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Lazy Susan has been a bit quiet on Instagram yesterday. Do we think she's been reading the comments and is upset because people hate her bragging? I doubt it will stop her, she will be back on today with "been so busy filming" why don't you get "so busy" with cleaning your minging shop you filthy tramps.
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Nowt like allowing your children to keep their dignity and respecting their privacy … can’t believe she’s telling all and whoever about Hiedie having a wee on the potty I’m mortified for her!
As if those kids aren't embarrassed enough already sue feels the need to share heidies potty training with the entire Internet!! 😳😱 Yes it's a big milestone and i'm sure she's pleased but the whole doesn't need to know nor would heidie want them to 😡😕
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Fucking thick bitch. doesn’t know the difference between Spades and Clubs and Draughts and Backgammon. They both are absolutely clueless.
She giggles like a child which she still is mentally and Crusty giggles like a girl.
The sight of him in the pool makes you want to 🤮🤮🤮🤮
They are both so greedy too, if they can get it for free they will do regardless.
They don’t drink supposedly but certainly had their fill of drink on holiday.
They are vile creatures.
Doesn’t know the difference between smarties and contraceptive pills either!
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Ugh I can't even watch them as a piss take now. They are infuriating! Getting the goss from tattle is about all I can take. Would love to see the reaction on the faces of those die hard fans who are finally waking up and seeing them for what they are.
Tbf I used to read this page every day (well 5 days a week,I do a while job in a call centre so it passes time in between calls) but I've gone a whole week without reading this papagonce.i can't even be arsed to hate them no more lol there just so dull and repetitive
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I've had to delete a friend on fb cause all i ever see is her commenting on how good sue and noel are as parents and all the family are so lovely n there all such hardworkers 🤢
See may be wrong, but I really struggle to see how they work hard. One woman on Facebook argued with me saying she has 22 children and grandchildren on top of course she works hard. She doesn't have to do what most of us do. She doesn't have to hold down a full time job, she at one point was wanting to get a cleaner, they are forever away on holiday, she doesn't cook, her shopping gets delivered, and the older kids and Noel does the school runs, so I don't know how Sue supposedly works hard. Noel works about 4 to 5 hours a day when he's at work and again, how's that working hard? It's part time. He works tops 20 hours a week.
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Chatty Member
Thank you :) what a bizarre outfit 😱
He's the only Radford i've seen that is in clothes that are way too small though? Weird.... the girls all wear stuff that's about 3 sizes too big, yet poor Archie is crammed into stuff for toddlers thats too small!
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Sue has 21 children, she is a terrible lazy neglectful mother using her older daughters to do all the work raising the little ones. First Sophie then Chloe now Katie. Remember in Lapland when sue gave Katie the room with the cot in so Katie had to look after heidie in the night that is shocking! Then you look at Sophie and her children on the Disney vlogs and Sophie is a lot better mother. With clean respectful children. The Disney princess video daisy looked so excited happy and grateful. Phoebe and Hallie didn’t have the same grateful look on their faces because being spoilt is the norm to them. They do not appreciate it and it does not make them loved it’s lazy parenting
this perfectly explains why Tillie acts the way she does. she may well be young for her age, but she certainly plays up for attention and goes along with activities far more suitable for the younger kids - like the disney princess dress up - likely in a desperate attempt to ensure Sue perceives her as younger than she actually is, and doesn't think she's responsible or mature enough to play mother to her younger siblings, once Katie has moved in and had kida of her own. she's grown up watching her older sisters reach her age and be forced to take on childcare responsibilities and likely wants to ensure that doesn't happen to her - and with Katie reaching an age where she is likely to have a baby fairly soon - if, like her sisters, her life ambitions lie in contributing to the family's collection of "kids and counting..." - whicheans Tillie would likely be roped in to help Ellie and Aimee with babysitting duties. she's probably hoping that if she acts as though she's younger, Sue will forget her true age and assume she is one of the younger ones who needs parenting, rather than realising she is twelve and by Sue's standards, fully capable of caring for toddlers. 🤦🏻‍♀️
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I think the children eat…just a lot of snacks of the wrong things I would guess. They are very “grey” in their complexion which kind of thinks of Dickensian Britain and “Oliver” poverty when really they are the complete opposite.
I often wonder why don’t they ever show a blog of them eating their own pies as a family meal? Proof is in the pudding and all that. If they vlogged it it would be tax deductible rather than a payment in kind. Merely a prop for filming. Surely it would equate to more sales?
I’ve not watched any vlogs since the first Maldives one. If I want a holiday programme I’ll watch Judith chalmers on wish you were here.
new thread was going to be along the lines of #first class but zero class. Can’t buy class no matter how much you sell your kids#
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Its interesting what you all say about Tillie. About a year agoI noticed she acted up less and even had a kid on her hip in a vlog, or could be seen watching Bonnie playing in a room (I think it was a vlog where Sue was showing off the kids bedrooms decorated for Christmas ) . She looked more 'grown up' and serious. We didn't see her much in vlogs and many people commented how Tillie is forgotten as after her leg healed she's no longer considered content. I thought that time she didn't want to be in vlogs and she was also bullied in school so it could be another reason for not wanting to be seen online. Then these vlogs she's like back to her 9-10 year old self, so it makes sense that she figured out acting silly for the camera =no childcare.
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Just glanced at a vlog from Disney. I cannot make my mind up if Tillie is special needs, or just craves attention. I glanced at the vlog when they had lunch with the characters. Archie was getting Donald ducks autograph, he then gave Archie a hug, Tillie then asks for a hug, then a high five then another hug and when Archie had a photo taken, Tillie was jumping in the photo pulling daft faces. May be petty on my part but I found her really annoying.
I think she's just absolutly desperate for attention and the only time she can get it is by playing up for camera,I also think she does this so when it comes to her being of age she isn't expected to mother the other children like Sophie,chloe and now Katie too
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Just curious has anyone requested the full report under the freedom of information act?

