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Probably got a bollocking! It's totally unprofessional. She really doesn't like anyone having a say about her does she. The immature playground style of her responses is just embarrassing she's a 50 year old woman!
Noel has prob just got in from work to make her lunch and give her a bollocking.
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Well well well! Another Radford girl pregnant! What a suprise.......oh wait!
Not again 🤦‍♀️
All this lot do is pop out babies
Don't they have any other goals and ambitions to work towards
Sue will be giddy having an excuse to buy baby things again
She'll be straight to the prams.
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Oh deary me!
Maybe she works for Sue!?
She certainly defends her left/right&centre
she takes the kids out of school for a few days at the beginning of term not DURING term - uh, no. the beginning of term is part of that school term, thus they are meant to be at school - beginning, middle or end, if they miss school for a holiday, she is taking them out of school during term time. #logic 🤦🏻‍♂️
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She's actually posted pics of some else's house and car on fucking instagram? This woman is nothing more than a spiteful bully. What an absolute bitch.
I’ll not be surprised if she doesn’t get prosecuted soon for this kind of shit
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Chatty Member
Can’t really knock them going with the whole donation thing as I think they’re there with the Walkers anyhow. Actually on a holiday without a tv crew other than themselves?
Yes the Walkers are there now with them, which is a bit strange because who’s paying for all these holidays? They were away at Easter too weren’t they? I get you need to carry on as normal and the kids need a holiday but I’m damn well sure if was saving for life saving treatment for my kid, every penny I had would go in that fund. Maybe the Radfords have paid for all of them? Which again, i’d refuse and ask them to put that in the donation pot too.
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Shall we call Sue Pinocchio!?
She's really trying to use travel costs as an excuse to miss schools
I'm sure it wouldn't be anywhere near as expensive if you didn't go to florida, Disney and universal staying in the same expensive villa everytime.

No excuses sue.
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Imagine letting the kids have a chilled relaxing half term at home . No i’m not jealous we have quite a few holidays . However my kids are up @ 6:30 every morning for school and out late some days doing after school activities .
They need to time for a rest in my opinion. Time to relax and do their own thing .
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Lauryn Goodman has just posted this from Sue’s story
the way they're acting as though they have successfully outed a "troll" when it was simply. a case of Sue choosing to read tattle - even more hilarious that it's clearly a fake account, with zero followers/posts etc which the tattler themselves revealed - hardly the major win they think. all it proves is that Sue hasn't "blocked" this site and reads the threads avidly, as it took her no time at all to share that post! 🤣🤣
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Can happily say sues "parenting" and vlogs have never brought me comfort. She can't even look after her dogs properly never mind her kids. My dogs are better treated than her kids fs.
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Has anyone read her latest post
Its ironic that she writes "you wouldnt think anyone with a business would be hanging around bullying sites it appears they think they wont be found out"

And then writes" they think people won't find out what there hiding when it could land them in a lot of financial trouble" that actually sounds like a non violent threat.

Does sue not realise she supposedly has a business and must scroll these sites in order to write such things?so she's just as bad.
We only discuss the truth and never anything about them or the children personally were not monsters if she doesn't like it then what can we do.

Take the alcohol away and take her down to the job centre her foul mouthing off is what will land them in big trouble.
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Sues latest post about orderin summer clothes and dresses for the next holiday has really rubbed me up the wrong way for some reason. Now, thanks to living at home while I save for a deposit for a house, I can afford to go away. So she can't call me jealous. But for a lot of people this not the case at all.

She must be so stupid to think flauting these holdiay is a good thing or makes them lookl good. I know some of their sheep will defend them to hills saying they deserve these holidays because they work oh so hard. Biut they don't. I bet the majority of their followers would like one just trip to disneyland. A lot of people are really struggling right now and they just rubbing everyone's faces. They're not good parents, they don't work hard. They have every right to go on holiday. But florida every time? Ludicrous. Its so expensive! What's wrong with a eurocamp in France or a nice hotel or private villa in Spain or one of the canary or Belaric islands? I don't understand the obsession with florida and Disney world!

