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Mrs Fluff

VIP Member
Unseemly snigger
I had to Google and yeah...


I used to really like Mike Tindall but it feels like ever since the Queen died, the lid has been lifted in terms of sponsorships etc. I've no issue with his rugby podcast but I'm a celeb and dominos adverts feel like a royal cash in. I get that they have to find a way to make money but to be fair to them, you don't see Eugenie and Beatrice doing sponsored posts on Insta
I agree the rugby stuff, fine, it's his background and has largely been his career. The rest? Whatever about TQ I would have loved to have heard Phil's thoughts on the matter🤣
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Miss Begotten

VIP Member
I was rewatching the crown recently as I had covid and alot of time to kill.

And Peter Townsend was really a bit of a pervert wasn't he.
I mean she was like 14 when they meet, 17 when they started spending time together alone...

And then he goes and marries a 19/20yr old afterwards?

I mean, nowadays we'd raise eyebrows..
Look at Leo d and him being linked to the 19yr old.
Wasn’t the queen 13 or so when she met Philip, who was 18?
Was he a pervert as well?
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There's been a lot of engagements since Christmas hasn't there, wonder is it always busy this time of year or have things stepped up a bit compared to previous years?
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Well-known member
Andrew comes across as such an entitled twat in that mail article! Poor Andrew has 40 rooms, a swimming pool and 98 acres to maintain and Charles wants to cut his income just because he doesn't do any work anymore. The injustice!
Wouldn't you absolutely just love to hear his justification for it?? Just for a good laugh. He doesn't know he's alive!!
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You know, I quite like James. He seems like a decent guy and his struggles with depression and love for dogs really resonate with me so I do not mean this as a dig, but...why marshmallows? I mean, they're pretty bland-tasting and best used in Smores, so very expensive marshmallows with prints on them that are probably not going to be toasted is just very...odd? to me. Are fancy marshmallows a British thing that I don't understand?

Not trying to be facetious at all. I just really never understood the business concept and how Boomf stayed afloat for as long as it did.
Iirc uncle Gary was pumping money in, as was Pippa's husband.
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She did when she visited Aberfan after the disaster and it was genuine not a "concerned face" the fact that she actually showed that she was sad was very rare. She also cried when they lost the Royal Yacht Britannia, she showed her feelings so rarely that when she did you knew she was genuine.
When she was on a regular walk about she didn’t.
Aberfan was a terrible disaster of which she held herself incredibly well under such tragic circumstances, considering I think I’d have broken down and sobbed.
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I doubt he’ll come it’s Archie’s birthday so he has an excuse, I also don’t think he’ll want to face the boo’s
And of course the old fruit and veg thrown at him when he’s put in the Stocks ….and since Brexit, old fruit and veg is all we seem to have in the supermarkets. 🤔

I think a lot of the UK are sick to death of man-child Harold and his woe is me and would prefer he stay in the US where he’s now found much love and happiness, apparently.
he went to a polo tournament last year on Archie's birthday
  • Haha
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All the celebs out in IG posting pics of their childhood in support of the shaping us campaign today. Lots of awareness but hope it has some tangible results as well.
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Chatty Member
TBH it's not that different in other wealthy circles. It's for a reason that we are talking about nespo babies. They are supposedly having hardcore careers yet are spending their time flying around the world to go on vacation. I know a girl from a very wealthy family - she knows she will get a job in the family business. In the meantime she did a law degree "for the fun" and while I was studying hard, she did more intercontinental flights than me during my entire life. Plus, those people, when they study, they benefit from great accomodations, a cleaner and all those things that make your life much easier.

I think Kate and William are not that different from people in their level of wealth. It's just that there is a stronger expectation on royals than the people they are used to mingle with. It also probably explains why Harry is so tone-deaf. He only knows people that have the same lifestyle than him. They are maybe less posh but they are also part of a very exclusive part of society. When Harry was complaining about his dad cutting him off, it's because it's the norm in those circle that the kids of the wealthy, even when they are grown-ups keep on being funded by their parents/family.
I think it's more to do with people who are struggling right now, using food banks etc. are funding this lifestyle than anything else then when they are in front of a camera pretending there "just like us". If they were private citizens no one would bat an eyelid on how little Kate works.

On the subject of Kate - in this weeks Popbitch.....

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I mean I'd be intrigued to see the actual process, not the end result. What all the staff members do, the teams needed to check and sort consent, etc.
We see, make judgement on, and snark on the end result, and even in your response you went straight to that, where my interest was in what cogs get turned to get there.

Like, for each hour-long engagement we see, how many staff members across the various teams actually spent work hours on it? Because nothing for the royals is going to be as simple as rocking up, there'd be so many hoops that those staff had to jump through.
This is really interesting and I definitely think the I sing hero’s here are the staff arranging it behind the scenes. Everything you mentioned plus they must have to do a hell of a lot of background research on the place/people they’re meeting to make sure there’s nothing lurking in the past the press will latch on to
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I think that just raising awareness is going to be fruitless - you’d have to be extremely mentally ill not to realise that having a rubbish start at life can negatively affect children’s emotional and physical development. It needs to be something tangible like the D of E expeditions, of the Princes’s Trust foundation, even something like Invictus.
With that said, a lot of people fall back on "well I had a bad childhood and I turned it around!" or "well look at X over there, they had it rough and they made good for themselves!" without any consideration of the different circumstances or advantages. There's always a tendency to look to blame someone struggling before we look to understand them.

If advocacy and understanding is the first part of a larger plan, I don't think it's wasted. If there is the intention to use resources for an area that is easy to write off as something people should simply pull themselves up by the bootstraps out of, advocacy will be needed to pave the way for resources without anger about how those resources would be better used in other ways that the viewer considers more important.

If there's more to come, I can't see an issue with this being stage one.
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Apparently when Kate visited Leeds uni today she met with some Students studying childhood development and told them she really want to go back and study again. Maybe she will do a degree in something relevant to the early years. She’s not going to struggle to get into any.
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Chatty Member
They're wrong because they claim the Italian president gets a ceremony comparable to the coronation when that is blatantly not the case

In what parallel universe Italy did this happen?

Look guys, it's very simple. If an event comparable to the coronation in size, importance and cost took place last year in my country I think I'd be aware of it. I'm telling you nobody cared, it wasn't a thing, and whatever happened certainly cost a lot less than any coronation or presidential inauguration or whatever. I'm done arguing about it with people who think they know more after 30 seconds of googling lol
In which case why on earth would we want to swap our globally recognised royal family, with a coronation in May that will attract tourists from around the world to the UK for a nonentity ex politician ceremonial President like you Italians have. Who has a grand inaugration even most Italians don't care about but as taxpayers have to pay for anyway?
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