a very different opinion. It’s extremely popular. Like American Football in the US. And the First Leagues of Italy, Spain, UK and Germany(?) do get noticed with the general fan crowed in other countries as well. Which is partly due to popular players leaving their „Home League“ for the big teams in other countries. It’s still „just“ sport and I don’t get how people can build their identity around football or any other sport (they don’t play themselves that is) or a person. But it’s a big thing. And many people that aren’t necessarily interested, still watch it when big tournaments are on (EU or World).
To show support to Football teams during big tournaments should be a given for the President of the FA.

I do think that other sports don’t get enough support compared to football. The UK is actually much better than my home country. You at least have Rugby, Cricket, Golf and Tennis - which also get quite some airtime and publicity. The RF justifies their big number and role (not because they need it in atm as they are quite safe constitutionally but rather to appease the public and for good PR) by attending lots of Charity and sporting events as well as visiting places. I would argue that the regular UK citizens has much better chances of being recognised/seen by their HoS or someone representing them in this level than most other citizens. With that perspective it’s only fair to expect them to show up for those events. Not singling out football specifically. But my annoyance with the Walses approach to work is well known.
I used to enjoy football, but now I'm a very casual football watcher/supporter. I used to go to games (Chelsea) many years ago, but soon realised I'm paying an exorbitant amount of money to go watch a bunch of millionaires kick a leather ball about. If I go to a theatre show, I know those actors are being paid a pittance in comparison and they are putting on a fantastic show for weeks at a time to entertain us folk, under the pressure of the lights with no editing. I find the disparity in general in sports and entertainment a bit wild.

So many A list actors are paid a fortune to appear in films and tv shows that don't always end up successful, and you have a footballers making so much money. Then you have players poached by Saudi clubs (that's another discussion altogether!) and being paid handsomely. I know this is off a tangent and not related to the RF, but yeah it's just something that has bothered me for a while. I don't really see it changing for a long time, so I suppose it's a conversation that we will all go around in circles debating, which is unfortunate.
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VIP Member
Saw someone had posted this - totally forgot about this pledge. Wonder what he is actually doing to help achieve this goal?
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Chatty Member
I presume she’d planned to wear this and had the hat made relatively far in advance as it’s the same once she wore to the Carol concert at Christmas that was dedicated to the queen. They probably didn’t account for the September heatwave. That being said she could have easily found something else more weather appropriate but personally I love the look overall
The look is great but in 25 degree weather it looks ridiculous. I honestly thought they used an old picture before I clicked on thd article.

Also, I would be amazed if she didn't have multiple choices for today on what to wear. Even if she wanted to be respectful to the Queen a lighter material in a dark colour would've been a good shout
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……..Jesus Christ - so now William didn’t go in case Charles or Camilla are dying? The level of hysteria around this non event is baffling to me.
Don’t think I actually said that 🧐 nor was it hysteric. Just mulling over reasons they may not have gone. None of us actually know what goes on and so it could actually be anything from something fairly banal to the downright shocking.
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