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Is everyone watching the interview? I'm not. I wonder if people who say how much they hate Harry and Meghan and their thirst for publicity will actually tune in 😆
I am! People might say ‘eurgh, you have no life’ and they’d be 100% correct 😂
I think Meghan’s choice of make up, hair and clothing is interesting for the Oprah interview. She usually has it down, but if it’s up it’s messy. When doing confessional type interviews you usually wear light colours (she’s wearing black, which might be nothing because she likes to dress in black) and clean ‘natural’ make up but she’s gone for a very heavy eye which looks a bit out of place. Harry looks ‘fresh’ in his light grey suit, no tie and open buttons but Meghan looks like she’s ready for a fight with her sleek updo and heavy eyelook. Those two look the opposite of each other, like night and day. It’s not very cohesive from an aesthetic point of view. Also it looks like a bird shat on her shoulder with that white detailing.
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@georg I agree it shouldn't be off limits for anyone. But can everyone understand how racism presents, its not always obvious. Piers Morgan showed a very very unpleasant side of himself this morning, Chaka Khan and Patricia Goddard spoke about an issue they have first hand experience of and they were not listened to. That's not OK.
Racism is absolutely something that everyone needs to discuss. But is absolutely not on that Piers Morgan tells people what is racist and what is not.
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As far as I'm concerned Meghan is a complete narcissist. My father was a narcissist so I recognise them when I see them. I also think she's abusing Harry. Not in a physical way but the whole 'love bombing' him and seperating him from his family. I think Harry needed to get away from the life of royalty for his mental health but he'd have been happy to move to Africa and be involved in conservation projects out of the public eye. Which is what he needed. Instead, he's in L.A. totally in the public eye without his family to back him up. She's out to make as much money as possible out of his background and that's the only reason she married him. I wouldn't trust her as far as I can spit her. I'm not a fan of the Royal family though I have utmost respect for the Queen, but no one deserves to be in an abusive relationship. And the only thing you can do with narcissists is run as far away as possible.
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What if someone accused your husband/Dad/brother of being friends with a paedophile or rapist? Would you seriously tell him to fuck off and never let him near you or your kids again? Serial killers often have wives, some have kids. Lots have friends. Are they all guilty too?
Andrew has said he was friends with Jeffrey after his conviction of pedophilia. He admitted he flew over to see him afterwards. He is photographed with a trafficked woman and his first thoughts are that the image was faked and that he never met her. He didn’t show one ounce of sympathy for a woman being trafficked, or to any of the victims because he said he was ashamed of his friendship with Epstein because what he gained (to power phrase the bbc interview).
So (as you have made it personal) I would tell my dad or brother to ‘fuck off’ if they were knowingly spending time with a pedophile, didn’t show an ounce of sympathy for a trafficked human being and didn’t have any respect when asked if they were ashamed of their association. And I certainly wouldn’t want that sort of person around my children, but as with anything your mileage may vary.
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Talking about outperforming Kate, Anne at the age of 67 in 2017 carried out more engagements than Philip, William, Kate and Harry put together, according to The Independent. Kate carried out the fewest engagements of all the royals though she was pregnant for five months of that year.

Sounds like it wouldn't be difficult to show her up, even while pregnant.
Pregnant for 5 months, was she on maternity for any? Also she suffers from hyperemesis, which leaves her hospitalised. Think it would be a better comparison if you looked at a year when she wasn't pregnant.
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Kate did get a hard time. Waity Kate, criticism of her weight, Duchess Dolittle off the top if my head. Her family are social climbers. Commoner Kate. Middle class Kate. Kate falling out of night clubs when they briefly split. Sad little Kate who has never had a proper job.
And on top of that, the Palace gave her very little press protection when she was 'just' the girlfriend. I don't think this ever happened to Meghan.

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I don't believe everything Meghan has said but she has definitely been treated unfairly by the press and sometimes the royals themselves - If she bullied anyone she should be held accountable, but so should the royal household who knew about it and didn't do anything about it at the time. I believe she has denied it? There's the statement I found on it below:

A spokesperson for the Sussexes has responded to the claims, saying that Meghan has been the victim of “a calculated smear campaign based on misleading and harmful misinformation”.
They said: “We are disappointed to see this defamatory portrayal of The Duchess of Sussex given credibility by a media outlet. It’s no coincidence that distorted several-year-old accusations aimed at undermining The Duchess are being briefed to the British media shortly before she and The Duke are due to speak openly and honestly about their experience of recent years.”
The spokesperson added that Meghan was “saddened by this latest attack on her character, particularly as someone who has been the target of bullying herself and is deeply committed to supporting those who have experienced pain and trauma”.
Hmm, “misleading”, “misinformation“, “distorted”, “saddened” - nope I can’t see anywhere that she is actually denying the claims. Obviously something happened which she knows they have proof of so she is trying the above tactic to deflect it.

