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we have 6 kids living at home all year round and 1 who is at uni so back a lot this year due to covid. We roughly bring in 75k . And we still drive old cars. , have no real savings. So for them to say 30k is a joke. Unless everything is gifted

To be fair I buy my girls clothes more often as they are easier to pick up anywhere. The boys we tend to buy loads at once
Myself and my Partner earn well over £30k combined, yet we live in a smaller house, have 1 car between us and 2 dependant children yet we couldn't afford to live the lifestyle they do. They spout so much crap it's unbelievable. What are they going to do when the interest in them stops along with the big payouts? Go back to rationing fish fingers? That last vlog, well I don't know what to say. I could not stand that level of noise in my house constantly, it would drive me nuts. Why every birthday, do they have to have McDonalds? Every birthday is the same. Hallie, Phoebe, Archie and Bonnie constantly snatching presents. They claim each child has their one special day, if that's so, stop the little ones grabbing the presents and make them sit down and watch. I've lost count the number of birthday vlogs, where Hallie especially is grabbing presents and just opening them when they aren't even hers. Why did Sue buy Josh call of duty? It was his 14th birthday and it's an 18 game which my Son plays and is pretty violent. It's rated 18 for a reason.
Well they arent saving anything, if I was them I’d buy a few cheap houses or flats, let’s the older boys rent them for reduced cost. Say the amount they already pay in board. Then once they move out just rent them out and that would give them a decent income.
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Chatty Member
They probably all watch when Call of Duty is being played.🤬
Don't think video games can be blamed for this one. Think it's more to do with shoddy parenting and expecting kids to look after kids. They've had far more kids than they can manage all for media and none of them really get looked after properly. I played GTA when I was 8, didn't grow up shooting up corner shops and getting hookers in the back of the car. I mean, fair enough, maybe kids shouldn't be watching someone play CoD but it can't excuse every parental failure that these 2 have made.

And for whoever it was who asked, yes people do believe this 30k nonsense. And that they 'don't even claim anything, do it all off their own backs' bollox
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He doesn’t wash his hands. Many times he’s been preparing food and just wipes them on a tea towel. Even after handling meat.
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Little me.

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They have a new video up! Announcing they have a new 10 part series on Channel 5!
As if we didn’t know it was coming, dummies!!!
Cameras were the dead giveaway. We are not all as thick as the Chavfrauds. It will be the usual load of crap and boasting. The minions will be in their element. How they can’t see these frauds for what they really are is beyond me.
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Little me.

VIP Member
This family are definitely weird. Why the hell are the younger kids in short sleeves and one of the older kids has a bloody coat on. I notice this happening a lot on their previous vlogs. Ready made packaged sandwiches again just for a change. Do they not realise the waste they are creating every time they leave the bloody house.
Ond day Mrs Chavfraud is carrying Hairdie in a sling like a newborn and the next she’s filming her walking up the road. She’s lacking somewhere.

The pics on insta is obviously something to do with a sky dive.
Or maybe sue is just going up for a ride, probably thinks it will make her iq higher!
Who gives a damn, it’s just another excuse to brag.
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Chatty Member
Tillie is one of the ones I feel sorry for and have a soft spot for. She's shoved in a room with her much older sisters probably left out, sometimes grouped with Hallie and Phoebe who are much younger. She's what 11? Still very young and needs help with some things but she won't get it because she can't be used for vlog content anymore and isn't a cute baby Sue can carry around.

Sorry for double post but in Sue's instagram stories a little boy is sitting quietly on the floor minding his own business (I think he's Sophie's son) and a Radford boy slams a big beanbag down on his head. They let their kids run absolutely wild and disrespect everyone.
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I reckon if anyone’s going to spill the beans on the real goings on in that family it will be Chris and his wife. They, in particular, have been elbowed out and I think Nicole probably has a lot of dirt she could bleat about them. Maybe another channel could give her a one hour show, I’d definitely watch that 😆
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Little me.

VIP Member
I may be wrong, but when we got our hot tub, we were told children shouldn't go in it.
What the heck has Mouthy Millie put that poor baby in now? That poor child looks so uncomfortable. Give her some shorts and a t shirt. Sue probably didn't cook that foods, Noel probably did, but Sue served it up to make out she does things other than chill. For someone who has 22 kids and a big house, you would think she would constantly be on the go, yet I've never seen her do anything apart from sitting with a coffee or shopping. Considering "they" own a pie business and the kids are either at school or nursery during the day, why doesn't Sue ever help out in the business? They are always weeks behind with orders so wouldn't you think it would be all hands on deck to get orders out as fast as possible? Sophie worked in the pie shop when she was pregnant with Daisy, so why has Millie got away with lazing about all day? Shouldn't she be in the shop earning a wage?
Dont be silly, Mouthy Millie won’t do anything as menial as working. She won’t want to get her grabby hands dirty.

Hallie is six and can’t even talk properly. It seems it’s a Radford thing lol.
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Little me.

