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VIP Member
I saw an article about this before but have only just seen the video from this tweet and it’s even more weird than I imagined
The marching is a bit odd but she’s not technically a civilian as they still have their titles. As for her outfit I’m not sure what people want her to wear
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Mrs Fluff

VIP Member
I would like to read up on here about the European royals and thought there was a thread, but I’ve searched thread titles and can’t find it, is anyone able to point me in the direction?
I don't think there's a specific one, they come up on here now and again and there's a Princess Charlene one.

Maybe it might be worth starting one, not sure.
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VIP Member
Depends on the procession I suppose but most senior royals hold honorary military appointments which does put them in a different position. I don't pay enough attention to Andrew to know what medals he wore when but he will have medal(s) from his time in the forces as he was involved in the Falklands conflict. I'm not making any particular case for the royals, just pointing out that Markle is categorically a civilian.

From the length of time and places Andrew served, anyone with similar service would have the South Atlantic, Golden Jubilee, Diamond Jubilee and possibly long service and the General Service medals. He's likely got the other two jubilee medals (silver and platinum) from being royal but then many people in public service will have those and even Mike Tindall, Peter Phillips and James Wessex have the Platinum Jubilee.
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VIP Member
I’ve never really got the judgement on the Middletons for sending their kids to get the best education and the best opportunities, wouldn’t anyone do that if they could afford it? It’s also unsurprisingly always Carole who is portrayed as some pushy mother who convinced her daughters to chase after rich men as if Mike didn’t have a say in where his kids went to school etc
I kind of sense that he's a bit under the thumb😊 I don't like Carol but she's worked hard and is extremely determined. He seems nicer but possibly happier for his very assertive wife to take the lead. I had an uncle and aunt who had a similar relationship!
I’ve never really got the judgement on the Middletons for sending their kids to get the best education and the best opportunities, wouldn’t anyone do that if they could afford it? It’s also unsurprisingly always Carole who is portrayed as some pushy mother who convinced her daughters to chase after rich men as if Mike didn’t have a say in where his kids went to school etc
I kind of sense that he's a bit under the thumb😊 I don't like Carol but she's worked hard and is extremely determined. He seems nicer but possibly happier for his very assertive wife to take the lead. I had an uncle and aunt who had a similar relationship!
I always believed that the money allocated to the three Middleton siblings derived from a trust fund relating to Michael's forebears? I've often wondered whether Carole was the driving force behind Kate deciding to take a gap year and then choose St Andrew's over her first choice, Edinburgh?
Carol seems to have a lot of drive and is extremely forceful.
I’ve never really got the judgement on the Middletons for sending their kids to get the best education and the best opportunities, wouldn’t anyone do that if they could afford it? It’s also unsurprisingly always Carole who is portrayed as some pushy mother who convinced her daughters to chase after rich men as if Mike didn’t have a say in where his kids went to school etc
I kind of sense that he's a bit under the thumb😊 I don't like Carol but she's worked hard and is extremely determined. He seems nicer but possibly happier for his very assertive wife to take the lead. I had an uncle and aunt who had a similar relationship!
I always believed that the money allocated to the three Middleton siblings derived from a trust fund relating to Michael's forebears? I've often wondered whether Carole was the driving force behind Kate deciding to take a gap year and then choose St Andrew's over her first choice, Edinburgh?
Carol seems to have a lot of drive and is extremely forceful.
I’ve never really got the judgement on the Middletons for sending their kids to get the best education and the best opportunities, wouldn’t anyone do that if they could afford it? It’s also unsurprisingly always Carole who is portrayed as some pushy mother who convinced her daughters to chase after rich men as if Mike didn’t have a say in where his kids went to school etc
I kind of sense that he's a bit under the thumb😊 I don't like Carol but she's worked hard and is extremely determined. He seems nicer but possibly happier for his very assertive wife to take the lead. I had an uncle and aunt who had a similar relationship!
I always believed that the money allocated to the three Middleton siblings derived from a trust fund relating to Michael's forebears? I've often wondered whether Carole was the driving force behind Kate deciding to take a gap year and then choose St Andrew's over her first choice, Edinburgh?
Carol seems to have a lot of drive and is extremely forceful.
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VIP Member
The photos of Meghan did make me laugh. I'm not one of these that thinks she calls the paps every time, but this one seemed so z-lister in 2010 staged. The way she was holding her arm up so you could see the sticker, the way her coat sleeve was conveniently rolled up not to mention the fact that a pap just so happened to be hanging around what looks like a very small car park...if she didn't call the paps she might want to work out who did because there's no way this one wasn't a tip off 😂😂
I’m someone that’s always cold and spends about 75% of the year in a dressing gown but even I was confused by her coat and scarf in LA summer outfit, with coat sleeve conveniently rolled up