To get a 1* it’s gotta be really bad
yeah, there is a copy of the full report posted further up the thread - signed at the bottom. by Nowull himself. the report details a malfunctioning sink/tap and lack of available soap, so employees were unable to wash their hands, staff preparing food without gloves with open wounds and scabs on their hands, dirty cleaning cloths littered amongst the food in food prep areas, incorrectly stored foods with hygiene risks, staff without adequate food hygiene qualifications, almost empty bottle of cleaning products and disinfectant and an infestation of flies in the kitchen. 🤢🤢
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When I was still a genuine (and rather naïve) ‘fan’ of theirs, I used to think that it would have been a brilliant idea for Sue to write a book based on her experiences of parenting. I actually suggested it to them in a comment once, and I know other ‘fans’ have too…
But now that I have woken up, I can see that it would never ever happen!, I don’t think Sue would possess the intelligence or the creativity to articulate writing a book, or even have the motivation. It would be a much more honest way of making money let’s face it!.
Chloe is different though, I’ve always thought that, she’s always appeared much more mature and personable than the rest of them. I think she will go far in life.
Even if Sue was capable of writing a book 🤣
There’s no way she’d ever go there.
Because a book on the Radfords would need to start at the beginning, like where and how Sue and Noel got together and their respective ages at the time.
Oops 🙊
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Yes I did, I posted them on the thread somewhere, but here you are so you don't have to go hunting.
Welcome back, we have missed you.xx
Omg it’s worse than I thought, I’m wondering if Noel has a basic food hygiene certificate.
They have to display that rating too, it’s against the law not to display it. I wouldn’t even use the loo in somewhere with a rating lower than a 3.
I’m guessing the init is ok because it’s new… give it time.
Don’t Sophie clean the pie shops as part of her cleaning business? That’s not the best advertisement is it. Ha ha

If you want to do Disney on the cheap… simple don’t bother it’s just over commercialised bullshit set to rinse people out of as much money as possible.
Ha ha I am so anti Disney, 1summer of wdw opened my eyes years ago.
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I know families right now with the average 2-4 children, 2 full time incomes and regular lifestyles struggling to fund extra curricular activities like football/ dance lessons for their kids, parents who would drive to school now walking for half an hour each way, part invites being sent out with the comments of no gifts allowed to avoid pressure on parents etc. This family label themselves as influencers. How is any of what they’re doing relatable to their audience? Read the room. Perfect time to be showing budgeting for big families, how to make food go further, how they make cut backs etc etc. but no, a new designer dog and a trip to the Maldives’s a week after the £10k+ trip to Florida…
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Chatty Member
Please Sue, get some therapy hun. You’re damaged. You’re sinking further into the depths of depression and trying to escape it by spending money that you soon won’t have.
I really wish she would, for her own sake. Doubt Noel would let her even if she wanted to. She had her teen years taken from her, then not long after was either pregnant or nursing back to back. She seems ever so emotionally immature, and that seems to have rubbed off onto a few of the older kids. I don't think I've ever heard her say anything about herself that doesn't sound like she's trying to fulfill the childhood she missed out on.
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I could definitely see them doing that but Wouldn't it be illegal in some way?
Something feels wrong about them advertising the 4 star rating when it clearly wasn't anywhere near that 🤔
And then skipped off on holiday as if nothing was wrong with it!
Looks like Porky Pies are their real speciality.
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Chatty Member
View attachment 1634820
See she’s telling everyone how nice and warm they are. In their 100k “second home”. After 3 ridiculously expensive holidays already this year. Someone’s gonna need to invent a new adjective to describe how tone deaf and vulgar they are now.

How about calling it a Radfordism? And anyone behaving in a similar manner would be Radfording, their minions could be Radfordists.

Honestly they are boggling aren't they?
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Finally!! Lins live have done an article on Facebook about them going away for the weekend, the comments apart from the very odd one is everyone saying how bored they are of this family.
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