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VIP Member
A lot of the time, Sue would be better off not commenting. You think there would be someone who could advise them on how to deal with situations like this and the negative social media comments.
The Radford's and Channel 5 are probably pleased to have a big wedding for the programme, they can have umpteen pretend disasters in the run up to it.
Yes they seriously need someone to advice on damage
She is rude, aggressive, trampy in her replies too!
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Chatty Member
Who is that Soriyya woman?? Weird or what 🤦😲
It’s disturbing the time she puts in to defend them. To the point I’d be worrying if I were the radfords. Like those ones who watch an episode before bed as it makes them feel closer to them. Eugh.
It more annoys me when she spouts off incorrect “facts”. Someone said in that thread that the average house price when they bought theirs was £85k (it was more £150k on their street) and the average income was £100k or words to that effect. I’m like what planet are you on??? At that point they would’ve been stoney broke but getting housing benefit to help pay the mortgage and they had 15 kac and benefits galore!
Just no sheet on the bed and scruffy as.
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And we never did hear anymore about Tillie’s guitar. As if any of those kids would ever do anything other than work in the pie shop and breed.
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Active member
Lots of shared ownership schemes round where they are. A 25% share wouldn’t be a huge amount for Sue considering it’s the kids that have earned the money in the first place. The rest is rented so even if they’re on benefits it will cover the cost. At least it’s a step on the ladder.
No they need loungefly bags and endless Frube supplies.
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Prince fan 1999

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It's such a bizarre thing to do. Sounds as if Carla has maybe said her kids are unfortunate looking, which to be fair, they are. And Sue thinks that deserves Carla to lose her job, and insinuates that she can dish the dirt on Carla. It's way out of proportion and to post a picture of her house and car is illegal. Especially if one of her super thick fans who lives locally (presuming Carla is in Morecambe too) turns up and attacks Carla. Sue could get in whole heaps of trouble she is so so stupid. All it would take is one really negative article in the Mail and bye bye Radford Family.
Go on Scratty!! Carry on!! LOL can't wait for it all to come crashing down...and it will 🤞😃👍
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VIP Member
Nowull is such a skank isn't he. Just caught a bit of his vlog in Facebook where he scratched the camper and he's sooo gross. Ugly, dirty looking and always sniffing and wiping his nose on his hand. I bet he stinks.
I certainly wouldn’t buy a pie from that skank 🤢
Can’t believe so many people know what he looks like but still but them 🤮
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VIP Member
I find Hallie to be the brattiest. She looks like she bites.
Do you know what that's reminded me hallies birthday is next week the only one where they will stop the other kids interrupting and pushing through to open presents on her behalf.
Every other birthday she is allowed to cause havoc and disrupt the birthday persons day and snatch everything.
On hers they won't have it.
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VIP Member
Sad news, lazy journalists have picked up on a reply Sue gave on Facebook regarding the "house move" saying that it "fell through, and stating that they were both too old to be taking on a large mortgage!"
No mention of it being too frigging small, oh no no no!!! 😆

Oooh what?
Ah the rinse and repeat house move story to try and whip up sympathy. They are so predictable and absolutely thick as shit
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VIP Member
i really dont understand why sue doesnt go to work full time (other than pure laziness obviously) as a company they could earn more with more pairs of hands and they could have a cleaner to do the house and laundry, even pay one of the girls or pay someone so that they can generate some savings.
She keeps making up excuses to
Not work, last time she said when heidie starts nursery she'll do a few hours never happened then changed it to when she's I school well that's in September so we'll see if she keeps to her word although its obvious she won't.
The grandkids will be the next excuse.
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Well-known member
You do realise even people who work full time can barely afford private rent or to buy these days ?? 🤣 no reason everyone shouldn’t have access to affordable housing.
That is what I said, cheaper housing should be reserved for those that can't afford to pay full price rent or buy.
If the Radford girls are being filmed I expect they are being paid. Rather than accepting such lavish holidays they should perhaps use money to pay for deposits.

There are far too many families that don't have access to all that extra money that could have been housed rather than these lot
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Chatty Member
He has aged dreadfully recently imo.
I was thinking the same when watching the ‘we’ve gone exploring’ vlog (with the close ups on his face lol) he looks a lot older than 53. The stress of all those children (+ Sue) has finally caught up with him.
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What on earth!?
I was going to suggest that this could have been written by a Radford.
On second thoughts, highly unlikely as it's fairly well written, with the correct use of grammar/spelling!!! 🤣🤣🤣
That said - some people are frigging weird af!!! 🤦‍♀️

"Are we making the best memories kids?"
"We are aren't we kids?"
"This is so koool, isn't it kids?"
Pointy finger, pointy finger!!!
"Oh wow!"

And repeat.
Best thing to do in Morecambe is visit a pea dos place and give them money? What planet are they on?
Someone's taking the piss surely?
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And the fact that the then 18 year old perverse, sick, predatory pa3do probably stood down at “that end” watching the Doctor perform the episiotomy dribbling as he watched… 🤢
That is absolutely disgusting, even my abusive ex-husband didn't do that, he stood holding my daughter while they stitched me up.
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Chloe will be after a load of compo then
Why didn't she take mila to either jakes parents house or her own parents house to wash and feed her until the water and power was fixed??
Instead sat there moaning
Trying to get sympathy

Even if the bunch weren't home someone would have been.
If she's council or housing association (like I am) they may even have suggested she go elsewhere. When they fixed an issue with my bathroom which took a few days they knocked a bit off the rent so I could pay to go in the local leisure centre or give it to a family member for use of their shower/hot water (I went to my granddads who insisted on not charging me but the Housing Association don't need to know that!)
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