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I have never cheated and neither has my wife. I personally wouldn’t. But at the same time I don’t see why it’s SUCH a big deal.

There’s a lot of talk about “if a person is taken” or if they are “someone else’s” but I don’t really see people as property as such in that way.

If my wife cheated on me I’d be pretty bemused and annoyed but it wouldn’t be the end of the world if that makes sense.

It would be much worse if she wanted to end the marriage but at the same time people are entitled to do that.

I guess I’m just saying I think people make more of a big deal of cheating that I think is warranted.
It is probably less the act itself but what it represents - being betrayed, trust being broken, lied to.

Imagine your wife would steal your money or do something else to betray you for your benefit?

I read that cheating can even lead to post traumatic stress disorder.
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Nothing happened and it was all over texts but when I was about 17 I was chatting to a bloke a bit older maybe mid20’s who I knew had a kid but he told me he and his ex had split. Turned out they hadn’t. They had another kid but now he’s married to someone else. It was like 12 years ago now.

My most recent ex has sent me a few flirty messages since we’ve been split, and he has a new missus. Scumbag lol
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Chatty Member
I guess its intuition and setting a standard that you're going to accept. A man says him and his wife are essentially over, no sex etc .. thats baggage that he needs to address, which in turn is messy for the woman. If a relationship is over, it needs to be properly over with both parties actually aware lol. I dont know, if a man came to me saying the relationship has broken down, its basically over, dont share a bed etc.. im going to think, nah. Sort your home out before you go looking for a nice distraction, ya know? Its just another man coming with his bullshit sweet talk 🤢
yeah I feel the same way. If it's true that it is over (which I'd argue in most cases is probably a lie) I'd say "ok well once you've left the home and have settled down on your own we can move the relationship forward romantically. Until then, I don't want to know"
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That would depend on what you wanted from the relationship. For me, nope, not at all, my focus was on other things, so it was just great sex with none of the drama. Also I didn't feel guilt at all. A person isn't a possession, they have freewill, if someone wants to cheat on their partner, that's entirely on them and as for female solidarity, nope don't get that either, soz#notsoz. All my closest friends have been Male (platonic, I never sleep with my male friends) I feel far more affinity with men than women.
That’s so similar to how I feel I felt you’d written my reply!
Also I was the ‘other woman’ to both men and women so female solidarity wouldn’t really apply for my situation anyway.
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adult human female

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Random question to all those who've been the other woman, no judgement just curious....does being the other woman not feel like being cheated on in itself? Like you're sleeping with him but he's also sleeping with someone else?
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It is probably less the act itself but what it represents - being betrayed, trust being broken, lied to.

Imagine your wife would steal your money or do something else to betray you for your benefit?

I read that cheating can even lead to post traumatic stress disorder.
I was cheated on (like many of us have), and honestly, the moment i found out was horrific and i had flashbacks of things for months. Its awful.

All the things you named are totally separate though - trust and respect are not the same as monogamy. Plenty of couples can have open relationships where they have other sexual partners and can be far more open and honest than a monogamous pair.
I see them as part of being monogamous.. or just a part of being with someone you love.
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Iconic Member
But even if some women are exactly like my previous description, isn’t it still the man who chooses to cheat? They don’t have to cheat. But they do, and that “other woman” shouldn’t be labelled as being on the same scale as the man. The man who is in fact the actual adulterer.

With drug dealing that’s a whole separate concept. It’s illegal to sell drugs. It isn’t illegal to “go after a married man”. Isn’t comparable really.
I think you’re looking at it from a legal point of view.
“Adulterer” “illegal”

I’m talking morals, not legal implications
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but the thread is about “the other woman” so I think it’s fair to question their morals or lack of morals.

fully agree with this!!!! And so glad some feel the same. Different opinions make it interesting.
Im just under the impression morals are subjective.

If a married man cheats on his wife with (single) woman X. That doesn’t make woman X be a woman of no morals. To me. Obviously others will have a difference of opinion.

