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If he does die Harry must surely have to live with guilt about making his last days stressful.and disappointing him
I don’t think that’s fair personally. Though you can bet your life that the press will lay into him for it.
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They are merching the RF name in order to live 'independently', as a D-list actress and a former soldier, they would not have got their multi-million deals with Netflix, Spotify and Oprah
All the queens grandchildren do this. Nine of them are ' working Royals'apart from William. They are all making money from their Royal connections. And its Charles funding them, not us, from his millions he gets from the Duchy of Cornwall. The only thing they have done differently from Peter Phillips selling milk in China is that he has picked a fight with the press over their racism towards his wife.
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I was at the checkout in Tesco, having been on a drill course all day, when my mobile rang and the OH said something about whether we'd been practicing half-masting the ensign. Of course, we did for real the following day!
I remember when Di passed away, I was 9 I think, went downstairs and no kids tv on. Stomped upstairs in a sulk and parents shouted telling me to go back downstairs 🙈 I said I can’t that stupid princess has died. And they dived out of bed. Crazy how well you remember where you were. Also, apologies for calling DPoW stupid, aged 9. I’ve never been a good morning person 😆
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Chatty Member
Only 15 more days until the Oprah special, hang in there Philip! 👍
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Looks like the quarantining thing was just rubbish. Unfortunate for him that they were actually filming a tell all programme at this time. I don't think hell come back for the funeral either, too much bad blood. Families eh.

They don't release hysterical statements about their privacy and sue everyone though. 😂 Nor do they lecture us about empathy, while showing none to their family. 😂
H&M want to have their cake and eat it, and throw shit at their families/us, it's not a viable position. They could have quietly done what Zara and Philip do, but they chose not to.
Im glad they sued the press. She was treated horrendously by them.
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I didn't think Harry came across well in the Corden interview, I thought the entire thing was mawkish and a piss take. I expect we will see more of this type of thing which is disappointing. I really don't care about Harry, but his reasons for leaving were clear, privacy. This isn't that. I would have a lot more respect for him if he disappeared into obscurity.
I thought the interview was reminiscent of his great uncle Edward speaking about his love for Wallis.

People were very supportive of him when he cited the need for privacy as his reason for stepping away from the UK and from representing the Queen at official jobs to escape Press intrusion.

Everyone knows he has a deep mistrust and dislike of the Press and we all know why. We remember Diana.

But he turned many of those supporters away from him because they felt it hypocritical of him to keep making podcasts and press announcements etc once he was over the pond. He was also seen as lecturing people to reduce their carbon footprint while he was jetting about. It felt like finger wagging and people don't like that.
Especially Brits.

It transpires, he didnt want actual privacy.
What he really wanted was to be in total control of all publicity about him.
That's quite different, especially when it looks like he is lining his own pockets by exploiting his royalness.

I think many people tolerate the Royal Family as long as they are seen to be good for the country and its tourism trade etc.
If Royals are seen to be self serving instead of public serving, the perception of them changes drastically.
Also people tend to have more respect for the Royals who take on the chin any criticism of them.

The Royal Family machine is antiquated and yes, it could do with loosening its girdle a bit in some respects, and it is often slow to change its ways.

For example, their reluctance to come back to London when Diana died was beginning to turn the public against them but when they finally softened their collective stiff upper lip and announced they thought that keeping William and Harry where they were was the best thing for the boys, the public understood and forgave.
So they could do with being a bit less stiff and stuffy, and Harry clearly wants them to change the way they behave, but he's going about it in a very clumsy way.

Bottom line, he's lost support because he cried "do not publish anything in the media about me or my wife" and proceed to publicise himself and his wife until many are sick of them.

Never thought Diana's son would be out of favour with the Brits, but he's gone and done it.
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Its a private hospital, they don't treat covid patients and he's the Duke of Edinburgh. As much as it pains me to say it, he and his family will have special treatment. If people can't accept that or think its unfair, diddums! You're not royalty :ROFLMAO: live in a Republic.
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The pair of them are so unlikeable. She knew the minute she married into the Royal Family that she wasn’t staying. She wanted the pomp and ceremony, the expensive wedding and the adoration, when she didn’t get the latter she turned nasty. ‘ It’s been unbelievably tough for the two of us’ , just listen to yourselves. Very few people have any sympathy. You wanted privacy, you left the country to get it, that should be the end of it as you got what you wanted. They will be on Judge Rinder together next and then Meghan will be on Love Island paying homage to her past. If they are so happy why do they constantly harp on about unhappy they were. The only reason they are looking back is because that’s all they have to offer and it makes the money machine work. Disgraceful and extremely disrespectful to The Queen.
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You wouldn't feel guilty if your last contact with grandparents you loved was an argument? I'm not saying he murdered him, that is ridiculous, but most people would generally feel some form of guilt ending on bad terms when a loved one dies. It's well known PP wasn't impressed by Harry's behaviour at all.