There will many kis stuck at home this summer with little do while their parents work hard to pay the bills. Many won't get holidays or days out. And this is what pisses me off when sue posts this stuff. They've become so detached from the reality they used to live in. It's infuriating!
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If that is Katie’s ultrasound and not a stock one I would say a girl. The shape of the skull is what to look for in 12 week scans. The smoother is a girl. The more bulky and jagged it’s a boy. That’s the skull theory. Then there’s the theory on where the placenta placement is. Then there’s the Nub theory, which can only be used from then 8 week scan I think. Just a bit of fun before any one gets themselves all wound up.

Ultimately, I hope Katie and Connor have a long healthy and happy relationship. That’s what’s best for this baby. I hope they don’t see DV, cheating or their mum shrugging off education. Unlike the other radford grandchildren…….
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Chatty Member
The trouble with spending thousands and thousands on a holiday is that you still have to come home to your same old life.
View attachment 2889014
I understand children need to attend school for education and parents should not remove their kids for pointless reasons but after seeing parents of special needs children be taken to court because they were struggling to get their children to school and seeing parents of children with mental health issues fined for them not attending school I have mixed feelings about the attendance system. It can sometimes cause more harm than good (I am not meaning parents taking pointless holidays when I say this)
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Chatty Member
I thought it was common knowledge to be careful with dogs in the heat.
Take then out at the coolest times of the day, plenty of shade and water

Don't tell me they've taken the dogs out in the heat all day thinking it's funny!

Oh but it’s ok as they’re feeding them ice cream 🤦🏻‍♀️



Fgs woman buy your kids clothes that fit.
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So they’re back on UK soil. Will the kids be expected to be back at school tomorrow and will Nowull be making his millions at the pie shop ready for a (highly probably) Halloween trip. All while she chills with a coffee and gets her claws repainted
Don't forgot the photo of the laundry pile next to the 2 huge washing machines that were #gifted.
Plus the " Oh missed the dogs " photo.
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...because nobody saw THAT coming. 🤦🏻‍♂️

so predictable. i truly hope that they aren't allowed to adopt a child, based not only on the fact that they do not have the ability to give the kids they have the attention and time they deserve, let alone an adopted child who may have trauma and difficulties that they will assume can be resolved by trips to Disney, all the kids are crammed into shared bedrooms with no space of their own, they have a history of taking the kids out of school for the sake of their monthly holidays and place their education in jeopardy, the risks of the poor child being bullied by association to Britain's biggest family but predominantly the fact that Nowull is a child rapist and has openly admitted his crimes in national newspapers. it would be a major safeguarding fail if anyone approved the Radfrauds to adopt. 😔

she's whinging about "empty nest syndrome" as though the kids are all leaving home, she is the mother of primary school aged children, ffs. it's simply that she wants a baby, because once her kids hit the age of one, she is not interested in them any longer - and it's also clear her motivation is to add to their "...anf counting" total as they desperately attempt to cling onto their fame. absolutely NOT a reason to adopt a child - and worse still, she'll be specifically requesting a girl and will 100% be trying to get her hands on twins. 🙄

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the way they're acting as though they have successfully outed a "troll" when it was simply. a case of Sue choosing to read tattle - even more hilarious that it's clearly a fake account, with zero followers/posts etc which the tattler themselves revealed - hardly the major win they think. all it proves is that Sue hasn't "blocked" this site and reads the threads avidly, as it took her no time at all to share that post! 🤣🤣
Sue and that Lauryn are as stupid as each other. They surely can't actually believe that Jen Birmingham is a real account 🤣. I've never heard of Lauryn but just been reading her thread, she's an absolute crazy bitch. Super sleuths they are not. Sue has been very quiet after her ranting on, hopefully she feels a bit embarrassed after the twat she made of herself! Hi Sue 🖕
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