The Times will have ensured their claims had evidence to back them up but if it’s untrue we should expect her to be filing a lawsuit against The Times any second then...
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The amount of people on social media and other places defending the claims of racism is eye opening. I can’t believe how many people are acting like the Royal family is a poor, innocent institution. It’s quite funny that after all these years of how they’ve treated people that it’s come to bite them on the bum.
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I think people are forgetting that the Royal Family aren’t a normal family and none of us know what is happening behind the scenes. Harry will no doubt be kept in the loop around his Grandfather’s health but will be towing the family line when it comes to statements i.e. none. They will all take instructions from The Queen as usual and she will be listening to her advisers around what to reveal. Harry will be told whether to come home or to stay away and he will listen.
At the end of the day he was only ever a ‘spare’ in the family not required once Wills started to reproduce, no doubt both sides are annoyed about different things but less face it the Royal Family will be most concerned about the adverse publicity.
Saying that he is family, they do love him and he loves them, he’ll be as concerned as everyone else and he will be speaking to them. People seem to think they know the situation due to a few very biased news reports and limited statements. None of us really know anything do we? Apart from they now live in America, there is an Oprah interview and are having another baby.
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I don’t want to watch two hours of them talking about how wronged they feel. I can only imagine that moving from a city where you got to go about your business as a free citizen is very different to life within the confines of the Royal Family. But this family weren’t just Joe Bloggs down the road, they are without doubt the most famous Royal Family in the world. The ups and downs, affairs, salacious gossips, misdemeanours, marriages, deaths, divorces, taxes, expenses have all been documented in detail for years and years. Meghan knew exactly what she was getting involved in and how big the change of lifestyle would be. She thought she could change the mighty machine but she couldn’t and that didn’t sit well with her. Strange that everyone that has ever been close to her are no longer close , for whatever reason. She’s out for herself and doesn’t care who she tramples on to get what she wants. Oprah is hardly a hard hitting journalist, she probably got an invite to the wedding as she promised Meghan a tell all platform if she ever felt the need to do it. She was networking and writing her future story before the ring was even on her finger. Harry is just a pawn in the game.
She hadn’t met Oprah before the wedding by all accounts
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I did say it might not have been on purpose - and frankly none of us will ever know.

However the world’s media vilified M when they thought she’d made K cry and now it seems to be the other way round the same vilification is not happening for K.
Ater many years as a police officer I can say with absolute certainty that just because someone makes a statement on record doesn’t make it true.
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Haven’t watched but have seen the bullet points of the interview . Surely Harry didn’t prep her enough about marrying into the family if she had absolutely no idea what to expect. Their children would never be given a Prince/princess title as that doesn’t follow protocol. As usual she wants exceptions made for her. The row with Kate that she didn’t go into detail about and apparently Kate apologised, well why mention it if it had been sorted. The comment about the colour of Archies skin and this was to do with him not been made prince...really.
She wanted all of the benefits with none of the hard work. If she’s such an amazingly bright woman she should have done some research to see how ‘bad’ her life may have been. She could have used her late MIL a as a case study . But instead she took what she could and has then bad mouthed her very short try at being a working Royal. She then did a reality tv interview and used all of the current buzzwords that would gain shock/interest. How original.
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I am actually disgusted at the horrible and disgusting things I’m reading on Twitter wishing Prince Philip dead , it makes me angry to how disgusting people are.

When he does pass all the horrible and nasty stuff written then will be disgusting to, it happened with Captain Tom.

it’s funny how the ones wishing he would hurry up and die are Meghan supporters.

I just saw a tweet calling Meghan amazing and wonderful and that the queen is an old bitch who needs to hurry up and die as she is irrelevant.. wow just wow

it’s the bullying elderly people for me from Meghans loyal fans
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I don't know what the truth of this situation is and none of us may ever know the truth. But what I do know/feel is that Piers Morgan should be not be in the position he is in. Watching clips back from his performance this morning is actually quite shocking. He dismissed the suicidal thoughts of a woman as lies, Chris Ship and his co host took him to task over it but that was still broadcast.
I was seriously thinking about writing in to ITV about his toxic behaviour but I know it will fall on deaf ears because of ratings. I'm no fan of Meghan but his behaviour towards her is that of an abusive man who was rejected (which I think is the real story behind all of this). I've rejected men in the past and had a torrent of abuse levelled at me and this is exactly what he's doing. Except it's not just him and his horrible mates going after her, he has a national platform. It is disturbing to watch. He is totally unhinged.
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I wish she had named them as I'm nosey haha and I think they deserve to be called out publicly. But I'm not surprised that she didn't, especially if it is Philip because of the timing of him being in hospital.

I also think she would have got a lot of hate for naming them, and if Harry does hope to reconcile in the future it really would be the final nail in the coffin, if the bridges aren't burnt already.

An alternative would be to not mention it at all, but then I don't think she should have to choose between naming or be silent. The fact a member of the RF would make comments like that is vile and says a lot about them.

The anger should be about the fact it happened, not at her for saying it and not naming them.
I see this differently.

I think by saying that "someone senior" made these comments (about the skin colour of their children) they throw mud at the BRF as a whole.
People will form opinions on who might have said it (like here) and ultimately believe their suspicions to be true. For example: If someone already perceives William to be a bit of a snob then they might be inclined to believe it was Wiliam who expressed these views.
This is unfair to all senior members of the BRF.

I think if Harry is not prepared to be completely transparent he should not have said anything at all.

Essentially he painted his family as racists and I cannot see how they could forgive him for that.
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Is anyone else getting so heated and upset over Meghan and the Oprah interview. I’m seeing American celebrities defending Meghan and trying to completely talk the U.K. down “poor Meghan they are all racist which is why majority of the U.K. don’t like her” (not true idiots) or talking sh*t about the firm

I like having a royal family, the history of the U.K. and how far back all the links go. The damage Meghan has done between Harry and Williams relationship is horrifying. I saw this article and it’s got me seeing red. Now Harry and Meghan are in bed with the same f*ckers who were releasing images of his mother dying.

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Piers is awful. First time I've ever thought he's racist, but there you go. Very very obvious this morning.
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