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Twatmaster if you're reading this stop with the bullshit clickbait and EV drivel it's boring as fuck.
...or he could get a proper job like the rest of us and set a good example to his kids, instead of thinking he's some kind of TV celebrity.
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Big thanks to Lee for allowing us to influence his content on YouTube the constant mention of unwashed clothes prompts him to talk about his small T-shirt collection and remarks about his massive forehead prompted him to measure it 😂 however we are still waiting for concrete evidence of all these illnesses that he claims he has🤷‍♂️ over to you Lee

p.s. you look like a right 🛎end on scooters and bikes then again you look like a 🛎 end at anything you you do
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Watching the latest By the Curb vlog about the Adelphi Hotel in Liverpool. Such a natural couple compared to saddo MacKnobhead living in his German penis extension. James mentioned the path of YouTube vloggers. Tenerife, Benidorm and then shitty hotel reviews. Sure McGrifter will be jumping on this bandwagon just as everyone else has mined it. It'll make Walk with me Dim look like a intelligent and interesting man!
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Lee, if you're reading, stop lying by saying you never block people. My girlfriend questioned you about blocking me, and you replied by saying you'd not blocked me.

Mark Collinson's the name. If us lot slagging you off makes you money, unblock me! I'll make you a millionaire. You could take your kids on holiday then.
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Well-known member
Some top class comments above, I salute you👏👏

he actually said he was feeling healthy the other but looking at the state of him I would disagree flabby man boobs, an increasing gut and triple chins. The content if you want to call it that is as lame as he is boring, dull and pointless. If you go to Oz at least pick a decent place like Sydney or Brisbane, it clearly shows that he has no idea of how to travelling bit like his driving skills
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I see MacGrifter's off on another jolly.

Where this time?

Buddies Bar? Can meetup with DJ 😜
Or ladyboy hunting with Geoff Carter? 🤢
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The riveting MacBorefest vlog today was him eating almost the same Chinese takeaway he had the day before from his other 'go to' establishment, which initially he forgets the name of. He tried his second 'go to' and seemed surprised by the quality of what he was eating. Strange really as he's a creature of habit in what he eats, and if this is a regular takeaway then surely he should know.

I can't remember who won in the battle of the MacForehead Mansfield Chinese Takeaway Showdown, but I know the latter's chips were better so I'll sleep soundly tonight with that knowledge.

Hopefully one day his channel will come crashing down, his money will run out, the ex-wife will take back the keys to his box room, and he'll seek meaningful employment.

Contravershul moy friends.
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The lies this man comes out with! The business is in Sharon's name.

If he's so worried about having to work 7 days a week as things are so expensive, why is he driving around in a friggin' Porsche that's he's paying £120k for? He's actually paid nearly half of it off, in what, 2 years is it? Yeah, you can't be that hard up Lee.

Let's all pray for him. The man sacrifices so much for his family, "working" away in places like Australia to put food on the table. He's not in the real world. I'd tell him to get a real job but he's probably unemployable. He'd no doubt lie about his name in an interview.


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Well-known member
Click baiting tit strikes again! What traumatised you? What was ‘terrifying’? The cable car stopped for a nanosecond. What might traumatise you more is having to interrupt your return to booze long enough to hire that car and drive to places more interesting than banal medium.

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I wonder where hes off to? Meanhile lynne rowlands is relentlessly chasing johnnyvlogger for a photo he took of her and dowd back in March.
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I had to laugh at this idiot's latest video where he talks about how he was going to have a "well deserved day off" but decided to do a video. Is this joker for real. Every day is a day off for him. Eating steak and chips in Tenerife is hardly working.

He also mentions keyboard warriors and haters. If you're reading you thick twat, I'll happily say what I think of you to your face. Mind you, I live in Liverpool and so does Lynne Rowlands, so you might get her as back up for you.

He seems to have a problem with anyone who calls him out, but look at the people who he talks to along the way. Most look like Little Englanders with probably low intelligence. Let's face it, anyone who admires this chump must be lacking in brain cells.

Anyway, MacBorefest, if you want to do a video with one of your haters, get in touch. I'll tell all your viewers why I think you're a workshy fraud.
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