Imagine us all on the panel of GB News or Loose Women 🤣
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I absolutely can't wait for it to happen to her... he seems to get bored after about six months so her days are numbered. She knows how I feel about her and has been posting stuff about me online (naming me) talking about 'be kind' - she doesn't seem to realise that not everyone deserves my kindness! We have friends in common who have actually stopped speaking to her because they've warned her about him and she gets all defensive and refuses to listen

His ex wife contacted me after we split to tell me the real story about what happened when they were together - including pictures of her bruises after he kicked her down the stairs in front of their children (the new girl has 3 young kids) - I forwarded them all to the new girl but she still wouldn't believe me. It hasn't helped that apparently the ex wife contacted her and said it was all lies and I'd practically forced her to say those things - not sure how I'm able to manipulate what people send me but it shows what a hold he still has over her when he's told her to contact new girl and say she'd lied... I know friends of hers who were there through the entire thing so I know it's the truth!
As much as he may have destroyed everything you worked hard to achieve it was definitely a blessing to be rid of him. He is an abuser.

His ex wife probably said those things because of the fear of him she still lives with - not just for her but for her children with him too.
I'd also go out on a limb and say that yes this girl is being a dick about things but there is every chance she is also being abused and, as hard as it is, not to take it personally.
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Chatty Member
I mean did I ever say I had been the other woman? 🤣 dunno why you’re coming for me like I’ve shagged your fella.

I said on one of the earlier pages on this thread that everybody with a brain cell knows sleeping with somebody else’s partner is wrong. I’ve never disputed that, but there are so many situations where somebody could find themselves as the other woman. In my PERSONAL OPINION nobody owes anybody they’re not committed too or don’t have a friendship with anything.

My view is that whilst ‘the other women’ knows it’s wrong, she doesn’t owe anybody anything. The husband/partner who made decision to cheat is the one who owes decency and respect. Everybody consistently talks about the women being the enabler, like they’re too blame. Almost like they forced this poor man to cheat. 🙄
I didnt mean you personally. Just like you as in "one" so I apologise if it comes across like was coming at you personally. I was just replying to your post.

I don't think anyone is disputing that the cheater is the main person in the wrong though. You're all acting as if people are just coming for the woman on this thread and I know people do that in real life sometimes but no one here has said that the man involved is not a grade A, 100% dick. Also no one is arguing that you can force a person to cheat. If you're going to cheat, youre going to cheat regardless of who that's with
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Yes. I suspected he had a girlfriend and dumped him. He claimed they weren't together but (they have children together ) seemed too close for my liking.
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Iconic Member
But the one in the relationship is the one to blame. They did the cheating. They make that decision.

Has anyone known of a single woman who has made a married man cheat on their wife with her? Like they’ve actually pounced on the man like the 0 moral no self-respect trash they are and held a gun to his head????
some women are in fact like this, perfect description.

bit extreme, but look at it another way,
if a drug dealer sells drugs, their addict overdoses, is the dealer blameless?
He didn’t force the addict to buy from him, the addict could have found another dealer, so it’s not the dealers fault he agreed to sell to him, it’s the addicts fault he’s the one taking the drugs…,

Or are they both to blame.
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An emotional affair a long, long time ago. Nothing physical happened but it was messed up and I felt and still feel terrible for his (now ex) girlfriend. They didn't break up because of me and I learnt afterwards that he was a serial cheater.
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Do you not feel bad for his wife, for knowingly having sex with him? Why couldnt you have had that physical relationship with someone single?

Morals? It's just a shitty thing to do

Both statements seem very ‘moral high-ground’ and judgey here.

No one owes anyone on here an explanation of why they did what they did and how the feel/felt about it.

So much shit gets thrown to the “other woman” when it’s in fact the man breaking the vows.
Yeah, I am on a moral high ground on this one. As its something I would never knowingly do. However, as it has been done to me, I find it interesting to hear it from the womans side who does it. *if* she felt bad, why not etc.

What is the purpose of the thread if not to have a discussion around it? I agree the man is responsible for the cheating and to blame. I do feel, if the woman knows theyre involved, then she should be held accountable for doing what is a crappy thing 🤷🏻‍♀️

(Perhaps my wording of the question to the poster reads really bluntly - but its a genuine question)
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Hahaha I don't think OP will get a response to her question! I don't blame her, if people are writing about being in love with a married man and getting harsh responses, I don't think anyone who has ever been the other woman knowingly is going to want to face the wrath of others.

