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VIP Member
I don’t know why it’s annoyed me that the BRF have only sent Anne to Constantine’s funeral but it has a bit. Every other family has sent the King and Queen, even if Charles and Camilla didn’t want to go, I think they have a France trip very soon, why couldn’t William and Kate go? He was Williams godfather and Williams the heir, sending Anne and Williams cousin just feels a bit disrespectful when the same countries would never do the same in return. It reminded me yesterday my sister asked if I was going to read Prince Harrys book and said William and Kate come across as jobsworths, she might be just about the first person to ever think that about them, cause even with a clear calendar he still sends someone in his place.
I believe Anne was already in Cyprus so it was possibly down to logistics.
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On another topic. Just seen all the brouhaha planned for the Coronation. Yes, I know London and Windsor are the centre of the ceremonial universe, but as a northerner, in spite of the sadness about the loss of the Queen, it was truly a privilege to be able to travel easily to Edinburgh, pay respects, see some of the pomp that’s usually for London only. I see that we in the provinces will get a light show projected on buildings.
Harry & Meghan’s wedding, the DofE’s funeral and later memorial, the Platty Joobs (days and days of London spectacle), the laying to rest of HRH QE2 were all marked by tons of ceremony (costing loads) and viewed by hundreds of thousands in person. We’re always being told that almost a quarter of the UK population live in London and the South East. Fair enough. But when will the other 75% get their fair share of the hundreds of thousands of pounds spent on celebrations. Or something in lieu, culture-wise. I don’t resent the southerners the royal largesse but it all seems a bit unbalanced to me.
To be fair...I dont think you can say that it was the south/london that got the ceremony!
Things like the Funeral and the Platty joobs stuff, are/ were all centralised over a tiny area of London. Then televised to the rest of the country. So it wasnt really royal largesse, when most people in the south or south east, also ended up seeing everything on TV.

Yes maybe it would have been slightly easier for those from the south to get to the tiny part of london where the ceremonies took place, but looking at the televised coverage, there seemed to be loads of people interviewed in the crowd, who had travelled in from all areas of the UK.
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I liked the dress but the gloves with it were strange. There was no black accessories to pull the look together, so it looked like two different outfits.
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Curly Top

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They all like the good life and luxurious trappings of success. Who wouldn't?

Even with the press intrusion (which really isn't that bad for most of them) it's not a bad life.
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Boring Monday

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I think they've both played at having jobs but didn't really. Not many jobs give people 12 weeks off a year, which they both seem to take. Now they've got kids they might not work at all, not sure.
I think for the kudos of having their name and titles on the headed paper and an office door, their terms and conditions are somewhat enhanced.
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VIP Member
I would be interested to see the behind the scenes of how a royal engagement is booked and approved. Presumably the various teams either approach or are approached about an engagement, consideration would be made of appropriateness and calendar bookings, approval gained from the monarch's team I assume, and then arranging security, transport and ancillary services.
I'd be keen to see what that process actually looks like and how long it takes.
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As evidenced by Pippa never having a real job, Kate seeming to work 2-3 days a week for jigsaw, and even James losing money left, right and centre on failed businesses.
You know, I quite like James. He seems like a decent guy and his struggles with depression and love for dogs really resonate with me so I do not mean this as a dig, but...why marshmallows? I mean, they're pretty bland-tasting and best used in Smores, so very expensive marshmallows with prints on them that are probably not going to be toasted is just very...odd? to me. Are fancy marshmallows a British thing that I don't understand?

