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So many Tik Tok's came up on my FYP this weekend. I'm unsure of the creator who posted suggesting that Murphy was taken from the house around 2.30am and it is known that Kaylee had text him about Murphy. The dog had clearly been returned at some point, because law enforcement found Murphy in Kaylee's room. The creator thought that BK didn't work alone.
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According to an article written by the New York Times, LE at first was looking for a 2019 to 2023 Nissan Sentra before LE started looking for 2011- 2013 white Hyundai eleantras. After the BOLO was released to the public LE changed the year range that they were looking for internally but didn't release that to the public that they were then looking for 2011- 2016 white Hyundai eleantras. Yes the video footage isn't crystal clear from what I've read and I heard. There was a business owner in downtown Moscow that was interviewed on TV back in Dec 2022 and she said that LE was really excited to get her surveillance footage because it was one of the clearer surveillance footage that they have gotten up to that point. The FBI car expert has 35 yrs of experience. The video that I heard that LE has you can't make out the license plate on the back of the car and you can't see who is driving that car on the night of murders. If I have it correct, I heard that the state said that they will not be calling the FBI car expert to testify at the trial when Anne Taylor the lawyer for the defense asked the State for his training records. When the state said that they were not calling the FBI car expert to testify, Anne Taylor said that she may subpoena them for the trial. I'm guessing that Anne Taylor is trying to figure how they came to focus on her client. But in the US the court system the state has to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the suspect committed that crime. the state may or may not be able to prove that. they are going to have show me where his car parked at because it could be anyone in the area. Because BK is in jail and Lana aka T and T showed body cam footage of the residents of 118 King Rd being drunk and going over to pee on the back on the wall of 1122 King Rd through the wired fence and on the rocks in front of the house where the make shift memorial was set up at. That is really interesting, it's like peeing on someone's grave. imo.
correction I meant to type *1118 King Rd not 118 King Rd

Also Emily D Baker said that she was shocked by how many people were sure that BK is guilty based on what has been released to the public and she said that she was also surprised by how many people are are so that he is non guilty based on what has been released to the pubic. I don't speak for Emily D Baker but this is what she said during one of her live streams about this case.

The complaint about people peeing on 1122 King Rd was called in by the person that works security at 1122 King Rd house and it was like 8/20/2023 or around that date.
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Which YouTuber is it pls as I can’t open the article?

Lots of rumours swirling that the biggest reason the girls didn’t call 911 for so long was because they had to get drugs out of the house before the police came. But I don’t really believe it.
you have to put your email address in order to open the article.
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That affidavit the the prosecutor I don't know what that is about. When the prosecutor responded to the defense request for evidence they didn't put of their evidence in that document and some of the evidence it was stated that the defense lawyer would have to view that in person themselves.

I'm mostly interested in the memorandum about the gag order since Steve G' lawyer filled that paper asking for the gag order to be loosen up a bit.
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Just popping back in the catch up!

The rumour of a second arrest, does this come from credible people?
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This is a capital murder case.
Regardless of the crime or the dis-likability of the accused/condemned, executions always attract protests.
So there is an element, with this TV show, of wanting to get ahead of that.
oh okay there was two mistrials and there was a gag order before third trial and cameras were banned from the court room until it was time for the closing arguments.
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Remember that petition that Steve G and Ashleigh Banfield have been pushing to get Anne Taylor removed from the case, there was a meeting with the Judge about it. I'm sure that former FBI agent Jennifer Coffindaffer, isn't happy about this.

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I’m keen to see who else does too, I haven’t seen anything more about it other than her video. I really like her videos but I’m unsure about this information.
That Tok Tik that she posted by BK wanting to represent himself, I don't see it on her Tik Tok page anymore. I don't know what happened but here's what I found on twitter. So according to this tweet it is about the civil case not the criminal case

Screen Shot 2023-02-23 at 5.59.07 PM.png
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I would again recommend Casey Lytle on tiktok. He has an interesting view on the subpoena.
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Oh okay, I see. I understand that it's hard to keep up with this case with being busy with work.

I agree that Pastor Wilson's opinion of LE is interesting but on second thought I'm not too surprised by it. I don't think that having members from his Church on the Jury for BK's case is going to happen easily with Bill Thompson being part of the proscription. Because Rill Thompson and some other people like the lawyer for the city of Moscow and like two officers from MPD were sued over Stickergate. I don't have any updates about Stickergate right now. But I agree that you can't believe everything you read. I'm wondering who is sharing all this information with Howard Blum. It's shocking some of the details that Howard Blum discloses in these articles. I heard that the Stickergate civil lawsuit has a new case number and I forgot what it was.

But The City of Moscow's liability insurance provider will pay out $300k to three people arrested during a mask protest in September 2020. which were members of the Christ Church.