I guess it has to be a proper judgement free zone or it won't work.
In which case this should be post only if you are/were the other woman 😆.
It's tricky because there's intrigue as it's taboo, so questions are asked out of interest, questions are asked out of anger, it will never be a judgement free topic.
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Yes.3 years ago I was a single mum ,we’d followed each other on socials for years ,from same area but never spoke before until he started messaging me on insta .I’d never given him a second thought really but we began talking and when I checked his socials there was no sign of any partner since about 2015.He talked a lot about his son but never mentioned any partner and would talk about his sons mum dropping his son off and touched on their relationship ending etc so I assumed that was his last relationship .
We began seeing each other ,this went on for about 2 months until I started to get suspicious about him not having me stay at his home when he had been to mine so often .One day I clicked on his ex’s Facebook and found out she wasn’t the mother of his child but a different woman he was currently in a relationship with a child of her own .I confronted him obv and he said ‘ I thought you knew’ .Then he gave me all the crap about he wanted to leave her ,he would leave her ,things weren’t the same anymore with her etc etc .Stupidly (but I was falling in love with him ) I said ok then if you were planning on leaving her anyway then leave .He didn’t of course so I ended things and said I never wanted to speak to him again .
Since then I’ve met someone else and had a child and he has had a child with the woman he cheated on .As far as I know they’re still together .I never told her becuase They both have children and I wouldn’t want to break up a home and things get twisted and I didn’t want the reputation either tbh.I’m sure I’m not the first or last he’s cheated on her with and I used to wonder if she knew as he spent so much time with me and if he wasn’t with me he was calling or texting
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i never asked for any sympathy

my husband (rightly) was angry at the infidelity and couldn’t forgive me. I think if it had been physical and ‘just sex’ he may have done but it was the fact that I was sharing emotional intimacy with another that was the worst thing for him. He found out because I started to feel guilty and I told him

The other man - well, he ostensibly didn’t want to leave his wife and kids but that didn’t stop him then shagging around again after me so *shrug*. I don’t hold any malice towards him
Thank you so much for sharing. And I am sorry for your experience, I am sure there was a lot of pain involved.
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i assume they’ll split the day one of them leaves in a box. If I was the wife and I found out I’d help him get there faster.
They go out for dinner & drinks etc in the town where they live. It's not a particularly big town, so I assume his wife knows about them.
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Rita Chevrolet

VIP Member
As much as he may have destroyed everything you worked hard to achieve it was definitely a blessing to be rid of him. He is an abuser.

His ex wife probably said those things because of the fear of him she still lives with - not just for her but for her children with him too.
I'd also go out on a limb and say that yes this girl is being a dick about things but there is every chance she is also being abused and, as hard as it is, not to take it personally.
and meanwhile he's savouring every single minute of it as at least three women squabble over him . He's the one stirring the pot getting those two to have a go at you so get the hell away from him, block him and them then leave them to their poisonous menage à trois :( Out there is a decent bloke waiting to be found :)
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Chatty Member
Again though, every situation is different. So whilst there are of course some who are destructive, a lot of people catch genuine feelings for these men and are possibly sold a dream. They’re caught up in their feelings.

Also sorry but if I was single, and I got involved with a married man, why do I owe his wife anything. I don’t know her at all?! The opinion on this thread a lot of the time seems to be that women should have loyalty to women they don’t know, not the men who married them. It’s bizarre to me.
Don't think you owe people basic decency and respect though regardless of whether they're the wife or random joe Bloggs on the street? In the same vain that you wouldn't spit on random people when you walk past them in the street because it would be disrespectful.
The person cheating is absolutely not showing basic decency and respect and is a cheating arse but if you are knowingly enabling someone to cheat then you aren't offering basic decency and respect to the cheated party either. It may not be AS bad but it's still disrespectful and you are still involved in a wrong behaviour knowingly.
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