Not trying to be facetious at all. I just really never understood the business concept and how Boomf stayed afloat for as long as it did.
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Chatty Member
I think by slimming down the rf he is virtually forcing Charlotte etc to be involved and at a much younger age. He and TQ had relatives helping out but cut out william’s cousins and who will help when ppow and POW are in their 70s onwards. The rf is going to look more and more out of touch as not as many charities will be supported , not as many visits or times when royalists can interact with them.
Interesting point. I think that they do want to step away from supporting so many charities though, isn’t that part of the plan? And just strategically focus on certain ones according to different themes. I don’t know if it’s a good idea but I understood that was what they wanted to do.
I hadn’t considered whether it makes them remote if they don’t have so many charities to follow. Interesting pointz
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I think it’s a mix of this but also knowing they never really have to worry about work and money. Zara and Peter are the same family and same generation, and still have some level of safety net but appear to me to want to work and forge their own successful careers. Louise is obviously a generation behind but even she had a summer job when she really didn’t need to, but is probably aware she will have to get a job at some point so might as well start now. Eugenie and Beatrice are interesting ones because they don’t have any job as royals but also seem really lazy with their fake jobs, so it’s a good job they both married well. I think a lot of Harrys resentment now is down to this, he’s never had to work in his life and now he’s having to find ways to make money he can’t be bothered actually working. If Charles had agreed to partially fund Harrys life so he didn’t have to get a proper job the Netflix show and book wouldn’t have happened. He couldn’t be bothered actually working so sold his secrets and photos to the highest bidder to put off working for another few years.
Good points, I wonder if William would have shown more willingness and motivation if he had carried on being an air ambulance pilot? It doesn't look like Kate was very work orientated at all, a stint as a buyer for Jigsaw and then working for her parents which was probably more cushy.
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I'll guarantee some journalists will have been sniffing around trying to find out who it was anyway. It would only take someone on the periphery of her circle to tell them. She got in first and made a few bob. Good for her.
I think the news cycle on who took Harry's virginity had finished. Nobody really cared that much to begin with, unless it was someone famous. Did anyone really suspect Liz Hurley? I'm guessing her PR people just put it out there to get a few headlines?
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VIP Member
Rude! In fact most of your replies are rude!
Which bit is rude? Did you really want the Queen to be seen sobbing uncontrollably and grinding her teeth on walkabouts? Should Prince Philip have jumped off a sky rise when visiting New York whilst screaming obscenities? Would that be appropriate royal behaviour?
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VIP Member
She even posed with the book!
View attachment 1938866
she looks like the American Boris was sleeping with.

Do you think they wouldn't print it if it was leaked by a friend or someone close to her? I don't see why they wouldn't. They might have had that picture of them together as teenagers and hinted at it being her rather than the way they've done it now. I def think it's a possibility that the mail told her they were going to run it anyway and why didn't she come on board and get paid for it. It's also possible that she was just waiting for the right offer but I think she'd have gotten more money when the book was newly released. How much do you think she's been paid? No amount of money could induce me to cooperate with a story like that! It's mortifying for her and her family.
They might print it as a small paragraph but it wouldnt have much impact without her quotes. Pretty sure the pic has been printed before too.

I don't think kiss and tells are as lucrative as they used to be but I have no idea. It got around 6-7 pages in the paper so surely it will have been at least 100k
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I think it's more to do with people who are struggling right now, using food banks etc. are funding this lifestyle than anything else then when they are in front of a camera pretending there "just like us". If they were private citizens no one would bat an eyelid on how little Kate works.

On the subject of Kate - in this weeks Popbitch.....

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If true, is there anything either of them agreed with? So many stories of X family member did this and it was wrong because we would have done it this way. I’m expecting at some point for Harry to tell us how he would have negotiated the perfect Brexit package.

Neither the HRH nor the working royal status does determine how much security you get though. For PA it’s all about ego. I do wonder if he still thinks he is innocent or just doesn’t care or does want it back because not using it implies a guilt he never accepted.
I think Chelsea gets judged quite harshly. I don’t care if she loves to party. The woman has three university degrees under her belt. Gemmology, an LLB from Leeds and a Bachelor in Economics from UCT. She is now head of her own jewellery brand and travel agency. No idea if those business are successful or just for fun, but hey if she is living her best life so what.
How big is Harrys todger that he’s able to continually bag such intelligent women?
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VIP Member
Charles needs to grow some balls and strip Andrew of all titles. Make it clear this type of behaviour is NOT tolerated or acceptable even if you’re born with blue blood. Then he can posthumously strip Jimmy Saville and any other paedophiles/sex offenders who have recieved honours of their knighthood/MBE/OBE/CBE if it hasn’t been removed BG the late Queen. He should’ve done it weeks ago, not waited for the coronation of indeed he is. He needs to make a big statement and doing this will certainly help his reputation.
Can you strip dead people of titles? I thought the title ‘died’ when they did?
I do agree though, but he won’t do it.
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