He might not be 1st in line but he is second. So quite literally Prince Wiliam level till 2022. Maybe not on an international Level but the pair made it into the DailyFail. I don’t see anything coming of it. This might sound pretentious and snobby but he will probably fool around for some time and then marry a commoner. Most definitely not someone actively looking for publicity. Not as future monarch. He is just 18. It would be crazy to think this was him on his way down the aisle. It’s not impossible but highly unlikely. Christian has been a rather pale/bland character as we haven’t seen nearly as much of him as of his female counterparts. I would expect him to undergo some military training and then study in Denmark and abroad. based on nothing I do see him going down a Felipe road rather than Wiliam.
I just meant in terms of fame of PW or PH, or any British prince in their youth. You rarely see pap pictures or Daily Mail stories of European royals so loads of stories about him recently feels set up by the girls family.
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Chatty Member
Even in countries where they have abolished the role of the monarchy there is still a pretender to the throne. If we abol8shed the title of king I am not sure a lot would change. Charles or William would probably keep some of their titles and houses. They don't have much real power so in practice it would not be a huge change. I think they will gradually lose some of their ceremonial roles and influence in the commonwealth. William seems to prefer a quiet life so I don't think he will be too bothered.
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Just seen on the news that Harry is in the U.K. tonight for the Well-being child awards. No plans to see his family and straight off to Germany for Invictus
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So I've seen a claim doing the rounds that William was clear with the team and FA from the start that he was unavailable on the date of the final so if they made it he wouldn't be able to go. I think it was mentioned in an interview by someone to do with the team/FA but now I can't find it.

I guess we do never know what they have going on BTS both diplomatically and personally. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt but he better do something big to mark the occasion, not just a supposed "personal tweet"
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I wonder if they’re on holiday somewhere and digging their heels in…the video could well be prerecorded. If that comes out the backlash will be quite significant particularly when there are views that W&K do very little and yet continue to live a life of unimaginable luxury.
Their spokesperson has said they are watching at home in Sandringham which I’m pretty sure has only been released because they were worried the press would start digging to find out if they were on holiday to get exactly that story. I presume they wouldn’t risk outright lying about where they currently are but who knows
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The only reason I believe that he wants him out is because William wants to move in
I can see it more as Charles revenge for Andrew being the favourite. It doesn’t matter who was mummy’s favourite, just who was first born and Charles will now let Andrew know that. But unless Charles sends his men in to drag Andrew out, idk how he’d kick him out the big house
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When Ch5 show random RF programmes (there are 3 scheduled tonight. On a Saturday evening!) I get the feeling something is going on with the RF. Like with all the recent Kate PR in the papers 🤔
They've been doing that for at least the last couple of years. There's always royal documentaries on channel 5 on Saturday nights.
Harry is 5th in line to the throne. Prince George is 1st.
Yes and to repeat yet again, if William AND HIS FAMILY were wiped out, Harry would be King. How can George be King or his siblings reign IF THEY ARE WIPED OUT?
PS George is actually second in line to the throne.
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Isn't that like saying "I can't believe William worked with the BBC when they called documents to trick Diana into doing the Martin Bashir interviews"
Yes. And if we were talking about something to do with the BBC right now then I would have said that
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VIP Member
You would think there would be something happening here, IE Wembley showing the match, that he could go to show support and not doing a flight in/out situation. I am guessing what ever the results there will be a homecoming that could be attended?
I aren't bothered he isn't going as I focus should be the England team and that includes those not on the pitch.
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VIP Member
I do find it all so interesting and stuff like this makes you realise the concept of abolishing the monarchy isn't as simple as just waking up one day with a president instead of a King. It would, in my opinion, take a generation to sort it out. A headache I think very few could be bothered to deal with
There's a reason most defunct monarchies were abolished... swiftly, shall we say.
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I do wonder if all the climate support has put them off making trips like that. Maybe they see a trip to Oz to support England as something that would receive criticism and not be a good look considering their climate awareness.
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