I'm still going with the bad police work on the part of MPD and ISP because they got the "tip" from the FBI via the IGG tree and they just didn't get one person they got several or a few people and they zeroed in on BK imo. The IGG according to Cece Moore she said that they are not to be used to arrest someone, that local LE is suppose to investigate that lead and it doesn't seem like that is what ISP and MPD did. They just believed the FBI and took the tip as fact and ran with it which would explain why they can't prove how their investigation lead to BK. But the other problem is that there were two unknown male dna found in the house near the victims bodies and I'm sure that there was other dna found in that house but they are suppose to look near that bodies of the victims and then work out from there. And another unknown male dna found on one glove outside the house on NOv 20,, 2022 in the front yard of the house. The defense said that they don't know what testing if any had been done with those.

I don't know how true that is that it came from a coffee shop that they own but I see your point that they are running Moscow.

I saw this article , this is interesting. just like they are doing in Moscow buying up this and that.
Troy residents voice concern about Christ Church

Anthony Kuipers, Moscow-Pullman Daily News, Moscow, Idaho
June 22, 2023·3 min read

Jun. 22—TROY — Months after the Troy City Council denied a conditional use permit that would have allowed Christ Church gatherings on Sundays at a downtown event center, Troy residents are still voicing their concerns about the influence of church members on the community.

The event center, called the Ye Olde Bank Event Center, hosted a Psalm singing event inside the building Wednesday. Matt Meyer, the building owner, said it is for a group of men who meet several times a year to practice their singing. He said it was open to the public and included people from different churches.

Meyer said it was the first event hosted at Ye Olde Bank Event Center, which he said just received its occupancy permit. Meyer said that today it will host a talk featuring Jeff Shafer, director of the Hale Institute at New Saint Andrews College.

The building is in a commercial zone, and Meyer said the conditional use permit (CUP) he was denied was specifically for allowing church services. He said other events are allowed.

Members of the public expressed their opposition to the CUP during a January public hearing on the matter. They shared concerns about the effect that church services would have on parking, downtown traffic and the limited amount of tax revenue in the commercial district.

When the Troy City Council denied the CUP in March, it echoed some of these fears about parking, and the effect these church gatherings may have on commercial growth in downtown Troy. Idaho code also does not allow a business that sells liquor by the drink to be within 300 feet of a church.

Meyer's appeal of the council's decision was also denied. Meyer said he believes the church services were an appropriate use of an event center that is trying to maximize the value of its space seven days a week. He also added the nearby street is often vacant on Sundays.

"There's nothing going on here in Troy on Sunday mornings," he said.

A couple of people who were aware of Wednesday's Psalm singing event shared broader fears about Christ Church with the Daily News.

Barbara Russell, who lives in Lewiston but is originally from Troy, is suspicious of the church's intentions for locating in the small city.

"I don't think they should come here and think they should take over the whole town, and that's what I feel their purpose is," Russell said.

Troy resident Janet O'Connor said she is concerned about its members pushing their religion on others.

"My Christian faith is in my heart," she said. "I don't have to go spewing it all over town and telling other people that they're not Christians. I don't have that right, that's between me and God."

Both expressed fears about church members buying up properties in Troy. Meyer is listed as a Christ Church parish elder on the Christ Church website.

During Wednesday's Psalm sing event, a man with a knife and a handgun on his belt parked his ATV outside the Ye Olde Bank Event Center with a speaker playing music in protest of the event.

Meyer said people in Troy feel negatively about the church services because they do not have an accurate picture about the organization.

"If I was a community member and I had built up an impression that was very negative about the church that wants to rent the building on Sunday, then I would think, it's kind of like, 'Not in my backyard,'" he said. "I would have a certain angst about that."

Meyer, who said he has lived in Troy for 17 years, encouraged people to contact him directly if they have questions or concerns.

Kuipers can be reached at [email protected].

I think that BK"s alibi doesn't fit the state's definition of an alibi or he doesn't want to the person(s) that may be his alibi to be harassed because Tolleson who is an ISP officer was very involved in BK's case and was involved in another case and that person's alibi was harassed. and don' quote me on this but I also heard that if it's someone that is a witness for the state, BK can't used them as an alibi. I've sure that Anne Taylor and the Team have something figured out with this case.

this short video about Tolleson

this is about stickergate and how MPD hide body cam footage for a whole year the two brothers are the grand kids of Pastor Wilson
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Brian Entin interviewed the defence lawyer in Pensilvania yesterday (the one who was involved with BK’s extradition) who said the prosecution is littered with holes and circumstancial evidence. Still desperate for his 5 mins of fame.

Gagging order doesn’t apply to him apparently because it was issued in Idaho so isn’t applicable to Pensilvania. Or so says Entin on Twitter
He isn't the only lawyer that mentioned that it was a lot of circumstantial evidence. She is a defense lawyer and she is also an appellate lawyer too. This case is wild.
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It's strange, and legally problematic that they don't gag every case IMO. Like we do in the UK.
there was an gag order for the Travis Scott concert lawsuit

and it was challenged too

There was/are a civil lawsuit for 10 people that died at the Astroworld Concert festival in Houston Texas. Travis Scott is the father to two kids that he had with Kylie Jenner.
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