VIP Member
Ffs this bloody family of morons. I wonder how many accidents those kids have had over the years that they just don’t happen to vlog.
Let’s encourage them to play with books,they are not toys you idiots. They are for reading, not one of your better skills I guess. They play in water unsupervised. A child can drown in an inch of water but Gappy Yappy Milly is more interested in filming. They all LOVE everything that goes through the door in that house including all the gifted shit. Phoebe living her best life, she’s 4 for goodness sake !!!!
Why are they all in the boys room anyway and why the hell is Archie at nearly four sleeping in a bed that would be better in a dolls house. Oh I’ve got it. The house hasn’t big enough bedrooms to accommodate all the children. Hot tub, chavvy crap and nowhere for kids to sleep. Three of them in that cupboard, that’s not bragging material.
They need to teach them kids the word “ please” too especially Bonnie. She’s a little madam, I can’t imagine what she must be like at nursery. By the way Mrs Chavfraud we all have had children at nursery getting covered in paint. It’s not bloody exclusive to you.
It’s time you got yourself a job, you might have more interesting conversation then.
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There they go again, featuring in the scum!
They claim to be Liverpool supporters and work with that rag?
They can get in the fucking sea.
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Little me.

VIP Member
Who the hell do they think they are….premieres 10/7/2021 at 6pm. They are not fucking film stars. They are a controlled family who have gained popularity by the parents shagging for England to put it bluntly. Top drawer they certainly aren’t. Get real you idiots.
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Little me.

VIP Member
The tour of the bakery is suppose to be going live tomorrow night at 6 so let’s see if they address the water situation.
Wow I must make sure I’m not busy at that time. This will be the highlight of my week. I don’t think I will sleep tonight with the excitement. Roll on tomorrow. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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Little me.

VIP Member
Thanks! My kids are older so I can’t remember but isn’t that a bit old to be in a sling?
That ice cream thing they got Hallie will be broke in no time with Archie and heidie climbing in and on it. They didn’t stop her in fact Noel just sat recording her saying she’s going back in. Didn’t they buy her or phoebe a camper van one year. That’s prob in a skip now.

Also why the hell did they get them ice cream before their McDonald’s tea? Then they had cake.

Looks like the sky diving is for Ellie’s birthday. Also Noel mentioned it’s difficult vlogging at moment so I am guessing they are filming for a tv series.
That ice cream truck is the sort of thing you would buy for a child of 3-4 not one thats 6 years old. The usual crap for presents that will all end up in landfill. The money would have been better spent on decent haircuts for those girls. The young ones have all got scratty hair and half the kids have been hit with the ugly stick.
Sue screaming Yummy like a 5 year old and pushing ice cream into Hairdie’s mouth with her dirty filthy fingers. Foul.
Creepy Crusty Noel saying how noisy it had been. Nothing new there then. He produced all those kids, hard luck. Suck it up pal.
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Just checked and my comment deleted so just thought I'd enter it again. Anyone breeding these dogs are a disgrace
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I will preface this comment by saying I don't watch their videos and have only seen however many kids and counting because my dad forced me to watch it while the pub was closed.
I also think I should mention I am child free and sometimes consider myself to be anti-natalist. If you may be offended by either of those things, please scroll past. These are just my opinions on the Radford's, not anyone else.

I don't know much about this family but they do my head in. Why on earth does anyone want 22 kids? What for? There is no way you can look after all those children. You shouldn't be making your kids be parent 2.0 to other, younger kids. It is your job as a parent to care for ALL of the children. They don't just reach 10 and just graduate from 'my child' to 'my live in babysitter'. I think the biggest thing that does me is that Sue was A CHILD herself when she first got pregnant and it's being glorified just because (in my dads words, who may or may not want to shag Sue and Noel) they don't claim benefits. I mean it was still statutory rape though wasn't it. What 14 year old can willingly consent to getting pregnant?? None. And then to be pregnant near enough every single year after that? What a life, why would anyone want that? I just don't understand. Back to the benefits thing, who really cares?? Not me, I'll tell you that. If they're by-passing benefits they are fully entitled to for that moral superiority then more fool them.

On one of the episodes Noel mentioned having a vasectomy but having it reversed? Sorry, how is that a decision that can be taken so lightly when women (mainly child free like myself) have to beg and plead for years and years to get sterilised knowing FULL WELL we will never, ever want children???! How can you possibly keep looking at all the things going on in the world right now and consistently think 'I'll bring another child into this'. And that house looks absolutely tiny for the amount of kids they have, it's just completely thoughtless.
It’s because Noel and Sue are mentally deranged.
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Tilly Kister

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I am not in any way trying to body shame but Frenchies and agility do not go together! So why is she taking them to classes?

And as for training, if only they did it with the feral crotch gremlins.
I've never seen them take a single child to a dance class, gymnatsics, athletcs club or any other extra curricular activity which normal kids might expect to be allowed to take part in. I think a couple of the lads played football at school. That was it.
But sure Sue, finally get off your arse, put your hand in your pocket...and put the dogs in an activity.
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Tilly Kister

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What’s this on? Since my full bingo card I find I can’t access these self gratification posts 🥴🥴🥴😂😂

This still doesn't do the full sartorial horror of it justice. It was shirred from top to bottom and covered in twee little bright yellow buttercups or something.

Also wtf does that dimwit son think his hair looks like? Because I think he looks like he escaped from Borstal in 1929.
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