Yes royal deaths, like everything royal, are stage managed. They will want tomorrow's front pages. If he has died already then they will be preparing behind the scenes at the various media outlets. This afternoon hints are being dropped all over the place by the media so I'd be shocked if he turns out to be OK and back home next week.
How do you know it was their last contact? That Harry hasn't spoken to his grandparents at all since. The fact is none of us know what their relationship is. You can disagree with a behaviour but still have a good relationship.

I did have a row with my grandpa not long before his death. Do I feel guilty? not at all. I loved him immensely, and he loved me too and we both knew that. That's all that mattered.

To put it into context I helped care for my grandpa. On a visit to the hospital he got angry as I had to dash off to start my shift at work and he felt I was being rude. I felt he was being unreasonable as I was struggling with uni, placement and visiting him. Ended up us having a massive row and both of us saying horrible stuff. He sadly went downhill quickly and we never got the chance to rehash it all. But we were really close and I know that wasn't representative of our relationship.
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Who says he would want to pick up where he left off? He might be happier sitting at home doing nothing. Who in their right mind wants to do engagements like turning up in the backside of NE England to open a hospital or something?
We in the backside of NE England pay our taxes the same as everybody else, why shouldn’t they come and open our hospitals?
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I have a little bit of tea on this (sorry haven't read the whole thread) PP is wxpected to be fine and be out next week. For obvious reasons cant say where i heard it but they would know the latest word on his condition.
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The way the press cover stuff like this turns my stomach. Potentially an elderly unwell man who has always been fiercely independant leaving hospital and they have to pass this lot.
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For fourth bridge, the bbc will be told first but literally moments so it doesn’t matter what outlet you’re looking at for news really.
TQ will be strongly advised even for PP to not go into public at the moment due to covid.
The “good spirits” talk is what has been used at every trip to hospital and even before QM and PMarg passed away.

PP is quite the character, I don’t think he wants to live to 100 either.

My biggest worry, the Queen declines after he passes. I can’t imagine not have HM in the world. I will cry that day.
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The people who stand outside hospitals blocking ambulances waiting for Royal babies to be born need to be rounded up and given a good smack 😄
Ive never understood those sad fuckers who go and stand outside Sandrignham Church or Christmas Morning to see the Queen and give her flowers. I mean it’s Christmas Day ffs! Most people are at home with their families opening presents and preparing Christmas dinner etc. Who even are these people? One of the good things about the restrictions was that didnt happen this Christmas just gone.
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It’s absolutely not Harry’s fault. Philip is a very old man, and quite frankly no one can live forever. Anyone who blames him for Philips poor health is seriously out of order. You can’t put your life on hold for others.
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I agree with much of this comment, but Harry has made a terrible mistake in getting involved with Madam Markle. She is quite simply, a scheming female of the canine variety.
I honestly don't think Prince Harry is all there mentally. He strikes me as someone who has some type of learning disability. I mean your own common sense would tell you if all this goes tits up then I'm going to be really stuck.
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I'm indifferent to Megan for the most part, I just cannot for the life of me believe she gets more hate than a man who has been accused of preying on and raping a young girl, who was also good friends with a pedophile - and with ALL that evidence stacked against him. It is utterly bizarre.

Megan is hated for being vain and greedy (and probably because she's half black). Well those qualities pretty much apply to every celebrity a-z including wotless influencers.
Her racial profile has nothing to do with her being a greedy bitch who conned us out of a £40million wedding while simultaneously trademarking hoodies/pens/toilet rolls etc using Royal insignia and titles for when they did a runner with as much Royal loot as they could fit in their pockets.
She never planned to stay, or work, or fit in, because her goal was always Hollywood and having big names curtsey to her. As evidenced by the wedding invites to names who had never clapped eyes on her.

Considering who her mushroom infused coffee flogging mentor is and who she has given "their" exclusive 90 minute interview to then I think her credibility as a right-on feminist doing it for the gals is in the toilet with the other turds.

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